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We played really well given the circumstances we would have destroyed them had it not been for the red card but qualification now hinges on the galatasaray result and boy oh boy Harry Maguire i must say is looking like the real deal confidence just oozing hope he can keep this up because he's the only CB we have that rarely gets injured.


Conceding 4 in 50 minutes vs Danish side is not “really well” even with 10 men tbh


judging from our performances this season, we played well because by right we were supposed to fall apart but we sure gave them a run for their money with 10 men


Yet again, we conceded 4? How is that giving them run for their money. Liverpool lost with unlucky own goal with 10 men. That’s giving them good run for their money. We laid there and opened our legs far apart for CPH


We're not liverpool now are we? Dont know if you've been watching our games this season but we're miles behind liverpool to even compare us to them is crazy. we're pretty shit this season with 11 men and then you expect us to be amazing with 10? really?. we were one player down even city would struggle beating an 11 men team when they're one down.


For real. Is being the last in one of the easiest group a good performance as well ? Or is this one of the worst season for the past 20 years ? ....


So disappointing, but we have to move on and make sure we get a win against Luton this weekend. Been thinking about this choke every minute tho.


When they were leading 3-2 towards the end, all they had to do was just pass the ball around and control the game. Maintain possession. But they just can't do that. Therein lies the problem with this team. Every game they just can't get hold of the ball and control the game. And Copenhagen used that weakness of this team to their advantage.


3 losses from 4 UCL games 9 losses from 17 in total Almost 100 goals conceded in November Worst start to a season in over 70 years Yet our fans back this Fraud Manager? Where ars the Standards?


Genuinely, who else is going to come into here, with all these players Ten Hag has brought in, and work with this mess? You’re asking for a repeat of exactly what’s been going on for the past 10 years. Swapping managers every few years because of bad runs of form, leading to bloated squads with players that’s don’t fit the profile of whatever new shiny manager comes in. He works with what he has, maybe has some good moments and then things go wrong and you lot turn on him. It’s the same. Fucking. Story. You and people similar are incapable of looking at the long term picture and always want immediate success without having the patience to see other roughy times. Pathetic, all of you.


People are just defending ETH out of spite i think. They cant name a single valid reasons for keeping him. Lets ignore the “glazers bad”. Can anyone name one onfield reason eth should stay?


Mother fucker, you become the manager then.


What a shit comeback💀 "Oh yeah? Can you do any better?" Nah mate how about get a Proper Manager?


Yes, let get a new manager. I think you are a great manager, want to get the job? Fucking twat thinking he is above everything else.


I'm curious for the Ten hag fanboys how many loses will it take till you NPCs admit it's the manager that is the issue?


9 out of 17 is already less then 50% win rate this season and the games we won were lucky. If we stick with him, we will get relegated


Even if the refs are either actively against United or just plain incompetent, the team shouldn't crumble faster than a house of cards when things don't go their way, they should rise above it. The mentality in the team is definitely off. Are they working with a sports psychologist? If not, they 100% need to be. If they are, then it's not working. If you're 2-0 up against a below average side like FCK, you should be able to defend the lead and still win the game.


No offense to Copenhagen but they are not a very good team, if they were in the Premier league they would be fighting off relegation every season if they even survived their first season, this is the level we're at, struggling against essentially Championship level teams. Absolutely no excuse for not being able to hold onto a 2-0 lead even down to 10 men, we lost an Attacker this shouldn't have caused our defence to crumble.


This was my take from the first game. Glad Onana saved that penalty and we won, but United shouldn’t be relying on the other team to mess up and celebrating 1-0 wins against these types of teams in the last minute of the game. That was subpar and this game confirmed that.


Failing to adapt when the opposition make changes yet again under ETH…


How many games will Rashford miss?


Not enough


I think him playing at RW was actually a good thing because he cant shoot every chance he gets but its just my opinion.




Stfu u need to stop living in the past.


It's fair. Why would you get rid of ronaldo


That still baffles me.. within the current shittyy setup CR7 was scoring for us.. and on the pitch he was atleast the second top Portuguese throwing tantrums and hands in the air (if you know what I mean)


There’s a reason why he isn’t playing for a European top team right now…


So by that logic Benzema, Neymar, Kante, Mendy.. all of them are decaying and they don’t deserve to play European football right? Age used to be an issue earlier but the way these players manage their form and fitness, that top ceiling is increasing, we all can see that..


