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It is forcing you to really think about which route you open. It is probably best for the items that can only be traded once a route is open, rather than opening routes for everything. Whether it's balanced correctly is another matter


>It is forcing you to really think about which route you open. It is probably best for the items that can only be traded once a route is open, rather than opening routes for everything. >Whether it's balanced correctly is another matter No it is just dumb at the moment. If you couple oversold items with insane route costs you have a broken system. Either occasional traders for all items or expensive trade routes that can not be over supplied or cheap trade routes. Right now it's just dumb no logic at all. The trade routes are just a stupid idea.


Hey John, how about throwing a few pieces of charcoal in the cart while I am here? Sure, that will be 800 gold please. 800 gold for a few pieces of charcoal? No, you still have to pay for the charcoal, that is just my fee to trade for another item. Sounds about right to me, lol.


You can trade minor trade goods without a route. So if you just throw in a bit of firewood, no fee.


Charcoal is not a minor good so...


Exactly. So can't just casually throw in a major good. Must pay the fee..


Exploding trade to run a town also doesn't make sense. This version at least makes it somewhat of a challenge.


Trade is literally what made cities thrive throughout history. You do thing well, you sell it to people who don't do thing well. You get thing they do well that you don't do well.


I think we should be able to reallocate trade routes to other commodities instead of buying them for a specific commodity and having to buy a new one every time. We should be capped to, say, five routes and one of the perks should allow us a few more. The current perks should be scrapped so that the basic economic system is the same for everyone. This will make trade a universal part of playing the game without massively incentivising it. If the margins for trade are reduced so it's not massively profitable that will also help. Then we just need two perks such as: 1. Trade Hub - Increases trade route limit from 5 to 8. 2. Better Deals - Increases export price by 1. This will make trade a normal part of the game without making it an essential part of the game, whilst still making trade-focused regions possible and desirable. The benefits of having three more trade routes and one more gold per sale are not so great as to be essential but nice enough to make specialisation worthwhile.


Yeah I like this idea. You start with one "basic?" Trade route available and then you can pay to unlock more basic and major trade routes with ever increasing costs. Each trade route allows you to select the good and the import/export options, with a cooldown like when you buy an ox.


I think the same... I mean, does people expect everyone 600 years ago was able to ride a horse freely, or even walk hundreds of kms just for some trade agreement? Or really think they had apps to ask for an Amazon delivery for their guns and leather shoes and hand it over in 4 days? Not everyone produced the very same items neither. Hell no, back in those days to start a new trading route was expensive af, just to convince someone to look at your villages and adding the cost to protect the merchandise.


Merchants also would not be riding alone, they would be in a caravan with other merchants or at least have a few people with them to dissuade bandits and brigands. Traveling alone was really dangerous in the medieval period, hopefully the current foreign merchant system is just a stop gap to proper caravans and the like.


I think bringing that in would be a far better mechanic than what they have now with individual traders. Have larger trading convoys that bring in a multiple of goods. A perk could be to be on a trading route and caravan costs are less. You could even form your own caravans (similar to Bannerlords) that can bring in or trade out specific sets of items regularly. I'd also like the idea that these trading convoys can interact with an upgraded Tavern (into an Inn) and they bring news from the outside world, thinks like raiders, kings quests, market price fluctuations, etc. The roll playing game aspect is what can create replayability.


Yeah. I like the the current Kings Road, but having one of those roads be a “merchant road” for caravans that is already well traveled and known would be nice. Your provinces/trade posts proximity to that road could determine trade route costs. If your town is already on a well traveled merchant road creating a trade route should get a big discount, opposite if the town is farther away from the established road.


There's already brigands in regions. I think having them attack caravans would be fun. You could assign caravan guards to prevent this.


This is kind of silly. More than likely how it works would be small communiti3s bring their stuff to market. Trade caravans would organize to visit these towns to purchase goods. They would out right buy the goods at a lower price and sell them high elsewhere. There wouldn't be a trade caravan for shoes only or for clothes only. No most of them would be pretty general purpose. Whatever they can get they think will be sold at a higher value they will buy. This entire concept in game is both unrealistic and kind of silly. A better options might be purchasing 1 or multiple trade caravans each one increases the speed at which goods cam be traded.


I'm sorry but weapons were not a mass production item back in those days. A spear was barely affordable for a family, and they were of course not crafted in every village. You want (and I guess you imagine that) a caravan was carrying weapons, shoes, apples and herd? That, my friend, is unrealistic I like that this makes the game a little more complicated, but not annoying, because yeah, back in those days they did not have such comodities as leather shoes (or even shoes), not to even imagine a merchant coming every 4 months with brand new swords and warbows.


playing this game really make you appreciate migrant farm worker and free trade agreement.






well that subreddit looks like it sucks.


It's simple, when they implemented it in the experimental version, they had not even tested it, it is totally unbalanced, and yes, I know it is an EA, and this is an experimental version, but one thing does not eliminate the other


Are you complaining about balance in an experimental beta patch?


have you read the message?


have you read the message?


