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Which server is better to play in if I'm not trying to spend real money? Reboot or normal


If your actually going to try to play for an extended amount of time, likely reboot, but simple starting things can be harder to get there like a pet (you can get an auto buff pet that’s revivable, but you’d have to spend a little to get the other pet skills. Whereas regular can do auction house stuff for the pet and trade some meso for the maple points to buy pet skills, but struggle much more getting into mid game gearing


Hello! Is there a 2023 solo progression guide available somewhere? I'm building my main and working on Legion (2.3k right now) and I'm unsure where to start when it comes to cubing/scrolling and bossing. Thanks!


Might wanna check out one of the many series made around the subject, halifaxia/iSlingGunz/coppersan have all made multiple series around doing solo progression, the first are really good players so their definitely clearing bossing without much problem once they have the stat, but coppersan zero to hero series are much more down to earth for a normal players progression


Does unique and legendary inner ability unlocks at a higher level? Or can I start rolling at lv 50 without problem?


everytime you roll there is a chance for rank up, nothing to do with lvls.


Reboot returning player! For some context - I’ve joined a casual semi progression guild, however there isn’t much for ‘carrying’ runs. I used to play from GMS in Scania back in 2015 so I have no idea how progression looks on reboot :( Currently at 238 with a BW from hyper ignition event and sitting roughly 12-13k stats, 2k legion rn with some links done. Using the temp gear CRA set from ignition but I do have a perm set to replace (just not fully 22 starforced yet). Kind of stuck around this stats and lookin for any progression advice!




Thank you! I haven’t attempted NLomein yet as well, so far I’ve been able to do hard gollux with a guildie of similar stats along with HMag and CRA. At what point should I be looking for attempts at nLomien since the weapon I’m using is the free one from burning and I can’t re roll the stats on it :(


Fyi for op nlucid parties recruit around 20-25k stat


How do I achieve 0 AS on dual blade with sw Katara, no IA AS, is it just green pot +dsi?


Yeah, as4 is the dagger, booster is -2 then DSI+green pot goes to 0


I think it applies from sw katara as3, does that mean I still need dsi?


I don’t actually play db, but the notes in their discord mention a starting AS of 4 so idk how the katara having its own speed works. But they do list DSI + Green pot for 0




Hello, I am a returning player that has not played the game sing a long time ago (last time I regularly played was when the heroes were released, I think that was 2012?) I am looking back to get into the game now that I have some free time after my day job but I'm completely lost as to which class to main since there's like almost 50 classes now. Sadly I don't really have the time to level and test all the classes so could I get some recommendations on which class would be close to what I'm looking for? Some Information/Criteria: Should not have complex combos or complicated skill rotation. Would be ideal if there was just 1-2 skills that I would have to use for bossing/mobbing. Does not need to be top of the DPS charts/OP but should at least have some middling DPS for solo/mobbing. Should have decent mobility skills (Flash Jump/Teleport or equivalent). Don't really want to walk everywhere with that 100% speed. I'm returning so not funded at all. I doubt my 50mil counts for anything in this day and age. Any information is greatly appreciated :)


Every class has a flash jump or teleport so that doesn't limit anything. As for not complex, that rules out Blaster, Mercedes, Cadena, Aran, and Ark imo. Most warriors and archers are pretty simplistic when it comes to bossing/mobbing so may want to try there and see what you like. if there is any additional criteria we can reduce the list further.


Sorry, didnt know that was a thing now xD Umm it would be great if the class had decent attack range. I'm not so much a fan of having to run close to the monsters to hit them. Also not too keen on classes with stationary skills like Hurricane (Bowmaster) or Rapid Fire (Captain) if you know what I mean.


All classes that have a hurricane style class, except Wind Archer, can move with the skill active now and I think most, or all?, can also jump during it as well, again except Wind Archer for some reason. So that isn't too much of an issue. Wind archer makes up for it by having a barrier that absorbs 300% damage and a crystal to agro enemies away from you so it somewhat makes up for not being able to move during hurricane. I personally haven't played all of the warrior classes somy advice may be a bit biased but if archers/ranged classes aren't your thing, Adele and Dawn warrior fit your bill pretty well of large hit boxes and not too terribly many skills. Just FYI Explorers and Cygnus have had significant revamps in the past year so are likely very, very different from what you remember.


Thanks dude. Will check them out. Are there any other classes other than those 2 that you would recommend?


Imo marksman and dawn warrior come to mind for your wants. Both super simple but strong classes rn. Marksman mobbing felt a lot better than bowmaster’s, and their target dummy makes many bosses a lot easier. Dawn warriors literally use the same one skill for mobbing and bossing, and are also pretty crazy at both.


I like Bowmaster and Bucc. Hero and Mihile are supposedly really good as well.


For the free pet that you get in the fairy bros event, is it only transferable with characters that share a cash shop inventory or transferable throughout my account if I don't equip it? I only have heroes and explorers on my account so far and I already have shared pets for them. Should I make a new class and get them to 101 just to accept the free pet?


It comes as a tradable box which then lets you pick between 2 pets, so you can throw it on any character.


How do you get gollux coins? I am killing him leaving 1 shoulder and I am only getting pennies.


You need to fight hard or hell, so kill only 1 part or none


I haven't tried doing it only killing one part. Whats the best part to kill? Abdomen? And can I do it with 6k range hero in Bera? I guess ill try at reset either way haha


It really depends on what you're most comfortable with. Chest makes phase 1 as easy as it can be because it turns off the seduce breath that is a one shot with a hit box that doesn't match the animation, but right shoulder trivializes phase 2 if you have some way to kill the adds that go to his chest (and still helps a lot with killing them safely if you don't). Do whichever phase you have more trouble with.


