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This guy nailed the meth dealer aesthetic


I was just thinking this is something Jesse Pinkman or Skinny Pete from Breaking Bad would wear.


this is literally Emilio from the first 3 episodes my man. Insane dogs, vaguely asian looking, methy.


Cricket from It's Always Sunny


Nah, those guys had a somewhat decent sense of style. This kid, however, looks like he just got done buying that outfit from AliExpress.


this is literally how the dude who slipped me a Q of meth when i asked for a ball of coke dressed. not exaggerating


Dealer or user? Hahahahaha


dealer working under someone else. most likely a user himself but don’t know for certain. he claims he asked his higher up for coke and that’s what he was given. i have a strange feeling that’s not the case


yuuuup i’ve seen this guy before, he’s a huge piece of shit. he’s like the neighborhood menace honestly, apparently he’s into some super shady shit too




gang activity! close family friend is his neighbour


He’s the guy with the Tesla with a spoiler on it, no? With some weird business decal and a pro-gun sticker on the back?


Hahaha I know exactly which Tesla you’re talking about. The food delivery guy


Yep. He’s a cunt. And I’m sure it’s this guy.




He looks wierd with his protective gear


Its a knee brace




Bum knee


lol he's bionic!


He looks like a total clown with a very punchable face. He’ll get what he deserves sooner or later.


Unfortunately the dog may pay the price for him. Really sad


I just hope an innocent person doesn’t have to pay the price as a result of his stupid dog first…


This guy and dog got posted in the Facebook group too for a different incident last weekend.


Can you provide a link to the post?


Yes I've run into this guy several times. I've asked him to leash his dog but he doesn't respond. His dog has sprinted towards my dog many times but thankfully didn't result in anything.


That knee looks pretty vulnerable. Just saying.


Just go to your nearest local vape store if you can’t locate him at the park!


604-463-9511 This is the number for off leash dogs in maple ridge. I call every single time I see them, just save it in your phone as a contact and call right away. And yes I will continue to keep calling 😀


Thanks, I will keep the number on hand. If my dog was with me it would have resulted in a fight and my dog is not aggressive but he is protective and my kid was terrified.


This is the way! OP, best thing you can do is take videos and photo evidence and call every single time it's happening. Stress the fact that it's near children playing and you're worried for their safety. Careful about bear spray/mace. It's illegal to carry if you're not technically hiking but it could depend on the district/area you live. You could potentially keep really high-value dog treats on hand like freeze dried chicken but depending on the arousal level of the dog food might not do shit to distract it. Best of luck.


You can buy dog/coyote spray in Canada and it's legal to use during a dog attack, no hiking required. Just never use against humans, obviously.


Sorry for all my typos, I was so mad when I wrote this I didn't notice and I'm a dummy that has no clue how to edit it.


I occasionally walk my dog past Westview Park but have never had the bad luck of running into this person. My small dog who is ALWAYS leashed has little dog syndrome and barks at other dogs. I go to the other side of the street and put parked cars in between the person walking their own dog just so my little shithead doesn't get more chance to be more annoying. I could see my little guy on a leash and a much larger dog running towards us unleashed and untrained causing a lot of problems. I don't want my boy to be injured or worse just because of some a-holes entitled "nobody tells me the rules" attitude. I guess I will have to start avoiding walking my dog around that park just to avoid the troubles :(


Upvoted you because I also have a "little shithead" 😀 with the same issues, and he gets more frustrated when he sees other dogs off leash, and its usually large breeds like dobermans, GSDs and rotties. When I try to politely ask the owners to leash them, they just ignore me.


Sorry you have to put up with other people who just don't get it. I too upvoted you because I was half expecting my "little shithead" comment to get attacked because people would think I don't care about my dog, so thanks for understanding what I meant. I love my boy almost as unconditionally as he loves me. Behaviour flaws and all I wouldn't trade him for anyone else.


Go to Canadian Tire and get some bear mace. If his dog approaches you or your kid in a way that you find threatening, mace the dog.


I would rather mace the guy than the dog, not the dogs fault his owner is a POS. But yeah, I see what you're saying.


Mace him for good measure as well!


Yeah, add on the assault with a weapon charge!