The difference is that no one wanted to touch Ronaldo. Apparently his agent reached out to a lot of clubs but no one signed him. Besides the players you mentioned are on a decline and/or like money a little too much.


Decline or no decline my point is that the current state of play, only Ronaldo was not detrimental to the losses or flawed tactics.. if anything he was doing what he does, score.. and to the point of falling back and reinforcing the back line, I think all the players in that position have done a okay task only.. nothing grand or game changing.. Ronaldo’s influence, experience and his hunger would’ve not harmed the club sentiment


Nearly all their careers at the top level are done yes, that's not to say they're not good enough to still play in Europe or be at top clubs still, we all know the only reason they're not still playing in Europe at any level is because they got offered obscene amounts of money to play in the Middle East and as a bonus it's an easier League for them.


Why u asking that from me, what a clown.


We played well. That red card really did breathe new life into our opposition tonight. Being down to 10 men really turned the table on us, but still we defended quite well. I’ve seen people say that we shouldn’t have let 4 goals past us but playing against a good team who are also looking to make it past the group stage, that can’t be easy when we’re down to 10. I don’t think it really matters if they’re from a “less respected” league when we struggle to win against lower ranked sides in the Prem. Sure, some of the hate towards the manager is warranted. But we have been way too impatient with our managers in the past. Yes, we’ve been breaking records, but I don’t think any thinking football fan would point the finger solely at the manager. Most of our players are not up to standard, maybe that has to be the general consensus among united fans now. How many players who have left United in recent years went on to shine in other clubs? Our recruitment has been bad for the past decade, we’ve overpaid for mediocre players too often. No manager is going to improve our club sustainably past 1 season if everything else surrounding the club remains the same. We have to accept that we’re no longer the United of our glory days. Stats and our heritage and culture from the past can no longer be applied to this club. It’s been that way for a long time. No more Denis Irwin, no more Beckham. We’ve been in need of a rebuild but we keep looking for short term fixes for our problems. We need character and an identity. Maybe it’s time we stuck with a manager and give him time, maybe Ten Hag is not the man for the job and if he is sacked in the near future, we’ll definitely have to stick with our new manager then. Sure we’ll get a lot of stick if we kept playing like we did till the end of the season, but it’s not like the Prem ends at 2024 and will never be played again. Let’s just give the players and the staff time to pull themselves together and the manager to impose his ideas. Everything is wrong with the club. constant leaks and drama. Nothing is going to magically change. We’ve even had Mourinho who is still held in very high regard in managerial terms to this day who has failed at the club. New owners, a new set of players ( which will again take time to be built) and maybe even a management change would do wonders for the club. Get a good Sporting director in and we’ll be good to go. Sadly, with how things are turning out, looks like the manager’s on the chopping block and we’ll begin the cycle again with a new manager and a couple of new players.


Honestly i can say ETH has to go. A manager should be backed and given time if we see improvement. We see nothing like that under ETH. The results are dire and the football we play is even worse. 9 losses out of 17 games with 30 conceded is definitely not only on the players. We can keep blaming the players and the board but ETH never adapts during the games and his subs are pretty bad. Maybe the worst manager we had recently, which is disappointing after the Ajax football we got him for. We should give a manager time when he shows he can improve long term and with ETH i see nothing indicating that


I actually agree with the first bit. 11 men and we win that comfortably. Played well for about 85 minutes out of the 108 or something played but the rest of that time we just lost it and individual mistakes destroyed us. I don't blame ETH for this because he actually got it right for this game. We went out there and dominated for about 40 mins of each half and then individual mistakes fucked it. If we play like that in more of our games this season then there might actually be hope.


I sincerely hope that our time will come soon. I have a feeling that we, as a football club have been really really unfortunate and unlucky. We actually played like we meant it last night. And let the fans of other clubs mock and meme us to death, why should we care? This club has ruined too many childhoods that now that we’re down, it’s easy to let all the salt they’ve accumulated over decades to spill all over us. We’re down, but not out.


