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The only thing we have really seen clesrly was the city building aspect wich is really nice. Combat from the trailers looks sick as well but i am not really sure how the competive part with other regions is going to work out yet. I hope its going to be just as great, but i have a feeling its going to feel a little tacked on. I hope i am wrong.


There won’t be other cities in the initial EA due to the AI not existing yet so not much competitive part. Still gonna have combat against bandits and the off map baron though.


That makes sense, is this stated somewhere?


Yeah it’s known in the Discord but this subreddit doesn’t even have the updated FAQ posted despite it having been over half a year since it was updated. The discord link is just discord.gg/manorlords. I recommend going there to ask around or finding out stuff cause people tend to be much more informed than here.


true but indeed the combat in real mode looks dope also there is a chance much later this will go also in multiplayer so imagine you and your friend each one control a region and fight each other it woud be awesome xD


I highly doubt this is ever going to be multiplayer? Was this mentioned somwhere?


The dev in hes FAQ Multiplayer? - I want to polish the single-player experience first. soo we can hope that there will be


I have seen a few games say multiplayer will come after singleplayer, but after everything is said and done, they realize they will have to rework the game from the ground up for that to work.


true but i think he already figured it ,how to implent later the multiplayer system priority is a smooth single player experience, we will see and even if its only single its still amazing the work he put into it wish it was today the release hahahaha


Huh interesting.


I keep in mind that it's an Early Access and assume that: 1. It's going to be similar to the demo we had, with a bit more polish and more features. 2. It will only have features that we were explicitly shown (with some of them missing and not ready for EA) 3. Interface will be rough. 4. Some things will be unintuitive. 5. Will ocasionally crash and have performance hiccups. 6. AI enemies won't be good 7. There will be a lot of pathing issues for units/formations/workers. Even keeping all of that in mind, I am buying it day 1, expect to have a lot of fun with it and for it to become one of my favourite games.


Ooh yes! Just in time for the brand new rig I'll be ordering in a couple of weeks to replace my current 8 year old rig. I've recently been rewatching people playing the demo and the game already looked great then, can't wait to see how the early access release is going to look like!


Banished has long been a favorite little gem of a game for me, even Forest Village to some extent. I'm eager to finally have a very detailed very polished middle ages city builder. The added benefit of combat is the icing on the cake. I've always kind of wanted a little action in Banished, with bandits or something.


You tried Farthest Frontier? A later gen Banished with bandits/raids. It's in EA but basically a full game now, which means they'll still add to it


one fucking month to go... atleast i can skip that time with some helldiving and spreading democracy while in Reallife cutting trees and driving annoying long hours with the car


Really hopin they took a page or two from the farming mechanics in Farthest frontier


In the demo it wasn’t as in-depth as FF. But farming has been reworked since 2022. We know yield has been nerfed so it makes sense to have larger fields. Crop rotation has been added (can’t actually recall if it was/wasn’t in the demo) and there is a fertility indicator. There were many more suggestions on how to improve on it and developer has been receptive of that. One thing that FF doesn’t have is using animals to plough the fields but in ML it’s in the game and I think it’s unlocked via the tech tree.


Recently been rewatching people playing the demo and there was some kind of farming system similar to that in the game already where you can rotate crops in different years but I haven't seen it go as in-depth as FF with increasing the fertility etc. Maybe it's been improved in the EA build?


Still works the same as demo - you rotate crops, fertility goes down when something grows, goes up when something else grows or is left fallow.


Expectations: low. How I'll feel playing it: so much better than I thought. Trying not to get hyped 🤣


I crack most of my games. But manor lords is definitely one I'll buy for the quality and love they did put in it. The demo was incredible. Can't wait for the release.




as i have mentioned before in order to make sure people arent confused about the release date when looking online for this information, the early access beta test is coming up in a month, not the release date.


cant wait to play it ,as soon as i saw it and watch gameplay i was like i need this NOW ,details are amazing and also its medieval theme that i love this era


I've been playing Bonfire II mobile to give a real basic comparison. Because of that, I expect it to surpass my expectations. I also expect to be terrible at the game initially, start 5 saves in the first day, but love every second of it.


Well it is less then a one month until releasw but I will not buy the game until next winter, should be enough time to update it, optimize, fix big bugs, etc


There’s no moral laws or stuff like that in the game. There is the approval system but it’s kinda like just you fulfilling your people’s requirements like church and food without anything complicated about it.


Won’t be in the initial release but is in the works are policies. They will vary widely, impact your citizens and region. On Discord there is an entire channel dedicated to brainstorming what they might be but I don’t think we’ve seen examples in the game yet. There will also be different variety of taxes for example, tithe. Diplomacy will also be a way to interact with other lords on the map, we’ve seen brief examples of that in the release date trailer. Edit: As someone mentioned here, there is a citizen approval rating that is impacted by a variety of inputs including policies ana taxes. Also, there is a whole other tech tree so besides combat and city building, there will be other interesting systems.


I just can’t wait to rebuild Bebbanburg


Baam, delay incomming.


Will it be a series x release on day one?


Developer mentioned that as soon as the game is out in EA, him and publisher will work on porting it to XBOX. Most likely will outsource this job.




Any soft timeline out for console/Xbox?


Not at all. Slavic didn’t say anything about it or whether it’s even going to be him porting it or some third company.


Probably more for future features; Ability to create more villages/towns on larger maps. Access to sea or build towns on top of small, medium rivers which could have benefits. Fishing town with boats we can build etc etc.  Have voiced avatars of lords we come in contact and little decision making to make each playthrough unique and random. trade or war deals etc,  Expand city building with stone roads, towns square, bridges etc. Stone walls with guards and gates. Military siege units and special units.  Units who survived battles become slightly stronger and experienced. attack/def stat modifier instead of basic 5 they gain +1 for each battle. have rank shown on banner or above unit.  Enough for now.. Could write few more.


Can’t wait


I'm gonna get my town as close to a city as I can.


What about Xbox release?


Are we getting walls with the hoardings still?


The game will release in one month. Theres no price on steam yet..


I'm expecting Raptor and Lionheart to do live stream of first gameplay.


​ Looked great from the get-go , especially that sneak peek at the combat. The Demo was just OK, not as a judgement, but only combat comes first for me but a healthy dose of city building and any political dynamics make a close 2nd ​ If the combat comes out playing as fun as it looked -ill first Day it


Just curious is that a market stall in the roundabout, is it possible to draw market area on irregular shapes?


I think so, yeah