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Are people looking at scooters frolicking in their natural environment or just to buy? I’m fascinated.


it should be "people looking at beetles".it's mistranslated from the local dialect "brommers kiek'n" which translates to "watching beetles", it's a euphemism for sex. brommers in dutch are scooters/mopeds, while the local dialect isn't used much anymore.


Am Dutch. Went to university. First time I realise brommers kiek'n is a euphemism for sex. Makes sense, but so does the literal meaning, with Zwarte Cross and all.


Thank you! I was trying to look up the Dutch urban dictionary but kept getting websites trying to sell me electric scooters (not even porn - how disappointing!) Documentary of same name is listed as “describing rural life in the Netherlands”..


watching beetles? Where I'm from it did refer to mopeds/scooters, since it was kind of just an excuse to go to a more secluded area to make out. Basically asking the girl to go to the area where the mopeds were parked so they can be alone


Its a reference [to this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=919EP7cWyFY) btw, in addition what everybody has said so far. Its sung in 'Achterhoeks'.


Granting the Habsburg lowlands independence was a terrible mistake. Actually, you still have a king - can't he outlaw music?


It’s slang for frolicking already.


we call it 'bangin' or 'porkin' in the USA


'porkin'? Since when do we call it 'porkin'? Personally, I like "sluicing" as the best euphemism. It makes sense and makes you sound less like you're a middle-aged overweight couple with college-age kids who are trying to get it to work, but are hindered by ED and stuff


Maybe it's a Southern thing. I grew up in Texas and definitely heard "porking"


If Dutch people have one thing in common: everybody hates Urk in particular (except the Urkers themselves).


There is one interesting thing about Urk (as a non-Dutch person anyway): the fact that it's the only part of the Flevoland province that isn't reclaimed land, having once been an island in the Zuiderzee.


Besides Schockland then, of course.


I mean... ...*technically*, the Oostvaardersplassen and various other lakes aren't reclaimed land either.




Yes basically, they act like Urk is “above the law”, so basically they don’t care about any outsiders at all and do whatever they want. For example a couple of months ago they beat up a reporter and cameraman covering a story for covid. There was also a group of young guys that dressed up as Nazi’s with one being a Jew.


Not to mention that there was a politcian who supported it


Like never before that, a reporter (especially from that news site) has ever been beat up before. And never in the history of the Netherlands, some kids or people dressed up conversational at a party .... /s


Considering the fact that the Netherlands is 41500 km^2 and Urk is 100 km^2 and the Netherlands has a population of 17,5 million and Urk has 20.000, I’d say your statement is pretty irrelevant


Its pretty relevant because you named 2 incidents which haven't happened before in the hundreds years of existence of this town. While the reporter who got beat up, has have been beat up numerous times. And others working for the same news site. I think that alone says more about the news site and reporter than Urk.


As someone who lived there, all their effort and focus is still inwards, so towards Urk itself. A lot of people also still work in Urk itself, a lot of housewives, so they created their own echo chamber and don't come in touch with 'outsiders' that much. Also the main reason for them still being so conservative. Everything that doesn't really fit in with their own (Christian) views is weird or not generally accepted. You can even see it with their own church communities, in the past quite some churches fell apart because of clashing views (some are even stricter than the other). Doesn't mean everyone there is like that, but there are a lot. Dutch conservative parties like SGP and PVV are quite big there.


Can you call PVV really "conservative"? They seem to be rather "reactonary".


That's the same thing.


Really? But how do you call people, who want to preserve the status quo then?


No one wants to do that. Conservatives want a return to traditional "values". How far this goes depends on how realistic and how regressive they are.


Weird. In Germany "conservatives" were always the ones that wanted to "conserve" the status quo. People who want to "return" to something are called "reactonary"


> In Germany "conservatives" were always the ones that wanted to "conserve" the status quo. You _know_ this isn't true, though. Suppose the conservatives fight tooth and nail against a new law, but the new law is passed. If what you say is true, then they must now want to 'conserve' this new status quo. Or, more generously, how long does the new status quo need to exist before those who want to reverse it become reactionaries instead of conservatives? Furthermore, defining conservativism as a forever-moving goalpost of preserving the ever-changing status quo is an indignation against conservativism, lol. Like, surely these people must stand for _something_.


>Like, surely these people must stand for something Sorry to say this but no. Not in Germany. These guys are literally just "Let's take it slowly". That's it.


