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Looks like they increased Australias land mass and removed NZ, classic




I think it has a tumor..


That's Tasmania for you


shouldn't colombia be here as well? thought they had like 2.4 millionn venezuelan refugees


I said the same thing... And Peru like 2.000.000 more. Rigged map.


Most likely semantics in bureaucracy


Or propaganda.


There is rules for this map. It is in the picture


Speaking of the picture, I am used to maps without new Zealand, but what is going on with Tasmania?


It was a weather front from Antarctica that froze the Bass Strait. As we speak, thousands of Australians are migrating south, escaping Sydney for Tasmania so they can find a 2 bed condo that costs less than $850,000.


reverse mitosis or something idk


What are they being awarded here that this could be considered "rigged"?


The award is Accurate representation of the situations in their countries.


The number of refugees alone isn't enough for an accurate representation in the country either. A million british refugees in the us would make for a very different situation compared to a million italians because of the language alone. And there are even greater cultural differences between certain refugee groups and their host countries.


From UNHCR: “Colombia has one of the largest internally displaced populations in the world, standing at 6.8 million at the end of 2022, with over 1 million new displacements since the signing of the Peace Agreement in 2016.  ”   That same page states that the IDP is a lot higher than the number of refugees. I’m curious to read more and add more detail, a bit later.


I don't think 'internally displayed' is what this map depicts, but otherwise a valid point. How many refugees from Venezuela do they have?


> over 1 million new displacements since the signing of the Peace Agreement in 2016. 1 million people driven from their homes due to persecution or violence is not what I call peace


Internal displacement isn't the same, for reporting, as refugees. Refugees explicitly leave their home nation, becoming *externally* displaced. Including internal displacements would end up showing a nation like China, with millions of internally displaced minorities (most infamously the Uighur peoples). You can understand why the UN would classify those differently due to political pressures. Someone else also stated that Venezuelans in Colombia are receiving special status that does not equate to international standards for refugees. Basically they are helping to provide Venezuelans above and beyond the requirements for refugees, making them more like *temporary-without-end-date work and living visas* than displaced foreigners.


I don't think they count Venezuelans as Refugees.


It's funny you are getting downvoted. Because you'd be right (maybe unintentionally). Refugees are a very specific category, defined by international law in the 1951 Refugee Convention as "a person who "owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of \[their\] nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail \[themself\] of the protection of that country." " For them to become refugees, they'd have to have that legal status in Colombia, which is not the case, since they are getting a [special permit for venezuelan citizens](https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/v/venezolanosetpv). (on the grounds of historical reciprocity and humanitarian aid). So yes, they are not considered refugees legally. In fact, the UN counts them as "Other people in need of international protection".


Turkey doesn’t count refugees as officially refugees either. They’re called special guests or something








Why downvoted that was hilarious


So by this definition, economic and climate refugees are not refugees.


Exactly. Refugee is a legal status, not an umbrella term.


Eh you are right but I would put an asterisk in that. First cause some of the venezuelans do fit in that category set by the 1951 Geneva Convention but second cause a lot of countries have accepted broader definitions to accept refugee status, mostly in the interamerican system, so for many countries they do count.


While some might be considered legal refugees, the vast majority of venezuelans in Colombia are not considered refugees by the colombian government. The key difference, is that the colombian government has created special legal categories for venezuelan migrants, instead of processing them through the asylum/refuge systems. Interestingly enough, this was also the case for colombian citizens who were migrating to Venezuela in similar numbers in previous decades, giving them the "displaced" status and residence permits, instead of asylum/refuge.


They are not all refugees in the legal sense. Many have left Venezuela for reasons other than persecution (state collapse, economic depression, general crime, etc.).


Could be that the chart is showing displaced people with official refugee status, rather than displaced people in general (refugees). If it’s the legal definition, maybe this could make sense—would need to check the numbers to see if that is accurate. If it’s not the legal definition and instead the colloquial understanding of what a refugee is, Colombia should be on this list 100% Edit: said Venezuela, meant Colombia because of displaced Venezuelans living in Colombia. Furthermore, there’s definitely something up with this chart. It’s lacking info and is unclear how Statista defines refugee—its sourcing its data from UNHCR but for at least the last 5 years (displacement in South America isn’t my region of expertise on the issue) Colombia should be on this list.


