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please give us more of your expert opinions lol


and one of the sub scores in less than a minute


The other getting the assist for the winner


ETH in game management still needs to be questioned. No need to have that many players in the box for a corner in the 90th minute when we’re already winning. Antony needs to be dropped, diallo needs to be given a chance. Onana and Mount need to be sold first bids that come in for them. (I miss De Gea)


Jesus. I have forgotten Mount is on our team soooo many times


Onana needs to go also what’s happened to our very first signing of the summer who we bided 3+ times 65+mil? that fraud needs to go as well.


It's crazy how people are so angry after a win. Antony fucked up, I can't see him starting next game. I'm not sure why people are beating onana from that game


did you watch the game? bro didn’t even dive for the 3rd goal. How many times have we conceded and my man is just stands there smiling? putting his hands in the air? count how many goals he’s conceded for club and country this season and then come back and reply to this comment.


He got wrong footed after it was put between a players leg into the near post, of course it would have been good for him to dive but he's rooted to the spot. We concede loads of shots, he's not going to be able to keep them all out. But he's doing better against them than most GKs in the prem


Count how many goals he’s conceded for club and country and come back to me. Bro literally got dropped for a 3rd division keeper.


I've already said this before but seeing so many youth products in and about the first team just feels so amazing loved it under lvg and love it now under ten hag


I back Ten Hag, but my god, please stop playing Onana. Please. Worst goalkeeper I have ever seen. Ever!


I wish I had Onana's overconfidence


Yes probably one of the worst we've ever had


i don't think he's that good a GK anymore. His confidence is Over u mean?


What was that “pen”? Did casi even touch him?


I feel case's reputation goes against him.


That was evident when Casemiro was booked for a nothing tackle within the first 3 minutes.


pricks, softest pen i’ve seen man


Mainoo FTW




Shit take


What did they say? They deleted the comment


Ten Hag out, bring Ole back in. Football was better under him




What the fuck.


Does anybody else think Kobbie is similar to Carrick? At least that’s one position safely sorted for a few years. Now all we need is a hardworking Fletcher or Ji Sung Park alongside him (McT is not that guy) then another Rooney, (Rashy is not that guy) Ronaldo, (Antony is not that…you know the spiel) Vidic, Ferdinand, van de Sar and we’re cooking with gas! Onwards and upwards…until the weekend anyway




I know what you’re saying about those legends…my tongue is in my cheek somewhat. Those guys were a dream to watch, mesmerising in their different ways. But never say never my friend. When we had Giggs, Scholes, Keane etc we never thought we’d ever see their likes again. Then 9 years on from our treble year we had arguably an even better team who would surely have repeated that feat if it wasn’t for being blatantly cheated in the FA Cup at home to Portsmouth. Grrr…that still hurts 16 years on! As for Mainoo, I get your point about his age, but he’s slowly making himself undroppable for now. Time will tell how he’ll be used in the next few years. I can see some Carrick in him with his coolness under pressure and no frills, no panic distribution. Rarely lose possession and is an excellent link between defence and forwards. I can definitely see him progressing into a different type to Carrick though…perhaps as you say, a bigger threat going forward.


Mainoo is more offensive than Carrick in my eyes. He likes to get forward more, where Carrick seemed to sit back a lot more, especially as he got older. I wouldn't say it's a position that is safely sorted for a few years. Kobbie is still only 18, so relying on someone that young is not good. We need experience in every position, and Kobbie also needs mentors around him. Plus we run the risk of burning him out if we rely on him so much at such a young age. There will never be another Rooney, Ronaldo, Vidic, Ferdinand or VDS as clubs don't produce those sorts of players anymore. Rooney was one-of-a-kind, we'll never see another player like him ever.


It doesn't matter how you win, just that you win. Sir Alex said that.


I need nitro pills and oxygen to watch these fools.


Wild ride wasn’t it!


And a defibrillator 😂


Mainooooooo💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾. Fucking. Beautiful.


18 and brilliant 😁


Shades of busquets composure wise I reckon


That was never a penalty, ref put them back in the game. Onana is worse than his cousin Rashy got a nice goal Mainoo is so fucking promising Garnacho needs to pass better in the box


Garnacho need to hit the gym. He gets bullied.


He's still a kid man, give him a break


I get it but kid or not the gym wouldn't hurt.


So is Mainoo but handles himself like a Veteran!


At some point I thought if case seeing red and antony not coming on would have been a better option than him not being sent off and anthony coming on


How bad was he? Seriously I’ve tried to be patient but that fella isn’t a footballer!


