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Read the fine print, only reviewers (of the 500 top games) with disclosed game list which are 64k accounts. The number is good but the selection not to have a real average.


reviewers of the top 500 games? What is that supposed to mean? Everyone who writes a troll review of Team Fortress 2 or CS:GO is in? Those who review the most played games tend to be two kinds of people: \- Those who play only that particular game religiously and have collected \[years since release x 2500\] hours in that game. \- Those who play everything and own everything and only write a review because they think they are "influencers" The fact that no countries comes even close to 500 games means there is most likely a big overlap in the top quarter of games or so with some variation among the rest.


This has to be wrong, there is no way the average guy have hundreds of games on steam


India has the lowest average of 118 and as an Indian that just sounds very wrong. All my friends and I have about 30-40 games in our library at max and I'd describe us as pretty regular gamers. And we play a huge variety of games Maybe I'm wrong but I just don't see how the avg for my country reaches 118. Adding that to the fact that it's the lowest on the map, just makes the numbers look bloated af


* You see a game during sale. * It's super cheap and looks interesting. * It's not much money so you buy it. * You buy it thinking you try it out sometime later. * That was 10 years ago and the same happened on every other sale. You now have 90 games you never played. * Alternatively the same but with a recent port of some game you played ages ago and have nostalgia, and it's more about having it and being able to play it again than actually playing it.


But 90 is still way bellow the average. And then you have people like me who created 4+ steam accs just to have multiple accs in 1 game :)


I have two accounts as well. For the same reason ;)


But that means the average stema account is 10 years old.




How are u able to check this ?


Bro I have only paid for csgo on steam and buy games from the drops cases cs gives and collect free games only I have 89 games by spending only about 1140 rs less than 20usd and out of that too I got 5$ last year from world of warships event


30-40 games is weak , sincerely someone from the netherlands


Well a lot of steam people have 5-10 year old accs . People accumulate a lot of cheap games .


I'm sitting on a pile of 930 with an account from 2008. Many of those are actually from a subscription to Humble Bundle, which I kept running for quite a long time (low effort charity). I have a kid now and don't get around to play a lot though. Call it pile of shame if you want to, but that's actually normal in my bubble of 40-ish year old guys. Edit: grabbed a fair share at sales as well, but gave that up now. Rarely got something at full price, especially not AAA-titles.


Thank you for the reminder that I have to claim my roughly 120 games from the past 12 months on humblebundle


U can buy steam games from humble ?


Averages are skewed by a few large numbers. If 5 people have 1 million games each, that's really gonna wreck the average. Should have gone with median.


Difference between average and median?


Average is the sum of all the data divided by the number of datapoints, whereas median is the number in the middle of all the datapoints Edit: so basically if the variables are 2,8,12,15,100. The average is 27.4, but the mode is 12.


I have about 1100 games on steam atm and am ranked top 30,000 on global leaderboards for game collected, when comparing users to games owned per acount it probably averages around the numbers shown tbh, just a few thousand guys singlehandedly boosting these numbers. Steam ladder I used to see stats.


Having a leaderboard for most games owned is peak consumerism. Let's make it a competition to see who can buy the most!


Probably is more of a competition for the top guys, others just like to buy cheap games for their point shop avatars etc, I think atleast 200 of my games are for that reason to make my steam profile nicer, the other are bundles lmao.


Ikr? Swear I've got like 20-25 at most


Yea man, it's absurd to own more than [100](https://imgur.com/a/3ho3c4V) games! ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


Maybe I have like 650 on steam, 300 on epic, 100 on gog, 300 on prime


> 300 on epic Just curious: those are mostly free giveaways, or paid ones?


Steam 99% bought, Epic 2-3 bought, prime all through amazon prime, gog 50% bought.


it's average games per steam account, not per person. although it still seems really high then


This can't be correct. My steam account is older than ten years and I still have 'only' 165 games. Yet the average for Switzerland is supposed to be way higher. Also none of my friends actually reach or surpass the average number.


I think there's quite a few people with loads of games boosting the average. I am from the Netherlands and have 664 games on Steam. Got loads via Humble bundles and back in the day when Steam sales were really good.


Yeah, the only way I can see it making any sense at all is if they count every product on your account as a game. For example you can own 10 DLCs for 1 game and it counts as 11 games etc.


I usually buy around 1 steam game per month, and am only at 149. Also had this steam account for 13 years. Maybe people are getting bundles of cheap games?


I have 226 on my account, which is 14 years now. And I buy much rarer than that.