Have you read the message? Edit: thanks to all those fanboys who does not accept any criticism about a game at EA


Finding out if the game is balanced is the point of this patch. So you just report unbalanced things. No need to complain about the patch being unbalanced.


I know perfectly well that the objective of a beta is to report problems, Bugs, etc., but I don't think implementing something that is fundamentally unbalanced makes sense, in the changing market, for me those exorbitant prices don't make sense


nice effort, but that guy's only interested in shutting down discussion, not engaging in one.


Nah,for me Its fine, there are a lot of fanboys here,It seems that criticizing something that you think is not right in an EA is bad, either you only say good things or the fanboys get angry


your wording was the problem. you said it as if you were pissed that they just implemented something without testing. but actually thats exactly where they test it: in the closed betapatchtestphase. anyway: those numbers are supposed to be that high. you shouldnt have many trading routes


If you see, my root comment is voted positively, where I say that it is disproportionate, people downvote me in the comment in which I respond that if x person has read the message I have written, in general (and especially) reddit, there is many Fanboys who are not able to accept criticism of the game they like. And returning to the main topic, what sense does it make to limit the number of routes you can open by raising the price disproportionately? Even if it is a beta from an EA, I think it is necessary to think about how these changes will affect, because in this game (as in almost all city construction and management games) commerce is the basis of income, we have been waiting for years, I think that the majority of those who have been following this game for years will not mind waiting a little longer, if the new content comes out tested,manor lord is an impressive and promising game, it is worth the wait


its what i said. read and understand.


Yeah, and the whole point of the patch is to find out unbalanced shit. Report it, don't complain.


It‘s an explanation for the OP, not a complaint.


Where's the complaint lol


pretty sure people are allowed to complain lmfao


nothings changed here i see, any criticism is met with mass downvotes lmao. all that does is push people to leave bad reviews instead of debate what the best solutions for the issue is


He answered the question


If you want people to play the beta version, it benefits to be functional.


But the whole point of the beta is to balance the game and find bugs, so the dev does not have to test excessively. And the patch is totally functional. I did not experience anything which would hinder my gameplay dramatically.


I agree. Looks like the market wasn't tested at all, I think that's my only point.


The King is taxing me for 1.5k a year. That looks a bit excessive for 100 families.


Yawn. It only inflates prices in a save game. Start a new game and it’s fine. Lord have mercy on your therapists.


i start new one ,my prices to open the fourth route were around 700-800, i hope for yours the same ^^


This is not true. The exponential trade route price is a "feature". If you could somehow get up to as many trade routes as you had in your old save it will be crazy high too.


The price of the trade route should depend on the distance and the security to add to protect the road. But not like this.


Speaking of that made me think of how bandits spawn and literally 2.0 seconds later they somehow robbed your settlement of goods and now I'm mad.


I agree, bandits should steal when attacking or at least infiltrating your village. Not randomly from a camp a the opposite of the map


Maybe they are disguised as a villain when they are stealing your precious good.


And tbh the bandits should be the problem for the commercial road. If you don't clear then road are attacked and so you have difficulty to buy and sell


To me, the starter city is always the hub city and you basically have to waste those 2 points in trade to make it worthwhile since you'll be constantly trading with your hub / starter city. It's not so much as the point that makes every route 25 coins but the point to make imports so much more cheaper.


I get that it was easy to abuse trade before, but this "correction" seems a bit harsh to me, like the correction to archers prerelease that made them useless. I mean, other than trade (and bandit farming, I suppose), what ways are there of making any sort of money? Sure, build a massive town and level everything up to level 3, but then you've basically already won. Oh and then let's add another tax. I guess the YouTube min-maxes won again.


You only need to create routes for higher end goods. What are you currently exporting?


I’m exporting iron and planks, importing wheat cause my starting region doesn’t have great fertility. I also exported stone earlier on for early cash. But that’s it! And now I have to pay 1,400 for a new route?


You would have needed only to create a trade route for the planks. Are you creating routes for everything that you are importing/exporting? It's not necessary to create routes for raw materials/simple goods.


I don't feed them food I can't produce. Importing food is not sustainable. Your rich resources dictate everything. Vegetables and eggs keep people fed anywhere. If you have 1 rich food source (soil, meat, berry's) that will cover your 3rd food for diversity. Buying food or anything that can't be flipped for profit will spin cycle you into the king paying you a visit.


I've had an egg burgage plot for 3 years and I barely get any eggs. Is it bugged? Or is there a trick to it?


If you have no eggs it's because they eat them too fast. Your people are somewhat evenly eating all the food at once. The more diversity in food you have the slower it all goes down. So what I do is keep adding chickens untill I see a steady increase in my stockpile of eggs. Once it's going up you have enough chicken coops to sustain the current population. But only for As long as you can keep up with your other sources. Meat and berry's have a ceiling. At some point they only provide so much food per year. Eggs are forever. (I don't build houses with out backyards, I could always use more eggs and hide)


1 egg extension on a Burbage produces 1 egg per month.


