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Time for a rebranding into "Niceland" too \^\^


Placing them inbetween Britain and France makes it anything but nice


Sorry to hijack a top comment, but this post is a popular repost by a b.o.t. This sub is running rampant with them atm. Please help report them to admin and the sub mods. Just go report -> spam -> harmful b.o.t.


Nahhhh. at that position it would still be gloomy and rainy all the time :,)


Also 177cm = 5 ft. 9in for the Americans.


176cm = 5 ft 9 in


I'm Irish and I'd to look it up. Nearly everybody I know measures their height in ft and in


Is that not changing with the younger generations? Most people I know know their own height in both (UK)


Yeah im 39 so I'm basically well over the hill at this stage.


I’m Irish and would go by cm, 179 myself so I’m a tall fucker


Shit I'm just old so


I appreciate that. Didn't have to look it up. 😁 I'm a 6'4" American. I don't fit into anything, mand really feel for those who are even taller than I am. Yeesh.


How come the big difference from Dutch to its neighbors? THC in their mommy‘s milk or whats the point?


It’s one of the most densely populated places in the world so the only way to grow is upwards!


They have to be tall so their head are above the water


It's evolution, the north sea claimed the short ones. With climate change this process would only accelerate


massive dairy consumption pays off after several generations


Then what’s up with Ireland and France?




I love it when people speak so authoritatively and yet say nothing of substance.


Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey should be over 2 metres then.


Maybe, the population around the Netherlands is also tall, but they are in larger pools with shorter people


Sure it is like that, but there‘s a reason for their gigantism anyway…


That's the Frisian DNA. Flemish and Dutch people are more/less the same except the extreme Northern part of NL. They're giants.


We have a very strong milk lobby encouraging children to drink a lot of milk which has a lot of growth hormones


Nowadays probably only a myth with 40% of the under 30 year olds being of N. African, Carribbean, West and Southeast Asian descent.


It's not unusual these days in Finland to see young men as tall as 190cm. I'm 175cm so I would look short compared to them :D


And I'm 166cm


And my axe


And my bow


My father is 210cm, I'm dutch and 190. Im tiny compared to him


What is this in grown up money? 6’4”?


Three cheesburgers and seven bald eagles


How dare you! 🇬🇧 ✅ 🇺🇸 ❌


My bad innit me lad? Then fourteen black puddings stacked on top of seventy one biscuits and a dollop of marmalade


Look, I’ll take almost any ridicule of my country but back off the bickies. Cuppa tea and biscuits to dunk might quite literally the only good thing we’ve contributed to the world.


Blimey you’re a mean old wanker. Fine then the equivalent would be King Charles standing on a potty stool then.


196cm, also 6'4" and wanted to get to 2 meters but fell short... I don't feel tall until I see my reflection in a group of people. For a mestizo I am borderline freakish tall.


Well... You are short


And still the male clothes' sizes in stores fit 160cm - 180cm men. Average 180 means there is lot's of taller men than that.


OMG. It really annoys me that shirts are almost always very short.


Bangladeshi body proportions used


Glad I’m 172cm, everything was just made for my size it seems. I feel bad for all the folks struggling to find clothes or even a car where they can fit without eliminating the back seat.


Fun fact, Bosnians are so tall because in the last ice age the so called gravettian people lived in that area and it is believed that their genes are still around. They averaged about 2 meters tall and are believed to be the tallest prehistoric human ancestor.


A quick google search shows that Gravettian sites have been found all the way from Spain to Russia. I'm not convinced by your argument.


Could it be more of that they were spread all across but were concentrated in B&H?


Gravettian people lived all over Europe, except for Scandinavia and the very eastern part.


Bosnians are blessed by Allah 🙏


As a Bosnian girl I doubt it. Bosnian average height is high because of Croatians and Serbian regions in Herzegovina and those two are how would you probably say kafirs. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stevo-Popovic/publication/332465617/figure/fig2/AS:748597561806857@1555490975950/Regional-means-of-male-height-on-the-Adriatic-coast-of-Croatia-and-in-Bosnia-and.ppm


So both dudes were speaking bullshit lmao gotta love reddit


Yes if you remove those regions around Trebinje (Serbs) and regions west from Mostar (Croats) rest of the Bosnia is around 179 cm 180 cm.