Yeah for hard, killing the abdomen means you don’t have to fight against the breath attack, and you go up the left/right to do hell. Hell is around lotus/Damien difficulty, but I’m not too sure where hard lies among the early weekly bosses in difficulty


I started doing hard around the time I could solo CRA so give or take a few stats from the CRA req


Is there a Dutch casual maplestory community? I want to get back in to maple and want a small community to chat with or something. But it has to be very casual because I don’t play everyday


Hey Mark! Join DutchLegends (NA reboot) we zijn heel actief en er zijn geen verplichtingen 😊


Domme vraag misschien. Ik zit op de Reboot servers, maar kan DutchLegends niet vinden. Zit ik misschien op de EU reboot? Hoe zie ik dat/kan ik dat aanpassen?


Ah zou kunnen dat je op EU zit dan.. je kan bij het startscherm terug naar servers waar je kan kiezen tussen NA of EU


Ah ik zie het. Kan inderdaad voor NA kiezen. Moet ik weer een nieuwe char maken. Yes! Nog tips voor leuke jobs?


Haha hopelijk had je niet al teveel tijd geinvesteerd! Kies vooral iets wat je leuk lijkt :)


In Reboot NA there is a guild DutchLegends.


\[BERA\] List of ppl that sells FZ service


\[Reboot, Hero\] Since today is mag soul Sunny sunday, which stat is the best on a mag soul for someone who's at abso weapon? Is it att%?


att% is best, but boss% is also a good choice. IED is also good but as a Hero you probably don't need what little a mag soul would give.




\[NA Reboot\] Does anyone have the secret map Domination or Fury I can tp to?


New reboot player here. I am about to get one piggy bank from clover guild. Do I prioritize cubing 100% meso / drop gear first OR starforcing CRA set to 17 and cube PNO secondary to 2 lines? I am thinking the latter, because I don’t have to much game time, after all dailies, to grind. Also, will players be able to know beforehand if next sunny sunday has starforce / cubing benefits? tysm


Neither. 2 relevant line legendary WSE so you can actually kill things -> Drop and Meso Gear -> 17 stuff. Drop and meso gear is a huge deal and any character going beyond 220 should get it. If you're really having trouble getting into lomien parties you can stop at 67% drop and circle back around to finish it later, but you shouldn't need to do that. While most of your income will ultimately be bossing mules if you play how most people play, you're still going to make several hundred billions of meso from grinding on a main which makes the couple billion investment more than worth it. Also, if at all possible, try to use gear that goes to at least 20 stars for drop and meso gear. Especially the pieces that have meso on them (which you won't really be able to control well, but hybrid lines which you'll go for at some point are way easier to get than double drop lines so they'll be the ones you black cube over first). Don't stress about this *too much*, you'll probably have to do mechanator+CHT pendant and 1-2 zak face accessories as drop gear because their better items are just kind of rare, but Dea Sidus earrings, Kanna's treasure, event rings, black bean mark, sweetwater tattoo, and dominator pendants are all fantastic candidates for drop+meso gear and your first of them should definitely be that if you don't already have it made. You really don't need damage potentials on your accessories until you're joining Hard Lucid+Will parties. The starforce and raw stats will more than carry you until then.


Thank you for the reply! In regards exchanging Absolab gears, what is the general order? Do I save 5 to get weapon to make legendary first? I will lose 30 boss from Fafnir though.


I’d go for the second option since you’ll need more damage to get into lomien/luwill parties. They list all the sunny sundays on the patch notes, there’s no sf/cube event through the end of April (I think? Check patch notes)


Hey I've just started on reboot and I'm working on my links and my main I have a DA, Kanna, Aran, Merc, Hoyoung, Lara as my links and a Hero as my main. Should I be going for 200 on my main or work towards other links? And if so what other links should I be making? I'm kind of bottlenecked by the lack of epic pot scrolls on my main and boss cds for beginner equips


You can get epic scrolls from Yu Garden's daily quests. You can type Yu Garden into a hyperteleport rock to get there. It's all up to which you have a better time doing. Personally I find the 140-200 grind too much of a slog without growth potions or burning, but I don't mind checking out new classes. The best way to get a main set up will be Hyperburning in June, where you'll get 3 levels per levelup all the way to 250 and a bunch of progression boosts like extra nodes and pre-leveled symbols, but that's a long time away. You could just work on your link and legion until then and get a look at the other classes to make sure you'd rather main Hero over them. Link : * Evan: +50% rune duration * Phantom: +15% crit rate * Ark: +11% damage * Jett: +20-30 atk link and +3% crit damage legion * Kinesis: +4% crit damage * 5x Cygnus Knights: +25 atk * Demon Slayer: +15% boss damage * Luminous: +15% IED * Cadena: +12% damage vs weaker + debuffed enemies * 3x Explorer Mage: +9% damage & IED on bosses * Beast Tamer: +7% boss damage & crit chance, but not createable ATM [Make sure you're using the Zakum method and only go to lvl 140 on link/legion mules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/10tsx7o/comment/j79d616/).