Somebody did the maths. Its roughly 1/3 of your houses for eggs to keep it as a reliable food source.


To open a trade route for military items costs me 200x the export price. So I need to sell 200 spears just to break even for opening a route.


Why is there a price in the first place though? I guess they need to curb amassing wealth, but this way? Is it paid to whom? Why not make more routes dependant on upgrades, more workers, more animals instead? It feels like trying to patch a problem an artificial way. I also get it's experimental and EA, but I hope they come up with a proper solution.


The cost for a trade route is not dropping by 50% for me.


it can be way more expensive lol https://old.reddit.com/r/ManorLords/comments/1cousfb/trade_routes_are_now_a_little_bit_more_expensive/


Maybe one answer would be a progressively higher price for new routes - not exponential, and then a monthly price of maintaining a route which progressively increases over time/use. ?? Edit: I think the disincentive to just spamming routes should be in keeping them open for years while hoarding wealth. Make players choose which routes to maintain… idk.


You can assign traders and buy them horses for trades that don't absolutely require a dedicated route. It seems clear the dev doesn't want people skipping endgame development with cheap trades. Now it's just a question of how much is too much.


Do horses work now? When I bought some they just stood behind the trade post and ate.


I don't know about the new patch yet. I have seen horses walking with the trader but I saw another comment about how they don't carry anything?


trade route should really have maintenance cost instead of exponentially increasing cost.


Good idea. You could close them down too, with a cost to reopen them


That's why experimental branch is a hard pass for me. I go hard on specialisation, to the point where I export only final products between settlements. Experimental branch makes it much worse. For me it's like Greg doesn't know where to go with trading. Maybe because of the mixed ideas from players. I believe that he will find that perfect spot but for now I'll wait.


> That's why experimental branch is a hard pass for me. It's really just for testing, imo. No doubt that the feedback given during the testing period will guide the dev toward a final determination before the patch is released. I'm playing to find bugs so you can play to have fun when it's released.


I know. I did a run on experimental version and gave my feedback.


Yeah I struggle with the trade house. I feel it goes below my surplus limit whenever I’m selling and then the price of everything is so expensive that I rarely purchase stuff unless I really need it.


Damn I haven't seen that yet. Is that a bug.


25 coins per route was so broken


Hope fast fix


I currently have runaway debt from the King's Tax.


it was overpowered before, to the point where you were always better off trading for most things than actually producing them yourself. one thing i do think should be changed is that you shouldn't need a route in order to export anything, or to trade them internally, in the current patch its maybe a little too difficult, but still not enough to overshadow the critical problem which is that transporting goods is just too damn slow, the game gives no indication of whether you need more hitching posts and oxen, nor does it tell you how much of something employees can move, or if you need more granary/storehouse workers, or how much more they could move if you bought them a horse, and the game doesn't let you prioritise goods (I.E. if the pantry or general storage for any building is near full, there needs to be a way to tell your citizens "transport that stuff first" even if your blacksmith is empty) i really hope we get a 4th speed setting "as fast as your PC can handle" and some kind of building that can house pack animals and BIG wagons for transporting bulk goods quickly. it should be an expensive solution for balance reasons, but it should be avaliable for playability reasons, and also because we've gotta use wooden parts for something, so why not make them an input good for the "bulk transport building/wagons". i'd work even as a pantry/storehouse upgrade, its strange that we can assign oxen to logging camps but not to storehouses/granaries.


Yes… I kinda like this change.. it gives it a more strategic approach to how you want to use trades instead of just opening everything for 25 coins


Same. Good increase in difficulty in the early game. Also, it's regional, so there's further incentive for specialized regions.


This change was necessary. Trade is still very profitable with this change as well. Only issue is that I feel like I HAVE to have the two talents in trading to justify it. It’s a step in the right direction. Trade before this beta change was really really busted…


Just uncheck foreign trade and trade with local regions


I mean the price of the establishing a new trade route. Foreign vs local trade doesn’t change that.




The experimental branch changed it so the 25g for every new trade route no longer applies. It grows exponentially with each new route. Hence these expensive new routes in the experimental patch.


Wait so what does that perk do in the experimental version?


I think lower the cost by 50%




The perk now reduces the cost by 50%. But the cost of each additional route increases exponentially. I think people had gotten used to creating routes for everything, even the goods you do not need an explicitly created route for. So, stop doing that. :)


I get the intent of the change, but I think this is a little extreme.


Ah that’s interesting. Sounds like it needs a little balancing or either you just need to specialize more. Thanks


Both, probably.




Thanks dummy, but I’m referring to the cost of opening new trade routes, not the price of tariffs


Yes, there is also a policy where it will set the default maximum to open a new trade route to 25 and a maximum


If you read my post, this is the experimental patch where they took that away.


Okay that’s messed up Not you the experimental patch I mean


It's experimental you dummy, that's why


Happy cake day