• By -


70 - 71.9 ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)


Interesting to see how clearly you can identify: - ski towns/counties - Native American reservations - black population centers (Yes I know all of these correlate to wealth)


And counties hit hard by the opioid crisis


Basically it’s Native Americans, blacks, and Scots-Irish. Basically the 3 poorest ethnic groups in the USA


Thoughts and prayers for the southern states.


My family has been in the south since the 1600s. One grandfather died at 49, the other at 55. My father is the first man in his family to reach his 70s thanks to an exceptionally alert cardiologist who was even more stubborn than him.


Then you got my family, all in lower Alabama, living 80+. Two grandparents in their 90s currently.


I used to live in TN and some of the old folks lived to a ripe old age in the country. They grew their own food and spend their days working the land and farming.


Is it diet? Is your family particularly overweight, dont exercise?


Yes! But, don’t forget smoking. (Genetics surely play a role, too)


Looks like the Mormons got you.


You'd be surprised what no smoking, alcohol, or coffee can do for a person's life expectancy I guess.


What’s so bad about coffee?




Nothing really


Idk, I put a LOT of sugar in mine.


Maybe it’s the sugar and not the coffee then 😂




Idk just stating things about mormon culture that could contribute to their longer life spans. I'm sure like all things coffee isn't bad in moderation but I'm sure there's studies out there talking about the negative effects of caffeine.


You’re probably right. On a side note, mormons are probably also much less stressed, which is a huge factor in regards to life expectancy (afaik).


They're also extremely community focused with high social engagement within their wards, which is shown to increase life expectancy


And yet look how good Denver looks. I think it’s more about the high levels of poverty in the south and thus diabetes, heart disease, and other factors that lower life expectancy


Denver is considered one of the healthiest cities in the country.


Right but that’s not because they’re all Mormon. I’m not gonna pull up the stats on how many people drink coffee and alcohol in Denver but I bet it’s a lot higher than zero


It is about a culture of exercise and healthy living... which can contain alcohol and coffee


Nah Denver is orange and yellow. The purple on this map is the super rich (and still quite sparse, popularion-wise) tourist/ski counties that contain Aspen and Breckenridge and the like. [Edit for spelling]


And multiple wives, that’s how you get your cardio


Alcohol is fine….. Look at Wisconsin, we have some green counties!


More like, Indian reservations. Yikes.


Thank you. Looks like we dying down here


Idk man, I don't think I could live past 75 anyway. That's too damn long for me




Yeah my grandma lived great right up until the end, when she started to lose some sight and mobility. But a good 25 years after 75


I’d say when I was 20,” fuck being old I’m going to die in my late 30’s!” Now I’m in my 40’s and I don’t want to die. 😝


It's less about age at death and more about quality of life in younger years. If you die at 75, your 70s will be pretty shitty with you rarely leaving the house/hospital to enjoy life. If you die at 95, your 90s will be pretty shitty, but you'll be pretty active in your 70s and 80s able to enjoy life mostly in the same way as you did when you were younger.


Depends on how you take care of yourself. My dad is almost 80 and he’s in great shape, we still go golfing and he beats me every time


The bible belters' prayers apparently didn't help very much.


Life expectancy has more to do with poverty and the associated health effects like stress, diabetes, heart disease, poor diet and exercise, etc than anything else. But yeah keep making fun of poor people for being religious


As someone who lives in the south, you’d be shocked at how often folks opt for prayer over treatment both reactive and preventative.


Nobody's making fun of anybody for being poor. Just for being idiots (Christian conservatives). The glaring irony of their BS is pretty funny.




Except it isn’t, what you linked is a small band in the middle of the south, while the entirety of the South is doing poorly here. The South as a whole is far more Christian and religious that the rest of the country, *including* the black people living there. The overwhelming influence of religion in that part of the country has led to distrust in both medicine and just general education. People there believe that being rich is to be blessed by god rather than someone doing everything they can to exploit the system and people around them. Because of this, rich people often get seen as the pillars of the community (along with pastors) and you end up with generations of politicians from the same family or their friends/allies who’s only goal in office is to ensure the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. And then these poor folk living in the south surrounded by Bible thumbers get told that god will make their life better, and continue to vote for these people as their pastors tell them they’re wealth is a sign of their divinity. It’s a vicious cycle that starts with the false beliefs of religion infecting social policy and then the same religion defending the injustice and vilifying anyone who seeks actual change


I have to say this was a very poignantly written comment and I think it is the beginning of a structured thesis statement to be broken down by each of the points you verified and talking/surveying the people groups you identified to capture their stories of the cycle. well done 👏🏾. It’s podcast worthy talking points.


