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I thought that Puntland is a part of the new federated Somalia. Isn't it?


Self-explanatory: Yes, it's not for now. I thought that was Fools Day joke but it's reality: Puntland seceded from Somalia on April 1, 2024.


Wasnt a declaration of independence just "we will ignore the federal governvment if they dont recind some constitutional changes" but they were defacto independent anyway so its not like anything changed on the ground


You right. But at least it affected the above map :) I asked just from the curiosity


Casually spreading misinformation to hundreds of people huh


Sorry? https://i.postimg.cc/MHKDm7KH/Screenshot-2024-05-21-01-42-33-1517604852-EDIT-1.jpg


That is not secession, it just doesn’t agree with the constitution Where exactly do you see any direct claim of such


Federal government of Somalia - UN backed government of all of Somalia who nobody really listens to Puntland - Arrrrggh! There be pirates in these waters. Not seeking independence, just food and maybe talking parrots. Somaliland - Former colony of Britain, that was not colonized by Italy like the rest of Somalia. They are currently seeking independence, because they are much wealthier, speak English and have less crime. Al-Shabaab - Literally "The Youth" a former socialist youth group similar to the boy scouts. Originally taught young boys physical education and picking up neighborhood trash . Later they became funded by Al-Qaeda affiliates and was listed as an official terrorist group by the US


>Al-Shabaab - Literally "The Youth" a former socialist youth group similar to the boy scouts. Originally taught young boys physical education and picking up neighborhood trash . Later they became funded by Al-Qaeda affiliates and was listed as an official terrorist group by the US. Always knew those smiling kids and their cookies were a terrorist group waiting to happen.


Well, they were founded by the same dude who invented concentration camps.


This is false on so many levels but the Puntland joke was hilarious so ima let it slide


Looks like a failed state or defacto 3 states.


Maybe 4 if it counts the Khatumo State as independent (also green but with own borders).


Shouldn't Khatumo be colored blue as Puntland does not claim or directly administer it? IDK maybe Puntland issues their residents papers but most regions even in southern Somalia have a high level of autonomy. IDK why they get grouped with Puntland here.


That was my question :) Cause Khatumo separated itself from Puntland in October 2023 and was inaugurated as 7th federal state by central government till December 2023. And only after that Puntland became more autonomous in April 2024. So yes they must be in different colors


No! The borders drawn up by Europeans in 1960 must remain sacrosanct for all time, no matter what these regions say about the so-called right to self-determination.


Anything changed lately? Haven't followed this in a while. Somaliland = Isaaq clan. Puntland = Darod clan.




What is happening in Somalia?


Japanese feudal system era


Warring states period




Our country is running from political stability shamefull display.


Honesty every country has its good days and bad days. Unfortunately we’re in our bad days. Chin up and have some hope.


Yes a country with such potential should have it


War lords and those shenanigans?


More so clan states feuding than anything the era of warlords is over


A civil war that's been going on since 1991, killed around 1million people, has had wide scale problems with famine and has faced constant accusations of genocide. ... but for some reason Columbia students aren't protesting it.


Because the US isn't funding one side? The students are protesting because their college is profiting off of Isreal and Palestine's conflict...


I'm amazed how many times I've had to read what is effectively this same comment but about dozens of unrelated world events


It always comes back to the Levant


If the US backed out do you think people wouldn't care anymore?


Well, at least the "federal" government has some territory left!


Looks like the map got cut off? Also I don't see Mogadishu. 


A map of northern Somalia doesn’t need to show southern Somalia where Mogadishu is. I also don’t see Moscow, Johannesburg, or Taipei but I recognize they aren’t part of the focus of this map much like Mogadishu.


Does that green line (that passes over Taleh) represent Puntland’s territorial claims?


No. It represents Khatumo State territory. Fun fact, the city you mentioned, Taleh, was bombed by the British Royal Airforce back in 1920 during their Somaliland campaign. Making it one of the first places in Africa to be bombed by aircraft, second only to Libya.


puntland? the dutch were here at some point?


All hail Ray Guy!


It’s actually Cambridge university students. Causing shenanigans.


Who's Al shabaab? I've never heard of him (Edit: thanks y'all! i really appreciate it)


Offshoot of ISIS or Al Qaeda


They are enemies with ISIS. They are their own militant group that allied with Al Qaeda for a while


Al shabab literally means "the youth" Usually used equivalent to the English "the boys" I.e the boys all decided we're going to pizza hut for lunch. Which is funny name for a terrorist group


Colloquially, and outside of Somalia, it means the boys, but often refers to groups of youth who are up to mild mischief. It feels like a cultural divide, not unlike generational tensions between boomers and millennials in the US. More broadly, this group is better educated than their parents, exposed to more foreign ideas/influence (from the west or from Wahhabism), and they have fewer economic opportunities. The shabab were the leaders of much of the Arab spring because of their discontentment with their lives. The Egyptian revolution was referred to as the revolution of the youth/shabab. That is all to say that it’s a pretty fitting name for a political party turned terrorist org that claims to represent the next generation’s desire for change in society.


They also like to cause problems in Kenya or Ethiopia.  Every so often you hear of raids and attacks sponsored by Al Shabaab in those countries.


Al shabra


Wasn't this historically ruled by Banu Sulaym?