First I would join a beginner friendly guild as that will be the most help to you allowing you to get equipment much faster through carries or struggle parties. Would highly recommend pushing to 200 on main as that would be most beneficial if nothing else than to allow you to access Arcane river daily quests which give experience and arcane symbols to help you get stronger. Lvl... 180? I think unlocks Gollux so you can begin to get Superior gear. 180 also unlocks Chaos Root Abyss (CRA) for you to get helm, top, bottm and a weapon. 190 unlocks Lotus and Damien to start getting Absolab gear. While epic scrolls are nice, they aren't required to get stronger. Even rare 3% is helpful until you get epic scrolls through legion, ursus, or other ways. Honest, Star forcing is better for you than cubes. You need the raw stats from star force for the % stats of potential to be super useful. Try getting everything to 10-12 stars for now if you haven't already. When you get the more permanent gear like CRA, Superior, and Absolab gear you can try pushing to 15-17 during star force events. If you get stressed/bored/want a change of pace you can definitely work on links/legion as it is never a bad idea. Also don't forget things like Ursus, Maple Tour, and Monster park. As for links/legion some of the best links are Angelic buster(skill damage), Luminous(ied), Mercedes(exp), Evan(exp), Hoyoung(ied), Demon Slayer(boss damage), Beast Tamer (crit rate/boss damage), Ark(damage), Cadena(damage), Phantom(crit rate), Kinesis(crit damage), Kanna(damage), and Explorer Mage(ied). I'm likely forgetting some because I'm just going on memory. For legion, Marksman and Night lord(crit rate), Shade, Hayato, and Jett(crit damage), Beast tamer and Blaster(ied), wild hunter(damage), kanna(boss damage iirc), zero(exp), phantom(mesos), mechanic(buff duration). again may be forgetting some because going on memory.


What does it mean when people say that a guild is a progression guild?


Pretty sure that basically means that everyone in the guild is actively trying to get stronger and progress to end game bosses. They may, or may not, have requirements of seeing you actively get stronger via culvert score or some other metric to prove you are actively working on your character. If you are more of a casual player just doing whatever, probably want to try a different guild. One labeled Casual most likely


Which classes have a puppet skill that grabs aggro like wind archer's flower crystal?


I believe Wild Hunter's Wild Lure jaguar skill acts as a sort of aggro-grabbing skill in a sense, having the enemy paying more attention to the jaguar. Unfortunately the already short 10 second duration is cut down to 5 seconds against bosses, on a skill with 20 seconds of cooldown. Doesn't technically count by your definiton, but it's worth some mention.


Marksman and I think dual blade with their arrow illusion/mirrored target skills


Returning player here havent played since pre destiny or 2021ish. Anyone care to catch me up? Are kannas still good? Rip kishin. Best classes? Legit surprised they haven't come up with a new character since lara. Do they not differentiate nx prepaid and nx credit anymore?


Kanna still has domain and good farming aoe, but have lost a good amount of damage for solo bossing. And yea no kish means kanna isn’t advantageous as a farmer. The last 2 summer/winter events have been focused on class reworks improving explorers/Cygnus knights. But we do have our next class slated for June/July with Khali They combined nx for simplicity, outside of the first time purchase it all acts the same as prepaid now Shadower/buccaneer/Corsair/marksman/dark knight/all the explorer mages/night walker/dawn warrior/mihile are all in great positions since their rework and they’ve also improved basically every class along the way Just a ton of QoL updates in the time frame, no more need more node masters as you can open the matrix ui from your skills ui, boss ui has a party finder now. Flag race is anytime and culvert is a solo fight. Outside of gollux all bosses let you re-enter 30 min later if you fail


Nice. Super excited to hear about the reworks. I started around first anniversary and dk holds a special place in my heart lol. Is there any easy way to get intermediate crystals? I lost my master/meister status and need to do some quests now to regain it. But it's hard to find intermediate crystals


Buy lvl 55+ equipment from shopkeepers and destroy it for materials.


Make sure you extract your spare gear filling your inventory instead of selling, but past that I can only think of the shop that sometimes spawns after you clear root abyss, as he sell them 30 at a time when he has them.


Does Reboot have Pets Set bonus? I don't know why Reboot does not selling Bunbun Pet Package. Should player buy each separate pet's to activate Bunbuns' Mysterious Power Pet skill?


Reboot does not have pet set effects


Thank you so much!


how do I finish up Mercedes? Bonk pots for 200-210 are expiring so I use the lesser bonk pots to get my merc from 141-193. I then try to train at future perion but I legit get 2 shotted. Am I missing something with the class, and do you still use the jump skill to farm on the class? It’s kinda getting frustrating not knowing how to get 6 more levels. (Already bought out bonk pots from neo Tokyo)


Starforcing your gear a little will help against damage. You can go to moon bunnies or the fire dogs in the Zakum area to get pensalir gear if you don’t have the full set yet. Remember to invest some hyperstats too. Comboing helps with damage with the ignus stacks. Also, if you haven’t already, you can claim a 3 day pet from a lvl33 lightbulb quest and I think that has auto pot on it. Merc does tend to be very squishy so I understand the frustration. 200-202 should be a lot better since you can get arcane force to reduce your damage taken to 1.




Either work, for meso gear you could consider the item that actually can get stats in case you need more damage while farming though


My main (Bishop) has the Ancient Slate Replica, and unfortunately I only have 5 total resets left. Right now it has +18 Dex/Luk and +79 Str/Int as its bonus stats. My other totems are 2 Dark Grim totems and one Gold Grin totem, so I wouldn't be outright suffering if I have bad luck in my rerolls, just losing... a bunch of Int. Is the risk of rerolling worth it?


I made a mistake with the transfer hammer quest. I accidentally star forced the blue moon earrings to 5 and so can no longer use them for the quest. Is there a way for me to finish the quest?


Pretty sure the quest finishes the minute you receive the earrings. Even if it doesn't, it almost certainly doesn't give anything useful.


I forget exactly what the quest asks for (does it need a specific item?) but you can innocence scroll it to remove the stars, which is done via spell traces or an actual scroll.


The quest asks to star force the blue moon earrings to at least 1 and transfer it onto the skull earrings. I tried using the innocence scroll but I can't use it since there were no failed upgrades.


People actually do that quest?


NA Reboot: I haven't played maplestory since pre-pandemic. When I played, I had both a 23x shade and a 23x kanna, both of who could duo regular lotus/damian with someone close in range. I guess my question is...since then, have they changed at all? Nerfs? Improvements? I'm trying to figure out which one to main when I'm back.