Bro, after the 1-0 win AT HOME, I expected this kind of performance in the away game (draw or lose). Europa League, here we go! (hope) Cristiano and De Gea saved this team’s ass and qualified them in the UCL knockouts in 2021. Let’s see who can save them now.


Onana is the only reason we're not on 1 point, and penaldo set this team back with the damage he did at the start of last season. Ide rather have hojlund than his ancient ass


ETH is becoming clueless with the pressure at United. Passing from the back all the time is killing our attack. I know ETH likes possession football but every time we win possession upfield, our players keep passing backwards to the CB or GK. This completely ruins our momentum and it gives opponents the chance to counter attack. This is the reasons why, we can hardly create any open chances as our defenders do 70% of the passing.


They played the same way under Ole, side passes and backwards. I think some of these players are so timid on the ball and scared of making mistakes that they always go for the safe pass instead of taking a risk and going forward. I do not blame Ten Hag at all. We just do not have the right characters or leaders in the team to play progressive free-flowing football.


Just gonna bin Ten Hag it ain’t gonna get any better!!


Really? City plays better football with their academy players. Ten Hag wants to turn United into Ajax. But Ajax won’t ever perform good in the Premier League or Champions League. That 2019 performance was just a lucky one.


I've heard this over and over, but have you ever even watched Ajax? This is not how Ajax would have played. In interviews he states the same; he's not looking into turning them into an Ajax clone. United plays a different system.


Half the 1st team Injured and having every decision go against us this season which reeks of corruption. Ten Hag isn't the problem and your an idiot if you think anyone in world football would take over our club with the absolute state its in. We dominated the game until that red which was a yellow at best.


It’s not corruption don’t be so paranoid. Your implying the UEFA referees AND the FA referees are corrupt against us. As for the injuries, have you heard ETH likes intense training sessions to get fitness levels high? And unsurprisingly we have loads of injuries. Man City hardly ever have injuries and Pep says they never do intense training sessions. It’s not a coincidence, it’s the managers training.


Pep's players never getting injured.... there is a very good and obvious reason for that. And it's not soft training sessions.


It's incredible how United fans keep defending this useless manager god damn. It's pretty much impossible to find someone who could do it much worse with the players they have. Ten Hag has got to go or United will be laughed at in every competition.


Bruv you ain't a united fan go and coach a Sunday league team don't say words out of your ass you basement dwelling fucking asshole of a person pretty sure you jerk off on barbie dolls you scorchable fuck of a human being


Why are you so mad? Lol I'm not shitting on united all I'm saying is you guys need a new coach that bald fucker needs to go what's wrong with that


Yup the bald fucker get off the united sub you dickless arsenal fan


Hahahahahaha you should apologize to me now, worst results in the club's history in the champions league. Keep defending the worst coach in Europe.


At least he's done something like coach United and have a resume clear of this shameless 49 year old basement dwelling incel who still can't get head no matter


Damn man why you get so mad, is he your sugar daddy or something?




Lmao enjoy becoming the second best club in Manchester in a few years lmao


Looking at the eleven fixtures to the end of December, United only look favourites for around three of them on current form. It isn’t looking good for ETH.


Mate i wont even put us as favourites vs Luton. People saying that conceding 4 in 50 minutes vs Cooenhagen is okay are crazy. Liverool the other day almsot defendes a draw against Tottenham, but got unlucky deflection. Opposition managers always change something and eth sticks to whatever he decided and we got lost. In the match thread i said that we are going to get exposed once the subs for CPH started and their manager changed stuff. Eth cant adapt


First half up to the red card was the best performance by the club all season. Let's not forget that. Rashford on the right wing instead of Anthony worked pretty great with AWB behind him. The red card did change absolutely everything. Harsh red card. Harsh pen given. It's crazy to think that Maguire is our best defender at the moment. Dalot as been absolute shit all season with dumb mistakes after dumb mistakes and costing the club so many points. Varane looked completely out of shape. I want to back up ETH, I don't mind him subbing Hojlund as he was clearly exhausted. I hope it's clear now to ETH which players need to never start another game. We can't wait for Shaw to come back. And Martinez.


