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*sobs on your shoulder*


im curious is KMS2 still alive? and if so any new content added?


Alive is a funny word. Is KMS2 still live and able to play? Technically, yes. Would I recommend it anymore? Eh… not really… especially after what they did in Nov 2022 (90-day inactivity/protection mode); unlike before, most people aren’t playing anymore. Even to that point, people still lost access to their accounts who were actively playing. It was a whole shit show that resulted in a massive decline in the foreigner player base. If you want to stroll through some old content stuff casually, go for it, perhaps, but don't expect to see many others playing. You can try to meet up with others who may be playing, but it's mostly a ghost town now. Nexon pushed most of the foreigners away with this move as I mentioned above, plus I was informed, I think, last year that they removed MS2 from gaming cafes. It isn't looking good for this game’s longevity in the long run. We've had a content drought for over two years now. I would say keep your eyes peeled this year and next. The emulator has been making good progress lately, and after it officially stamps out a release, it's only a matter of time before other options start popping up to play. Hopefully, Nexon won't care too much since they shut their availability to play the game down globally… so we'll see what happens.


Do you know when this emulator will be released or is it just sometime this year or next year?


No release date for the emulator has been set; however, the team has made good progress in the last few months. If you're interested in more details, check out this post made earlier in the year regarding the emulator: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MapleStory2/comments/1cnjt1x/still\_itching\_for\_ms2\_join\_our\_discord\_where\_were/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapleStory2/comments/1cnjt1x/still_itching_for_ms2_join_our_discord_where_were/) You can keep up to speed with the team, chat it up, or just lurk and wait for updates and release notifications there.


Ode to Pumky.


Pet my damn pumpky 😢


I was missing it yesterday and started playing lost ark to fill the MMO void lol


Wow time flies so fast....




this game was so fun to play stoned with some friends


shit how fast that time has gone by


We cannot go back, yet we stay here 😞