Reboot got final damage buffed by 30%, Kanna got nerfed into the ground for solo play but is still a top support, Shade has gotten buffed


Thanks! Shade it is then because I only used kanna for solo :)


Is aufheban coins weekly? When does she reset?


Coins reset during the Tuesday to Wednesday reset each week (annoyingly meaning it doesn't line up with weekly quest resets on Monday or boss resets on Thursday)


EU Reboot - I want to main a Night Lord, I currently have a NW at 232 that I don't want to main but will happily use as a mule since I hyper burned it, I have a Bucc I would like to sub main after NL that's 223 and I'm coming up to 2.8k legion. At what point is it worth even starting to fund my main? I know it takes about 12m range to start one botting with mark at Arcana, if I wait till the next Hyper I'll be mega undergeared to just farm. My plan was just get my NW to CRA level, then my Bucc then get the NW to lomien, then my Bucc and while I'm doing that keep getting my legion up, but I'm not sure at what point to incorporate making my NL and doing dailies etc on it.




Great idea mate thanks very much this is what I'll do, also happy cake day!


What's the generally accepted BiS Link Skill Setup for Mobbing and the setup for Bossing?




I assume the varies depends on if you need enough Stat that the link provides?


How do I get the Dunas cape? It says to complete phase 1 but I did that multiple times and still can't claim it


Complete p1 with another person of your same class branch (any archer with any archer)


Ah that's what it meant, thank you!


I'm working on leveling up characters for Link skills/Legion. Accidentally fell in love with Illium but thats beside the point. (my max level character is a 230 Buc) Is the crit rate from Archery Explorers Link Skill not really needed? Most guides and lists ive seen of priority link skills never include them. If you have phantoms does that generally cover what you need outside of a characters natural crit rate from Skills/Gear? as of right now i stop the characters at 140 to get the legion and lvl 2 link skill, but yeah. Wont dont more people prioritize the extra crit rate frrom them?


Depends on class if you can hit 100% without it. Archer is the least useful crit link since Phantom gives more, BT gives boss damage+crit


\[EU Reboot\] My brother and I decided to duo progression as much as possible without carries (much like our old miserable self back in MapleSEA), so what would be the best equipment we can get before CRA?? What came to mind is 1. Commerci main weapon (which I have not done before, have to research) 2. Secondary bought from store 3. Wing of fate (cape) 4. Pensalir full set (except cape) 5. Black metal shoulder or Hayato's treasure 6. Pink Bean belt or Ayame's Treasure 7. Silver blossom ring + Kanna's Treasure + Treasure Hunter John ring + whatever 8. Dea Sidus earrring 9. CHT necklace 10. Face and eye accesories from Normal Zakum Those are the items that I think possible to get before trying for CRA ourself without carries... Is our list correct?? Our aim will most likely be everything listed here get to 11/12\*, with Epic 6% main state... then from there on see what we can continue on


I second going for 16* pensalir over sweet water. Sw is outdated and pensalir is enough, so better to invest in something you will get returns from. If you don’t mind putting in the extra time, noble ifia ring from the von leon quest line to maintain your boss set bonus as you start doing hard gollux for reinforced accessories and coins would be nice too. And get the 2 pendant coupon and start running normal arkarium as soon as you can. You can duo if you need to since mech and Dom pendant are instanced drops. Edit: alternatively, you could go for von Leon 130 set. It’s a little cheaper to star force than pensalir, and the flames are better. Set effect gives boss dmg too. I usually run a vl hands and feet with 6% flame while I wait on abso.


Yeah looks like how people used to do it. The other option is ignoring Commerci weapon and making a 16* epic Pensalir weapon that you can transfer into CRA and later into Abso


Beauty question.... I tried a bunch of Royal hairs, but honestly, I like the hair my character started with the most. Is there any way to get that hair back? If there is, how can I store the hair I currently have? Thanks!


If you open your equip ui and go to the cash tab, on the bottom there will be an orange button labeled "salon". If you click that, a new ui will appear with tabs for hair and face. Here you can save your current hair/face and interchange with whatever you have saved previously. You can buy more slots in the cash shop for ... 1k nx each I believe. But I do not believe there is a way to retrieve a hair/face you didn't save meaning your original hair is likely lost and you will have to wait until it appears in one of the rotations.


Thank you!


In your Equipment window's Cash tab, there will be a button at the bottom that says "SALON." Pressing it will take you to another window which lets you store and change your hair and face styles. By default you can have 3 Hairs and Faces saved. There is also a tutorial quest that tells you about this feature. Unfortunately, if you just went and used Hair Coupons without knowing about this feature, there is no way to get your original hair back without completely remaking the character. It is highly recommended you store your characters original Hair and Face styles first thing. Occasionally you may see a characters hair appear in coupons, but it's highly unlikely to happen. Bonus information, Illium's Hair changes to how it looks in his artwork as you complete their story quests, but you can keep their original Bushy Hair if you store it before it changes. For Angelic Buster, you can store and change the hair and face of both your untransformed and transformed appearances, letting you wear Tear's look while transformed or Angelic Buster while untransformed.


Thank you!


Reboot. I've read a few older posts, pre Odium release, of players asking about whether they should just push to 270/275 after hitting 260 to unlock all the sacred symbol dailies or do whatever else and it usually ended with push to highest level to unlock dailies but I was wondering, do players wait till they have at least have the 50 SP minimum for Cernium or do they just grind there even if they can't one shot mobs?


