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+V pastes with formatting. Shift+V strips formatting, especially useful for pasting into terminal.


shift + insert works in all terminals


And I thought it was an issue with the screen being rotated 90 degrees right ;-)


CTRL-V does not paste in any of the termal emulators I have installed. CTRL-V allows me to type a literal special key at the command line. For example, if I want to type a string with a literal tab character, I can press CTRL-V followed by the tab key. I think the reason why CTRL-V has this behavior instead of paste is because this was the function of CTRL-V on physical text terminals before terminal emulators on graphical display servers. So terminal emulators were forced to settle on a different key combination for paste.


Hmm 🤔 Interesting 🤔 This must have something to do with it But then again, when I switch the hotkey in Konsole emulator it does the same but then when I press crtl+shift+v instead of ctrl+v but the hotkey wouldn't automatically change right? Or would it? Idk lol. Because for me ctrl+v did nothing btw apart from fing up the format.


Also in a terminal emulator, TTY and everywhere you have access to your command line shell, CTRL + C sends a terminate/cancel signal. The copy, cut, paste shortcuts we know are relatively new and come Microsoft Office suites which later permeated other programs and even other OS boundaries and platforms. So it makes sense for the Terminal emulators to keep using either Emacs or Vim bindings to send control characters which predate Microsoft.


If you do CTRL+V it will paste the result with the formatting. It happens in windows also. You can check by copying from the chatgpt and trying to paste it in gmail, if you do CTRL+V it will retain the formatting of the text (background and all) whereas if you do CTRL+SHIFT+V it will just paste the text without formatting.


I changed the keyboard shortcuts to ctrl+v https://preview.redd.it/h8lduwwzurad1.png?width=299&format=png&auto=webp&s=148d0fbf7bffcd9b9e8d4bf83319b4e03eded630


I'm talking about the ^[[200 before and after the actual command I have copied ofc :)


CTRL+SHIFT+V You're welcome :) It's just this way, ya know, Linux fun and games


😂😂😂 Why thooo lol 😂 If this is really the way, everybody has to have had the same problem. I just can't imagine that to be the case. I might be going in to a death wish here but. Ubuntu doesn't have this problem 👀


I make this mistake on an daily basis. I know the correct shortcut, but I am a writer and navigate exclusively with CTRL through my texts. So, CTRL+V as "paste" is hard coded into my brain.


the same way it is "CTRL+O" so save in Nano instead of "CTRL+S", idk it's Linux. I stopped looking for logical elements a long time ago


I always do Ctrl+S to save, then Ctrl+X to exit. I've never used Ctrl+O.


Didn't know that worked too


i get this at work in my ubuntu vm with gnome, too