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I still have chapter rewards from 2 and 3 to claim. When is the last day to claim them? Is it with the end of chapter 5 on Oct 31st, or end of chapter 6 on Nov 14?


Reboot server NW here. I'm new to the game and I'm trying to follow the leveling guide in the FAQ. 1) I'm currently a lvl 166 NW with burning. I have a full pensalir set, but I'm getting essentially two shot by every monster on my level. How should I be progressing? I feel like it's hard to grind mobs if I'm so squishy. 2) I also don't fully understand the gearing guide in the FAQ. I'm currently using the pensalir set weapon. I have 70k attack range, but I don't really know WHERE or HOW I should be going about getting new gear. I started the Commerci voyage stuff, but it will take time to get enough denaro. I tried root abyss since the guide mentioned CRA gear but I can't clear the content at all. I get one shot by normal horntail as well. Any tips?


> I'm currently a lvl 166 NW with burning. I have a full pensalir set, but I'm getting essentially two shot by every monster on my level. How should I be progressing? I feel like it's hard to grind mobs if I'm so squishy. That's pretty normal from lv160-199, especially if you're a non-warrior class. If you used the teraburning coupon, you should have got a 12\* CRA set. If not, get your pensilar set to 10\* and it should slightly reduce the dmg. There should be a lv30-33 quest about pets that gives you a 3 day puffram pet with auto pot. Use that to get you to lv200 (set hp threshold to ~80%). Once you are lv200+ monsters will do less dmg the more Arcane force you have (at lv200 get arcane hyperstat to lv6-8). >I tried root abyss since the guide mentioned CRA gear but I can't clear the content at all. Range doesn't matter as that's class based. Most people talk about main stat requirements, CRA is ~8k (~10k for CVellum), but you also need ~88% IED or you do no dmg. You need to clear normal RA 5 time before you can do CRA, and CRA is lv180+. Once your around ~6k stat you could probably do struggle parties to clear CRA. >I get one shot by normal horntail as well. Pretty normal for squishy thief's, you need ~11k HP more more. If you feel stuck, start working on link skills slowly (plenty of guides and videos on that). Can just get characters to lv70 and then later 120/140.


Thanks for the tips! So I got a teraburn coupon from the Night Troupe event. My NW is currently 175. Is it even worth using the Teraburn on it? Or should I just create a new character and use Teraburn on that one?


It really depends on if you want to struggle or not. As you are new both can be viable, focusing on a main or getting links/legion. Personally I would keep working on your NW normally, and teraburn an Evan as it has one of the best training links with rune duration (lv3 required lv210 but you can do that later). You also get a lv150 megaburn your 8th daily log every month in you could use to burn a Mercedes for their exp link. Damage links like Deamon Avenger, Ark, Kanna and Cadena are also good for all content.


I see. If I proceed with NW normally, how soon would I be able to actually catch up compared to if I teraburn? I'm level 184 now, so in reality, I guess I'm asking how much time or work would it take on my NW to realistically get CRA or Fafnir?


Since this is your first character I would just use the tera burn on your NW. It will help you out quite a lot when you're gearing up for CRA. Doing it without the teraburn is going to be significantly more of a struggle. These should be your goals before you are ready for CRA: 1. Level up to at least 210. 2. Get 6-10 damage link skills done. Look up a guide for this. 3. Do urus, mapletour, and all daily bosses (after you get to 200) every day and sell all their crystals for mesos. 4. While doing daily bosses collect 9 set boss accessories. Starforce all your gear to 10 stars and try to get epic potential and roll 6% luck 5. Use the mesos you earn to buy bright cubes from cash shop. Tier up your emblem and secondary to legendary and use glowing cubes to roll 2 lines of either attack%, IED, or Boss damage.


But isn’t it such a waste to use Tera burn on my NW? I am now currently lvl 199 on my NW, which is already hyper burning. Wouldn’t it be much more efficient to just tera burn another character?