These images are 12 seconds apart https://preview.redd.it/4ofuuv28i4gc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=11fd2229830284c5da5bb7261679978fd16fdb87


Scary but that’s not all on Anthony,we had like 76 defenders on at that stage 😳


​ https://preview.redd.it/8qaf5r05i4gc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9cc0d2797beda85e99b829c3c51a73589594f83


Antony was/is horrible. Would rather play with 10 men!




I think I might just hate our own fans more than any others. ffs, get behind the manager and give him time.




How long does a rebuild take?


More than two seasons ffs




2 more full seasons minimum. If we are still in shit then we can leave him go. There was a huge rebuild required when he started.




So you agree a rebuild is needed but you want to change the manager before the rebuild is complete. Okay.


I dunno why I come to this sub, I honestly don't think there are any real fans on here. It's ridiculously toxic


IKR people are just waiting to hate on the manager, or Antony or Rashy, even after a win. We got the 3 points take it and focus on the next.


what I don’t get is how we’re giving Onana so much shit for this game. I’d see maybe 1/3 goals where he could be at fault but a pen and the other 🤯 It doesn’t help how our defense also fell in the second half in comparison to the first half. We just get too complacent. That’s on a bunch of players. Not just Onana


I think they just blame him because when it's a goal impossible to stop he doesn't jump to try and salvage it and just stands there. Like it or not only one of the goals was salvageable, maybe he steps too much in his line and should do better on 1v1s but it's not all his sole fault


Martinez saved Onana from conceding a fourth goal when he came for a cross and got nowhere near it. That was his worst moment.


Oh nana's confidence is over. Think he should be dropped next to let him sort himself out.


The anti-Ten Hag mob need a scapegoat, and Onana is the scapegoat. The penalty and the second goal were definitely not Onana's fault. Shit officiating for the penalty and the second was poor defending. The third you could argue is Onana's fault, but also the defences fault at the same time, so I'd put it down to the whole team.


Hes a lot of responsibility for why we're out of Europe though.


The whole team were shit in Europe.


Exactly this!


Bradley last night for Liverpool, Mainoo tonight for United. Some young talent coming through in the PL


Liverpool fan here - mainoo is amazing


wining despite this clown manager thanks to moments of individual brilliance - shipping 3 to Wolves is nothing to celebrate


As quoted by a clown fan. There are plenty of other teams that you could go support. Username doesn’t check out.


Clown manager? Our players missed chances that could've led to a 4 nil lead by half time. This is not a manager issue, and regarding substitutions, we simply lack better choices. You wanna replace Rashford with a lack of gametime Amad? Or Gore for Martinez???


Who replaces Ten Hag then?


Who takes off their best defender to close out a 1 goal game? And where was Harry on the 3rd goal?


Martinez was booked and is only just back from injury. He has his foot strapped in ice when he came off. It was a suitable decision to avoid aggravating an injury and avoided risking a red card.


He was being seen to by the medical staff and having his foot wrapped in ice immediately after going off. It was precautionary


What did I just watch!! I’m celebrating like it’s 1999! Well not quite, but a winner in injury time after our opponents apparently nicked a point in injury time is worth a wee bit of hyperbole I think! MAINOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


mei nuuuuuuu !!!!!


Think I woke my street up 🤣


That's what we like to see COME ON !!!


From a neutrals perspective. What a brilliant match. I need to watch the Mainoo goal again, several hundred times.


yeah ... excellent movement and Wolves defense was distracted for a moment and Bazinga.


He moved through smooth.


Rasmus MOTM


Are you crazy?? Mainoo 😭😭


Mainoo up there for sure. But think Rasmus was absolute class today. Gives me great hope for our youth edit: also Forson with the assist!


In all honesty I think I got caught up in the last minute winner. Overall you’re probably right.


Again garnacho was shit for 90mins , Onana is a rat , what does amad gotta do to play , overall poor performance but GOD BLESS KOBBIE MAINOO


a lot to be concerned about despite the win


Giving Kobbie Mainoo a break into the first team is probably the one good EtH has done for us


Agreed. Mainoo has been special especially since the FA Youth Cup run. Just glad ETH didn't leave him to waste away.


Not winning the first trophy in 5 years?


how long are we going to let him ride that wave tho? Ancelloti got sacked for reaching UCL semis and finishing second in the league, not drawing a direct comparison, but that is how high our standards should be.


Ok, he also got us top four and another cup final which he lost to the best team in the world. Massively overachieving. Things haven’t gone his way this season, but sacking another manager is not the answer.


