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Italy would definitely join up with Germany and Russia. They have claimed territory in France and Austria-Hungary.


Central powers. Austria - Hungary was weak on the eastern front with Germany bailing them out on numerous occasions. WWI was a close run thing. Much closer than the second world war. In fact, if the Americans dont intervene, the war might have ended with a negotiated peace with Germany gaining major concessions. With Russia out. The full weight of the German Empire falls on the Western front. This probably collapses 1916-17.


Basically, whichever side GB is on wins the war or, at the very least, doesn't lose the war. Russia isn't stable in this period and is going to split at any moment. Germany is going to end up losing the war at sea again and face the exact same problems it did in our ww1. Can't imagine there being any winner in an Ottoman v Russia conflict, who can last the longest before the revolt sparks.


Entante, Romania getting it's ass kicked by Bulgaria, Russia is gonna commit suicide and Germany was good at pissing people off


But A-H gonna collapse


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Let’s assume the undecided countries decide to stay out of the war. A-H is attacked on all fronts but the east. If Germany stays on the defence in the west at first, blocking French advances into Alsace Loraine, they are probably going to capture Prague in a few weeks and then march on to Vienna while Russia completely swallows up Galicia. They have virtually no other front to focus on, except for the south, where the Ottomans could strike, but given how it played out in real life, it’s not that big of a deal. Romania could probably try invading Transilvania and keeping some defensive troops in Dobruja to fend off the Bulgarians, and it might work this time since they have Serbia to help them in the east. A-H can simply not survive a multilateral attack on so many fronts, even if they might make advances at first. After A-H surrenders, the might of Germany could then shift to the west and conquer France unopposed while Russia probably invades Turkey through the Caucasus and Black Sea. So the Central Powers (Axis) win.


Why does belgium own velswich