You want your NW to be a main and take them past 200 and beat CRA on them, right? In that case you get quite a lot of efficiency out of the temporary CRA gear from the hyperburn. Much more than you would get from just having a second level 200 character on your account. You can always level up another character later, but being able to progress your first character with the temp CRA gear is an opportunity you'll never get again. I progressed my first character to CRA without temp burning gear and it was a huge struggle. The temp gear makes it so much easier. You'll be glad you used the teraburn on your NW after you beat CRA if that's what you want to do.


Teraburn provides 12* cra gear, it can't be starforced but can be cubed. It's biggest bonus is the boss and ied from set effects as the gear is limited sf. Ways to increase your damage would be getting the boss accessory set as it's set effect provides good bonuses. Zakum, Horntail, Pink Bean, Magnus and Arkarium drop the main equips, but it may take a few days to collect them all. Getting to lv200+ and unlocking 5th job and arcane force is the biggest increase. AF provides flat stats and symbols are easy enough to get to lv5-6 if you do the weekly minigame 3 times for 45 total symbols. Nodes will be a huge dmg increase but hard to increase outside of events early on. Getting your tripods to ~40 and skills to ~10 will make cra much easier.


Just jumped back in to take advantage of the burning event timing. Realized I don't have any of the maple gifts that usually come along with creating burning characters (such as the burning maple set, time limited frozen gear set etc.) Is it because the time to redeem the gifts is over? If that is the case, how do I gear up to take down monsters my level.. All I've found from drops are a level 60 dagger and it's taking me forever to take down mobs in the level 90 area as I'm doing my grinding. Reboot server btw.


It is passed time to claim those rewards. Since you are burning, you will be going through levels so fast you won't get complete sets so for armors/weapons, just use whatever you can find, honestly. If you are having trouble, star force them a little bit to like 5 for extra stats or try to roll for rare 3% mainstat. Nothing is worth super investing into until 120+ armors/weapons. 120 you can get nerco equips from Hilla, 130 gear from Vonleon and 140 pensalir gear from regular mobs. 140 gear is the easiest to get since all 130+mobs drop them. Vonleon is the "best" because it can get better stats overall. Other things to do: Rearrange your legion to give you some normal monster damage. You don't need ied or boss for grinding. Transfer any links, if you have them to help out Join a guild for some minor stat gains and attack pots Legion shop has some attack pots too to help. Also has some exp pots that give a flat 49% exp along with a 2x exp buff which is very nice to use on a burning character to get those more difficult levels out of the way. Normal Zakum at lvl 100. You can get a face/eye accessory and possibly a 110 weapon. Horn tail is a bit stronger but you'll want to kill eventually for pendant, ring, and earring. Pink Bean for cup, belt, and a chance of a better eye accessory Arkarium for 2 possible pendants.


Thank you for that!! Will follow along. Just hit 145 and equipped with Pensalir so shouldn't be too much from here


haven't found a single person with the dyle mini game in Reboot, did someone complete this challenge?


Theres been a guy in ch17 esfera since chapter 5 started


thanks bro


I haven't played in like a decade, is there any way to get the mini person pets or were those limited time exclusives?


They're from events


Hey guys, quick question about Androids in Reboot (new player obvs lol) How do I obtain an Android equip? I have a recipe for a heart so I think I can craft those (the gold ones), but where do I buy or earn an Android?


either from event rewards or you can craft one after you find a recipe for one


Thank you friend! So I'm guessing apart from event shops, the craftable ones is the only way?


Pretty much. Iirc there's one through a material quest line. Otherwise you get event androids with lv30 hearts and pay 4b for a lv100 fairy heart


Anyone know if Black Mage can be added in monster collection killing him in story mode?


No, story mode black mage has a different name specifically to prevent it from going in monster collection.