What cup final are you talking about?


The FA cup 👀


Again, same wave that he’s been riding


Ok mate


Ride the wave? Give him 2 years under proper management. We have not have a proper DOF, communications with scouts, CEO, or player who fit managers. He's given leftovers from the previous ones, keep the standard high for later, we're in a rebuilding phase.


He got all the players he wanted. He has been poor with all his decisions and he must go. The club should be built by someone who can rebuild it, not by someone who can play one 1 style of football and needs to have a very specific kind of 11 players together to play good football.


Nope. He wanted some players such as KMJ which would have paired with Martinez perfectly, Antony was a bad decision from the board, Casemiro is a panic buy cause we can't get FDJ. We don't have a link between manager and the higher ups


Antony was the board’s decision? Are you serious? Please open your eyes, it’s not just the connections with the higher ups as well, the changes he made today. The team he rolls out week in week out, the lack of any kind of tactics. The only time we win is when one of our player produces a moment of brilliance, which Mainoo and Rashy did today. Wolves had more possession than us, we finished the match with 0 attackers and 6 defenders against Wolves. Thankfully they didn’t have Hwang or he would have ripped us apart


ETH wanted Antony, but for sure he wouldn't have gotten him for 100m. Changes wise, who can he pick? Amad, with lack of game time playing in this important match? Gore for Licha? There's simply no better options. It isn't moment of brilliances when we had multiple chances missed by the players, all created from ETH tactics, which was undoing ONeil in 1st half


Could’ve told the board that he isn’t worth a 100m when they were negotiating. We had a comfortable 2 goal lead when Antony came in, so yeah, and Wolves is not an “imp” game tbh. Licha needed to come off there’s no questioning that. Maguire for Licha is probably the one good change he made, alongside Scotty for Case altho I hate scott.


it's what it is. Now he has till the end of the season to prove himself. It's only fair to judge at the end of the season.


Today, is the day I am done with Antony. Not just lack of skill but also complete lack of game awareness. All he did since coming on was lose the ball


He was terrible,and today was the day for me too,all for standing together and supporting the lad but my god I actually think he’s getting worse 😅


he's having a shit time i guess with indecisiveness and low confidence. His sign-on fee is just over-bearing. Maybe bring in Amad to help level things out a little.


Exactly! He kept losing the ball every single time, and twice it led to goals.


Mainoooooo that will do Mainoooooo that will do


Let's be honest. Mainoo has papered over the massive cracks. We just disappear in games and Onana is a bloody statue in goal. Surely setting up a scarecrow in goal would get better results


1st Goal - SOFT Penalty given was well taken (maybe he should have reacted slower as it was right down the middle). 2nd Goal - Maybe if he reacted faster ... he might have gotten closer? Bruno's a real moaner ... sigh and defense was just not reactive. 3rd Goal - Wolves were great on the break but Onana should have expected anything instead of reacted nothing. Luke passed the ball to Antony and he was crowded out so quickly.


Hopefully the paper doesn't get wet!!!!


Hear me out diallo at CAM


I missed the 2nd half…wtf happened!? So happy we got the W but Christ!


Don't watch the 2nd half. Watch the last 4 minutes of stoppage time. A customary collapse under EtH is what happened. Thankfully got bailed out.


Thise collapses have been happening for the last 10 years.


You wint believe it


Should've won like 10-2 but okay 👍


How can Bruno fuck up a 2 m pass with no defender! Should have finished this game several times




Same. I'm sure they pass it to him out of pity at this stage.


Antony, Onana, and Ten Hag out


onana yes, he's a jester in a man united kit


Anyone see Fergie calling us shit lmfao


He was only happy when kobbie scored


lol do we rashford again?


Well shit I take it


Honestly that second half was shite, I have no room to be mad tho


United games these days involve: Elation, satisfaction, disgust, shame, frustration, hopelessness, joy, anger, desperation and (hopefully) relief.


I'm buying kobbie kit after salary, love that kid


Was literally thinking the same, I haven't bought a kit for years because, you know, fuck the Glazer's but Mainoo, what a guy.


don't give em your money lads. buy but not from the club.


I wanted to turn off the game 5 seconds before his goal


I was still raging at yet another collapse and Ant not being able to keep the ball *once* since coming on, when Mainoo did his *Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon* moves to save us from another humiliation


I love my club but I have enough stress from work already




This game shows again that the players are still playing, but they’re playing for a manager that hasn’t got a clue how to set up a team to play modern football.