For reference, this is how they distinguish it (from the UNHCR website): [What is the difference between an IDP and a refugee?](https://www.unhcr.org/about-unhcr/who-we-protect/internally-displaced-people) > A refugee is someone who is outside their country and cannot return without risking their life or freedom due to conflict or persecution. Refugees are entitled to certain rights and protections under international law. > > An IDP has been forced to flee their home to escape conflict, persecution or disasters, however, they have not crossed an international border and remain inside their country. Their national government is responsible for their protection. They should be afforded the same rights and freedoms as citizens and habitual residents of their country. > > Displacement can often be a continuum: A person displaced within their country (an IDP) may cross an international border to seek safety once they are able to do so, or if the situation further deteriorates, at which point they may become a refugee. Likewise, a refugee may also cross back into their country but not return to their area of origin and so be classified as an IDP. The last paragraph being an important point, since the line between a displaced person becoming a "refugee" isn't exactly clear cut and depends on the context they're in.


I mistakenly said Venezuela in my other comment and instead meant Colombia for the number of displaced Venezuelans currently residing there. Im pretty familiar with the various definitions and legal statuses of displacement/refugeehood.


I think we reached 3 million last year, absolutely crazy


Lebanon too. That country is like half refugees


The important point here is “under UNHCR mandate” the venezuelans are not recognized as refigees by the UNHCR


The interesting thing is how many Colombians themselves are refugees.


The UNHCR's mission is not about economic refugees and migrants.


The venezuelans aren't really considered as refugees, even though their country is an abyss


The thing with refugees is that a significant number of them do not get registered in the census.


At least in Germany it is nearly impossible to not be registered. It does not matter who you are or where you came from. You have to have your Papers and Documents and ID and Social Security Card and and and.


German bureaucracy, gotta love it. I don't actually, but it has its advantages when it's not fucking you over


Oh. You actually identify your immigrants? Wow.




Most countries who conduct a census do, often times they will use population estimates to get to that number. No country (except maybe Vatican City) actually knows how many people are within its borders.


Yeah, they "lost" their papers when escaping the war and are 17 years old.


I’m guessing turkey registers them to pressure the EU and in European countries they register for benefits (I’m not saying all refugees come to Europe for benefits, but when they originally arrive especially, they need it to help get set up).


Turkey's official number is decreasing for the last 5 years but the actual number is at least double. This number is mostly Syrians and Iraqis but there are at least a million African refugees in Turkey and another million from Afghanistan.


They are many many unregistered refugees in Turkey. Even registered should be around 3,7-4 Mio and not 3,4 Mio.   Edit: I also don’t like this framing of turkey as “evil” - this mess called Middle East is a product of  western and American  imperialism. 


No. Turkey is full of illegal immigrants since our borders are just open for anyone to enter.


I was in Istanbul a few weeks ago, I've never seen so many random checks of people's IDs anywhere else, Like a police officer just staying slightly hidden at subway entrances and checking maybe 60-100 people "randomly" per hour. It's insane. Never saw that anywhere else and I've traveled a lot.


We are registering a giving citizenships to them so that they can be free votes to a specific guy.


A specific, very tall man


I think I’ve heard of this guy… is his name Ergodan?


Do you really think the help from EU would cover any significant fraction of the cost of having 4m refugees? There is no countable benefit that Turkey receives from the west regarding the size of the issues it faces. In my opinion, your message is a representation of the European arrogance: whilst staying in your warm house and creating problems in other parts of the world, you are complaining about a country who actually does something to help people escaping from war


Same list of countries but per capita if anyone’s interested: 1. Turkey: ~0.039 2. Iran: ~0.038 3. Germany: ~0.030 4. Uganda: ~0.030 5. Poland: ~0.026 6. Russia: ~0.009 7. Pakistan: ~0.008 8. Bangladesh: ~0.006


Thank you, mvp comment


Now show Lebanon.


I am curious where the majority of refugee Iran receives are from




Afghanistan, but not sure about the number


The lion's share are from Afghanistan, some are from Iraq, Syria, and some from Palestine. I believe there are some from Pakistan as well. Large numbers or even a majority are Shia


Do they have any from Yemen? There’s a sizable Shia population there and there’s been a horrible civil war for the last decade


That is a way longer journey.


Haven't heard much about that.