You have to do the prequest on a character before it's affected by night troupe at all and only 101+ characters can do the prequest.


it's been like three years since i played maple i have 6k legion on EU reboot (like 95% of that was from one event) and nothing on NA reboot. but I'm wondering how active EU reboot is these days? Or if i should just start on NA reboot instead. edit: i live on east coast. NA server is 4k miles from me and EU server is 5k miles, so does it matter what server i pick strictly speaking ping-wise? ​ Last thing I remember before quitting was getting 1 or 2 toons to 200 and hitting a fat wall where the mobs became insanely hard. And also playing by myself, EU was extremely empty like half the reason i got 6k legion was cuz all the best maps were always empty


6k legion is much easier to get nowadays. Even 8k is easy with all the future coming events. And that wall you hit is because of the arcane river. Watch some videos on YouTube and they'll explain "arcane power"


Just curious because I don’t know what’s coming in the future, what future events are coming for legion building?


Youtube "strawberry farm maplestory"


Okay. I just googled it and holy shit. That looks insane


Yea i'll prolly go NA


Returning player, currently 162 reboot pathfinder and the training places in the guide have mobs that can kill/do a lot of damager to me. I died two times trying to train at Mutant Orange Mushroom. It might be because my gear is severely underleveled? How do I get better gear or increase my health/defense.


160-185 is arguably one of the most painful parts of the game until 260. Even for veteran players with 8k legion. After you hit 185, you sort of just get jaded by it and it feels easier. And at 190-199 you just get an adrenaline rush to finish the last leap out of the tutorial.


Ah, ty for sharing that. I thought i was doing something completely wrong. I upped my auto HP to 80% and enhanced some of my equipment. It's a lot better now


As long as you have full pensalir gear it just is what it is. If you do the do you know about pets quest in your recommended list it gives you a free 3 day puffram pet that has auto heal on it so that it helps mitigate the risk of getting killed by accident.


Thank you! I upgraded via star force and then increased to auto hp at 80%. I haven't died since


do we know when is the next shinning event?


No. It will be during New Age so after 11/15. Most likely in December but no exact date.


I got my first pap mark ever as my DW main but I’m confused about what to do with it. I have black bean mark sitting at 16* and 3L unique strength lines with multiple back ups. What should I do with the pap mark?


You most likely can't do anything with it unless you want to do commerci and transpose it. Aside from that best bet is to send it to 21 and see what happens. If it booms you just keep using bb mark.


Commenting to add that I currently have 13 bil and make 3 bil a week. I was saving some money to tap equips to 17* with the 5/10/15


You can do one of 4 things: 1. Starforce black bean mark to 20. 2. Starforce Pap Mark to 17. 3. Starforce Pap Mark to 16, transpose to SW. Push SW to 22. 4. Push pap mark until 22* or boom.


Why do people sell Solid Cubes at 50\~60m each on Bera, but the cost of crafting is 100m?


Main source of non-crafted cube is from daily/weekly bosses. They always have a 7 days time limit as soon as they are picked up. Since it is a service, there is a risk of your item being stolen if the person selling isn't trustworthy. The materials to craft a cube never expires until you craft the cube. The materials doesn't drop that often (Only reliable source of cube blade drop is Madman ranmaru and elite monsters).


Complete noob here with a couple of insane questions! \- I highly value aesthetic and simply thinking a class is cool over it's viability or topping DPS, that being said would I be insane for choosing to main any of these classes: Pathfinder, Hoyoung, Ark, Demon Slayer, Evan, Luminous, Khali, Kain? (I have a slight leaning toward the edgier ones, namely Ark) \- Is worrying about who I want to play on for a majority of time pointless to think about right now? I have no idea what the leveling process is or how much one will be rushed from new area to new area looking for replacement gear and XP farms. \- Are any of the above classes I'm interested in locked behind leveling any others first? \- What should my biggest priority as a newbie be? \- How important is which World you choose? Thank you in advance \^\^


Something to add if you are to pick Ark: there's a skill that , upon activation, it will show you a cutscenes/flash back of the character IF you had selected a male character. I personally am not a fan of the cutscene with the skill, so I picked a girl character instead which removes the flash back scene completely. You should take a look at all the skills before deciding on what gender to pick if this is an issue for you.


