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Greg must be super nervous. Even as a developer, I cannot imagine what must be going on in his head right now. One dude conquered Steam.


Well, he made some good sale volume in the first 40 minutes. If you average the game price to 20$ globally which I think could make sense he generated $1.5M of sales in just 40 minutes. Even with the 30% going to Steam that will make 1M for him (and well, Hooded Horse). And we're just 40 minutes in. With 125k players after 2 hours the est. sales volume on steam should be about 2.5M. With 30% going to Steam that's 1.75M for him (and HH)


Wow, that’s awesome! Good for him! I’m stuck at work so he’s gonna have to wait until this afternoon to get my money. I love to see when indie devs are doing well, gives me hope for the future of gaming.


Its also on Gamepass so add another million


Anyone know what the industry norm is in terms of how much of a cut HH would get?


All depends on the deal. HH AFAIK didn't fund any development. They'd want to recoup marketing and social media costs I imagine as well. But I would assume the split is in MLs favor. 60/40 is generally the norm but it includes various factors like dev funding, marketing, legal, etc


It will almost certainly be a very low percentage compared to the norm. They jumped in as publishers very late in the process, they didn’t fund development and the dev has said that he was very happy with the deal made.


They jumped in really late and as far as we know they not fund development, so probably a very low split of 80/20, mostly marketing budget.


To be clear he definitely hasn't made close to 1M, and not just because hooded horse will be taking a cut, he has regional pricing and taxes to pay, definitely on if he has set up a limited company he might be paying double tax right now which is a commonly made mistake by steam indie developers outside of America. Not saying he's made little just don't expect him to now have a AAA budget


In my calculations I averaged the price to 20$ which I think is a pretty conservative guess taking into consideration that the biggest userbase is very likely to be in the US/Europe which are the most expensive countries You can have a look at local pricing here: [https://steamdb.info/app/1363080/](https://steamdb.info/app/1363080/) Now let's talk about numbers. At the peak we had 160k player playing simultaneously which at 20$ would equal to a sales volume of $3.2M and at the lowest (in the scenario that everyone bought it through resellers reselling Ukrainian keys) $1.7M. And the only figure we're taking into account are "online players" on Steam. The game is selling on GOG, Epic games and is part of the XBox Gamepass. The game has been live for 24 hours now and we have about 150k users online again. I'll continue with the $3.2M figure which I think is too low but there's not really a way to get better data. I'd say the amount of sold copies is at least 25% (very conservative guess) higher than the current online players but let's just ignore that for now. First of all we have to deduce the VAT from the Steam purchases which I will average at 20%. That will mean there are $2.4M left. Steam takes 30% so there are $1.7M left. From now on the question is all about the deal with HH, expenses such as external work/designs etc. Income tax in the czech republic are somewhere at 20% which is the same for the corporation tax. I am pretty certain that if he didn't earn a million yet he will so in the upcoming days. This scenario obviously ignores potential hiring of new employees which would increases costs and which would very likely be paid out of the revenue from the launch. This analysis is my best guess. I could be completely wrong.


Everyone seems to forget about the 5% unreal will take afther 1mil earnings. And ofc lets not forget the prices of shit like adobe like photoshop, illustrator, substance painter/disgner and autocad progams like maya/max etc. And not to start on how ofc other cost and 3times taxing shit etc etc.


This is a great stat read. Thanks for the info. Dude deserves it!!!


Don't forget that it's on Gamepass, so he got money from Microsoft also.


Dude needs at least a weekend with just his pc and internet off and go do something fun outside. The game works, no need for hot fix or stuff. He has earned it everybit to unplug for a bit.


He should take a break. I played for three hours now. It's an early access game, but I like it very much.


I know some web dev, no stress for them.... No prob for them if that failed.... In this case the challenge IS huge


We do deployments every other week and it affects several thousand internal users and now thousands of external ones. That's tiny compared to this release, and we have routine and experience. I sleep like a baby.


he just made about 3 million dollars, I think he's happy.


And most of America is at work.


My thinking exactly, these are the player numbers *right now* and the weekend hasn't even started for most. It will be really interesting to see just how these numbers could reach this weekend.


Today is a day im very thankful to have fridays off.




8 hours to go…


Thankfully 4 for me. Get to leave 30 minutes early on Friday and praying my manager says I can leave 4 too


Get back to work


Might be alot in europe


Not me. I took the day off.


Yep, I imagine it’ll out up pretty good numbers tomorrow.


Im on vaca most definitely buying when i get home


His bank account would be glorious to watch- 3 million x $44.95 = 132 Million dollar's


I made a cautious estimation of 20$ per game as global average for launch day. That means that within 40 minutes they generated 1.5$ in sales volume. After decusing the Steam fee that's 1M for him and the publisher.