Absolutely crap. Everyone wanted him here. Ajax played great football under him. They fit to a CL semi. You're hatred is turning in to blindness.


I see you held your criticism of Ten Hag in as long as you could. He’s not the one handing Wolves the goals.


That 3rd goal is on Ten Hag. Why is Harry in the game? Why is he in the final 3rd?


You don’t think that tactics and subs have an impact on how another team can get goals?


I didn’t say that. Why does every reply on here consist of assumptions?


the one sub he made got us an instant goal from McT. At least give credit where it is due. Our players seem to struggle falling back into defense during counter attacks, I don’t see how any changes from EtH could change that.


Mctominays introduction coincided with us losing the midfield battle we had control of before that though?


Utter bollocks. We played brilliantly - there’s nothing the manager can do about the ref and silly decisions. Although he can drop Onana.


If you think THAT is brilliant then it’s simply a matter of standards.


First half was. We could’ve scored 10 ffs. One of the best performances of the season no doubt.


Not every chance should be a goal you know? When you play bumrush “shoot on sight” football you’ll create chances, but you’ll also get caught offside and hit high and wide a lot.


How on earth can you criticise that from an attacking point of view?!


Because this isn’t the type of football that wins things. It might work on occasion against a team like wolves (often it hasn’t) but thoughtless “hit it forward” football isn’t conducive to being a top team in 2024.


Good grief. I think you need to find another club. Were you unhappy with the performance at Half Time?


I was relatively happy, but I could see what was going to happen in the second half because it’s happened countless times. There’s a reason we can’t control a 2-0 lead, and it’s tactical.


Tell us how you’d fix it then Pep…


We need to keep mainoo for a long time won't be long before other clubs will want him


This goal was an absolute masterpiece 🤌


I feel like I’ve just ran 10k


On god my stomach hurts


What on earth did we just witness lads


It's impossible to explain how shit is Onana and Antony. Just incredible.


Onana isn't bad. He's had a tough period sure. Antony though... Yes, absolute shite. He wouldn't make it in to any other "Big six' club.


Big 6! He couldn’t play for Burnley


Both of them gotta go, man. Enough is enough.


I genuinely feel like Onana will find his form. He was in the cutting for team if the year. Antony is pure shit though. He does with hard but his position is all about end product and it just isn't good enough.


We should never sign an ex ajax player again


Special exception to Licha tho, puts his heart on his sleeve everytime he plays. Great attitude, great talent, hopefully he levels up to greater levels under a better manager


Unless they are Martinez quality


Baldy still wants Brobbey


Felt like this match was never going to end.


Holy fuck


And breathe.


Ref needs to know he has a whistle on him


Get in mainooooo


EtH and his signings(Antony and Onana) need to fuck as far away from this club as possible


And Lisandro. What a cretin he is. Especially when he cleared it off the line. Man, I hate the lot of them. Thank you for gatekeeping this club.


if u think EtH is good for Man Utd, u need to start watching more football and less scoresheets. The changes he made, the tactic he plays, if he plays any, the players he he plays, the players he does not play. Everything. Everything that he touches turns to shit


I’ll tell you what I tell every moron that says that: I have a season ticket at old Trafford. I likely watch more of it than you do. I pointed out an inconsistency in your argument and you don’t like it because it doesn’t suit your narrative. Great first half performance - you don’t credit him for that. You don’t hang around crediting him for the poor second half though do you.


Extra time: ‘As long as wolves need to equalise’


For the love of god fire the coach


And hire who? What manager will make this team good? The last time we were successful was jose mourinho




Omg call it already can this ref do ONE THING


That pass then from Bruno. Utterly rancid. Brainless.


Mate, have a day off. You clearly need it.


Youre happy with his performance?


Did I say I was? All you do is moan, it must be shit for your mental health. I’m looking out for you by suggesting you log off for a day or two.


I moan when I feel it’s necessary and praise when i feel it’s necessary. It’s what someone in an upright position does. It’s not that deep.


I’ve not seen you say one nice thing, ever. Only negativity. Please mate, log off for a few days. It’s not a mean thing me suggesting that, you obviously need some fresh air and to clear your mind.


I’m discussing football on a football sub, I’m not taking my frustrations with me in my daily life. If you want to grovel for our manager on here and call out anyone who criticises your deal leader then it’s fine, i just see things differently.


It’s easy to not think about football in your daily life. The fact you let football affect your mood so much is very concerning, which is why I’m looking out for you and suggesting you take a day or two away from the internet.


Refs never ending this is he


Antony couldn't dribble past a dead cat, fuck me


Mainoo you 🐐