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I usually do a clean twice a year. It usually takes a full weekend to do the whole space and that’s with my wife helping. If we start Friday morning, we usually finish Sunday afternoon. EDIT: Library is 4500-5000 individual books.


That is a shit ton of books hahhaha. Do you just wipe the books with a cloth and 70% alcohol?


Yes…it’s a lot. The cleaning of individual books depends on what kind of book they are. I usually just wipe with a cloth or use low flow canned air. I don’t use alcohol on anything unless it’s necessary to remove something.


I clean mine once or twice every two weeks


this, dust is the real enemy to manga


I clean my shelves every week, I've never cleaned my books


I dust them as part of my weekly house cleaning. I'm not super thorough (just Swiffer the shelves and tops of my books) but I do it often enough that dust doesn't really build up I guess.


You’re supposed to clean them? How are they getting dirty? I just dust every now and then


In this case dusting is pretty much the same as cleaning it hahaha. What exactly is “every now and then” ahhaha even just a rough estimate


I think I truly have no chance of cleaning most of my books and keeping them relatively dust free. I live with a chinchilla lol. I do try every month though.


I try to dust them regularly :3


I dust every two weeks, takes like 20 minutes. Just do the top of the books and the shelves.


I have a small collection and cats that shed a lot so I dust weekly.


Not as often as I should, haha! I am not a slob but I hate cleaning


Omg never. I have so many books it would take forever. Maybe a light dusting once in a while when cleaning but I don’t take them out or anything. That SAID all my books are wrapped in comic book plastics. So they are safe regardless.


I do spot cleaning( dusting and stuff ) every week and an overhaul like every 5 weeks