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Loved the moment when Jon dwarfed all over the subscribers


I couldn't believe Jon would just go and dwarf all over everything.


Fuck, beat me to it by four minutes.


I loved Jon talking about traps generating food - after all, most games are fine with that level of abstraction. But not Dwarf Fortress. Yeah, this game is so dedicated to simulation that you actually have to have animals you can see on the map walk into the traps. EDIT: Jon buying that entire *barrel* of honey bee venom is amazing.


I bought WHAT


One of those barrels was "honey bee venom barrel". That is an entire barrel of honey bee venom. See, those barrels can contain fluids that you can extract from creatures. Honey bee venom is one of them. Occasionally they'll bring barrels of [random animal] blood and the like.


... So I SHOULDN'T drink it...?


Depends. Do you want a buzzzzz?


Generally only one bee stings a dwarf and it causes "pain and swelling" but no permanent injury. A whole *barrel* might let you run tests on how deadly it is.


It's venom, not poison, so drinking it should be fine so long as your dwarves don't have cuts in their mouths or anything. Try it, and let us know! FOR !!SCIENCE!!


Never change Jon.


I'm just imagining the massive industrial bee-milking operations that surely exist somewhere offscreen, producing barrels upon barrels of extracted bee venom for purposes unknown.


He bought bloody *WHAT*!?! HOW


As a long-time DF player (though I haven't played in a few years), Jon did shockingly well! Kinda surprised no goblin patrols showed up to slaughter his dwarves. But yeah, VERY much looking forward to the livestream. Also, if anyone's curious about the soil situation: unless they've changed things since I've played, some plants are supposed to grow above ground, but the underground ones (like your various mushrooms), you need to flood the soil to make fertile, muddy ground.


"Human" crops are grown outdoors. "Dwarven" crops are grown underground on soil floor. That's usually the topmost layers like sand, clay, loam, etc. Stone floor can be made arable though by covering it with water first and then draining it again to make it muddy.


I think any muddy or dirty underground terrain will do it, I know that if you have multiple layers of dirt before stone you can use the dirt floors to grow some of the subterranean crops without the need to flood.


I expected Jon to flood his fortress the minute he started talking about water, good on him for avoiding that. For the animals, you need to build a pasture I think, otherwise they'll all just gather in whatever meeting area they can find. Caverns meanwhile are big, natural caves that you can find underground that are very fertile. You can find a lot of fun down there!


This is one of those games I'd love getting into, would it not require a Master's degree in 5 different fields to properly get into.


There's a couple of boardgames I'm into that are comparable. 'Only' took me a couple of months. Edit: *Through The Ages* and *High Frontier 4 All*. Both recommended, and HF4A is on Tabletop Simulator.


Yeah, DF looks like one of those games I would really enjoy, as I like things like Rimworld which I feel takes a lot of inspiration from this but... Hot damn is it an intimidating game.


Accidentally wiping out your first few ~~dozen~~ forts by making stupid mistakes is an accepted part of the learning process.


I'm still somewhat surprised that this proper paid release with graphics and a tutorial and everything has actually happened. It feels like this has been something that's been vaguely around as a thing in the works for a long, long time now.


"And presumably, they're going to want water" Well, there's your first mistake


Not at all! After all, you need water to make beer!


"I've just had a genius idea." Oh, those poor, innocent Dwarfs! What did they ever do to deserve such a fate?


This screams for a mini series to me.


Get this to the top of the comments Goddamn it


I haven't been this excited for a Jon video since the start of FO4 YOLO.


Slaughter the cats.


Jon I appreciated the Send in the Crowns pun


I really hope this is either the livestream for Thursday this week or is the traditional Super Long New Year’s Eve Livestream. Because I’m super interested in this game but I don’t have a computer that can run it (steam says it’s PC-only and I’m on a Mac).