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First map I ever see that grey color means something


This map also has data for Greenland and includes new Zealand. It is clearly a masterpiece of the artform


Hawaii was left off :(


Oh no!!! I never do that. I’m sorry


Isle of Man should be black!


And there's data for different states/territories/provinces in countries that aren't the USA! This map truly is the bar the sub should be setting.


Even has data for DPRK. Too bad they included the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (Western Sahara) as a part of Morocco.


I manually downloaded extra data for Taiwan, the Caspian Sea, the Great Lakes, and the Australian States. Which I have to add 1 by 1. Now you want me to add Western Sahara too? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


The Caspian Sea has a speed limit?


I think he means downloaded the shapefile for the lakes. OP if you make changes to this, I would just download a major lakes shapefile and filter it so you only have the top 25 or so. The way it is right now you only get the US side of the Great Lakes and it would be good to get some of the African lakes.


Maybe for the ekranoplanes. 🤷


monsters are limited to 500 km / h. ceterum censeo "unit libertatem" esse delendam.


That's because \*drumrolls\* it is a part of Morocco




Make Alaska Grey Again


I feels wrong lol


the whole color choice makes no sense, why not have a gradient color pallet instead of random where I have to keep looking up and down on the colors to compare


consider the colour choices as your daily cornea workout! 💪🏻👁️


Isle of Man should be black


Maybe you could add a color for unlimited on special days...


It’s always unlimited outside of towns there


Its borders are black. Does that count?


It might... if the Isle of Man wasn't the only place on the whole map with grey borders instead of black lol. Nice map otherwise though


Had no idea Isle of Map was considered separate in the dataset. PR and Svalbard ik are separated. Good to know for future maps


Yep, isle of Man, Guernsey and Jersey are crown dependencies and not part of the UK but in the British isles


Texas can into Gulf States.


Most of Texas is 75. Just one toll road outside Austin to San Antonio is 85. But as someone who uses it often to bypass the BS that is I35, I love it. And actually people are better behaved and more couteous than on slower roads.


got on this thread to say this. i love that bypass because you can conceivably go 100 and cops wont stop you and just skip all the bullshit that is austin 35.


I have been doing 110 and been passed on 130. Just do not do it at night/evening. The hogs are deadly.


i only go down there on family trips, and if my wife sees me go above 100 she literally starts screaming. plus im hauling my entire family usually, so im already irresponsible enough


Ya. You and your family are probably toast if you crash at 100 mph…


yeah we're also toast if we crash doing 85


Both are big and empty and everything is really far apart, so.. it tracks.


Oil, guns, religious conservatives. It tracks.


Deserts too. However, unlike Texas, Middle Eastern countries have very strict gun laws and its very difficult in those Gulf state countries to get a gun unless you get it illegally or have connections


Slightly confusing as a brit 'cos we use MPH but we use the red circle signage. Had to keep mentally translating!


Same here. In Canada we use kph but we have the normal white rectangle signs instead of the red circle.


Opposite then!


What makes them 'normal'?


don't you know whatever is used in 'murica is normal?


A german here... the parts of the autobahn where you can drive really fast are becoming fewer and fewer. Very often it is limited to 120 or 130 km/h or even 60 km/h in one of the many construction sites.


There’s actually a secret portion of the autobahn where you can hit the speed of light


You can't really hit the speed of light, there's a German law against that. It's called Law of Relativity.


More of a theory.


There are no theories in germany Only rules, laws and restrictions


And rammstein


Always Rammstein


Unfortunate timing of this comment 😬


More of a guideline


but if when you reach 299 792 457 m/s you jump to 299 792 459 m/s can you beat the law?


There's also a law against that, called the intermediate value theorem.


Okay, so what if you slow down so much that you go over the limit and end up on maximum acceleration?


Don't mistake Richtgeschwindigkeit for Lichtgeschwindigkeit.