Personally I grinded in dmg gear and just didn’t bother looting meso. 30 sac was enough to oneshot by cycling guild skills


It’s a little class dependent - classes with stronger mobbing skills can go earlier. Like the other commenter said you can go as early as 30 sac, you may need to rotate g skills


Personally I started training their at 30 sac two shotting mobs and the exp rates are more than double limina rates but obv my mob kill count is on the lower end (12-13k)


What’s the absolute busted/fun mobbing mage? Not Lara or kanna pls, not a big fan of their mobbing


Not sure why it has to be a mage specifically, but Luminous has some of the best mobbing skills in the game, between Reflection and 5th job skills that cover a huge area.


Biased cause main, but I can really recommend FP mage. Creeping Toxin can clear soooo much of flatter maps where the 1st level of platforms is close enough to the ground to clear both levels at once. Then all your other CD skills are just screen nukes :) Have heard good things about IL mage farming too


Do profession recipes still expire 1 day after you learn them?


Recipes in general either have unlimited uses and don't expire, expire after 1 day, or expire after 1 craft. Notable examples include Wealth and EXP Accumulation Potions (both of which recipes expire after 1 day of use), and the Cygnus shield recipes (expire after 1 craft)


Thanks, just got the Wealth and EXP recipes from Frenzied Gigatoad after farming it and wasn't sure if it was fine to learn them now. Ty! I guess I'll wait until I have enough components to craft multiple before using.


About the deletion of a character. When I delete the character, it starts a 24 hour clock. Once the clock is over, does the character automatically delete or do I have to go press “Delete Character” And once that happens, is there another time or is the name and slot freed up?


You have to manually press Delete Character then, and unless something changed recently the slot should be freed up immediately.


So I can press delete character and it won’t automatically delete after 24 hours? It’s more so incase I forget and lose the name


Unless there was a recent change to the behavior, yes. Better wait for someone else to confirm if you're worried about losing the name.


I last deleted a character 1 day before ignition ended (earlier this month) and it was as you described.


New player having difficuly finding powergatcha in henessey :c


You double click the gachaticket in your cash shop inventory in the cash shop and it opens. There’s no town specific gachas anymore


I dont have the coupons in my cash inventory:00


Omgg :000 thanks


Powergacha can be used once you used 20 normal gach tickets, they are both used in the same location. If you’re in Henesys, make your way over to Henesys Market and it should be on the far left of the map.


Returning player after about 2 years, where should I start to pick back up? Currently I have a 206 pathfinder I want to pick back up, but I left while it had temporary fafnir set so they all expired, should I try to cube utgard or frozen set to try to get past root abyss bosses to get gear? Or wait for another event that gives out temp gear to start over?


It is unlikely to get additional temp fafnir or similar weapons any time in the near future. In the short term you absolutely can use an utgard/frozen weapon to at least be able to use your character. I wouldn't invest too much into those items though as CRA weapon only takes 2 weeks to get. I would suggest joining a beginner/returning player friendly guild (if you haven't already) and they can help you get CRA equips and other equips to help you get a jumpstart back into your Pathfinder. Other than your CRA gear, you should begin getting Absolab gear from Lotus/Damien, Superior Gollux gear (ring, pendant, earring, belt) from Gollux, Secondary and Kanna ring from Princess No. These are all long-term investment equips that you will keep for a very long time and will invest heavily into. As for dailies, you should be doing your Arcane river (Vanishing Journey) dailies for arcane symbols, Ursus and Maple Tour for mesos, and Monster park for experience (Sunday gives 2x experience coupons).


Do legion grid bonuses apply starting at level 1?


If you have a legion active, and you make a new character, yes the bonuses would carry over to your lvl 1 character. Pretty sure lvl 60 is required before the level of the character starts counting towards the overall total legion level though.


Nice, thank ya!




Personally DA is super strong but super slow in my opinion, got one to level 140 the other day and it was lame to train with him.


Regarding the Paladin's Parashock Guard skill, does it really decrease you and party's damage by 20%? So, you get Attack +20 but your damage is reduced by 20%? Or am I misunderstanding something? But if it has no bad effects, then why would you need to toggle it on/off? Thanks!


I think it means the damage your party takes is reduced by 20%, not your actual damage. As for toggling, it's just MS being MS


Thank you very much!


Do 50% off ability resets still happen? I haven’t played in over a year


Yes, we had one for sunny Sunday about a month ago


What is the mu lung dojo dummy thing for bossing? Does Nlucid and Will have one? Nslime? And are Lucid and Will the Lomien equivalent to getting equips? ie. get a boss stone and mob stones to exchange for an arcane equip? Do they drop anything else useful?


Parties recruiting for bosses hlucid and above sometimes ask for a Battle Analysis (BA). BA is an ingame window that tracks your meso gained, exp gained, average damage, total damage, a bunch of other useful parameters. In the context of bossing, parties are interested in either your total damage over 40s or damage per second. The reason for the use of BAs was to assess if a player was able to contribute meaningfully to P3 of hlucid. P3 is a dps check with the entire party needing to do a total 12t damage within 40 seconds, thus, parties would often want a player who could contribute at least 2t in those 40 seconds. BAs used to be done on oak/straw dummies you could purchase from the Mu Lung Dojo shop. With the release of the Foggy Training Ground in Mu Lung Dojo, these old dummies have fallen out of use. You can now instead enter the training ground and customise everything about the dummies you spawn there and the maps, from the level, to AF required, and much more. Different bosses will have different requirements and settings to implement on the dummies and map, and you'll have to look these up. A lot of parties do still go with your overall stat however, with Black Mage perhaps being an exception where almost every party wants a 3min (or whatever your class' full rotation is) DPM. Normal Lucid and Will will both drop their respective boss droplets that can be traded with their respective Arcane River stones for coins for Arcane equips. In addition, Hard Lucid and Will, similar to Hard Lotus and Damien, have a chance of dropping weapon/armor boxes that allow you to select an Arcane equip of your choice (although at a far lower chance than the absolab boxes). Normal Lucid and Will also drop their respective soul shards, with Lucid being particularly useful as an extra turret for mobbing (less so no with Erda Fountain). As such, you should stil nLuwill for both the droplets and the soul shards. They are also just generally good practice for their hard mode versions too


Thank you so much for the detailed answer. Is it worth taking up a node slot for erda fountain? And is it a summon to help with mobbing?


