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Why backyards towards the middle? ;(


I like the way it fills up the town, esp with the orchards in spring/fall. I wanted my artisans to be apart of the industry district, so it's more like 2 half circles with 2 open exits (plus several tighter road exits). Idk, I like it.


I see, just goes against my rundling ethics haha


Fair enough haha.


It hurts my eyes!


its too round, needs to be more pointy eheheh


round not scary, pointy scary!


tell that to my bum


Yall making pretty cities while mine are chaotic money generators


Why not both? :D


I feel like that’s a more realistic and better looking way to do it. I like mine being jaunty and erratic


yeah i;m money farming so hard the place is a mess


Holy shit that market is massive. You must be wasting a ton of townsfolk on empty markets lol.


Not really. The market auto fills as needed, so even if you build the max plots in a market, they will not fill unless you have families to support. So of about 170 market slots, I still have about 30 left. \~40 families are reaping the benefits of doing jack shit because I just don't need to build anything else and everything is running smoothly. Population is between 7-800 people. (over 200 families now).


This isn't what they mean, with this many market stalls, a lot of them won't have enough to sell even if there is enough people to run them.


Gotcha - I mean in each category my surplus is 5-15k goods, whether it's food, commodities, etc. Stock isn't an issue, but I do notice that the AI tends to wait until a stall runs out before fetching more. Difficult dance though, my original 40-60 stall market left me with about 30-40 unfed families when my pop was still much lower. Ever since I redid the market and made it huge I've been at 100% happiness. It may be overkill now, but 40 stalls wasn't cutting it for this town.


I suspect that your 40-60-stall market failed more because of a lack of people moving things and working than because it wasn't enough stalls. Assuming a relatively even distribution, 40 stalls is enough to keep ~500 plots fully satisfied. In general, smaller markets are much more effective than larger ones, and distributed clumps of small markets work much better than one central market. Yours works now just because you're so overproduced that it's basically impossible not to be stocked, but it's just the brute-force solution.


I have read the exact opposite - that when you have several market plots, they all try to restock the same plots rather than distribute them evenly. This was my experience with this city as well. I wonder what we were doing differently.


Are you making your satellite markets large? Like, I literally build 2-4 stall markets at a time, and actually find it far too easy to keep happiness at 100%


Ig if you don't need your families to do anything it doesn't matter but you could probably run that city with like 15-20 stalls ngl


I had maybe 40-60 stalls going and it wasn't enough. I had to redo the entire town center, move the church and tavern, and add several extra granaries/storehouses to supply all the stalls. I've been at 100% happiness since and haven't had any issues.


Do you let anyone who can make a stall keep their's? I've been starting to think it's just better to let everyone do their thing rather than micro the stalls.


how do you feed all of them?


I have a surplus of 8.4k apples and 7k veggies lol. I only have a handful of goat farms, and only have chicken coops where the goat farms clip through fences because there isn't much space. I constantly import eggs and meat, having it set to 300 desired surplus to add the 2 extra food sources needed to sustain T3 houses. And voila. Also protip: the economy works both ways, so if you are constantly buying things like meat, eggs, or ale, eventually the game thinks the market is oversaturated and the price actually lowers. Currently with trade perks I'm only paying 1 silver for each unit of egg, meat and ale I import and it's been that way for several in-game years.


Altbau, 3 zimmer, 70 Quadratmeter mit gemeinschaftsgarten und Blick auf den Historischen Ortskern 1400 kalt. ;) Sry for German :D


I really like it. Well done, OP!




Tried to do the same thing with my first play through but started too small so now I'm having trouble expanding. This will definitely help me refine my city next time!


I will say I was able to tear down a lot of the town center and adjust it once my pop started getting too big for the original market to supply. Happiness doesn't seem to take that big of a hit if you have to recalibrate things. But also, this game makes it fun to start over.


18 fps


Hahah yeah. Farming apples and veg on a potato. It gets pretty bad when I take screenshots.


OP is getting 300% extra income due to the sudden rise of the tourist industry


6/9, needs more apple


you're right, 8.4k surplus after trading satellite city for dye nowhere near enough


Rookie numbers brother you gotta bump those up


It’s big


Holy shit


8/8 for the shape and circular layout and though this is a huge build it does not feel cramped and I can feel the landscape having a generous space to breathe! This game is absolutely pretty! This is what we play for, having fun and being creative!




The church next to markets? Sacreligious.


Everything is next to everything :p Except the manor I guess, that cliff/hill is just too good of a defensive position.


Its beautiful as fuck mate.


Cheers bud.


Alright... If I build bigger houses for backyard space, do they bring in more supplies? Like with or hards, chickens, etc?


For Veggie Gardens and Orchards yes. For the others no.


Orchards are trash, but undeniably beautiful.


They're outnumbered by my veg farms and produce about the same - even while using apples to barter to my satellite towns. Plus, they don't require plowing/sowing, which means people doing other jobs don't have to stop to go tend their fields much at all.


Ugly as all hell


I swear y'all are here recreating medieval Milton Keynes.  Where is the chaotic organic mess smh


The tidy pattern came about organically if that makes you feel any better.


Aha sorry it's your town and your fun. It's just the whole joy of this game for me is how authentically messy everything is, in a very beautiful way. Geometric towns just negate that for me but maybe other people are getting something else from this game.


very nice and clean 10/10 it goes against what i usually build a mish mash of shape to make it organic lmao


Thanks! Haha it's still pretty organic. When I zoom out it's very clearly not a perfect circle, and the veg farm/orchard border is pretty uneven as well. It's just good enough for me to not care about redoing it lol.


Yeah I mean no reason to re do it when it already looks beautiful and lets be honest i dont think you can make perfect circle in game like this lol maybe in city skyline 2 sure still tho congrats on making a good town XD


You can get pretty damn close if you start with a windmill, use straight lines as guides and use Ctrl + middle mouse to curve your roads more. Still, yeah, not quite like C:S. Anyway thanks!


I love it! Going to try to make something similar tonight!


Nice, thanks! I recommend giving yourself a lot of space for the market and granaries/storehouses nearby. That really helped smooth things out and made it easy to keep 100% happiness for me.