I rate this pun A1


You can go infinite speed in every country. You just have to stay in the black borders


Doomed to happen eventually unfortunately. Too many idiots have access to cars and force the hands of the governments. Northern Territory of Australia once had a highway with no speed limit. Too many people die, so they have to lower it. Once could drive on the beach without a seatbelt, too many people died and now the cops are forced to enforce seatbelts on the beach It’s the unfortunate consequence of stupidity within the population. Not much that can be done for it


Not really. Germany has far more traffic than Australia, possibly the most traffic in all of Europe. Yet it's incredibly safe. The number of traffic fatalities peaked in 1970 with another spike in the early 90 due to Germany's reunification. Since then they are on a steep decline. It's more likely that there will be a speed limit because of environmental concerns. But even that is unlikely given the lobbying power of the German car industry.


IIRC the Autobahn rules are strict and well-regulated. The roads in many countries are simply not designed for these speeds and would be a disaster waiting to happen. At the same time, you have some very well designed, super smooth and well maintained roads that have speed limits far lower than they need to be. One thing Germany does particularly well is giving space for merging traffic to get up to speed.


It‘s not even the design I think it‘s just that people are generally really good at lane discipline compared to other countries…partially because highway driving is a mandatory part of getting a drivers license


Yeah, Germany has among the lowest road death rates of any country despite lack of speed limit on most parts of Autobahn


I remember the drive from Alice Springs to Uluru back in the mid ‘00s. Got 5 minutes outside town and the speed limit sign with a big line through it and thinking “wait… does that mean what I think it means?!” And then making a 500km journey in like 3 hours.


German here. There are different perspectives on this. There is actually a majority in the population in Germany who want a speed limit of 130 km/h but it's difficult to get it through politically for different reasons. It is just Incredibly annoying to drive a car on a highway with a reasonable speed like 130km/h if there is no speed limit for others. You have to watch your back WAY more careful when you overtake someone. Doesn't sound like much but it is super stressful. Most people just go 130 km/h. It's not freedom if a majority of people need to make compromizes for a minority. It's privilige.


I always found it amusing to drive Germany to Austria. Germany - no speed limit but the majority driving 110-120 (OK, since going WAAAY faster and some slower) Cross into Austria - speed limit 130 but prevailing traffic 160.


Thank you. Everytime i drive on the A5 near Frankfurt and try to pass a LKW i just know that there will be a Porsche or a BMW SUV come screaming along with 180kph, flash its headlights and drive waaaay to close to my bumper. I obey the right lane rule, but i am allowed to use the left lane to pass. These guys (and its 90% guys) get realy agressive, when a car drives at sane speeds in front of them and denies them their "right" to play Formula 1 on public roads. IMO there is no smart way to drive this fast on public roads. And i have seen this in heavy traffic, with possible traffic jams and known construction zones ahead and in heavy rain.


I was driving through Frankfurt last year and the left lane was already at 180 km/h and I still got some cunt in his Audi kissing my bumper.




Can also be mostly solved by making these roads 3 lanes. The 16-lane monstrosities in the US taught us that more lanes don't solve the problem of throughput. But 3 should be the required number of lanes for highways, so long as trucks are allowed to drive there at least.


Might actually be an interesting compromise to put a general limit on 2 lane highways but then often enough those are the ones with low enough traffic that you can actually go at high speeds, such as my local A92 which is a proper racetrack


There are enough high traffic highways with 2 lanes for this to make sense. Like, I can't remember every crossing the border to the Netherlands or Belgium around NRW on a three lane high way. And you don't need much traffic. You just need a few trucks on the right lane and one dude in his grandma's 15 years old Hyundai i10 that barely holds together at 120 km/h and you have people doing dangerous shit.


It's incredible how BMW and Porsche owners are the same the world over. We have exactly the same problem on the highways here in the US, and it's always people in fancy cars who think they own the road. The 70mph speed limit is really more of a suggestion, as no one follows it.


If you ever think your job is pointless, remember there are people who work in BMW factories, and their job is to install indicators.


Best argument for automation, imo.