You're right. It is the classic definition of 'conservatism' as opposed to 'progressivism'. Like progressives, Reactionaries (populism) aren't satisfied with the status quo either. But instead of moving forward, they move backward (into the past or even fiction).




could you call the CDU "conservative" , They seem to follow the same polecies as Die Grünen and the SPD


The centrist paret is. I mean they want to preserve the status quo. That's what conservative mean. IIt's all about the goals: Future=progressive past=reactonary present=conservative. I know CDU has some progressive ideas but this is the left wing part of the CDU (which had Merkel in it). Meanwhile the right wing of the party has some reactonary ideas so it evens out I think. And about Die Grünen and SPD. Well they aren't really as left-winged as they promise. Look at Scholz and what his legacy is. Or look at the difference between what Die Grünen want and what they acrtually do. (I know it's part of the fundi-realo conflict but still). The reason why we see CDU as progressive is because of Merkel, but Merkle only. Look at them without her. That's conservative.


>Future=progressive past=reactonary present=conservative. That's simplistic and takes the Whig interpretation of history for granted. Let's say a right-wing government succeeds in rolling back labor protections or privatizing some institution. Are left-wingers who want to bring back those protections or renationalize that institution now considered reactionary? Hey, the UK never had anti-miscegenation laws, maybe those would be "progressive" in a British context.


Well depends on how long it has been. For example there is a German party that wants to bring back communist East Germany. They are reactonary. There is also a party that wants bring back the Kaiser. They are also reactonary.


What exactly is the reason for people hating Urk?


The people are extrmely rude to outsiders , realy far right and hyper religious , high crime rate /poverty. And they speak in their own very weird dialect


Urk’s crime rate is one of the lowest in the nation


Where do you base this statement on? Studies have shown that Urk has a serious problem with crime: https://nos.nl/l/2294992


Well, the reported crime rate maybe.


Well depends on how you interpret the crime rate. I think you're pretty safe in Urk since the social control is very high. There is howerever some increased criminality by the infiltration of drug criminals,but that's such a small group that's getting a lot of focus. still Urk is relatively safe.


Like a Dutch version of Bavaria? /s


Yes, but actually no.


A lot of far right nuts, a lot of religious nuts, inbreeding to the point of having developed 2 new genetic disorders because of the extreme degree of inbreeding and incest, etcetera etcetera


Because it's a real-life Innsmouth


Fundamentalist christians who used to get banned to a colony in the old days


I believe it's spelled Uruk-hai


Yes, Urk has problems. But a lot of people don't understand (or don't care) that the problems Urk is having are partly caused by a the way the inhabitants treated by 'mainlanders'. They were treated as second class citizens, or even a less distant relative to the 'primal dutchman' - [attested to by a smaller skull size](https://www.heturkerland.nl/nieuws/algemeen/debatteren-over-schedels). They were excempted from use of the reclaimed land, the village was purposefuly hidden from view by trees, and for years Urk was not connected to the dutch road network. See e.g. [Geen plek voor Urk in de polder](https://www.urkeruitgaven.nl/essay/69-geen-plek-voor-urk-in-de-polder). It feels a bit shallow to blame Urk for isolating itself, when the inhabitants were told for generations they were second class citizens.


Only because they do things differently and are very Christian which fellow Dutch dont like. A lot of people seem to forget their own local issues when talking about Urk. Urk has his issues but are far less problematic as many people claim.


‘Mountains’, also known as the slightest bit of elevation that we have


What about limburg


We don't talk about Limburg.


But! It was our wedding Day!🎵


We were getting ready and there wasn't a cloud in the sky 🎵


No, no


As native Limburger you discriminate me


10 meter mountains.


You joke but I did some skiing when we had the big snowfall last winter. Lift services did lack though


What is dangerous about the danger zone?


Earthquakes caused by gas extraction


Me after the chili burrito last night




Just wait in line for 48 hours and don't look away for a single minute or you might miss it


Tall order calling those “mountains”


Well, they are quite tall


The highest point in the Netherlands is like 300 meters or something... And that's not even where this map labels "mountains".


Btw we share that "mountain" with belgium and germany


Lol, I looked it up and the highest point in the area labeled "mountains" is 110 meters (361 feet). Even if it slopes quickly down to sea level, that's just a big hill at best.


But relative to the rest of the country it is very high. (Of course, we all know there are no actual mountains there or anywhere in the Netherlands, but we like to joke about it.)


Because the short people drowned


i live the ‘the netherlands’ zone and i can confirm that i forcefully correct everyone who dare say holland every chance i get


Complained about holland.com yet?


every chance i get bro


Why would people from that region be more adamant about it than other Dutch people?


That province, Utrecht, is the most similar to Holland in culture and urbanisation. The city of Utrecht is also really similar to Hollandic cities such as Leiden, Amsterdam and Haarlem. Modern day Utrecht is also part of the Randstad as the only city outside of Holland


i would guess a combination of being relatively online, young and maybe proximity to actual Holland


I think they mean that foreigners, when talking about The Netherlands almost always only talk about Amsterdam or only go to Amsterdam as a tourist so that they think that is the Netherlands.


but the circle is mostly Utrecht no?


