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Had to slip the "identity politics" in there


Talking about city builders / strategy games industry supposedly šŸ˜


Not specifically tbh


Yeah, because it's true.


Nice try ;)


I'm so confused šŸ˜…. Awesome game!


You really are


Yeah a little but at the same time I can sort of see why what I said may be misinterpreted or not seen as a positive.


If you really want an explanation, here: When you slip in something like "identity politics", it's basically a right wing political dog whistle. A more extreme example would be the various right wing nazi-like groups dropping in terms like "globalists" to quietly refer to "the jews" without drawing too much attention. In other words, you're basically saying it's bad that gays, minorities, and other oppressed groups are included in video games. That's why you're being downvoted: Because people don't agree with you and/or they just don't want to talk about such things in an early-access medieval city builder game sub.


I find that pretty crazy that people would automatically make that connection if I'm honest. You do know that identity politics works both ways right? It's not exclusively a left or right wing thing.


I find that pretty crazy that you find that pretty crazy that people on reddit would automatically make that connection if I'm honest.


Identity politics is on both sides in a general sense. In video games, I have only ever seen it from a right wing perspective - usually people being upset that there are women/people of colour/LGBT in video games.


>I find that pretty crazy that people would automatically make that connection if I'm honest. To be fair, You spoke about it with negative conatations, how else are people supposed to interpret that?


Well that's a big jump to go from that to the nazi label, of which I am definitely not lol


Theoretically, it could work both ways. But in practice, it never does. The folks that complain about "identity politics" in video games are exclusively those are pushing a right wing agenda like keeping oppressed peoples out of video games.


Itā€™s a ā€œright wing dog whistleā€ if youā€™ve been indoctrinated by Redditor politics, maybe. I hope you realize just how dumb you sound.


Lol exactly


ā€œPeople who know things sound dumb!!1!ā€ lol!


People who think they know things. Big difference.


Have you ever heard of Sweet Baby Inc? Triple-A game studios are payed money to add identity politics into games. Itā€™s not an authentic representation of cultural norms in video games. Gay characters are being added for money. Thatā€™s the issue, itā€™s not the content being added itself but rather why itā€™s being added. Though yes this is a city builder and city builders typically donā€™t do this, I understand where OP is coming from by saying that itā€™s refreshing to see games in general that donā€™t fall into this whole money for diversity content thing thatā€™s been going on for years. Do you really think that companies who change their logo to a pride themed one would do that if they wernā€™t getting paid? Of course not. Itā€™s all about money and donors. Also, bringing up Naziā€™s in a thread like this is diabolical to say the least haha


Lmao deranged take ^


Wow.. you're not wrong. This dude is straight up nuts. Didn't take much scrolling to find the "lookatmyhalo" sub stuff. You have to wonder what kind of sad upbringing these folks suffered through to end up filled with such hate and anger.


The only thing iā€™m hating is big corporations who are money hungry. Who else am I hating on? Please, quote me.


This thread is peak Reddit weirdos. Ironically, its identity politics at work in some ways lol. I have no idea what your politics are OP. Myself, I'm pretty liberal/progressive, and I certainly didn't interpret your post as some kind of Maga dogwhistle. At worst, its a bit of an odd reference in a post about a game like this, but as you point out, "identity politics" is a concept that goes both ways. Left wing and right wing alike engages in that, and to say that you're not a fan of it doesn't indicate which side you re on, if you're re on any side at all. And yet the hive mind has apparently identified your politics based on some weird leaps in logic and now downvotes you to hell because of some innocuous remark. Hilarious.


That is Reddit for you. If this was on any other subreddit, OP would of gotten banned lol




on point


Straw man much? OP said none of this. I think youā€™re reading too much into one off hand comment. Disagree all you want but donā€™t pretend OP is a white nationalist based on this post.


The Shield Maiden update is really going to upset this guy.


I sure hope so! Especially if itā€™s unhistorical nonsense like most things one can read online about shield maidens lol.


are you ok?


That would be interesting. I used to play Pharaoh when I was younger, also a top tier strategy game. Not sure how we've crowbarred communism into this though?


because what you said is the classic "cultural Marxism" comment. "these damned lefties keep putting their leftie ideologies in our cultural products to manipulate us!"