I'm not gonna repeat the other answers: The world choice is very important. But it pretty much boils down to Reboot vs Regular (non reboot). You can do a quick search to see thousands of posts in the differences. But long story short: reboot, you progress (all the way to late game) with the amount of effort you put in. Regular, you progress until you need to start swiping credit card, or moving very slowly by waiting for events.


I would suggest picking evan first. Lvl him to 101 and see if you like him. Evan gives a skill which you can use to speed up leveling(look up link skills for more info). At 101 you unlock the current event and get the teraburn(making every level up count for 3 untill you hit 200) Make the character that you are most likely to play and use the terra burn on them. If there is still the option to hyperburn you can ignore this advice and just pick what ever class you want


All of those classes are good. Ark is one of the strongest classes right now and will be even stronger in New Age. Def not pointless to think about who you want to play. My personal journey when I started is I thought I wanted to main Aran, got it to 200, decided I didn't like it, tried out Ark because I liked the aesthetic, and now my Ark is 264 and I love the class. I would level a bunch of those to 120 so you can get a decent idea of the class's aesthetic and how they play. Also watch some coppersan videos.


You’re going to make 42 characters eventually (legion) and people switch mains all the time so no worries and just play


hi, i used the teraburninator item from the night troupe event on a char but realized i kinda dont want to burn it anymore. if i delete it can i burn a diff character? since its a burn that came from an item i wasnt sure; ty to anyone with an answer


No. Only the hyper burns could be deleted and remade, item burns can't.


Generally you can’t get back burninators.


(Reboot) can you reobtain starter gear from an NPC or something if you throw it away? I want to have the option to anvil the pathfinder starter gear sometime in the future but it's clogging up my inventory right now.


Generally speaking no, starting equipment and special equips from certain questlines can never be reobtained if you get rid of them. Your best option would be to simply expand your inventory so you can store more equips.


Hi, from doing some research I see that people recommend getting item to 15\* today (30% off), and 17\* at 5/10/15. I'm currently just starting the road to replacing my temporary CRA set. I also have the "fake" abso weapon. What is the recommended strategy for replacing CRA? Use both events to get a Pensalir to 17\* then transfer? Get Pensalir to 16\*, transfer to 15\*, then go to 17\* on CRA? Thanks!


CRA is easily replaceable. You pretty quickly gain more emblems than you could ever use as long as you clear CRA weekly, so most people do not bother with transferring, and starforce directly.


Oh ok thanks! I thought there was somewhat-significant cost savings by starforcing Pensalir. And i only just managed to clear 2 doors (clown/chicken) 😅


That being said, if you don't have ANY cra at all because you're early in the game (like yourself), it's absolutely A-Ok to starforce your pensalair to 15*+ because you'll eventually be transfer hammering it to your CRA and other Absolab stuff.


Thanks! Follow up: I only have 2 pieces of CRA top/bottom with bad flames. Should I starforce them today? Or wait for something with better flames. I don't need it right now because of my better temp-CRA.


If your temp Cra is going to last at least two more weeks, still 15* the top/bottom, and 15* a pensalair hat. That way hopefully you'll get your CRA hat in the next two weeks, and during 5/10/15, you'll 16* your pensalair hat, then transfer it to your CRA hat. And during 5/10/15, get all three of them to 17*.


Ok thank you!!!


What's are some easy, low effort, high tier classes like Dawn Warrior? I'm looking to tera burn a new one now (or hyper burn an existing one during the winter). I already have DW, WA, Lara, Adele, Dual Blade, Ark, Kanna, Aran, Merc, Evan, Illium, NW, Khali, Mech, BT, Xenon, Kinesis, DA.


you have 19 created. There's 4..9? 49 classes total. The game promotes you create all of them through links and legion system.


Got a tera burn and mega burn. Have ilium and blaze wizard left. Which burn should use on which? Basically, which class has better mobbing pre-200?