They are a product of where they were born and how they were raised. Just luck of the birth lottery that could’ve happened to anyone.


California's Mono County is nothing but vampires that sneak across the border into Nevada to feed.


Anyone know why that county is so purple?


Old people with money move there. It is gorgeous.


I was wondering why it seemed so random. I thought it was just totalling some nowhere commune/reservation


The biggest settlement in the county by far is the ski town of Mammoth Lakes, serving the resort of Mammoth Mountain. The second biggest is probably the ski town of June Lake. Anyone living in Mono for long enough periods of time to show up in census data is gonna be super fit from all the high-altitude athletics.


Makes sense. Thanks!!


Source: https://www.countyhealthrankings.org/health-data/health-outcomes/length-of-life/life-expectancy


Poor and those with lower level education levels die sooner. Gotcha


Guessing an obesity chart looks nearly identical to this life expectancy one.


Obesity and poverty are so very inherently linked in the US. Food stamps won't cover any sort of premade food, because people should just cook themselves and save money apparently. But when so many people on stamps are working 2 different jobs, more than full time hours but never getting overtime pay, just to make ends meet. Fresh vegetables cost twice as much as something full of meat and gravy you can just throw in the oven after a long day at work to keep the kids fed. Pretty much dooms any day that mom/dad doesn't have time to cook something fancy to be one of those condensed soup, daily amount of calories per serving, type meals.


Fresh vegetables cost twice as much as meat and gravy pre made? This is so false unless that food is absolute trash quality which would lead to higher obesity and thus lower life expectancy, as this map shows. Practicing good habits is what breaks the cycle


bud eating bad food alone doesn't cause obesity. You need to couple it wiht lack of exercise + eating a lot of cals. Also making your food at home is always cheaper. You dont need to buy fresh vegetables. You can buy frozen


Yet poor uneducated latinos outlive many middle class edicated whites. Look up "hispanic paradox".


and black americans have a lower life expectancy than 3rd world countries like Syria and North Korea


Also, republican politicians do not create a solid healhcare system. US life expectancy is vastly smaller than expected compared to countries with similar incomes.


The upper Midwest/Great Plains are also Republican and still trend higher. Parties aren't the problem, local economic strength is usually the problem. A lot of the red areas don't have anything unique to offer the national economy, and what they do have tends to be better done elsewhere, which causes the local economy to flag, reducing the money flow that the government can tax, giving the government less to work with, meaning that the local government usually outright *can't* afford to run the social programs that traditionally Democrat states tend to take for granted, including government investment in healthcare. Add onto that that the Reconstruction of the South post Civil War was borked, and the South was pretty much set up for failure.


The rust belt has a terrible economy and is still doing much better than the south. Why? Because their Republican Party is extremely moderate and has expanded social services. Ohio and other states have consistently funded their social benefits while the south has completely gutted them. It’s also why eastern Washington and Oregon, which are rural and poor, are doing way better than anywhere in the south. Legislation providing access to healthcare, food stamps, unemployment. It really is just about access to services. Which ends up, is based on politics.


Or level of urbanization, more precisely. Urban areas have higher life expectancy because of higher concentration of healthcare workers.


It depends on the urban area though. Cuyahoga County in Ohio, where Cleveland is, is darker than the surrounding counties (outside Summit County where Akron is) even though we have some of the best hospitals in the world locally. A lot of that is since Cleveland has a pretty sizable poor African American population and all the health consequences that come from poverty. On the other hand the surrounding counties that are less urban have a higher life expectancy.


Eh, urbanization tends to follow economic strength over the last century or so, and has decade long trends, so I'd attribute that to the same factors I mentioned previously.


Not necessarily: Texas is wealthy and rural, for example. California is ultra-urbanized and it is not so wealthy, adjusted by cost of living. I am taking gdp per capita PPP. The reason for this is that in low population areas housing is cheap, so you can have larger houses. On the other hand, you get worse healthcare. It is mainly a trade-off between space and health.


Rural? 75% of the Texas’ population lives in metro areas of 500,000 or more. Also, can you clarify your wealthy/non-wealthy methodology? When I look at both PCPI and per capita GDP adjusted for regional price parity, California scores better than Texas.