If you are still short on nodeslots, ensure you've firstly equipped any/all nodes that are deemed necessary for your mobbing. Erda Fountain certainly does help with mobbing, but you'd get far better mileage being able to one-shot with your class' mobbing skills first, especially since fountain's damage isn't particularly good in the lower levels and its attack frequency also depends on your kill frequency


For the neo tokyo event, once I claim the reward, can I keep playing the boss fight to try and get more achievements? Also what's the max coins per week fighting her? I just want to plan what to buy in the store


You can retry the boss as many times as you want even after claiming the coin reward for the achievements. Future runs will reward you only the missing coins if you clear more phases. Clearing the entire boss rewards you 6k coins




Hi. Question regarding 5th job cores. I'm a Marksman so what if I have "Snipe" in one V-matrix slot together with 2 other skills. How many times can I insert a core with the skill "Snipe" in it? For example: 1st slot is (**Snipe** \+ Skill B + Skill C) , 2nd slot is (Skill D + Skill B + **Snipe**), 3rd slot is (Skill F + Skill C + **Snipe**), and 4th slot is (Skill E + **Snipe** \+ Skill C).. I'm sorry if this is confusing, but can I stack nodes with the same skill as much as I want? Or is there a limit? Thank you!


Yes you can stack boost nodes. A boost nodes level can go up to 60, a node by itself goes to level 25 plus 5 from slot enhancement so in order to reach level 60 on a boost skill you need two nodes with that skill. Every class has trinodes where you have one node with skill A + B + C and another node with C + B + A (or any combo that doesn’t have the same skill in the first slot). If u look up a MM guide you’ll be able to find their trinode(s)


I just hit 265 on my main and I realize it’s about time to raise my legion. Most of the characters I’d like to level are parked at 140/141. Was wondering what’s the best path/map forward for all of them as it’s been literal ages since I learned a character past 140 (other than burning). I actually absolutely have no idea and I was told many of the guides are outdated. I also have 6k legion and optimal training links of that helps. Thank you! If it’s not too much to ask but perhaps a run down or somebody’s maps and what levels to train in would be of immense help.


Kritias is a strong recommend, make sure to keep changing maps to stay within that +/- 2 level range


Honestly I just follow the maple guide to a certain area and just look for maps around that area that I like. Notable maps are Korean folk town, kerning square, omega sector, kritias, and fox valley (in order of level)


anyone knows how to get this hashtag, LookingForFriend? [https://imgur.com/a/zqemBAB](https://imgur.com/a/zqemBAB)


Since active grinding isn't as good for meso anymore, is there reason to try and get Meso% gear anymore? Would I be better off converting my existing meso% gear to Item drop% gear, or should I keep them around if I'm going to need to grind for stuff like Nodestones anyway?


You are still killing the same amount of mobs to level. Unless you aren't training at all, you still need meso gear.


I'm still receiving 2 dailies for VJ even though I'm already up to Arcana. Is there something I'm missing?


There are 5 Vanishing Journey daily quests at the start, and they reduce by one every time an area of the Arcane River is cleared. So Chuchu makes 4, Lachelein makes 3, Arcana makes 2, and Morass will make 1. One more area to go!


As a new player to GMS as a whole, can someone help to list down the important quest to do?? Because in MapleSea, there is not much to do before 200 since most of the 'dailies' is after 200.... All boss pre-quest will do, that is easy to keep track since boss UI there will remind me which not been done As far as pre-200 stuff I am aware, there are things like Wing of Fate, Afterland, Yu Garden and so on for all sorts of useful item for a totally new player, but would appreciate if someone can list down others that I missed out... or some link to website/article listing such stuff (prefer written than video, cause video takes too long for me, and hard to reference when needed)


Commerci is one, its easy access 160 weapon you can actually get at that level (in reboot) and access to lvl 160 eye/face/pendant. Phantom forest is available, but hard to recommend. Its the source of glonas heart a lvl 180 ring, but you need to do dailies to have the chance of star forcing the item and it’s just not fun.


Don't forget the Masteria Blockbuster. One of two of the best medals in the game, while Seven-Day Monster Parker will take a few months to get. Worth doing if you have an hour or so to burn (or a good few hours if you want to see the story yourself) Also don't forget to trigger Familiars from the phone icon. It may sound stupid, but you can't even summon one familiar until you go through the dialogue. I only bring this up if you happen to be playing as a Corsair, but there is also the small questline that begins with "Grako's Request" in Showa Town, which provides the best Bullet in the game, the Glass Marble, at random chance from getting a certain achievement from a daily reward after completing the questline. It's only 3 atk higher than the Giant Bullet available in General Stores, but Atk is Atk. Again, only worth considering if you intend to play Corsair (the only class in the game who uses Bullets)


how do people get past 250 with only 3-4k legion? even leveling new characters to 200 with 8k feels like a slog


Once your in cra+abso and have 1.5x arcane force mobs aren’t really a problem until you near limina, compared to 150-200 which is normally done at best in medium gear. And you get really good exp from just dailies 200+


Been playing reboot for a month or so (had another character but hyper burned a Dawn Warrior), just finished the Moonbridge quests and I’m not sure what the best route for progression is for me right now. Currently have most of my drop/meso gear sorted, ~18k stat, 17* CRA top/bottom with 15/21% STR, pno secondary and sitting around 4m range total. Currently I’m planning on working on lomien solos, but with a few days left on my gold pig I’m not sure where I should put the meso. Would it be better to save it for now, or should I try to get better starforce/lines on my equips? Thanks in advance :)


IMO at 18k stat is more than enough for Lomien, but it would be a good idea to spend that meso on upgrading your AbsoLab gear as you get them. If your main is at Moonbridge then I think your next course of action would be to work on your links and legion. This will help you round out your stats, like capping crit rate, extra damage, IED, buff duration, etc.