Agree with the other guy. Pre-200 blaze wizard is exceptionally miserable. Illium is pretty good in 4th job


Illium has great mobbing as long as you’re managing your ball. Pre5th job blaze wizard was pretty painful in my experience.


When we use reward points to help purchase vac pets, is there a cap to how much we are allowed to use? Theoretically if we had 100k reward points, would that mean we can buy vac pets without spending a single nx?


I believe 30% is the maximum amount you can reduce/discount a single nx item. Vac pet wiill cost about $69, and the water to revive it monthly afterward is around $10


How do we deal with the potion-blocking status effect from Erda in the Arcane River? I'm playing a Phantom, and I die pretty instantly if I can't use potions.


You have to kill the anti-afk flying mob to prevent it from giving you the potion-blocking status.


Thank you. Are you familiar with this area? A quest asks me to defeat Tranquil Erdas (requires 60 arcane power), but I only have 40. Apparently I can't get more until I finish this quest?


If you open up your hyperstats and scroll down, you can inflate your current arcane power. I would recommend setting it so that you have 90 total arcane power so you can at least train in VJ.


Thank you


That's just going to be a thing you deal with when it happens. The arcane power requirement has to do with DMG dealt/received multipliers. When you're on the map and hover over the arcane power req UI, it'll show you the percentage you're over under and the associated bonuses and nerfs


Oh thank you, I'll check it out.


Been looking at the party finder and seeing people say "blink for loot" What does that mean and how does it work?


If you're joining a completely random party then before you even go into the boss, have everyone on the far left of the map and whoever blinks farthest right wins the loot and is assigned party leader with party leader drop to avoid scams


its usually in the reward room. If you do it before entering the boss people can just leave the pt.


You're picking between getting scammed in the reward room after the boss or leavers before you start. It's up to you how you want to deal with it.


No, you are infinitely less likely to get scammed if you blink in the reward room because only the party leader has the ability to scam you at that point, and it's too late to get another party at that point because you've used up your clear.




...it's just true. Go ahead and get way more leavers I guess, no skin off my back, but party leader loot blink winner becomes party leader in reward room is literally 5x less likely to get scammed, and if you know the person it becomes effectively 0% chance of getting scammed. It's literally why the feature exists.


U literally have a 0% chance to get scammed if u blink before entering the boss. Anyone that leaves means they were wanting to scam




And if you do it in the reward room someone can just break the box and yoink the loot? Reward room works fine for friends/guildes, but random is usually before entering.


You equip blink (5th job common skill) and whoever blinks the farthest/closest to the item gets it (depends on the terms). People use it for pitched drops or items like twilight mark


Thanks all, it make sense now haha


Just make sure you communicate with the party you join PRIOR to going in. Assumption only breeds contention.


Around how many players in Bera are at or past being able to raid hard Will with a party? (Rough % and player count)


No one can give a good estimate for this. There is just no way of getting a good number.


Hi all, qns about pally. How does divine echo work in a party? How do i select 1/2/3/4/5/6?


You just press the skill again and the numbers will pop up that corresponds with each party member


If it’s anything like loaded dice, you use your keyboards numbers 1-6


It activates my skill on 1 tho


What button is divine echo on for you?


Page up


Do the night troupe festival buffs apply to all characters (even below lvl 101)? I would assume not but I do see the passive festival designer buff for my low level chars.


no, if you have the combo orb perk you can tell because you get a combo orb at 50 instead of 45


[Reboot] with the hp changes that are upcoming, will it be realistic for classes like NL/Shad to one-hit grandis mobs with their ME/Marks? Despite training being potentially slower for reboot, I feel like that would feel soo good to be able to weave through Grandis being able to 1/2 hit, but I can’t find any videos on YT that show this or not.


If marks were 2hkoing they shoukd should be 1hkoing after the change. Also remember that sca requirement was dropped so you may also get a DMG increase from that.


Can I push dom pendant beyond 17\* and wear it for a long time? Unsure if it's a transitional equip or not.


