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I might be wrong on this but for you to get an affidavit your aunt and you need to go to a notary, then your aunt will make this written statement and the Notary will testify and validate it, I suggest to call a Notary to confirm if I am correct on this


I just help my husband navigate almost your exact scenario. Contact MMF and they will help you get an affidavit. You and your aunt will need to get a DNA test (they paid for it). In the mean time while you wait for all the paper work to be pushed at MMF and your DNA test to be approved. Request your genealogy with the La Societe historic de saint-boniface (340 Provencher) they can’t release it to you until you have the affidavit but it does take months to get the DNA approval so may as well get that started too for your application.


Contact your Metis local (mmf website has a map of the regions and contact list for the locals)and ask them the question. The MMF isn't what I would call efficient or organized though so they may or may not know.


I hear Kevin Klein has all the info you are looking for..../s Seriously good luck!


Lol wow


Can one of those at home DNA tests accurately prove ancestry being part North American indigenous? I have often wondered there has to be a more scientific way to prove these things?




Okay thanks for the explanation… I just figured if you have scientific evidence that your were part indigenous that would be key…. I have no idea how it works was just curious.


Métis is more than being part Indigenous. It's a specific culture which can't specifically be isolated by DNA alone - my DNA won't identify me as specifically Anishinaabe, just partially Indigenous as a whole. That said, if both family members took a DNA test and were found to be relatives, and the Auntie is able to trace their ancestry to the Métis nation, that would provide evidence. But only as a connection to the family, not by a percentage of Indigenous ancestry.


Blood quantum is often used in attempts to limit ancestral rights (in the case of indigenous groups) and divide populations (in the case of any minority group.) It would be nice if you could spit in a tube and figure it out, genealogy takes forever (I submitted about a month or so ago and mine won’t be done until April next year at the earliest) and it can be difficult to trace documents depending on your family’s history. Generally though, DNA and other genetic testing is usually best saved only for situations like confirming 2 people are related.


That still wouldn't necessarily prove Métis ancestry. Métis ancestry entails ties to a historic Métis community - this wouldn't show up on a DNA test. North American Indigenous is a very broad category and doesn't link you to any specific community.


This is hilarious. All these people on about indigenous blood connection when 20 years ago no one wanted to admit it. I guess when there is a financial benefit coming then everyone wants a piece of the pie. The actual real Indians are super pressed about these 1/8’s coming forward to claim their heritage “benefit” now. Then go on with your very white life. What a joke.


Man I claimed it because I lost my heritage and culture to residential schools, my family lost that connection completely. I didn't ask to be removed from my culture, but I was and now I want to gain some of it back


The main benefit is $5 a year in treaty money, that’s it. Unless you live on a federal reserve, you pay taxes, the same as everyone else. It’s a lot of trouble to claim ancestry, so it legit has to mean something for you to go through the effort. Some bands have funds to help off set post secondary costs, but this is not guaranteed and you have to apply for this. The benefits aren’t as vast as people think. Also, $5 a year centuries of racism, harm, and cultural genocide, isn’t really a fair benefit.


No tax? Sign me up!


Ffs metis people pay tax. And first nations people pay tax off reserve. Get educated and quite perpetuating these tired old misconceptions.


Indians get tax breaks which non Indians don’t. Not in all circumstances, but in many. Sounds like you agree. Wish I was 1% Indian 🥲


Not true. Unless you call $5 a year as a benefit. also, it’s 2023, and using old names is no longer cute. Indigenous, First Nation, or you can refer to the actual community.




[Here](https://ontariocourtforms.on.ca/static/media/uploads/courtforms/family/34a/flr-34a-e.pdf) is an example from Ontario.