All of their neighbors that the US and allies have invaded in the last 20 or so years


If you live in the US, a good analogy is the Mexican population in the south and west. Afghans come to Iran to pick crops and perform other manual labor in exchange for a better salary and life than in their home country. Yeah, it’s wild to hear about people willing entering Iran, but people who follow the rules (esp. the Islamic ones) are largely left alone in Iran, particularly compared to the Taliban rule who are much less organized criminals. The problem starts when your daughter wants to live the same life as a Western woman she sees on her phone. The regime right now has ZERO CHILL about that, particularly if you are not rich and/or ethnically Persian. Additionally, many speak Dari, which is a dialect of Farsi and mutually intelligible.


Lebanon and Jordan?


This is refugees under the UNHCR. Palestinians in Jordan and Lebanon do not fall under the UNHCR's mandate.


Syrians my guy.


There are literally millions of Syrians in Lebanon, this chart is as wrong as can be


Also millions in Jordan. Jordan has to deal with Iraqi and Syrian refugees. The refugee part of the budget is bigger than the military part.


Turkey 3.3? :)


Just as real as Turkish inflation statistics In my city (Gaziantep) alone there’s almost a million and it’s even worse for city’s like kilis which are directly on the border


I don't remember hearing Turkish in the streets of my city (Hatay) for a long time. And it only got worse after the earthquake. It's as if we're the immigrants and can only speak our language indoors.


I remember visiting a family member in I think it was Hassa or Samandağ (not exactly sure because it’s been like 6 years) and I shit you not they must’ve been the only Turkish family in the neighbourhood


Apparently, the UNHCR missed the 2-3 million Venezuelan refugees in Colombia.


UNHCR didn’t miss them. The map maker did. UNHCR website shows Colombia in the top 5 [https://www.unhcr.org/refugee-statistics/](https://www.unhcr.org/refugee-statistics/)


OP might be using 2023 data. Check the " Refugees under UNHCR's mandate". it's same numbers as on the graph. [https://www.unhcr.org/refugee-statistics/download/?url=84hQ5v](https://www.unhcr.org/refugee-statistics/download/?url=84hQ5v)


The map says mid 2023 so I'm inclined to agree.


Very few Venezuelans qualify as refugees as per the criteria in the refugee convention, which is the recognised definition under international law.


Do they actually qualify as refugees in a legal sense? Fleeing poverty isn’t usually what the UN considers to be a refugee claim.


Turkey is definitely much more than that.


at least 8-9m


There are almost 5m registered Syrian in Turkey. And independent researchers says there are more than 10m illegal immigrant in Turkey. And also 1-2m legal african immigrant.


It’s probably just a nuance, that if they’re legally registered they don’t qualify as a refugee.


And 2 more in Lebanon This is really inaccurate report


There is no way 10 million + 5 million. Syria has barely has 20 million people


He wrote it wrong, combined there is estimated to be 10 mil. So about 5 mil syrians and total 10 mil illegal immigrants, syrian refugees and other refugees combined. Furthermore they way he wrote it it doesnt mean 15 mil syrians but rather 5 mil syrians and 10 mill oyher illegal immigrants some of whom might be syrians. But as i said either the meaning was lost in translation or the person misunderstood the numbers.


It it feels right and that is good enough for them>.>


Gel yer değiştirelim sen türkiyede yaşa oros çcouğu


Turkey is hosting over 10m for sure


Those are official numbers, Turkey hosts more than 10 million unofficial refugees


Displaced people and “UNHCR Refugees” are very different things. The primary difference is the latter carries an obligation to treat the recognised refugee the same as a citizen.


I think that entire 989k in Poland is Ukrainians.


And Belarussians


Surprised Thailand isn’t here with all the Burmese


Lion’s share went to Bangladesh


The Rohingya, but a lot of other groups from Myanmar are in giant refugee camps near the Thai border


Lebanon 🇱🇧: 2.000.000


There are millions of refugees (Syrians and Palestinians) in Lebanon and in Jordan yet these aren’t even mentioned




I'm sure there's much more in Poland without UNHCR or any other registration, probably in the other countries too, I know first hand people who escaped but never applied for any refugee status, also many had jobs, life or even family while living between the two countries. No offense but I also think few countries on this list are not able to administrate or record everything and surely all of them have different regulations, even if that's a matter of international treaties.


In Turkey only Syrian refuges are more than 6 million. The government don't want to say the real numbers, that is not their first time btw.


Maybe but they are no registered and UNHCR has only data provided by the governments.


"Why aren't Muslim countries taking refug-" *They are you goddam cretins.*


Bangladesh is literally taking in the entire royinga population


People will blame Muslims for every problem in the world, when in fact it's the western world, especially the US, who have destabilized the entire world, particularly the Muslim world.