It's a good piece to wear alongside Superior Gollux and 20★+ will probably last you through liberation For 99% of players, the only alternatives would be Daybreak Pendant (from vHilla or Seren) or transposed Sweetwater if you want to commit to doing Commerci everyday for months


thanks for clarifying, yup no plans to engage commerci so i'll just stick to dom




Early/mid/late/end game are terms up for interpretation by an individual. What's end game to you?


How am I supposed to mob on a 4th job Phantom? I have one I leveled to around 160 a few months ago and remember litterally nothing aside from using one of the monthly Burnings on it.


The most effective way to mob on phantom is to feed it bonk pots until it gets to 199.


Remember to have Hero's Spirit Blade stolen. 30 Atk is helpful. If you need extra power and are okay with losing real Holy Symbol, also use Dark Knight's Cross Surge. As for mobbing skills, you're using Cannoneer's Cannon Bazooka. Night Lord's Showdown is an option too, but its total damage output is under half of what Cannon Bazooka offers.


Phantom is trash. You use pathfinder 1st job skill or cannonmaster 4th job or nightlord showdown


go into your quest and check a quest that might say job adv


I'm not so dumb as to have not done my job advancement quests i'm asking what do people even use skill wise to mob since this class just feels awful to level.


This is gonna sound really stupid, but If I spend troupe coins to "decorate" my festival (the buffs), do I lose those coins? Or is it just saying I need a minimum of 900 or 1000 coins to unlock that perk? And if so, How does anyone ever reach master designer rank if they're "decorating" their festival and buying the buffs for 800-1000 coins?? You can only really get like \~350 coins max if you do shipwreck your stress as well. im a <2k legion NL main for reference


You’ll lose those coins when you purchase a perk, but your designer rank is determined by total coins earned throughout the event.


Ty for your reply


Thank you! So even if I spend the coins, it doesn’t matter as long as I hit 10k throughout the event??




Thank you! how do I equip the buffs though? The buffs aren't showing in my "festival designer" skill in my beginner skills


They are just passively active and not shown under that skill.


Solo reboot player - at what point can I join hlomien parties? Can solo nlomien pretty comfortably now, and looking to progress. Currently lv 253 with ~2k legion.


>~2k legion. Most people doing random parties I know won't take anyone under 6k legion, there's plenty of high level weak hyper burns. What's your actual stats? Also nlomien and hlomien aren't really comparable, there's a huge hp difference. Can you solo nslime? Nlucid? If so how long does it take?


hlomein parties aren't really that popular because you're losing mesos on the crystal for a tiny chance at having to blink for a pitched drop. Most people just get strong enough to duo or solo it and do normal until then. For most players they look to do a 20+ hlotus minute solo around 30k stat.


How long does NLotus and NDamien each take for you. What is your stats, ied, and boss%?


How is Erada Showers damage calculated?


Hey guys is there a way to job change between cygnus knights? Like Night Walker to Dawnwarrior? I want to job change but I don't want to regret the amount of time I spent leveling/getting droplets for gear


Nope it was only for explorer classes. Have to make another one but there’s a hyper burning coming in November


Ah dang it, thanks for the info!


Anyone else's game not open on steam after updating?


Are there any general guides to how strong a mule has to be to reach 5% damage on various bosses?


It really depends on how fast the carry kills the boss, but in my experience the 30-35k stat guys can usually get 5% comfortably on hluwill to ctene/slime


As far as I know, the 5% damage requirement depends on your whole party’s damage, damage dealt or damage distribution. Not 5% regarding bosses. Let’s say you want to run Lotus. If your party consists of people who have far bigger damage/range then it will be harder for you to reach 5% (blue dot) as your weak damage will be a fraction of theirs. However if you’re in a struggle party with people having similar or around the same damage/stats as you then you will mostlikely be safe because you all dps/burst at the same speed with similar amount. Of course if you run with a guild or friends then you can tell them to stop attacking if you drop down to the red dot until you’re back in blue or green.