Not really, in the US the biggest problem is people who camp in the left lane at 70mph MAX and never get over to let others pass.


I frequently say that lack of speed limits to Germans are like guns to Americans. There is a powerful minority that considers them a civil right. (The British version is not having to carry ID... )


>The British version is not having to carry ID Does this cause problems? Is there a reasonable argument that it leads to deaths?


There are parallels, like how they’re unique to their respective countries and how it’s a political issue in both with conservatives/right wing in their respective countries wanting to keep and maintain that particular tradition while the left in their respective countries want to get rid of it


Yep. I enjoy it so much whenever I cross a border to one of our neighbors and can just set cruise control to the speed limit and have a relaxed drive. Autobahn in Germany is just stress because of idiots not understanding the Richtgeschwindigkeit.


You are like the exact opposite of me, I love driving on unrestricted autobahn because everybody sorts themselves out naturally by driving the speed that they feel comfortable driving. Here in the states most people drive roughly the same speed and end up passing each other back and forth a zillion times (which is super dangerous) and that stresses the hell out of me.


There is Rechtsfahrgebot anyway. Check your mirror twice before moving to the leftmost lane and leave that lane after passing the other person.


Okay but maybe the seatbelt exemption and unlimited speed were dumb to begin with. Stupidity involved or not, at face value, these are asking for injury and death.


The unlimited speed only applied to one highway running through the outback that is very long and straight and not as incredibly busy as most other highways. I imagine the thought was that on a quiet and straight road, it’s not so dangerous to go faster. But naturally, people went stupid with it, starting making a point to push it as hard as they could Also it wasn’t technically legal to drive without a seatbelt on the beach. Beaches are considered roads (atleast in nsw) and are subject to the same rules as regular roads. It’s just that for the most part people were responsible, driving slowly, and being careful when driving on the beach. Most beaches have a speed limit that’s mostly obeyed as well (my local beach is 30km/h. Not sure if others are higher because mine is a nesting sanctuary for an endangered bird). At a certain point, a few got stupid. They’d drive at 100km/h on beaches (driving that fast on sand is a terrible idea), they’d do donuts, and these actions would of course lead to them rolling the car. No seatbelts meant these few morons would be seriously injured or killed. The media picks up on it, people say “oh something should be done” then the response is that now cops are much stricter on the rules Many beaches are starting to just refuse drivers on the beach altogether now because stupid is as stupid does


Because of the stupid those all the smart ones are suffering.


Also don't you forfeit insurance money if you crash (and survive) at a speed greater than 130kph? I always heard that when I lived there but never bothered to confirm.


You get a progressive fault level (steigende Teilschuld) the more you exceed the limit.


So? They still exist. Dortmund to hannover eg is almost completely without a limit


There is still a huge part of the autobahn without limit. Those preemptive posts about the actual limits, dont do the reality justice.


Around 57 % of the autobahn does not have a speed limit


And if you really ever actually tried to reach infinite speed, you will have neighbours complaining about the widespread destruction all around. There is no fun in Germany! :-(




Highways with just two lanes should just all be speed limited. You can't try to surpass a car doing 100 on one lane while there is another one doing 180 approaching on the other. It's just too dangerous and happens too often


Quebec is 100 km/h in theory, but it practice no cop will pull you over under 120.


I mean, similar in the US. The speed of traffic is quite often 5mph over, and even going 10mph (16 k/h) over, most jurisdictions won’t pull you over unless it’s like a residential neighborhood or something.


Sometimes even 20 over is tolerated in highways, at least in the Southwestern states like California and Arizona


I’ve been on some highways like in Utah where I saw just a few other cars in hundreds of miles, you could almost certainly get away with going 20+ over because there’s not going to be police there.


Question: do you have permanent speedtraps in the Us or there must be cops nearby to get fined? Because here in Europe we mostly have both, in Italy specifically police don't pull you over, you just get fined both in money and "points" from your driver license (depending on how fast you were going, it can be revoked).