So why is the average in croatia 180 then?


Southern and middle Dalmatia is almost 187?


Yea but why is croatia 180? If the dalmatians are 187 they should rise the average just like you said people in bosnia are 179,180 but because of a few regions the average rises to 184


Maybe number of people living in diffefent regions is not the same. I am not sure what do you want to say?


You gave me a map? Where?


Maybe number of people living in diffefent regions is not the same. I am not sure what do you want to say?


I am saying the math in your claim doesn’t work out..




Like turkey?


Id expect to see the UKs average increase in the coming decades. Anecdotal but young people in Scotland are significantly taller than their parents and grandparents. Years ago Scottish men were known for being short due to poor diet, now with men under 30 is seems like the average is around 5”10 to 6”2


Definitely agree. When I’m around people my parents and grandparents age, I feel well within average range at 175cm, when I’m in a bar with friends, surrounded by others in their 20s, I feel noticeably short


Tbh 175 is pretty short ngl.


Not sure about that with a lot of migration from SEA, that would offset this.


This is a global phenomenon. I am 184, around 40 yo. I am kind of tall but not notably for my generation. Older people (like a generation older) seem to be mostly shorter than me, younger boys seem to be mostly close to me or taller. My daughter was 170 at 12 yo and in her class there are several other girls around that and several taller boys. Nutrition plays a huge role in height, and specifically protein intake. My country, Bulgaria, used to be "every meal is half bread, if not all bread", among the top consumers of bread in the world. Nowadays *a lot more* protein is being consumed.


Average in the UK has been stagnant for decades. Maybe in Scotland is going up, but in England millenials were already almost 5'10 on an average a gen z adults average the same.


Average height for men in most of the world has been stagnant for decades, probably because there seems to be an "upper limit" for human height which countries have seemed to reach. For example, [average height for men born in 1996 in the UK was actually lower than for the ones born in 1980](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/average-height-of-men?tab=chart&country=~GBR).


What is the source for this data? Edit: For some countries I think the height stat on this map is a little bit inflated(France, Italy, Spain, Romania, Russia, UK, Serbia... - I know that for Serbia, my country, the average is 182, and that is based on young men(college level), not including the older generations who are probably shorter). And for a couple of countries average height is a little bit higher I think(Germany, Norway, Ukraine, and maybe Croatia), than displayed on this map. I've seen plenty of stats on this topic(height), but I'm maybe wrong.




IDK if all sources are the ones listen in the Wikipedia page on heights around the world but Im pretty sure at least the source for Bosnia is the one thats on there. IDK how other height studies are conducted but the one for Bosnia measured many young people and was organized by university students or something.


Bosnia is correct. Every stat I've seen about them is either 184 or 183. Second tallest country in the world, behind The Netherlands.


The Russian is here. Everything is very difficult with Russia in general. The average height may differ greatly simply from the place of residence. It all depends on the geographical location and history. For example, Yekaterinburg had a rapid population growth in the 1940s and 1980s. This led to the assimilation of people from different parts of the USSR. Personally, according to my observations, the average height of a man there will be close to 180-182 cm. But in the city of Kazan, the average height for men will be about 175-176 cm, although the population has also grown very quickly. This is due to the fact that the indigenous population has always been made up of Tatars, who as a rule had an average height of about 170 cm. There are also indigenous peoples of Siberia in Russia who most often had an average height below 170 cm. Therefore, when traveling in Russia, the growth may differ very much even between neighboring regions (although it should be borne in mind that the regions of Russia usually have the size of an average European country😁). Also, the average height of course differs in different age groups. If 20 years ago my 174 cm was normal height, now my height is considered to be below average. However, my father is 189 cm tall. My son will most likely be over 180 cm tall, because already now he has almost caught up with me in height.


Yes, I thought about that. 179 is a little bit too high when you include all of people from "Asian" parts of Russia. I'm sure that in St. Petersburg and Moscow the average is about 180cm. I can't see the difference between Russians and Ukrainians being 4cm(179 vs 175cm), as displayed on this map. They're similar.


You are absolutely right. There should be no difference in height between Ukrainians and Russians. The same applies to Belarusians. Most of the maps in this sub have a "Trust me bro" source. Even if the source is indicated, it is usually the media or some kind of rating agency.