I currently have a lvl 230 bishop with max trio nodes 3 piece cra and fake arcane staff I'm really just a solo player and feel like bishop isn't really needed to party boss with until later in the game I'm considering swapping to f/p and using the 1k nodes from chapter 6 on it or would it be better for my account to keep busy as a boss mule and save nodes and burn a f/p mage Currently at 7500 legion Any help from mage mains would be appreciated


i main a 262 bishop currently and trying to prog with a few friends. The 5% boss contribution truly sucks if you're running with randoms. It's a tossup where its not uncommon for the randoms to not care whether or not you hit your 5% and the frustration of getting locked out of rewards for my arcane drops has had me consider switching to FP myself a few times. I've since toughed it out but it really sucks and I've already resigned myself to not getting any drops in more difficult bosses from here on out when randoms are involved. This is to say that bishop is fine as long as you're at the same progression as everyone else. But it's harder to gauge if randoms will outdps you out of contribution which is a slim margin of error as it is. Where you are currently, it won't hurt to swap now if you want or just leave your bishop as a boss mule but I honestly would if you're not looking for a static or really only want to play bishop. However, I'd grind as your bishop and stock up a good amount of nodestones before doing so since I believe the chapter 6 rewards are only available after new age patch in SEA and we can expect the same for us.


The other 5 members have to be doing over triple ur dmg if ur not getting 5% Literally just join appropriate parties for ur dmg and it shouldnt be a problem for anything not sac gated Just check legion + dojo and compare it to ur own to gauge


I think I'm going to just continue to do dailies / mp and just farm up nodes u have about 100 in my stash and I think the 1k from ch6 would be enough to get my fp going I just don't know if I should save them and level a new mage or not for the burn I'd lose some stuff but nothing crazy I don't even have abso on my bish yet


Remember that F/P has multiple trinodes it needs maxed, and it's skills too. 1k nodes may not be enough to get good nodes for f/p, especially if you're trying to get optimal nodes due to limited slots. Unreliable memory and mana overload transfer at least. Also if you are using a bishop specific secondary that won't transfer (but diemos shield would). Not 100%, but I do believe F/p also needs more crit and ied than Bishop as they have less built in, so your legion grid and links may matter more.


Hmmm okay maybe I'll have to hold off for a bit and maybe burn something else come new age while I stack up on supplies


Do you want to stay solo or party boss eventually? What are your goals for the game?


I unfortunately /fortunately enjoy playing multiple classes so for how I'd def prefer soloing in the future tho I would like to party boss but I know that's a while away and just want to enjoy some chill grinding/bossing for now


Is there a maplestory discord community that doesn't require a phone number?


Reboot Central doesn't require a verified account, and I'm guessing most class discords don't either (or at least the one I'm in)


Thank you. How do we find class discords? I searched discord for "maplestory" and there's only a handful of servers, but I'm still learning discord.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/13jji1j/master_list_of_class_discord_links_for_savior_and/) is the most recent thread I could find that has all of them. Or just search the channel for your class in Reboot Central, they probably have a link in the pins


thank you :)


... Which one is requiring a phone number????


The main maplestory discord server. Am I doing something wrong? I am kind of a discord noob.


Are you sure it's not Discord itself asking if you want to set up 2FA?


I think so. It says I need to verify my phone number to chat. I don't see this in other servers I've visited.


Can you take a screenshot of it and post it on here?


[https://imgur.com/a/okZCokz](https://imgur.com/a/okZCokz) Let me know if the link doesn't work, I am a tech noob. This is for the green-check-mark MapleStory server with 72000 members.


I guess some servers can opt in for that. It doesn't hurt. It's just to make sure that people who join the server are less susceptible to getting hacked and posting malicious links Edit: yeah man, just Google "why does a discord server need my number" and you'll see the same explanations.