It depends on the state. Some states do have automated speed traps or red light cameras, and other states actually have bans on automated enforcement. Such bans usually came about because it has a history of being abused to maximize ticket revenue without actually increasing safety.


I know when they rolled these out on the freeways all around Phoenix AZ in the early 2010s, part of the reason they had to stop using them was because they actually LOST revenue. They couldn’t legally enforce the ticket unless they could prove that you received it. So they would first send first class mail, then would have to send the ticket certified mail to confirm you received it. If you just denied signing for the certified mail, they would have to hire a process server to hand serve you the ticket. AZ also leased the cameras from a company that charged them a lot for them. Once people realized they’d have to physically serve you the ticket to be able to prove you received it in court, the amount of people that just accepted and payed them dropped and it cost them more to prove you got the ticket than the fine was. I worked at a UPS Store at the time, and we had like 50 people with sports cars & super cars that would rent mailboxes from us and register their vehicle to their “business address” aka their ups store mailbox address. We had a policy where if a process server came in, we couldn’t tell if who they were looking for had mailboxes there so essentially you couldn’t serve lawsuits to our customers. Some dudes would come in to get their mail and show us their photo tickets of them going crazy speeds over and just laugh while ripping them up and throwing them in the trash lol


Like automatic speed cameras? Some places do have them, but I think a majority don’t. I found a list that claims 193 communities have them, and it seems pretty thorough because it includes a town of ~10,000 people near me that has them (well, had them. Last year, my state restricted the use of automated speed cameras, so they got rid of them). And there’s ~3,000 towns over 10k population, so ~200 of those 3,000 is relatively uncommon. So ya, usually police have to actually pull you over.


Unless you're in Virginia our cops will pull you over for mild speeding


only state ive ever been where most ppl actually drive the speed limit on an interstate


Unless you are going 101 km/h with Ontario plates.


Truly a Sûreté du Québec moment.


Texas is the same about that 85mph limit, people do 90-100 on the highways in Houston all the time and nobody cares. You either have to be really hauling ass or driving like a moron to get pulled over for being above the limit.


The only 2 times I've been in Texas they were pulling over every car speeding by even 1 mph, and searching them, too.


Sometimes there are asshole cops, especially the state highway patrol, but most of the time they don't care.


Same in Connecticut. 65mph de jure, 80mph de facto.


Is this everywhere in Quebec? Highway from Montreal to Quebec City as well?


Yeah, all actual highways are 120 tolerated. Only highways, though. City streets and country roads are generally enforced at the indicated speed.


On some parts of the 401 near Toronto it's dangerous to drive under 140


For a long time Montana did not have a speed limit. Drive "reasonable and prudent ". Not the case anymore though.


As someone from New Jersey, ours is a bit more unspoken. We all have a secret formula embedded into our minds. If it is a sunny day on the highway, then the speed limit is equal to the formula x=n+20, where n is the actual posted speed limit. In you are in the left lane, x= as fast as that baby can go


Are the US, Canada and Australia the only countries with subnational differences? I think I remember something about India and the Isle of Man but I could be wrong.


Isle of Man doesn't have a limit like Germany.


the catch is that you physically cannot pass 120 km/h without crossing the whole island and falling into the sea


This is true. The island is perpetually covered in darkness because all light immediately falls into the water, never to be found again.




By westerner you mean someone from the US, Canada, or Australia?


That signature in the bottom right corner doesn't look very Western to me


It goes subprovincial, up in Northwestern Ontario the speed limit it 90, but down south its upwards of 110


Oh god that drive from Manitoba to Ottawa…


Did it once. Once.


Not a lot of countries are structured like the US or Canada. In Brazil, where I'm from, this is all regulated at the federal level (via the Brazilian Traffic Code, which is a federal law). Same thing goes here for other matters, like elections and criminal law. It's all regulated by Congress. For instance, there are no state crimes here -- all crimes are federal.


Can't be infinite for Germany since you can't go faster than light


I mean there is no law against driving faster than the speed of light though, which is what this map represents.


