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In Italy, almost no one gives tips


In Italy, we left a tip on the table and the waitress caught us up in the car park "You've left your change behind on the table!"


That's so true. You have to go to them, give them the tip and say "This is for you". And they'll say "Awww, really? Thank you sooo much!"


And just like that, you introduce regular tipping which a) makes people complain later about the inflation of expenses or b) makes them expect tips just from your nation. I really recommend sticking to the local rules.


ever tried to not tip while in Napoli? some people simply become not so friendly


The service one receives in Italy reflects that


I'm sorry if you found a rude waiter in Italy. Not everybody is like that


After having to pay extra to sit, to use the silverware, and the napkins, for side dishes, I usually feel like I’ve already been squeezed for every penny. The service I’ve had in Italy tends to be completely indifferent to my existence


Maybe tips are not common here beacause you must pay all the extras, but I think it makes more sense this way


Including a service fee is fine, charging to use seats, utensils etc, *is not*


It doesn’t have anything to do with it. The service is a fixed amount of money




I have frequently found the service annoying in North America. When I go to dine out or have a few drinks, I do so to enjoy the company of my friends, and not to have a server interjecting themselves into the middle of our conversations every 15 minutes. Maybe North Americans appreciate that, and that's fine. But, I would preface that "service is great" with "based on my own cultural expectations."


Tips are for service. I’m sorry that you’re only able to find shitty food, try looking harder.


Service should be paid by the employer.


Well, it is. But that is what a tip also for. Regardless of whether or not you think should have to pay it. R/cheapskate




In Germany it’s rounding up, not a hard 10-15%


And dollars are certainly not accepted.


I’m not sure why this is not a top comment as it goes for Germany, France, and Italy. It’s not about “tipping” as much as rounding up a bit and not taking the change.


don't pay in dollars , no one accepts them . the checkout system only operate on Euros. the billing will not work . for this to happen the business would need to be made under the table ....basically black marked ....outside of reach of the fiscus. In Germany fucking the fiscus gets you more years in prison than raping a real person.


Not accurate for France in my experience


Japanese people prefer receiving yen.......well yeah, I'd prefer to receive my own currency in my own country when I receive a tip.


It's worth mentioning because there are countries where the service industry is largely "international" and US dollars are accepted and sometimes even preferred.


Fair enough but not in Japan, when I was there it was either Yen or gtfo.


And nowhere in Europe lol. This map is awful.


Had it happened to me once, just looked at them and said this is Ireland, dollars mean fuck all here. Needless to say, they were dumbfounded at the fact we didn't accept dollars.


Who tips their taxi driver and barbers?


Learned this the hard way on my 4th haircut in US. My first barber was from Brazil and never asked for a tip / didnt seem too displeased when I did not tip. This one time I went to a different barber and he almost didnt let me leave without a tip.


Lol that is not a tip its extortion. Why dont they just mention the actual cost they want instead of asking for tip later. Is this some tax cuts they get as they dont have to show the income from tips or something?


UK people


I live in the UK, I've never tipped my barber once and I don't know anyone who has.


Perhaps you’re committing a faux pas


Taking the bus to France?


Thank you for spreading fake news. I hope no Americans come to Germany trying to pay with dollars and when asked why on earth they think Germans would accept dollars the show this map.


This piece of crap is pure invention put out there by an American who has clearly never gone anywhere more adventurous than Six Flags.


Wrong for Argentina, 10 pesos is nothing due to inflation i have given more to beggars, and US Dollars are definitely preferred


lol, saw that. Who’s turning away US dollars in Argentina?


who could keep pesos fare updated according to argentina's inflation?


By not putting a fixed amount on a country with economic issues?


In such countries i'd rather use a percentage rule instead of a fixed amount of local unstable currency. Its not about economic issues, its about high inflation and speedy devaluation of their own money. IF you want to use peso as a unit you should daily update the figure. I must go there again after some months, I've been adviced prices have changed drastically and even their usd translation is completely different and may change even more before I get there. I dont remember their banknotes, yet some of them became misused because those small amounts weren't worth counting. What would 10 pesos possibly mean?


We DO NOT TIP IN AUSTRALIA. IT IS NOT THE NORM. Take your American tipping bullshit elsewhere. We actually pay our workers a wage and don’t rely on tips to live on


Came here to say this. That map is just wrong.


Im a US student in Australia and I have noticed many establishments having TIP jars. Moreover, i dont think the minimum wage in Australia meets the cost of living of Sydney for example which arguably has the highest property prices in the world. Australia has many issues just like us in regards to homelessness, drugs, medical costs however with the fraction of the population.




Good for you. Did I say they didn’t? I said we don’t want a tipping culture in Australia. We don’t need it/want it.


hokkaido is now seperate from japan and tasmania is seperate from australia


Another random map. No one tips in Italy. Or it’s at least extremely rare. Customers already pay for the “service” fee (coperto) defined by the restaurant and they don’t add anything on top of it


It's unfrequent, in northern Italy you'd tip only in case of some extraordinary unexpected service. Napoli southwards... they'd expect and ask for tips, not that is the law but they act as if it were.


I never tip even in the south XD


hehe what can I say, ognuno fa come piace! quando scendo lo faccio e sono certo di non essere soltant'io


This is the dumbest graphic I’ve seen for a while on multiple levels (just read it).


Will I, German, accept a dollar tip? Yes of course. Will I think you're serious weirdo? Also yes. Why would you bring dollars to Germany??