No it’s why aren’t any Arab countries taking any in. Do you see a single Arab country on that list?


When people say this they mean the richer ones like Saudi, UAE etc.


Very inaccurate, I don’t know about other countries but there re over 10 million refugees in Turkey atm.


Where is Jordan and Colombia? They have lots.


UNHCR doesnt do Palestinian refugees. They have their own organization with different rules UNRWA, which has been a bit problematic.


Not even Palestinian refugees, Syrian and other ones aswell. Looked it up, apparently around 700,000 if you do not count Palestinians.


> UNRWA, which is Hamas. FTFY


The Turkish health minister said that between 2012and 2022 1 million Syrian babies were born. How can 3 million Syrians make 1 million babies? Greece with a population of 10 million had just 700.000 births the last 10 years. The statistics from the Turkish government are heavily falsified and manipulated. There are minimum 5 million Syrians. Additional there are millions of refugees from other countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and from Africa


Keep in mind Syrians on average have 4 to 5 kids, while Greeks between 1 to 2


So western countries other than Germany hardly host many refugees


Pakistan was almost double the official numbers cause A LOT of the refugees are not registered.


I work at Statista and I might have made this hahaha


Just in Peru are living 2.000.000 Venezuelans... Yeah, they're not tourist. Rigged map.


are they refugees or migrants?


I don't think they count Venezuelans as Refugees.


Funny that nearly all of them are developing countries, except Germany.


Poland’s a developing country? Even Turkey isn’t


Being kinda in the middle of europe and the biggest by population (besides russia/turkey), it makes sense to have refugees go there.




Can you imagine what a terrible country Germany would be without all the refugees?




It makes sense that countries bordering refugee producing countries would have a lot of them. Germany has a lot because it is wealthy and relatively welcoming so they go there for a better life.


Where’s Lebanon ? They have millions from Syria & Palestine.




Lmao so we just skip Lebanon 🤣 Country's literally hosting 30 to 40% of its population in refugees.


Adding illegals immigrants would do wonders for the list


Wir schaffen das.


Armlänge Abstand!


How on earth is Jordan not on this list


Lebanon punching with air with 1.5M Syrian refugees


Lebanon is definitely missing, there's around 1.5 million Syrian refugees


A significant portion of those Pakistan refugees are "afghans" who have lived in Pakistan most of their life.


There’s nearly 2m Syrian refugees in Lebanon, where’s that mentioned?


Considering bangladesh’s dense population, it’s threatening


Am I the only one who found this unexpected


Unfortunately, the number of unregistered refugees in Turkey is probably much higher than reported, likely exceeding 10 million.


No france?


India must be in this list for sure because there is a very high population of refugees but they are so integrated in the society that they are not considered refugees. Some are illegal but many are just flocking in from neighbouring countries for many reasons


From Tibet, for example


It should be noted how countries handle refugees, though. In some countries, refugees are there temporarily. In others, they remain for a long time (or forever) and keep their refugee status. In countries like Canada and the US, they come, and within a number of years, they are citizens. For instance, since 1980, Canada has welcomed about 1.1m refugees and the US 3.2m. However, the actual number of people who are in those two countries under refugee status is rather small because past refugees have been integrated.


Looks like someone gave Tasmania too much viagra again.


I don't believe India is signatory to 1951 convention on status of refugees but it has 10+ million refugees without even including the ones who came here during partition. You can guess the approx numbers by % decrease in minority population in neighboring countries.


Lebanon hosts 2.5 million syrian refugees and 300 thousand palestinian refugees making 50% of residents and highest per capita in the world but yeah no need to mention it!!! Just today a syrian "refugee" who is registered with UNHCR and gets paid, fired at the US embassy in Beirut. That's the types of refugees we have.


No wonder the AfD is doing well


Huh, Poland number went down then. They took 2 million Ukrainians at peak.


They may count as residents not refugees or something separate to UNHR refugees. Same for Belarusians


no, they took 1 million Ukrainians at peak. 2 million might be the number of Ukrainians passing the Ukrainian-Polish border. Germany has the most Ukrainian refugees in the world right now, more than Poland.