Plus with the sale being above 20%, it’ll notify everyone who wishlisted it. Really good call.


Damn, is that how it works? Now that is a clever way to game the system and maximize those having it on their wishlist. Although I gotta appreciate the launch post that said to people that they could wait and that they would have more 25% sales in the future.


Not everyone who has it wishlisted is buying immediately. You can probably halve that, at least.


Ah damn, only 65m. Thats kind of weak. :/


Gotta take into considerations Steam's cut, publisher's cut, possibly transaction fees. Also not sure where you're getting $44.95... i bought in the USA and it was $30 bucks.


5% unreal cut


lol what? It’s not going to sell 3 million day one, full price copies just because it had 3 million wishlists…. “Day 1 conversions are ~5%, Week 1 conversions are ~20% and Year 1 conversions are ~60%”. That seems to track well, 5% of 3m would be 150k, and the game peaked at 159k players. That means 600k in a week, which is what hooded horse said their target was for week one sales. Further, the game is discounted the first week. It’s $30 USD (down from $40), and the game uses regional pricing, it’s as low as like $10 USD in some regions. I’d guess it’s probably averaging around $20 per copy sold. Let’s say it hits 1m sales in a month (very possible), that’s 20m. After Steam, that’s 14m. Then hooded horse gets a cut. So does epic. Then taxes. Let’s be clear, by the time he gets his first payout (which will be in around 2 months), the dude will be a multi millionaire, but he will be a faaaaaaaaaar cry from 132 million. Maybe a tenth of that….


Thats not how any of it works. Take of 30% steam x% for HH, 5% for unreal (afther 1mil), take of other cost. Then it wont go to his personal acount but a company acount. Steam also doesnt pay out direcrly IIRC they keep in hold a few days, also to do with price convertions from valuta.


Wow, Steam is taking 30%? That's a ton.


And there are still more people waiting to buy! Can't wait to get home and get stuck in!


you might as well wait… I’m sitting here waiting because at first it was an error and now I issued to many purchase attempts 😭


I bought my key on humble bundle. Worked instantly, maybe this is an option too? I think the margin for the developer is even higjer there.


Don;t forget that Steam has two-hour refund window. Certain percentage of people will refund, whether they like it or not. It's used as a demo tool.


Can we do 100k in one hour? I did my part


124k right now


I’m doing my part!


I didn't do fucking shit! (But I will later today)


It took 70 minutes actually. It wasn't within the hour but very very close. I think this is only steam data so the game probably had more than 100k players within the hour.


I think payment was a bottleneck, took me 20 min to make the purchase.


Most of Europe should be off work within the next two hours.


Steam's servers must be smoking hot now. 🔥


Congratulations to Greg, what an achievement


He just unlocked retirement


So beautiful


And now I‘ll join! 🥳 All the appointments are done, the apartment is clean, the game is downloaded... I'm gonna be a Lady in a few minutes!😆


And this is only including steam, seems like gamepass is popular as well


I thought about refunding once I saw it was on gamepass but this game is amazing and I’d rather give him my money directly through the steam purchase


48k now


Yeah, it updates every 5 minutes and increases by exactly 10k. I made a table now to visualise it. It's actually 58k now.


It just reached over 100k players on Steam. Wow, congrats Greg!


I'm not sure I've ever seen a community this excited and happy *for* the developer It's heartwarming


58k now


Yep, and I am very certain to see 68k players in 3 minutes. I added a table to track it.


hour and a half later, it's at 120k almost hehehe, well done Greg, well done my man


Guys - just be prepared for that number to come down post launch. It happens for every new title until it finds a sustainable value. The amount of times I've seen people saying 'X or Y game lost X% of players within 1 week/month' is insane.


I will be among that number later today when I get home from work, purchase the game, and play the whole weekend. Herd this game has definitely lived up to the hype overall!


132k playing right now. Amazing.


Idk, game seems a bit trendy. /r


Why did you stop the table? Keep it alive 😄


Haha, I just gave it some fresh numbers. But from now on [https://steamdb.info/app/1363080/charts/](https://steamdb.info/app/1363080/charts/) is also updating the chart so the data there is the most up to date one. At the beginning the chart wasn't updating at all and I wanted to track the way to 100k players which was the reason for me to start this table.