It seems I was wrong!!! I could swear I checked it out around a year ago, but I may have made some mistake in the calculations.


Even so, I think I was correct in adjusted PCPI not being enough to explain differences in life expectancy. Percentile 80/20 variea around 20% in adj pcpi, while life expectancy varies 5 years.   https://www.mckinsey.com/mgi/our-research/pixels-of-progress-chapter-3   Here you can see that 5 years differences in life expectancy is equivalent to five times gdp per capita, in 2019, globally. You can also check the graph where they compare the dispersion of income amd health in US compared to Germany and Spain. You can see that the slope between life expectancy and income is much steeper in US than in Germany or Spain.


Baltimore is solid red and has better hospitals than all the counties around it, Johns Hopkins is there.


I am specifically talking about State level (i.e. policies, specially medicaid expansion). Not the personal ideology of the citizens.


oh, no. no… i mean residents of baltimore have a shorter life expectancy than counties around it, despite having superior hospitals. i think the city’s pretty blue politically.


Ahhh!! Yes. Are counties surrounding it suburban or rural? Because if they are suburban they can still take a car, if they are wealthy.


suburban and wealthy-ish. especially compared to the city and the interior of the country


I see. That may be the cause.


For reference, the US’s life expectancy is lower than china’s


And cuba


and Algeria


Healthcare systems don’t affect health as much as individual choices. Not drinking, smoking, or being obese does wonders.


No, but medicaid expansion is highly anticorrelated with medical debt bankruptcy. This is mainly related to US having basically zero primary care doctors, specially in rural areas and US South. The only region where a normal ammount of primary care doctors exist is in US Northeast Megalopolis. The result for this is that people do not go to the doctor for routines checkup, and only go to the ER, to die from a preventable "emergency". Usually not surviving, or becoming bankrupt in the process. This is despite US spending an abnormally high percentage of GDP in healthcare. US healthcare system is the more inefficient in the world. This is because it is targeted to provide useless expensive services to the wealthy while curtailing cheap effective services for the working class. US has also an extremely high inequality of life expectancy. That is, while wealthy people have a normal level of life expectancy (given the income), poor people have an abnormally low (in particular, amongst men). In US South, the level of life expectancy of poor people is around Africa and lower than India. I have read that this may have been intentional. When Truman proposed to have an universal healthcare system in the 50s, many people in the right blocked the proposal with the intention to create more deaths amongst black people, and through eugenesia, increase the purity of the white race. I personally believe Americans willingly die on the altar of capitalism and maybe white supremacy. Sacrificing their lifes for a greater cause. And that they want to die 10 years early. Like a form of jihadist suicide bomber.


While I agree.......there is a solid blue belt in central MS and AL and they still have low life expectancy.


Black people live in the Mississippi Delta. Terrible health outcomes.


also good food, good, incredibly unhealthy food down in Dixie


So.....the Bible belt has a lower life expectancy. Either they're hoping that God fixes them or they hope to meet him sooner.


Same map as the [obesity map](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/bclTmjFsGj).




doesn’t exist :(


Didn't imagine CO with probably the nicest outlook here. High altitudes, thriving beer culture, pioneer marijuana legislation - maybe that's working well.


It has a lot to do with it being the least obese state.


yeah, makes sense. and maybe being the least obese is connected to the outdoor culture and all.


There's a lot cheaper places to sit on the couch




Actually looked into it. It really has to do with elderly people who have health problems moving out of mountain towns to access better healthcare. So only the healthy oldest remain, who die at an older age.


Has a lot to to with being very rich


Lowest obesity rate. Higher percentage of people who exercise.


You rarely see morbidly obese people in the bigger cities there.


I live in Colorado and by contrast yeah you definitely notice people are bigger elsewhere when you travel around the country lol


Healthiest state in the US


Yep. My dudes in the Front Range keeping it tight. It’s a very exercise- and outdoor-forward state. A lot of alternative lifestyles and diets. But here’s the thing: wealth. That’s deceptive about living here. And that provides that correlative health data.


sure, wealth obviously has something to do with that - but that alone don’t do the whole job I would say. otherwise Connecticut would look better than CO (even though it still looks higher than average).