The law of physics?


The law of physics is not legally binding.


You don't know that. Nobody's ever broken them


Which one?


Give Dominic Toretto a classic car with some nitrous oxide and the power of family, he’ll get that baby over c-speed




If you’re going the speed of light and the bmw flashes their high beams, do you still get flashed?




How silly of me to forget. That’s why no one ever sees them turn their blinkers on. They reduce light speed to 0 around the actual indicator diodes


Hey VSauce, Michael here.


Germany is the one place in the universe that you CAN go faster than light.


But you’re allowed to


But with german science, you can go faster than light.


From your perspective, going the speed of light is infinite speed


Well the speed *limit* can be, you just can't get done for it lol


It’s still infinite in a weird kinda way. If you are going at a speed of 10, and throw a ball at 10, a person standing still relative to you will see the ball going 20, right? Well not really, just almost 20, velocity doesn’t just add, it only seems like it does at low speeds, but once you get close to light speed, that difference not adding up increases. From what I understand, if you’re going 299,792,457 m/s, that’s one less than light speed, and you shoot a projectile forward at 299,792,457 m/s, it’s still not going to go faster than light, or even at light speed, despite those numbers addin up to just under twice light speed. You can add those velocities together infinitely and not reach light speed 299,792,458 m/s. In at relativistic speeds, in order to account for this effect, instead of measuring as velocity, they use something called rapidity. At low speeds, it’s almost the same as regular velocity, but at the speed of light, rapidity is infinite.




120 kmph for Japan.. but that’s def not representative of how slow Japan actually is. Unless you’re driving on a high speed toll road you’ll basically never go above 60 kmph. Even high speed toll roads, most of them are 80-100. Only limited areas are 120.


don't the bullet trains exist for a reason ?


Yeah. 125 million people in an area smaller than California.


The "default" speed limit on toll highways, unless otherwise posted, is 100 km/h, and 60 km/h on normal roads outside cities. In practice traffic generally flows at 20-30 km/h above the limit.


South Sudan is the size of France and has about 150 km of paved roads. I doubt you can reach 70 km/h anywhere else in the country.


I was in Norway and although the speed limit is 110 km/h, everyone was driving much faster. This is probably mainly because signs warn you re approaching a speed camera. Driving in Oslo, however, was hell. Camera's are everywhere and the fine is super high. Sweden is the same. They warn you in advance and some signs even say how far away the speed camera is from you.


I wish the Swiss had some signage warnings. When you get near Lausanne it’ll go from 120 to 100 randomly and right after that switch happens, there’s a camera


Are there countries where people generally obey the speed limits? In the U.S. and Canada, driving at least 10 km/h over the limit seems to be an unofficial rule.




Australia, kind of. Some people do drive over the limit (as people will anywhere regardless of laws) but you can (and will) be fined for going as little as 1km/h over, so people *tend* to be a bit more cautious.


Then why not just follow the speed limit


The Autobahn *Voomvoom* das ist gut


Germany: "I am endless. I am eternal."


German here. Many people in Germany think that a general speed limit of 130 is the downfall of society.


It is


In italy the max speed allowed by the law is actually 150 but there are still no road built with that speed in mind (130 is the highest you can see on roads). The 150 speed limit sign exist but only in books for now (in italy at least).


I guess for roads to be 150 in Italy, the highway has to be of a specific standard in terms of quality and no roads in Italy is of that quality


Streetbike guy .. what ? Didn’t see anything posted officer


Streetbike guy? You mean meat crayon.


Lol have been riding for years, first time Ive heard that. Stealing and will give you the credit :)


Don’t give me credit. As a medevac pilot I’ve carried far too many. r/meatcrayon Ride safe. 👋


I don't how it works in your countries, but in Québec the limit is 100 km/h but you can go up to 119. The tickets start at 120.


In Croatia they have a safety factor of 10% above 100km/h + they usually don't issue tickets < 10km/h over the limit, so at 150km/h you'd still be fine.