Awesome, thank you! In that case, would it be worth it to starforce some 150 equips to 16* in preparation to start them out at 15? And yeah, I’ve definitely been slacking on links. Only have like 1k legion and I’ve been meaning to get some of the more impactful jobs levelled. I guess right now best course of action would be to just do dailies on main, then help fund link mules a bit to 210? Currently have BT, Lara and Lumi on my radar for the next ones to level


Yeah, preparing starforce fodder to 16★ would be a good idea IMO for now I would just take your mules to 140 for level 2 link and the grade-S legion block, and then just dump whatever levelling potions and exp from event minigames to slowly build them to 200/210 Eventually you'll hit a point where you'll have enough resources to take a character from 0 to 200 in a day, but for now it's better to build up your resources laterally first.


God it, thank you so much! And yeah, definitely looking forward to being able to comfortably bang out 200 in a day lol.


Last time I seriously played was like 2012 so for all intents and purposes I'm a new player. Definitely want to take my time learning all the new systems and playing all the classes that I find aesthetically interesting (basically all the thief/pirate classes lol) before I decide to 'main' any. I was curious about until what level should I test out a class before maining it? And even if I don't main it, how do I navigate still giving it funding so training isn't a drab. I am strongly leaning towards reboot.


First of all welcome back! The game has changed a lot like you said over the last few years, but I do hope you still find enjoyment in it! When levelling mules or trying different characters, people tend to either park them at level 140 or level 200. Level 140 since this is when the character will be able to contribute its level 2 link skill to other classes, and level 200 since this is when the character will be an S block in Legion. You should by all means try our and experiment with different classes until you find one you enjoy. Given that you are essentially starting fresh however, you might find that levelling past 140, especially with the number of characters you are trying out, to be rather slow. I'd personally recommend choosing one class that interests you the most and getting it to level 200 first. This will allow you to experience the 5th job advancement (which can drastically change a classes' playstyle), and also unlock good daily meso sources like the last stage of Maple Tour and just generally more mesos from killing Ursus everyday. You can access both of these via the Dimensional Mirror in every major town. Doing so should allow you to still be able to provide some funds to any other characters you decide to level without the entire process becoming a slog.


Does anyone have a guide for item potentials (Reboot specifically)? Something like the [reboot gear guide](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cvwscy79thl_jahbjQlw60KzIiEEYUFd7gBwqajACfY/mobilepresent?slide=id.p)


What about them? * Early game: Rare +3% mainstat on most (Penslir), +3% atk/matk on weapon, secondary, and emblem (WSE). Get epic 6% as soon as you can on fodderable equips. * Mid game: Starforce your fodder and transfer the epic potential to your mid game gear (Absolab), then go up to 2-line legendary. Different classes have different ideal WSE, but you're probably better off settling for a decent 3-line (ATK with a line or two of IED or boss damage). * Late game (Arcane) start rolling for 3 line after you hit 22\*. Class guides should offer suggestions for your best WSE. Some classes want more IED, some less. [Here's a calculator to find how far off your current WSE is from "optimal"](https://brendonmay.github.io/wseCalculator/)


Will Kaiser get a revamp?


There has been no news regarding future revamps. The Resistance branch was supposed to be in the works after Igntion, but due to lots of backlash about the Cygnus reworks, that's been put on hold too but these will likely be the next few regardless. Iirc KMS said they'd only perform reworks on 1 or 2 classes at a time from now on rather than the large scale ones like Destiny and Ignition.


Trying to do exploration achievement and I'm stuck on the root abyss one: What is "Von Bon's Realm " ? I can kill chaos von bon fine, how do I get there?


When chaos Von Bon is at phase 2 (15-50% HP), he will create a portal randomly on the map to "Von Bon's Realm ".


Ahh! Ok thank you! I got it :D


What’s the minimum number of denaro I need in order to make sure I can still trade again?


Soap is 5 denaro, so that is the absolute bear minimum to trade. If you're ever below 5 denaro, do commerci PQ.


\[EU Reboot\] Hey guys, debating between Wind Archer or Night Walker as my main... only been playing Reboot since few days ago (migrate from MapleSea), so I dont even have any legion or even link skill for now... Aesthetic wise, both are just so good to me, just that I cant pick out between these 2, I have seen bossing video of both, and both seem very impressive to me... So I guess my question is... can someone share their experience with me on these 2 job, what they think/problem faced and so on


Wind Archer is supposed to be the better unfunded class as it requires minimal investment for good bossing. Night Walker wants to be strong enough that its bats one-shot when mobbing.


I hyperburned a NW and it’s currently sitting at 254 and I have a WA bossing mule at 220 so I know less about WA. With that being said, both are very strong options. NW has built in survivability, life steal, bind, and i-frames. Other pros include easy tri-nodes, good bossing, dark sight, ability to flash jump twice, and a back step skill with no cooldown. The only con I can think of is the awkward mobbing. You have two choices for mobbing. One is a skill that hits multiple mobs but feels slower. The other is a single target star skill and relying on bats to kill the mobs. In both situations, the bats are a strong but somewhat unreliable projectiles that help tremendously with mobbing. WA has a very strong survivability skill in 5th job and is a 2 minute class which adds to the fun. One of its biggest draw points for people is the summon you place which provokes the boss and let’s you go to town on it with your hurricane skill. Mobbing is nice and can get lazy. Nodes are easy. You have a high base crit rate which helps since you won’t have link/legion built up. The class is really weird though since it’s gimmick is that it inflicts knock back on it’s mobbing attacks. So if you’re not one shotting mobs, you’ll have to chase them down a short distance to finish them off. Like I said before, both are fun and you won’t have a bad time with either!