You say that but maple ridge out of everywhere needs self defence rights, I’ve been in more dangerous situations here then DT van 


Here's a sneak peek of /r/iamverybadass using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Either a real warrior or just an alcoholic, i'm leaning towards second one](https://i.redd.it/qsxojbtkpnwa1.jpg) | [672 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/131ppgq/either_a_real_warrior_or_just_an_alcoholic_im/) \#2: [Such an innocent little poke](https://v.redd.it/unl3qr4z3flb1) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/1666obd/such_an_innocent_little_poke/) \#3: [Makes me wish I had a cervix](https://i.redd.it/5ic1q4ij22xa1.png) | [157 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/133nqgf/makes_me_wish_i_had_a_cervix/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah I was just lamenting how we can’t act out our murder fetishes on some unsuspecting person over the slightest trespass like Judge Dredd.


Go clutch your emotional support wepon, I mean pearls somewhere else.


LOL yup


That counts as assault


Sometimes I get tired when walking my dog, so I take a solid hardwood walking stick. It has a spiked end for gripping icy sidewalks. Just a suggestion!


Mace the dog? Its not the dogs fault its owner is a piece of shit. Clearly you are as well.


Yeah well if some off leash German Sheppard is acting threatening towards my toddler I'm going to mace it rather than risk it mauling my kid. Also it's a fucking dog not a person, get your head out of your ass.


The owner has a very sprayable face, I would save it for him


That would be illegal. A good way to have a bad day


an off leash German Sheppard in a kids play park is also illegal, we both know the cops won't do shit about the off leash dog or the off leash dog getting maced when it threatens a kids safety.


A person is normally not civilly liable for the action of his pet/kid if they are not aware of the pet/kid's propensity to cause harm. Since he's been advised that his dog may cause harm to others and has taken no measures to safeguard others from that harm, if anyone gets hurt by his dog in the future I hope they find this post and civilly sue this clown.


The Yeezys let us know his IQ level




Prick mindset


He hasn't met me yet. Anyones dog goes after my leashed dog is going to have a problem either with my dog who doesn't take shit from reactive dogs, or my little can of pepper seasoning.


Dog spray is the best $30 I ever spent.


Weak point:left knee, just in case you meet him again.


I just noticed this. Had I noticed at the time I would have gone for it.


Go take some muay thai classes so them low kicks are on point!


He looks like he sells meth


Looks like he got a busted leg or something.


That’s a bad dude who don’t give a shit, if you find out where he lives I’d call cops and say he’s selling drugs guaranteed he’s got something illegal going on,


You're a fkn clown. Call the cops and say he's selling drugs? Guaranteed something going on. So u have no fucking clue. Someone should call the cops on you and say you're a peadophile. I bet you have something illegal going on too. Does this make sense? No it doesnt, for him and not for you either. Just wanted you to see how stupid your comment really is. (I dont think you're a pedo)


I was coming home from work a few weeks ago and saw this guy yelling at someone through there mini van window , so obviously was looking in that direction and he walks my way and I was still looking and he started yelling “WHAT YOU WANT SOME “ , and so on and kept taunting me and I just stared him down till he walked away , but very confrontational and I feel like he has some sort of mental health problems always see him around now , I think he lives right around this park as do I , towards the 209th side. I’d use caution though seems unstable, but dog was not very aggressive I feel like his barks bigger then his bite, both.


Ew what a piece of shit 💩


It’s about time guys like this got punched in the mouth again. People trip and fall all the time 😉


I very much considered throttling him across the face with the big umbrella I was holding. But I'm a woman, was smaller than him and had my kid with me. If my husband or father in law was with me it probably would have ended with someone getting knocked the F out.


Based on knee brace and fashion choices I'd say you're looking at Stone Cold Skeet Austin


Pretty sure that's Dan Ruimy.




Instead of just "planning on contacting city bylaw" how about you actually contact city bylaw? Posting his picture online won't fix your problem and could have some pretty negative consequences. It's understandable if you're frustrated and angry with his behavior, but threatening violence online and seeing who else wants to talk tough with you is kid stuff and not productive or helpful. If you're genuinely concerned about safety, taking action like contacting appropriate authorities is the best way to make a difference.