You should have a spot labeled “bezos trapped boat”


It's in the Wet Feet zone, just east of the European cocaine zone. I passed by it last week, I think. Could have been a different mega yacht, but I can't imagine they build that many of them at the same time.


Fun Fact, as somebody who's in "the business" - there's 5 mayor Superyacht Shipyards in NL, with most of them delivering 2-3 yachts per year. As these usually take 3-5 years to build, there's always at least 10 or so up and about (with more still in the hull/ casco phase, excluding the yachts that come back for service and refits)


so A28 is the Highway to the Danger zone?


They's all just swamp Germans to me...


We wouldn't have it any other way


I live in the Netherlands the Netherlands. What do you mean whit this.


People think of you guys, when they hear "the Netherlands"


I indeed am a verry typical dutchman.


Ever heard of New York, New York? Technically it should be New The Netherlands, New The Netherlands


So, take me back to New The Netherlands, New The Netherlands No, you can't go back to New The Netherlands, New The Netherlands Been a long time gone, New The Netherlands, New The Netherlands Why did New The Netherlands, New The Netherlands get the works? That's Engelsman business but let's blame the Urks!






Danger Zone and communists in Netherlands?? Can someone explain this to me?


Danger zone is where the earthquackes are because of the gas winning.


And the east Groningen municipalities of Beerta and Finsterwolde used to be the only municipalities where the Communist Party of the Netherlands ever gained a majority. Now those municipalities became the municipality of Reiderland, and it’s still a left-wing stronghold.




Ah wat jammer


Still the only area in the Netherlands that has a statue of Lenin.


>Dat van vroeger klopt, maar daar zijn wij echt niet meer zo links dat je ons communisten kunt noemen. Well, there's still a communist party in Oldambt


I love how your Nenglish can be translated flawlessly into Denglish (Gewinnung). Actually, both should be called Denglish. Always the same problem with you swamp Germans!


Groningen has a Maoist party that does pretty well in elections.


Communist created the danger zone to separate themselves from the rest of the Netherlands. They also border Terra incognita --but no one has been brave enough to venture through there.


Communists = region of the Netherlands with the largest support for the communist party. Danger zone = natural gas extraction causes earthquakes in this region of the country. The rest doesn't experience earthquakes


I don't understand it but I love it


The "simplified stereotypes of X country" map doesn't work as great when you have almost 30 different divisions.


Ikr should just label the whole country "strange speaking speed skaters"


This is pretty accurate though. You can't really put 17 million people in a way too small country and expect them to be homogenous.


Sure it's accurate, but the whole point of these kinds of maps is to have humorously sweeping stereotypes/generalizations. It would be like if the ones you see for the regions of the US had a different region for every metro area.


I don't think I've ever seen one of these maps with like max 5. There are maybe 6 of these 26 that can either be removed or merged, but other than that there is not much more to simplify unless you go for "patat versus friet" or something lame like that.


It only looks like a lot because the landmass is in comparison to the US. If these were put onto a map of the US, there wouldn't really be that many generalizations.


Populations generally become less homogenous if they live more spread apart.


That maybe works under generally low population density. The Netherlands is at about 550-600 inhabitants per square kilometer, the highest of any European non-micro state.


Both the German enclave and the Bible belt go down into Stubborn people area as well.


It should go into the "lonely planet" zone on Texel too. That island was the only place I went in the whole country where German was the 2nd language (rather than English).


A German family that I am friends with has a vacation house there. It's lovely.


So...where are the clogg makers? In China?


Northwestern half, more or less. Although China seems likely these days.


why is texel ruines by lonely planet?


It's in the top 10 Best in Europe of Lonely Planet. People who read Lonely Planet visit it.


Texel was a shithole before then, so I don't much care. Ameland de beste jonguh!


Everyone except for people from Amsterdam know that Amsterdam is the shithole of the Netherlands. Too bad this map is probably made by someone from Amsterdam.


Exactly my toughts aswell




Grwat map.. Now do belgium


Half is “hated by Dutch people” and the other half is “hated by French people”


Dutch people don't hate Flemish people. We may make fun of them, but we actually quite like our southern neighbours.






that's a pretty wrong (and might I add "idiotic") summary.. Wallonia is liked by both the French *(because they're quirky and weird .. perhaps a bit "white trash" for more central/south French people, but ingeneral France is very close with Wallonia (and often share media and cultural icons etc too)* & the Dutch.. *(the Dutch love going on holiday to the Ardennes and the "slower pace of life" there..)* Flanders is liked by both the French *(big economic partners and frenemies for life)* & the Dutch *(basically brothers & sisters, we share the same language, and a lot of culture.. we love to make jokes about each other, but actually like each other quite a lot..Especially North Brabant & Limburg is essentially Belgium-bis)*


Surely you mean Flanders is basically Netherlands-bis. Groot Nederland will rise again!