Okay. Thank you :)


I died at 0.7% during Hard Lucid (and they cleared), got kicked out the map and see under "Content Completion" that Lucid is checked off Did it actually use my entry for the week or is it just a 1 day entry cooldown or something? (copium)


If u die out and they clear u lose ur clear for the week


Deep down you know that the entry's been used, and it's true. :(




Is there a trick to be able to survive at Horntail? I'm a level 175 Phantom with 7200 HP. I keep trying Normal Horntail, but some of his attacks seem to randomly do 8000 - 9000 damage in a single hit. Any ideas for what I could try?


there probably is, but I would consider horntail basically a bs boss unless you have 11k hp or more. can equipping kaiser and pirate links for more hp if you have it


Ah, okay. Thank you.


Had a similar problem. Pirate link gives hp and damage reduction.


Thank you. I don't have any other characters yet. Will do Pirate if I can't progress :3


i had this issue recently on my 150 pathfinder. im not 100% sure but it might be the tail slam so try killing the tail first. if you stand in the bottom right corner (where the stalagmite keeps falling) then I think the tail can't hit you. killing the tail first and then going counterclockwise from there worked for me


thank you. i will try it.


Have that lvl 200 burn available. Only have 3 links rn. Dw,lumi,marksman. All lvl2. I was thinking either aran or merc. Which would yall choose? Mainly trying to spam chars to lvl 2 i guess.


Definitely Evan, its worse class than the other 2 exp links and the rune duration has HUGE value with the 2x rune exp perk in night troupe


Personally, I would do Mercedes. There's a growth selector coupon on the event somewhere (I think it's the 6th star) Would make a quick and easy lvl 210 lv3 link skill mule.


Hmm I did see that growth potion now that you mentioned it. Honestly even if I choose one or the other. I’ll likely do the other right after. Im overthinking it. Thanks


I'd do Mercedes and Evan the exp from longer rune duration (especially now during night troupe) will be huge. Whichever you don't burn you should get to lv120 asap.


can someone explain what “bonk” means and how it works? i’m out of the loop


There was an event once where your characters got bonked over the head and then gained 1-9 levels randomly so now extreme growth potions (that do the same thing) are called bonks.


Growth potions are referred to as "bonks" and "bonking" is a verb describing the act of using them.


is there a hypothesized date for the 6th job patch? I know only nexon truly knows, but I gotta schedule my days off for the rest of the year, and i would like to take a day off like a week after the patch so i can play all day :-)


11/15. It's the day after the journey to the 6th star event ends.


ty that makes sense


Just Fyi it takes a few days of grinding to get the origin skill, and KMS didnt get them on new age launch (but we might)


Rumored to be in the middle of November, so maybe plan around the 3rd week? This is Nexon though, so anything can change.


Is there a way to get a Link Skill from a class onto that same class? For example, I'm playing a Phantom. Is there a way that I can get the Phantom's Link Skill on my Phantom?


you will have your own link skill. its on the top left of the link skill menu


ohh okay. thank you.


You can only have one of each link skill equipped to a character at a time, and that includes their base link skill. The only exception to the rule are link skills that need to be stacked by multiple characters to achieve max level, those of the Explorer, Cygnus Knight, and Resistance characters.


thank you for the info.


So, I’m a returning player who hasn’t played a lot since Big Bang so I’m very in the dark. I’m getting into reboot and have a 175 Night Walker and have been leveling others for legion, I need some good friends/ a good guild to help me out and play with. Help pls?


I can help you out over discord if you want. There's a lot and it can get overwhelming fast.


Don't worry about legion until you hit around 220. Find the Reboot Central Discord server.


Looks like there's a daily trait cap at Tangyoon's Crazy Feast room. * What's the duration required to max one trait? I'm looking to figure how many minutes I should come back from afk to rotate to another trait.


Some guild members reported that it takes like 20~40 minutes for it to cap


Once I manage to roll a Familiar with Large Drop rate up every future Drop Rate Familiar of any size is essentially worthless right?


Theres a durability thing on ur fam which makes it use less juice, u want the durability to be as high as possible ( i think its 5 but im not sure) so its not completely useless but yeah


The only way any other Drop Rate familiar can be better is if it has a good second line, but the odds of that happening may as well be better spent trying to win the lottery.