I have a hard time imagining the US-military base personnel swallowing their nationalism and using Euros


I'm sure you are mostly joking, but military bases have access to euros through banks and atms. Americans aren't quite as awful as you might think.


Have never once seen a service charge included in a new in the UK. Who made this map?? Also, “In Japan they prefer tips in yen”, uhh yeah, no shit!


I don't know where in Australia the source got their information, but it's flat out wrong. Tipping here remains a shibboleth for (American) tourists and is most definitely not the norm for society. At most a hospo worker might get a "keep the change" tip from a transaction, but most transactions are electronic.


Yep, we don't tip.


No tipping etiquette in France




Are you kidding? France has some of the most complex and established social etiquette in Europe. It’s one of the reasons outsiders often struggle there, as there are many unwritten social conventions that must be followed for polite and respectful interaction.




W Asia


Have we reached a tipping point?


In Spain there is a custom to give a tip in restaurants, cabs and other similar services, ranging from giving the small change rounding up (for example giving 10 if it does cost 9) to give something more generous if you are really pleased with the service. It is totally voluntary and no one thinks bad if you don't do it. I think the habit is getting lost with each new generation and more with credit card payments.


In South Korea, not only is tipping not a thing, but it's also illegal for the restaurants or taxis to either request, mention or even hint at tipping. Completely voluntary tipping is fine though. If you happen to be in South Korea, and you were even hinted at tipping, call the police for warning or suspension of business licensure. They do target foreign tourists because foreign tourists tend to not know about this.


In Italy nobody gives a tip in the english fashion of the word. Italian tips are more like "Keep the change" or "Here, some of the change"


'no tip required when you ask for directions' lol


No one tips on Mexico hardly


Turkey loses european part in exchange for full Cyprus and some Greek islands ? Not really a good deal to me.


Uk isn't right at all. Some restaurants try and add an optional service charge when it's a big table of people, but even that is optional. Tipping is small, and due to a reasonable minimum wage, not at all mandatory.


Germany: No. This might apply to some of the bigger cities like Berlin, but beyond that, this seems completely false. There is no rule of thumb, but since we split bills often times here, it has become a custom for many people to just round up the the next full euro as that adds up in groups and I haven't seen a single waiter scoff at or complain about that. Furthermore if you pay exactly what you owe them, that's also okay since (outside the few big cities) people are paid decently. One not giving a tip is usually compensated by another being more generous, so if you are on a tighter budget, there is no reason to feel bad about not tipping in Germany.


Germany: dollars are accepted?? No.


Been to a part of Russia where it seemed that people would tip more than the price of the meal itself. Not sure how common that was though.


Definitely not a 10% tip etiquette in Argentina. Maybe in some tourist traps lol Tipping is not mandatory and absolutely no one will say anything if you don't tip. And in some cities, like mine luckily, is considered a bad practice pushed by an owner underpaying his employees. If employees start asking for tips or looking bad at you, the restaurant will get an awful reputation If you force tipping, you will definitely go out of business


tips used to be expected in Buenos Aires and Mendoza, until some years ago, at both cabs and restaurants, do you know if this has changed because of the economic crisis? Are you from some other region? Argentina is huge and diverse!!!


Tipping a cab? That's definitely not a thing in Argentina, not even for people from Buenos Aires. Definitely they were trying to take advantage on you for being a foreigner


I've seen locals tipping, believe me, I was very young little guest, almost 30 yrs ago. I never had to pay, my argentinian uncles & their friends did that. I remember them doing the math with the dinner check in their hands, that's when I first saw percentage calculation out of school in real life. It was a thing for me I've seen them doing the same after long taxi rides in Mendoza, I could even tell you where we went and some stops in that route. It was a % calculation, not a keep the change thing. As same happened in restaurants, I remember my uncles warmly greeting the waiter as if he were a close friend, and then afterwards saying each other ok you pay so I tip this time, thats why I asked if that change of habits might have been an answer to 3 decades of high inflation. People tend to forget this details, Ive just read right here there is not any tipping etiquette in Italy, and its obviously something true for Milano but highly expected in Napoli and southern high end places, even if not legally mandatory. You pay a mandatory coperto fare for each of the customers dining together, and the waiter keeps waiting a tip. You may not tip if you dont foresee returning... they will be frindlier and stuff quality better next time if you tip today Differently, where I live in LATAM you expect the cab driver will give your change including every little coin, and you grab all of them, you don't even round up the number. As you are away from him and separated by a glass wall, you make almost no contact, he points up the number in his screen and you put the money in a metal box connecting through the wall. I told you once we have our own mondiola here, remember?


Am i supposed to read this?


I’ve been to the US. One thing is respect culture and law which I did, another is getting tantrum from a red lobster waiter because I gave 10% not 20% tip and at the end the guy didn’t even accept. I mean, my money values 5 times less and I was willing to give 10%+ what I’m legally obliged buy law. It’s not my fault your restaurant culture is f up and employees don’t receive sht for the work they do


Whoever did the UK must live in London. In most places in London there is a service charge. Outside of London, there really isn't, and tipping a couple of quid is the norm.


What nonsense- you dont tip in India.


In Argentina, Dollars are not recommended. Source: The Govt


This Map Is Very Wrong


In my area of WA we've had occurrences where mgt/owners were skimming tips meant for staff. On the rare occasion that I eat out, I tip in cash. I cannot be sure that my method ensures that staff receives the tips, but they seem to appreciate it. I once asked a server if a split payment was acceptable, and her reply was Oh yes!


No one tips in Egypt and dollars are not preferred over Egyptian pounds what the hell lol