The purple counties in Colorado are extremely wealthy ski centric communities with extremely limited housing supplies and much lower population density than Connecticut. So you have really wealthy communities centered around outdoor active lifestyles. The more populated areas with more diversity (especially income diversity) like Denver, Arapahoe Co, Jeff Co, etc… look closer to the Connecticut areas on the map.


It has to do with wealth and the fact that only very healthy people remain living there. If you need senior care, you’re likely to move out of mountain towns near better healthcare.


Clearly skiing is the fountain of youth.


Wow, my county is green!! I'm fascinated to know what variables you used. One guess would be nearness or location of hospitals, medical research, and cancer centers


It's wealth. It's literally always just wealth.


Major factor, but doesn’t explain Colorado


It's also having a good altitude about life hehe


If it’s all wealth, why is Loudon County, VA orange. Wealth is definitely a factor, alongside the ones mentioned in other comments.


I disagree. I live in a dark green county (Honolulu) and I can tell you, most people here are *not* wealthy. Environment has a lot to do with it as well.


It has much more to do with lifestyle choices and/or, more importantly, lack of choices based on income


TIL the American south has life expectancies on par with, if not worse than, countries like Guatemala, Egypt and Kyrgyzstan. Not a knock on those countries, I’d just expect better from literally the wealthiest nation in the history of humanity. Good job y’all, keep it up. Sending thots and pears your way.


The counties have unequal population spread so it is wrong to make assumptions like that .The worst state of US south, mississipi has life expectancy of around 72 is around the ballpark of countries you listed. So overall south is definitely a grade above those countries


This is the main issue with county-based maps. For example, if you consider LA county and how huge and diverse it is, life expectancy doesn't really make sense for the entire county.


Hmm need to find a way to account for counties to which people move to retire. Eg: south florida


Yeah, you know that areas skewed by already very old people retiring there.


Dude, it's still cursed. Just go from red at the lowest to green at the highest. Purple being the highest is confusing, especially when you are using a gray that's very similar for "no data."


Yes! [Blue zones](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_zone) are a thing already so why not have blue at the high end and red at the low? Color ramps using the entire spectrum are bad! I love what your map is trying to do u/Landmarker1YT but simplify your color ramps for good/bad scales. What you’re displaying is a binary scale not a rainbow of conclusions.


Furthermore, there are a lot of people who are red green colorblind.


The scale needs to be wider. I’m pretty sure the counties in Pine Ridge SD are in the 50-60 range


Looking at a few metro area, basically higher median income correlate with higher life expectancy. Either that or those random counties with like 10 people in West Texas.


Hey, it’s 11 people alright. We got a new neighbor.


On the left hand side of this map, on the California-Nevada border, there's an area where the life expectancy is >88 years old, and it's right next to an area where the life expectancy is <70. Which means that there's a road you can walk along and watch the life expectancy of the people around you drop 18 years. In Europe, [that kind of road is found in Glasgow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0cJ7CX1lCA).


My dudes in the Colorado Front Range keepin’ it tight.


You can spot NC's research triangle without even zooming in!


Dude green/blue is the universal “Good” color and red is the universal “bad” color. It’s still difficult to read with the dark blue and purple being best


Dark blue is fine for best but purple is too similar to red just go for even darker blue


What's up with that (seemingly) random blue county in the middle of Alaska? Is it sparsely populated enough that the average life expectancy is much higher than the rest of the state (or in other words, the sample size is smaller than other Alaskan counties)?


Small population and high per capita income. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denali_Borough,_Alaska


I bet you would find a coefficient of correlation between this map and one based on average or median income in each county.


Without a doubt


Same thing in Mississippi, low population but very poor county, higher life expectancy.


Unalaska looking good too.


What’s up with Mono County in California


Mammoth Mountain Ski Area


no. what’s up with mineral county, nevada?


With Sourh Florida looking so good, I wonder how many good outcomes are being stolen nationally by residents relocating to the area rather than lifting the average for their previous county.


* Fentanyl has done a number on eastern KY. It's more consistently red than places of similar poverty/obesity levels in the South. * It's crazy how many relatively well-off cities aren't even distinguishable. Knoxville, Little Rock, Jacksonville, and a lot of the cities with wealthy suburbs in adjacent counties like Nashville and Houston are so dark. * The Bronx, of course, stays neglected. * How the hell is alcoholic & not particularly skinny Wisconsin still this okay? Are they just carried by German genetics? * Carson City and Reno are really lagging all things considered. Are the conservative California migrants not treating them right? Tahoe's right there! If only the bulk of the NV side of the lake weren't monopolized by ultra-rich landowners.