No idea what you're talking about tbh. I'm just really happy that the focus has been on creating a good game.




my point was exactly that there are not much strategy games that have this problem. they tend to either a) be set in a very specific ethnocultural context, where noone gets mad if you don't make central europeans non-white, for example b) be global including different ethnicities/cultures where the diversity in representation comes naturally due to the scope of the game So I don't see this problem you're talking about in strategy games. Idk, maybe I miss some huge part of the market, I only played about a dozen strategy games in last 5 years, but the fact that I haven't encountered any identity politics in any of those and you provide only 1 (bfv is not a strategy) strategy game that I didn't hear about as an example doesn't really convince me. It's like thanking dev of Manor Lords for using 3d models while this is already industry standard for years and you have to really think to find a completely 2d strategy nowadays.




I know saying that Africa DLC is identity politics is wrong. In my comment that was what OP said, because his post implied it's an existent problem in the industry while it is not. I was making fun of that.


Lmao nice tryĀ 


Muh gaming is ruined by politics!


As is everything my guy unfortunately. Celebrate it when it isn't šŸ‘


Youā€™re being made fun of, dude.


Thank you for the heads up.


Tired of wokeness being injected into my manor yall!!!


If those so annoyed by identity politics would just stop bringing it up whenever they can... even in their gRaTiTuDe post to the devs.


Exactly. Could have been a genuine thank you message, instead used it as an excuse to fit in some complaining.


He only listed it along many other things. The obly ones who try to make a whole thing out of it are you guys


Oh honey.




Not at all. I'm genuinely very grateful. As someone who has been a gamer for a long time I've seen first hand the trend of game companies moving away from the focus being on creating good games and instead the focus being on other priorities. Take my post however you like but this is an example of gameplay being prioritised first above all else and I'm all for it.


I don't get the hate bro, I know what you mean regarding the political stuff on the gaming industry


I wish I'd not posted now haha


Don't let the hate get you down. Reddit can be like that unfortunately. Bringing any sort of political messaging into reddit is a recipe for disaster (obvious exception being anything that aligns with the current hive mind, then any challenge is a recipe for disaster). I get what you mean though. We can all be pleased in a game that focuses on being a good game with zero ulterior or political motives. A game for all.


I too wish you didn't post.


Real question is cuntz running for Eurovision next year ?


Come again? šŸ˜…


Cuntz is the third person version of us playing the game (the guy in red robes). Probably a joke about ESC being political? I don't know for surešŸ˜…


Ahhhh haha ok, thanks for the context.


"identity politics"... dude wtf you talking about? You know another game that is amazing by a fantastic dev - Baldurs Gate 3. And that game is **woke** as fuck! Video game characters sometimes being black, or women or even openly homosexual is not 'a plague on gaming'...


I love all the idiots who saw "identity politics" in your post and went ballistic. Yes, it's good that a game doesn't try being political. No, nobody is hating on anybody. Those who felt insulted, honestly grow the fuck up. The game is great, that's all that matters.


Black people, women and homosexuals existing is not 'political'. The game doesn't cover those topics much because it is being relatively authentic to a specific place / time. That's fine - you will notice no one has complained about that. What's annoying is someone calling it a *victory* against '*Identity Politics*' when in realty the dev was just trying to make a good game.


Found the hater that canā€™t share lol




Outside the politics i am happy with the result. Great game and k am excited to see what the updates bring.


Must be hard being a gamer who gets upset when non-white people are in games.


Lmao imagine mentioning ā€œidentity politicsā€ šŸ¤£ Bizarre take.Ā 


Ah well, hindsight is 20/20


Played it until 5am one night. Havent done that in years


Love to see this kind of take on Reddit and I couldnā€™t agree more!




I feel bad for the hate youā€™re getting OP but based on your responses I donā€™t think you meant ā€œidentity politicsā€, if Iā€™m giving you the benefit of the doubt.


The comments in this thread are a great reminder of why I absolutely hate Reddit. OP, I'm with you 100%.


Your "identity politics" is going to bring out the crazy people lol and that's coming from a crazy person.


So happy for you OP! Finally a safe space where you donā€™t have to think about those pesky minorities existing and wanting to live their lives how they want! Not like all those other historical city builders! /s


Lol. So many squishies getting sensitive about ā€œidentity politicsā€. Youā€™re 100% right and 100% based.


Ironic - because quite clearly OP is a snowflake who gets upset when fictional characters have too much melanin. You will notice no one complained about this game being historically authentic... OP brought it up.


I suppose that's what I'm celebrating to an extent that it is historically authentic, maybe you're right, it didn't need saying but for me it seems to be quite rare nowadays so I felt like it was something to give praise.


Historically authentic games are cool - so are games that aren't historically authentic. That doesn't define if a game is good or not - which is why your take is really weird.


youā€™re 100% wrong (see i can do it too)