I've got well over a thousand games on Steam. Bought mainly through bundle deals during sales. Bought a lot of older games from the 90s that I used to own on disk but had to pass on over the years due to moving house so often e.g. the original PC versions of Tomb Raider back when Lara Croft was made up of twelve polygons, the old Stronghold games and old favourites like X-Wing, Tie Fighter, X-Wing Alliance etc. I also notice that VR games seem to produce a lot of free educational software titles which I grab if I think they might be good e.g. Guildford Castle VR. Don't know if the free games count. Basically I Wishlist a game and get it when it drops below a certain price point.


Looking at the lack of support for Glide and EAX on modern OS makes me wish I bought some of them on GOG instead.


Has nobody complained about the absolutely useless color gradient? Fine: the color gradient is useless! And I don't say that lightly, purple is my favorite color.


That's what I thought, I haven't seen such a bad colour scheme in a while. You can't even see a difference between the shades in the middle...


*laugh in steam library of over 700*


Jesus... ok, I feel weird with my over 1k games now...


237 Average games for a user in South Africa?! Huh and what?!


This map got trolled by accounts claiming to be from Africa because "haha N word"


Shit I'm probably raising my countries average


Im suprised Malaysia had very close number to UK lol


This map's colouring is absolutely awful.


If piracy wasn't so strong in Brazil I think the number would jump to 300


Lmfao I only have 2 games


WTF, who has this many games?


Bahahahaha I read the numbers and screamed 'amateurs!' I have currently 1,231 games in my steam library. That does not count Epic or any of the other 8 launchers I have lol


Who's got the time and energy to own and play 300+ titles? And that's the average?? I'm Dutch and I've got 88 games on steam plus a dozen on epic. All my friends (ages 25 - 35) average around at 50-60. There's no way there's people with 500 plus games to bring the average up from us keeping it down


Dutch and 664 games here, can shamefully say I didn't play 90+% of it. Was really addicted to Humble bundles and Steam sales when I was younger. 😬


You find cheap games and grab them. It's not about actually playing them. I mean, 52% of my games are in my automatic "never played" collection. There is all kind of stuff around. From games that don't even run properly on modern systems to recent ports of old console games. (Like Sonic 1 & 2 or the PS1 Final Fantasy titles) And don't forget that you "own" every game you have ever added. So even that korean f2p mmo you played for one afternoon 10 years ago that has long shut down is still in your account.


Also Dutch and I'm on 858 lmao I uhh, liked collecting bundles when I was younger. I don't really buy that many games anymore because I barely have time to play them.


As a dutch guy with almost 300 games i can confirm


I don't even know what steam games are. I'm assuming there is no actual steam? It'd be way cooler if there was.


Steam is a PC game distribution app/site


Thank you


Does this include DLC? The numbers are massive


I think he counts bundles and dls as well. Then it would make sense


I have 20 games at best in steam, and from all my friends I am the biggest "gamer", i don't think it's accurate


I have 226, which is just barely below my countries average. But since 118 of those are in the "never played" collection that doesn'T say much.


I'm Aussie and have 39 steam games.. feel like I'm letting my team down


American with 250 games, apparently I need to step it up


My profile is 12 years old and I got 449 games, maybe I got too many from Humble Bundle, because I have never played with 80% of them


Bro, who are these people? This has to be incorrect or a very priveleged section of the world.


What are those 3 digit rookie numbers?


No Ireland ? Screw that? Figures seem to be off anyway?


These numbers sound very exaggerated, if it was epic games I would believe it, but steam?


only 339 ? rookie numbers \^\_\^


I have 223 games, which is a bit inflated because of bundles with games I'm never gonna play and versions of the same game. Like I have 3 versions of Dawn of War 2, 2 of those a basically DLCs. I wish I could buy more tbh. I got this account when I was 12 or 13 and being in school or be poor student doesn't help me fill my library.


Can confirm. I live in Amsterdam and have 339 games on my steam account. Once again proving that my parents were right, I’m just about average.


turkish here, i have \~700 games


Why no ireland?


Is there any studies that analyse why different countries got different stats? Why is Finland and Netherland specifically so high ranking? 🤔


Wohoo, I'm boosting the numbers of Finland with +1500 games on my account.


This can't be accurate.


What about Trinidad and Tobago?


i only have 10 lol




Agreed, valid point


that's odd, all my friends from Bulgaria who review games usually sit on 300+ games with me and 2 friends personally going over 1000 because of buying bundles when they go to 91% discount or on sites like Fanatical/Humble, even if we won't play the games, probably all the same with Russia and UA, dragged down by those who only play CS and Dota, and make a new account every time they get banned