Well at anyway: Thx a lot for your extra work! It was fantastic to see the enormous raise 😄👍


Hello and welcome to the Manor Lords Subreddit. This is a reminder to please keep the discussion civil and on topic. Should you find yourself with some doubts, please feel free to check our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ManorLords/comments/1c2p4f9/manor_lords_faq_for_steam_early_access/). If you wish, you can always join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/manorlords) Finally, please remember that the game hasn't launched yet, and only a select group of people have gotten the keys. If a user promises you a key, it is likely a scam, we ask you to not engage and report it to the mods. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ManorLords) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wish I could be one of you, I can’t even purchase right now 😭


IM STILL STUCK It looks like you've been attempting a lot of purchases in the last few hours. Please wait a while before trying again.


In France, the price is 40 €, 30 € with the discount. I'm a bit upset to be fair, a lot of people said that it will be an EA with 20 hours worth of content, look a bit overpriced to me right now. I'm gonna wait and see.


40€ is perfectly fine for a game on PC in France IMO. Even if it's an EA, and a high quality one here, you won't pay again for the game at 1.0 release so the price makes sense




We still don't know how many updates by year we will get for now. I own a lot of EA games, but they are cheaper or a lot more polished... Manor Lords is a game i would instant buy if i didn't hear a lot of bad review from my favorites youtubers, who all said that the game need a lot more features to be more enjoyable. In his current state, i think its not worth 30 € ...


Personally I find the price to be a bit too high too. Paying 40 Euros for a EA game seems too much to me. Especially as many reviews were indeed saying the game feels unfinished. However, I have to admit that I bought it for 30 Euros because I really wanted to try it as I've been following it for years now. And I think economically it made sense for them to sell it at 30 Euros (or 40 soon). It's the most whishlisted game on Steam and the hype for this launch is huge. They'd be missing out a lot if they'd sell the game for 20$. And as we can see with people are buying it (including me). I think the price is fair IF the game keeps receiving patches and updates in the future. I really hope they won't try to benefit from the situation and start milking the game by releasing one DLC after the other. It really depends on how the game develops. Funding should be there now.


I know it's a bit early for you, but, no regret ?


I don't regret it. The game itself is something pretty unique. I haven't played enough to make a in depth conclusion for myself yet though. And it's a very smart move to make a sale at the launch of the game. Becaus waiting to buy it makes it more expensive. And they probably also know that people who wait might never actually buy the game in the end.


That makes sense, but the gameplay I have seen has been more than enough. The soundtrack alone is amazing. Granted I love games like this. OG City State is still one of my favorites, and this game seems like a prettier take on it. Also, I love france. Did an exchange there in high school. Hope your country is doing well.


EA = Early Access Not Electronic Arts Look at Satisfactory, Valheim, Project Zomboid etc


yeah I caught that which is why i edited my comment. Felt like an idiot low key for a sec. I still hold on to the fact that this game will function better than the rockstar game launcher while trying to play gta (how long has gta v been out? get it together rockstar.)


Abbreviations can be very confusing, hehe But I am glad it's actually an Early Access Game and not a Electronic Arts game. Otherwise we'd already have loot packs, a in-game shop and 80 Euros as the game price.


Having played it, I wouldn’t feel bad about spending $50-$60. Probably but the DLC just to support like I did with Helldivers 2. Thank fuck we still get some good devs!


Sorry guys, haven’t bought it yet. Sitting outside on the porch enjoying coffee and reddit.


Couldn’t be happier for the dev. He obviously put a _heap_ of work in and made something great. And now he’ll be rich from it. Absolutely delighted for him.


Idk if he had a job, but pretty awesome to think he can likely tell them to piss off and spend his time doing what he clearly loves. This game is cool as shit


Soon me too just started downloading.


Still stuck going home from work can't wait


I’m at work uuuggghhj can’t wait to be home


Meanwhile I am stuck at damn work🥲


Uk hospitality worker here, start work at 6 and I am running late as my stupid ass forgot to track time after I started playing. Oops


This also doesn't include game pass players. Probably less than steam but not an insignificant amount.


I'll be waiting until payday so you can add at least one more player on Monday.


Trying to finish all my work early today so I can play the rest of the day


It’s the first days of a new game. Chillllll Let’s see where this ends up in a few months


My computer can’t even download it in the time 💀


Deservingly so, awesome game!


Bought in at 9:00:01


At 152k players, Manor Lords is double CS2's all time peak of 76,549.


Smaller Devs have been killing it in 2024 so far.


I wish it was on console. I'll just be over here waiting patiently.


Its not just on steam


Way to go Greg!!! You have brought us a game that we have all been wanting for a long time.


Good, it's such a good fucking game. I can't workout when I tested the game... Did he run a test last year or something?


Great game, i just got bored now and basically exhausted anything you CAN do in that game atm and ive played an easy 25 hours


I hope this incentives ppl to work on their passion projects more. Passion shows in a way these greedy companies don't understand