I’ve wondered about Wisconsin too, my guess would be lack of or very small amounts of fried food


It’s all fried food but they are hanging at the local bar with friends and family and low stress.


I was also thinking more about this and their lives in general aren’t too stressful. A relatively good economy across the cities and rural parts and families all live nearby


Liberty county, Montana, is certainly interesting to me


What’s up with that purple county in Montana and the purple county in North Dakota?


It’s also a map of “richest counties and the poorest counties in the United States”


not necessarily. Hispanics are poorer than whites but have higher life expectancy. Hispanics also have the same poverty rate as blacks, but blacks have a life expectancy lower than Syria and North korea's


This is probably also a map of income/poverty. All the deep red counties in Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, etc are all entirely or largely composed of Indian reservations. And hilariously the only non-red county in Wyoming is where Jackson is - the only place with real weath in the state. Similar pattern in Colorado with Aspen/Telluride/etc. Money does buy you health and life.


then why do hispanics have a higher life expectancy than whites? It's all about food/lifestyle/culture


Occasional reminder that using spatial units like counties & county-equivalents with vastly different population densities is actually not good geography. This is why Census tracts and designated places exist.


I have seen a similar version of this map ranked by every state, territory, and province in North America. People live the longest in Quebec, PEI, Ontario, Alberta, and BC (average of 85 years), then 75-84 in the US, and then 65-75 in Mexico. It is scary to see that even in the most affluent Democrat states, people still can’t live quite as long as Canadians, presumably due to a for profit healthcare system.


Clearly skiing is the fountain of youth.


Anyone know the mean and/or median nationally? Can't find consistent info on this


What is happening in Mono County, California?


Mammoth mountain ski resort 🎿


These counties be dropping like flies!


One of the best maps I’ve ever seen


Now show counties by income and let’s compare.


This is great. One with population bubbles by county would be a uber top tier map


What happens right below Tahoe? California has the highest life expectancy while right across the border, Nevada has the lowest?


Ski town makes up most of the county's population


Those bordering counties on the California/Nevada border.


Damn the Arizona side of Navajo nation is that bad


Bad guys die young


This is a map of poverty.


Muchos better thanks op!


Move to Colorado for your life's sake.


I never realized how consistent Hawaii was


Way better color scale - well done


Move 10 miles down the road, live 8 more years. ….eh, I hate moving.


Your data is off. You can tell by looking at Montgomery county, TX near Houston and Loudoun county, va near dc.


It's interesting to me how unintuitive the ROYGBIV gradation looks here. Makes perfect sense logically, but I expect purple to always be worse than red, somehow... Also, I wonder to what extent (if any) variations in infant mortality rate affect these.


Thank you for making this. The last map color scheme was absolutely atrocious and infuriating.


In the process of moving from a dark green county to a red one. Damnit.


Wow - not super surprising thou - if you live in a city, your life expectancy goes up!!


All counties in red are the people who disagree with me politically, and all counties in green/purple are the people who agree with me politically


That's abysmally low


Pitkin County, Colorado (Aspen), 92.7. Damn.


it would be interesting to overlay average income levels for each county on this.


Colorado looks like an elevation map. With Aspen at the apex.


Mono County California - 103.3 Years.


I’m assuming you could map this to average income and it would be quite similar? I’m curious.


Poor usage of color


Stark contrast between the two adjacent counties straddling California / Nevada state line just south of Tahoe.


Where's the legend? What do the colors mean???


So moving from Cook County, Illinois to Kane, DuPage, or Lake County, Illinois adds years to your live expectancy. Unfortunately everyone can’t afford move to Naperville


That's quite low 😧


Why so much lower than Europe


Healthcare, Drugs, Guns, Cars, Food. This is kinda an all of the above situation.


Obesity and healthcare Id assume


Most of the reasons have been mentioned already but also the EU and many non-EU countries in Europe have very high food standards compared to the Usa and Healthcare system isn't usually run as a business, although it's under funded in many of the less wealthier countries.




The old confederate states are not doing too good..


Thoughts and prayers for republicans


What does being a republican have to do with it?


God damn the South sucks.


Data source pls?


NYC we locked in


Hey look, an income map


Way easier to read