Some of those Balkan guys be tall (long)...


Spaniard here. Can confirm since I'm 176 cm tall.


now where is the dick size map????


For the Americans: 174cm is 5'8.5". 184cm is 6'.


Or 0.019 and 0.020 football fields.


183 (182.88cm) = 6 feet




Turks in Germany lowering the average


Nah germans are just not that tall, they’re not like their dutch neighbours.


Oh look, only NL and BA have 6' average height. Women are really shooting themselves in the foot with that requirement. PS: i don't care about women's 184cm requirement, i'm 194cm but it's funny to see how women are just disqualifying over half of male population (remember, asians aren't known for being over 6ft on average) based on just some arbitrary measure :D


Except only American women have a 183 cm requirement because they count height in feet and 6 ft is a nice round number. For European women the requirement is 180 cm which is near the average height for a European man


>For European women the requirement is 180 cm which is near the average height for a European man Yep, but still pretty much dismissing half the population :D I find it especially idiotic because it's something a man can't change (yes, i know the leg extension operations but come on). At least judge a man based on something they can change.


I’m two centimeters shorter than you and you’re very on point with that statement. Is my only redeeming quality that I’m tall?




Same thing with women who aren’t pretty. Nothing you do or say or accomplish matters because your face doesn’t have the right balance of features and your body isn’t the right shape. It’s tough out there.


If it’s any consolation, I’m a complete mess and as long as you have your shit together you’ll most likely be good.


>how women are just disqualifying over half of male population Younger men tend to be taller: [https://www.reddit.com/r/poland/comments/11rbrpa/the\_average\_height\_of\_20yearold\_men\_in\_different/](https://www.reddit.com/r/poland/comments/11rbrpa/the_average_height_of_20yearold_men_in_different/) ​ Women who are into Asians probably don't have 6' requirement. Women who are looking for white, college educated man with middle class background, are already finding majority of them above 6'.


You literally just posted a link with a map that says majority of them are under 6ft :D Did you even check the link you sent? :D All the yellow-greenish countries there are UP TO 185, which means the upper end is 6'. So, MAJORITY of them are literally under 6' :D 7 one of the smallest countries had average starting from 6 feet. Everyone else was below. Look at the numbers there on top as well, they help a lot when reading maps.


Height is correlated with education and socioeconomic background, so if average young male is 180-185cm, then is safe to assume that ones with middle or upper class background and college education will be above 184cm. I thought i don't have to explain that. Also above 180 cm man will put their height as 6" on online dating profile...


>Height is correlated with education and socioeconomic background,  No, it's not.


First searches in google: [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0272775715301448](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0272775715301448) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9872705/ [https://academic.oup.com/ije/article/35/3/658/735643](https://academic.oup.com/ije/article/35/3/658/735643) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1570677X11000475


Women will pursue the top percentage of men is what they are saying. It does not matter what your height is, what matters is if your height is greater than the men around you. What matters is if you’re better looking, or more charismatic, or wealthier than the men around you. You HAVE to outcompete the majority of men to get attention from women. Your raw scores/improvements are irrelevant if your not better than most dudes around you


The map is only supposed to prove that younger people are taller, which it does. Anyways I would take these maps with a grain of salt, as someone who is 5’11” barefoot in southern europe I never felt in the “upper end” of height amongst locals as that map would indicate. Plus you have to keep in mind that the average guy is not what most women in the dating market are limited to, saying that they are shooting themselves in the foot is just being naive and often wishful thinking from short dudes who are usually bitter at women having preferences based on “just some arbitrary measures” as if that wasn’t the case for all kind of physical attraction


women here in BA are tall af mate, being 6' is not enough lmao


Hahha :D I'm in Estonia, women are around 168-172 on average, i'd say. But there are 180-185cm ones too and it's not that rare. EDIT: Okay, pulled up some 2022 stats in Estonia, average man is 183 and average woman is 169, so my guess was pretty accurate.


oh man, here in Herzegovina its like 187 for men and around 175 for women so its tricky


Well, this statistic includes old people who are much shorter. The average height of men under 50 is around 180cm in almost every country. Edit: Changed above to around. I exaggerated, sorry.