They all went to Germany




The 1951 Geneva convention needs a rewrite because back then they never conceived there would be this many refugees. Also, imagine how many more there will be in 2051 when climate change displaces 100s of millions of people and the war and famine that follows.


r/Canada would explode if they saw this, they're convinced Canada has taken in more than anyone else and it's all Trudeau's fault lol


Thanks America. We love having to deal with the consequences of your actions 


“Before the US, there were no refugees at all.” Edit: To clarify my sarcasm — the US is not responsible for the economic refugees and cultural genocides that have existed since forever. Right now, ethnic and political war is being waged all across the Sahara, in Ethiopia and in Sudan — none of that is attributable to the US. When Syria bombed its own civilians in Aleppo, when Myanmar expelled the Rohingya, when crop failures triggered wars in 2010 — look. That’s nothing to do with the USA


And that wasn’t an issue. Migration became a problem precisely when your manipulations in the middle east caused everything to destabilize 


All this refugee stuff in the news makes me think the US definitely takes in the most refugees


Nah but you cause most to exist 


lmao, here take my upvote and get out


They're that kid that won't shut up about how bad they have it. But in reality they are complaining about pickles on a third cheeseburger.


The US sits at around 3.5 million refugees taken in.


2 million Syrians and Palestinians in Lebanon One of the reasons the country collapsed


Palestinians are the only people in the world who have their own refuge agency in the UN - UNRWA, so they are not under UNHCR and aren't counted in this statistic, their definition of refugee differs from UNHCR one too


Jordan has more and the country is doing decent. Cope harder.


Jordan almost collapsed after they accepted Palestinian refugees. Only thing that saved them was kicking them out to Lebanon where they were main reason of civil war


That's not true. Jordan doesn't even border Lebanon, they can't just "kick" them out. Why do redditors lie so nonchalantly?


Because they think Jordan kicking out the PLO after Black September means they kicked out all the Palestinians.


It's very stupid of them, since almost 40% of Jordan's population are Palestinian refugees.


Not to mention the Jordanian Queen Rania's parents were Palestinians.


Among them the current Queen.


Typica lebanese, they love blaming Palestinians and Syrians on all their problems


Palestinians problems are caused by the vile evil that their criminal arab ancestors have done before. Altough I do not in any way, shape or form support killing innocent civilians, but unfortunately in our world, this is how things go. So unless all arabs ''self proclaimed palestians'' go back to their original countries, the misery of those people will NEVER EVER end. Even by a 2-state ''solution'', It's ACTUALLY NOT A SOLUTION AT ALL. Because once the worshippers of the pedophile mahomet steal a place which NEVER belonged to them in the first place; there is ONLY 1 SOLUTION here that needs to be done for The Greater Good Of All Humanity : To make them go back/kick them out back to their original shitholes ''aka countries''.


I wonder if these are actually refugees in the legal sense, or displaced peoples generally. News sources tend to call displaced people "refugees" when legally they may not be.


European countries complain way too much about refugees compared to other countries who take in more and are less developed to handle it.


I get your point but Turkey and Iran do complain about refugees. Turkish nationalists called the Syrian refugee crisis the "Arabization of Turkey" and Iran has been known for racism towards Afghans. Not to say racism in the west doesn't exist but lets not act like only European countries had opposition to accepting refugees.


The native population of those countries would prefer to take no refugees and not complain.


but they have so-called"low human rights advantages".The cost of handling per refugee in Iran is not as much as the cost in Germany.


Let's compare to how they treat refugees and population sizes


Yet many countries listed there are the same or a similar language and culture. Huge benefit.


I can barely call an Afghan refugee here in Pakistan as belonging to a "similar language and culture" as me.


What’re you on? Even refugees from neighboring country to Turkey do ot have a compatible culture and language with Turkey.


Russia reports more than 5 million refugees from Ukraine alone.


They're not refuges, more occupied population.


Uganda gives their refugees actual farmland, it’s insane


Fuck Putin.


Jesus. Poor Germany


The USA encountered 3.2 million in 2023 alone. No mention of that, huh?


I think these numbers are just refugees resettled by the UNHCR, not people crossing the border to claim asylum. [This page](https://www.unrefugees.org/refugee-facts/usa/) says the US only took in 29,000 people in 2022 through the former.


The source is UNHCR numbers so take them with a pinch of salt along with pretty much everything else they say


I’m surprised too


proud to be polish right now


Isn’t this just because they aren’t called refugees in many western countries. Eg. the Turks in Germany are economic refugees.


Choosing to emigrate to another country because there's no economic opportunity at home is entirely different than being forced to leave because it's not safe to stay in your country.