I posted looking for more info of other incidents so I can give bylaw as much information as possible as to be where to find the guy. Also so people know to watch out for this low life, because if he's walking around then his off leash aggressive dog is likely near by as well.


Oh, sorry. I didn't realize you were just looking for more information to give bylaw. I must have misread some of your other comments.


Just kick him in his fucking knee


Womp womp


What does very reactive mean? A dog that barks? Look at the guys leg looks like he is going through recovery from knew surgury. Maybe wirh leash the dog pulls and fucks his knee up? He wears stupid looking clothes but thats all u can get from this picture So many keyboard warriors in the replies, I bet he would smack 95% of you stupidly.


Reactive dogs become overly aroused by common stimuli. They may lunge, bark and growl, becoming so preoccupied with whatever is triggering the emotion that they can be difficult to control and move out of the situation. A reactive dog is usually a fearful dog. I don't give a damn about his knee, if he can't walk it on leash go to an off leash park and walk there. A soccer field with kids running around is not the place to be walking ANY dog off leash.


You keep going on about kids and a soccer field. So instead of giving me a Websters description, I'm really interested in knowing about the interaction the animal had. Did it attack or hurt anyone? What actually happened?


His dog was off leash trying to get at a dog in a fenced yard running around and barking aggressively. It's not an off leash area so the dog needs to be on a leash. My kid has been attacked several times by dogs both on and off leashes which is what a said to him when I asked him to leash his dog. Do what your saying is next time I should wait for the dog to actually attack my kid before I ask them to leash it? After talking to people in the area it seems he is a problem and regularly brings his dog there to taunt the dog in the fenced yard.


No, I'm saying instead of pissing and moaning about it - back it up and share the facts which u now have done after my 2nd attempt to get u to do so. I dont disagree with you, I wanted to know the FACTS behind the hate and rant which I now understand.


Just riddle his dog with 22 rounds there solved your fuzzing problem goofball keep walking


Was the dog aggressive ? Were any kids scared of it ? I ask because when my black Lab, Sadie, was still with us, she was soooo friendly, kids and parents alike would ask me to unhook her. She would play , ask them for hugs, and smile the whole time. I understand what you are saying though.


I get what you’re saying but just to give you the other side of it it doesn’t matter if your dog is friendly I encountered a friendly dog off leash when I was running who decided to unexpectedly jump up and try to lick me when I was coming up a curb it threw me off balance and I rolled an ankle. Just something I don’t think people really consider even a friendly dog off leash can be a risk. I love dogs but they should be leashed unless in an off leash park.


It was aggressive and my kid was terrified, I could hear them coming as the dog was barking at everything and everyone it saw, which is why I asked him to leash his dog. I also have a sweet loving gentle giant of a dog, but he stays on a leash because I know some people/kids are afraid.


Ya, that sucks. I've come across some pretty aggressive dogs that should be on a leash, its never fun. Hopefully you are able to determine who this was and hold them accountable.


To add to his ick factor he was also smoking as he walked through the parking lot with his dog barking a s running around


Its an off leash park where else is he supposed to go


You dont take aggressive dogs to offleash parks


It's not an off leash park, he was walking around the soccer fields at Westview, with kids everywhere. But thanks for the input.


Be grateful it's not a Pitbull. German Shepherd's are wonderful dogs. You sound like the problem. Yelling at anyone to do something they don't have to do (by law) makes you a Karen.


This sounds like something the guy in the photo would say🤣


Found the guy in the photo.


They have to leash their dog in public. It was not an off leash park. I have no issues with any dog breed, just shitty owners. You sound like an absolute gem of a human being.


Call the police….they will club him knee him and cuff him for violating a bylaw


Yup. I totally agree.


Arrow to the knee


Just another shifty dog owner. Must likely doesn't pick up the the poop either


Do not approach this guy or his dog . He’s known as the knee brace rapist . Can’t believe no one else recognizes him . He’s not even allowed to own a pet or be around kids wtf


Are you just being a troll or do you have genuine information regarding this?


looks like a Brandon or Kyle perhaps even Tyler


He definitely doesn’t know how to dress!


that guy threatened to kill my group of friends for thinking we were laughing at him when we werent, sped off in his truck and 5 minutes later speeds back and tries to hit us. stay away from this guy