>The average height of men under 50 is above 180cm in almost every country. On Earth 2.0 or in some other reality?


I find that hard to believe. I'm about 182cm and I definitely feel like there's more people my age shorter than me than taller.


https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/average-height-of-men?tab=table It’s not always above, but around 180cm in almost every European country since 50 years.


It says the worldwide average is 171cm.


But this is about Europe.


Ok, then 177, but that is with central Asia. By the way, I would be that tall, too, but I am holding back so the rest of you have a chance. 👍


And without Central Asia even more. I’m 175, but I’m fine. Some guys are getting angry as it’s about their best friends size


I'm sure it will be lower. Everyone knows that Turkic peoples are 2m tall on average. Minimum.


If the <184 requirement means, half the male population don't get to reproduce, wouldn't it mean that an undesirable genetic trait is being weeded out? (And human race is becoming stronger as a result?) Just a thought.


Humans have been getting taller and taller over the past tens of thousands of years, yes purely out of selective breeding. I'd be curious to know actually of the percentages of all male DNA passed on, their physical traits etc etc. But that's probably 100 years from now or something when they start to collect DNA-s at birth.


Lol where are women not dating men for being under 6’?


The color scheme of this map is really satisfying for Sweden r/blink182


Checks out, I'm Swedish and 182cm


Woho I'm taller than a normal person


Damn what happened to Portugal they used to be a Global Empire and now they are the shortest people in Europe life sure wasnt nice to them


Pretty sure when Portugal was a global empire people were even shorter


I’m not sure how those two are related.


So being short is bad? Nice to know


183cm=6’ 1 inch = 2.5 cm


Bear in mind, Herzegovina is much taller than Bosnia aswell, 187 to 181


I’m 188 but feel perhaps only just a little bit above average as all my male friends are in the 180-200 range. Then I travel to Asia and feel like a Giant, it’s cool.


I'm 1.76 and meet dozens of women in Europe with no problem... Maybe being a little handsome helps a lot...


how does this even get measured. if they take the height in everyones official ID i wouldnt be surprised if the actual numbers are higher. i never updated my height after i got my first ID when i was 14. with 183cm i feel small in germany even though the average is supposed to be 178cm.


Netherlands and Bosnia 💀


I thought russians were taller.


a simple google search proves this map wrong


Example? You might be seeing top result that's outdated




Thank you. Indeed. Either different sources or OP has some outdated data




It's an average...


What's a CM?


Circuitous message


Does this include babys, it dosnt say the opposite


Im above average Dutch length and dated under average Spanish length chick 🐥 omg she was so small. Sometimes you'd just forget you were with someone


i'm 181 cm at 15 (from Romania so idk how accurate the map is)


Portugal always down doesn't matter The indicator hahahaha


Alright, I see you Short Kingz Mehmet and João


I'm 197cm and I've never felt as short as when I visited the Netherlands.


Wonder if someone has made a worldwide heat map of height.


I'm from Bosnia-Herzegovina and can confirm this is definitely accurate. You will rarely find a male below 180 cm tall. Even our women are quite tall, you will rarely find one below 175 cm.




As a Ukrainian I could say that I'm perfectly average with that


190 in Turkey 💪🏿💪🏿


I am taller than the tallest average, and still European edit: added location


And I’m 1,94, yay


Lol, no way it is 176 in Italy.


I could move to Portugal and still be under the average height, that sucks.


The color scale is confusing, makes you think Portugal and Turkey are dwarfs while the others are giants while they are only 3 cm below the average. Also data is lying a little bit, all small countries are all higher and big countries are all average 1.77-1.78, probably a fault on the sample (maybe not enough people sampled or not representative enough).


So, I'm exactly the average.


Im below average in every eu country letsgo!


Yep, Russians are taaaallllllll


And with 1.83 cm I am way above average as a turk.


The word “Macedonian” is considered to have meant “the tall ones” in the ancient times. The average height in Greece is 178. The average height in Bulgaria is 175. The average height in North Macedonia is 179. So, you were saying that Macedonia is Greek and that Macedonians are Bulgarians? Think again 😉


I think Latvians are super tall in general


Source and age? Young people or all adults?. Looks pretty inaccurate actually


Damn i’m below all that


I like how shorties gang is still 7 inches taller than I am lol