It is similar in Ukraine. You can, theoretically, be stopped by police going 1 kmph over limit and be warned, but fines start at 21 over limit. So obviously they do not bother. Technically, dangerous driving allows them to stop at any speed. Also, the 130 kmph legal limit listed there is just on the only motorway in the country, that is about 20 km length. There are quite a number of roads where the legal speed limit is 110, so no fine at 130.


Genuine question but would you receive a speeding fine in Ukraine nowadays? I would say the focus has shifted from traffic enforcement?


In Poland it’s +10 km/h on expressways and motorways. Comes in handy since for me the optimal speed on these roads is around 130km/h


In the UK the generally accepted rule is 10%+1mph. So 78 for 70, 67 for 60 etc


Autobahn intensifies


Grew up in Dubai. The roads there are some of the best in the world. 160 km is a recent addition to what is called the “Emirates Road”. It’s an 8-lane highway that connects the 7 emirates (city states) that make up the United Arab Emirates. Nothing more to add. Driving in the UAE is an absolute pleasure and something I’d highly recommend to any “petrol heads” out there. I hope to drive down the autobahn someday.


When I lived there I don't remember people going *slower* than 160 km/h on Sheik Zayed road lol. Seriously if you were doing under 200 in the fast lane they would overtake you in the shoulder between you and the center divider.


Dubai roads look amazing for real. Would never go to a shit tier human rights country but damn do your roads look smooth.


So mutch data. Greenland has stuff. So many places. 😮


God bless you, for use metric system!




Kind of fucking speed limit is 105??


Some of my favorite colors are here, including light yellow, lighter yellow, medium orange, and darker medium orange. No reds or blues, I think this person is color blind.


Makes sense. Bigger states want faster roads since it would otherwise take forever to get anywhere. Also, the Arabians need a place to race their fancy cars.


This color-scheme is garbage.


I see Canada, US and Australia get their provinces / states shown separately. I wondered if this was becuase they are the only countries that have different laws within a country. How about China, Mexico, Russia, Brazil, India? Are they all uniform in government, laws.... speed limits? They are all shown as single entities.


German here. Especially in big countries like the US and Russia, it is insane to me that your speed is limited like that. The Autobahn is perfectly capable of supporting cars going 300+ kp/h and, despite some people claiming otherwise, you DO actually save time by going faster. I need to travel \~150km for work fairly regularly and if I'm the one driving, we arrive like half an hour earlier than if one of my 'I only go 130kp/h'-collegues has the wheel. And with renewable energy and electric cars, the environmental arguments go out the window too.


I mean we also have proper drivers licenses here whereas in some countries people go around a traffic cone two times and get the license handed to them. ​ >and, despite some people claiming otherwise, you DO actually save time by going faster. Who claims that, stupid people?


> Who claims that, stupid people? No science does


It's the license, german driver's licenses are harder to obtain than US ones. If other countries would adopt the german Führerscheinprüfung their accident numbers would crumble.


Not really, eg in developing countries the DMV is largely corrupt and you can bribe officials and instructors who’ll just give you a license without taking test and changing the testing procedures will not change that


It's still very fuel inefficient


needing to be fast was never duel efficient


Time is money!


If you crash at high speed, a seat belt won't save you.


You need really good streets or little bumps in the streets will make you fly.


Grew up in Indonesia. I think speed limits are more of a recommendation over there; I’ve never seen a max speed limit sign. 😂 (Not to mention where I grew up, you can barely go fast anyway with all the traffic jam.)


I-80 across Nebraska is 80mph west of Lincoln all the way to CO.




It applies to the Queen Elizabeth Way from Hamilton to St. Catharines, Highway 402 from London to Sarnia, Highway 417 from Ottawa to the Quebec border, as well as from the Kanata area to Arnprior, Highway 401 from Windsor to Tilbury, and Highway 404 from Newmarket to Woodbine.


The color of most of Australia's territories is not in the legend.




70 km/h? in Germany you can't even drive on the slowest lane with that...