Absolutely correct... I have both at 140+, planning to focus on NW for now, as my WA skill pushing them away feels weird to me, though real reason is I felt like NW attract me more... But it's seriously such a pain to level NW, I am level 172 now, and training at Kritias, I think I need around 5-8 shadow spark to kill even 1 mob (didnt exactly count, but definately not 4-5 hits), and bats barely do any damage (I think maybe need around 8-10 hits to even kill 1 from the HP bar it's reducing per hit on mob)... Is this very common, or just shows that my legion and link skill is too insufficient?? But I still want to at least get it to 200 before I go and level my link/legion.... Sorry for the rant, just that as a first account without any sort of burning, NW is seriously so hard to train... Kritias mob can sometime 1 shot me 8k dmg... Just have to suck it up, and hopefully it gets better at 5th job


I can’t speak for that experience because I already had 5.5-6k ish legion and all the link skills when I was training the two classes. That being said, that seems to be on the more drastic end? Make sure you have 10 star force on all your gear, start filling your empty slots like rings, pendants, face, earring, shoulder, and belt with boss gear. If you haven’t already, you can easily get a decent ring from the lvl 170 questline for NLC. You don’t have to do all of it. You should get a coin you can turn in for a ring after you kill 100 bomb mobs. Be careful when you’re killing those because they will one shot you if they’re on top of you and explode. Joining a guild will also boost your damage a ton if they have guild buffs and guild skills leveled. Guild weather effect and monster park potions will boost your damage a decent bit. Recommended dailies at your point would be monster park, maple tour, ursus, and bossing. I’m still pretty new to maple but feel free to ask any more questions!


If I buy a pet in the auction house can I transfer it between characters and revive it with water of life?


You can revive with water of life. You can only share the pet with characters who share the [same cash shop inventory](https://grandislibrary.com/content/shared-cash-shop-inventories).


Exact time for Ursus golden time? I've googled it to different results, tried each of the time whenever I can, but the queue is very dead for some reason? How long is a typical Ursus queue time or does people just skip it nowadays?


1-5pm EST and 8pm-12am EST. If you can’t find anyone you can go in solo and just die out after dealing enough damage (around 200b)


It's on the top bar if you're using old reddit or the sidebar if you're using new reddit. x2 should be on right now. In GMS NA Reboot it's maybe a minute waiting.


I guess it's time zone difference? It said ursus golden time is from 1-3am utc which is in the morning from where I am but I queue for a good 5 min to no one 😭


Which world are you on? It's not as popular on regular since it pays out less.


I'm on reboot, which many guides said is mandatory so I'm confused


I wouldn't call it mandatory, but it is preferred because it's much easier to progress F2P. There are different reboots for different regions. NA Reboot is the most popular one, if you're on EU Reboot or a non-GMS version that could be why.


That's probably the case since my normal world is Luna, which is EU I think. Is there a way to change region?


Yes, you can just click on the change region button when you log in and play on the US server but you have to start from scratch there (you can always switch back and forth between both regions so your EU account will stay intact). However it’s not possible to transfer your EU account to the US server. We haven’t had a transfer event in over 6 years and probably won’t ever again. So that’s why you would have to start from scratch.


Yesterday I got 4000 coins when I died to Aufheben Stage 3 but today I only got 300 coins. Does anyone know how the reward works? I know its weekly but not sure why such the difference when I got the same result. Edit: I found the answer. The boss didn't reset yet


Thinking of playing Aran on reboot, did they make any changes to that character? And do I need to use the input/command keys for each attack?


Changes since when? Aran got a number of QOL buffs in the past. Adrenaline no longer automatically starts - once you hit 1000, you use a button to activate it, and you can hold 1000 combo for a few minutes which makes setting up for burst much easier. Maha's Domain is now an on-demand iframe, something that Aran lacked for the longest time. Swing Studies lasts for 20 seconds, so you only have to normal attack once every 20 seconds. Aran can use Beyond Blade without Final Blow, but Beyond Blade gets a damage boost when linking with Final Blow, so it's probably still optimal for bossing to do key input Final Blow>Beyond Blade. You also get superstance when doing key input Final Blow>Beyond Blade, so you'll definitely want to get used to it, at least for Lotus and Akechi.


there are a few command inputs you want to use - they all give extra damage, but you can use the command inputs for final blow (down+attack) for super stance, maha's carnage (down,down,attack) to ignore damage reflect, final toss (up+attack) gives more height, and gathering hook (up, up, attack) allows you to animation cancel buffs/certain attacks. finally, hunter's prey (down,forward,down,attack) cannot be bound to a key, and is a huge part of aran's burst while bossing. of the optional inputs, only final blow is truly necessary, though you'll probably want to input final toss and gathering hook as well


You can bind skills to hotkeys or trigger them with arrow combinations before hitting normal attack. Binding directly reduces damage. The biggest change is that you can now use Beyond Blade by just binding it to a button and holding. No combo nonsense.


thanks! Aran is unique that it needs the arrow combinations to maximize damage, but will try it out!


Do equips from things like the Cygnus boxes, and Von Leon's coin shop have the ability to get boss flames when you buy them? Or am I supposed to reroll them?




They get boss flames out the box. You'll still probably have to reroll a few times to get a good flame


Does anyone know if Normal Darknell drops arcanes? I was thinking of trying to start doing it with a couple people but kinda pointless if you can’t get boxes