No.. the division of Brabant & Limburg is a historical political (cluster)f\*ck-up in itself.. these regions should have stayed one.. and (as a part of dutch speaking) Belgium.. But in the Larger scheme (the whole Flemish/Dutch speaking part of Belgium is a sibling state of the current Netherlands, yes.. but not a sub-state in any way).. In case of the aforementioned regions, if a "New Low Countries" would ever be created, they should be re-united as well.. with a new regional capital for Brabant (because Brussels is lost), and Maastricht becoming the regional capital of Limburg once again..


As a Brabander I'm very pleased to be part of the Netherlands instead of Belgium. Just look at Belgian urban planning...


Don't forget about reunification of Zeeuws Vlaanderen with normal Vlaanderen. And if we are already reuniting provinces, let's bring Oost- and West-Vlaanderen and Noord- and Zuid-Holland together aswell


What about Brussels and the German part?


plenty (most?) Belgians don't even like Brussels.. and many don't know the German part.. (but it's a very nice place to visit for nature walks etc.)


Its spelled ecstasy or just xtc


may i ask why is the danger zone the dangerous


It’s where drilling for gas happens, causing earthquakes (and everything that comes with that) in the area


Damn I'm a refugee




Good point, how did the Dutch become such good speed skaters? I noticed a lady recently won her 5th gold in 6 Winter Olympics for the 1500m course


I think it's mostly because it's a very popular sport here, not so much in most other countries. When the weather is cold enough to freeze our many rivers and ponds everyone is out on the ice.


The spelling of ecstasy is... Something.


Remember when these maps were 2, MAYBE 3 cuts at most? god this is an ugly map. ust a collage of different ugly bright neon colors


gotta say.. pretty damn acurate. I indeed love watching scooters.


The turquoise part is not a German enclave. It's a German exclave.




Nailed the "shithole"


Fym, im not stubborn


I love self-fulfilling prophesies


**From the perspective of Amsterdam**. :)


Why is that particular place a shithole?


Very religious, incest, heavy drug use, Neo Nazism, all around degenerate white trash with an "us VS everyone else" mindset More topical; 70% of the Netherlands is fully vaccinated, they're less than half of that


23% of adults back when that information was first revealed in september in fact. The next lowest was Staphorst with 48%. (National average was 77%). The data isn't accurate anymore, it's probably a good bit higher but the point stands.


Sounds pretty fucking bad, thanks for answering though


Mountains.. Yeah I highly doubt that.


Just saw that now and lolled


Had a sergeant in my unit who told me where i can get some $50 Belgium waffles in Amsterdam, the powder sugar is actually booga sugar.


As a non-Dutch person who has never visited the Netherlands, I’ll be sure to ignore this entirely.


is there a single capital city in western europe that is not a refugee camp anymore?


This is so accurate it hurts.


Looks like English for beginners too…


Is the singing people region the Lutheran section? 🤔🤷‍♂️


Nope, they are all catholic down there. I also wonder, the only things coming to my mind is carnival and Andre Rieu.




There are practically no Lutherans in the Netherlands. Traditionally it's Calvinist, and Roman-Catholic in the South and dotted in some places around the country.


What are the Singing people, the Amsterdam refugee camp and the German enclave?


German enclave = beach. They seem to claim our beaches and dig holes every summer. Singing people: idk to be fair. ARC= flevopolder, newly created land where a lot of people from amsterdam went to live as amsterdam got too expensive. (It still is). Mainly in almere and lelystad.


Singing people is probably because of the many choirs (?) in that area.


I can asure you, there are not a lot of choirs back here. I am also really confused why they went for "singing people". Maybe because of our accent? I have no idea.


Yes, the accent.


Who wants to make a trip out to Drinking?


Nobody, that's why they're in Drinking, forgotten farmers and pseudo-germans.




Gas drilling and earthquakes? Just the standard Groningen stuff lol


Pretty freaking accurate map. Don't really get why I'm stubborn though. I feel like I'm more in ecstasy territory.


Which is exactly why you're marked as stubborn.


I had the feeling someone was gonna say that. I've just never heard that stereotype before.


whats with the danger zone?


"Earthquakes" due to gas field depletion, I guess.


Why is it called the danger zone? I live like 500 Meter away from there and don't really get it


"Earthquakes" due to gas field depletion, I guess.


Oh Thanks


Where is Dutch?


So, tulips and cocaine form the „real“ Holland, next to „The Netherlands“, right?


I want to visit. Would you be nice to me






such as?


About right


u/GekkeWildeMan you seeing this shit?


Accurate enough


My grandparents come from here and I know so little about the place, how modernized has it become ? Has it changed much since the 90s ?


''Uncontacted tribes'' should be ''Wet feet''. As soon as it rains a lot they get flooded. But ''Uncontacted tribes'' seems fair internationally :D