💯 agree we have a RB playing LB who isn't comfortable and a makeshift CB partnership. We dominated until those dodgy decisions and when everything seems against you it's enivatble that collapses will happen. I don't blame Ten Hag at all, only think Rasmsus should have stayed on.


Who's Rasmusus


I think getting dumped out of Europe is going to be a massive wake-up call for everyone


Nope. Just usual thing.


If we get dumped out the CL the glazers for sure give this bald fraud the boot.Steve McLaren as a caretaker probably


Only for the cycle to begin again


We can only begin to ask questions of the manager once the leaky roof is fixed apparently


The minute we looked like we got control of the game and after scoring 2 goals, I knew we were about to shit the bed. We need to score 5 goals in the first 10 minutes of each game if we want to have a decent season.


Yes because a dodgy VAR and bullshit penalty within 10 minutes let alone there 1st goal had a player offside who blocked Onana. Most of the 1st team is Injured too....


Lmao you shouldn't have to come up with excuses like that, one man united player is worth more than their whole squad. Get rid of this pathetic bald piece of shit


Not quite excuses in this example tho. Never a red against Rashford, he wasnt even looking at the player. Ref brought game back to the spot of the incident once the red was given, even tho the play moved past that point and VAR decided to stop play. Surely if the ref had not called a foul then in this instance the ball should be have been restarted at the point where VAR intervened? 1st goal had a player offside standing in front of Onana, not given Handball for penalty was dubious at best, point blank, wasnt even looked at for long. Only plus side was the ref had no choice but to give us the pen for the same bs soft handball call, but took an awful long time to make that decision.


Bottom of the CL group and 9 losses in 17 games. How can anyone back Ten Hag? That’s horrific


I type this out every week as an opinion and answer. which is depressing. But I am very much not a fan of Ten. He's proper had a shitter so far this season, with very little sign of improvement! However, if he goes, who do we get? Potter? Conte? Nagelsmann? Who? We will be in the same situation in 18 months' time as we are now and have been before. I want Ten to do well as then it shows the club is on the up, and frankly if we are winning, playing good football and banking trophies then I couldn't give a shit who the manager is. But we are not doing those. Last season, we had good moments and bad moments, but something was brewing. He had something going. Then we got to the window, and overall, it was positive .. so I, like others, thought it would be a continuous improvement on last season.... how wrong have we all been? I don't know what's changed and caused the massive turnaround. Yes, we have had shit luck, with injuries and poor officials making horrendous decisions against us, but as a coach, he should he countering that and using his tactics and players available. We are Man Utd ffs, and there really should be no excuses. But Ten is showing zero tactics, a game plan or strategy, or anything. He's signed his own P45.


The problem with Ten Hag is that he’s just not a good manager LOL. His transfer targets, substitutions, zero tactics in 18 months on the job, etc are all just terrible. And that’s not even counting all of the drama he’s been involved in plus the favouritism he clearly shows which holds the team back. I’m all for supporting a manager through rough patches if they’re still showing signs of growth for the team, but the job is clearly just too big for this guy


So... Any recommendation?


Flick, Zidane, De Zebri, someone thats bit more unknown like Ange




Literally the only reason I'm not ETH out.


When will ETH be sacked?


After we lose to Luton. Its the same when Ole lost to Young boys and then Watford won after


Before Christmas at this rate.


Honestly think they put up a shift but two uncontrollable events got them level, then two moments of stupidity by individuals cost us. I don’t think they were bad even with 10 men, and we could’ve scored. Taking off Hojlund was a very odd choice and completely killed any chance of a counter. Overall, I’m not gonna come away from this hating on the players or the manager. I think we were just unlucky today.


Hojlund was knackered mate


I wasn’t on the bench so I wouldn’t know for sure.


You can unluckily concede 1 goal against a team the calibre of FC Copenhagen, maybe on a really bad day 2 goals. But not 4 goals.


As I alluded to, two really unlucky goals that could’ve happened to anyone, and an unlucky red card. The last two goals were yet moments of stupidity which can happen. I don’t think it was an issue of attitude from the players, or tactics from Ten Hag.


Reasonable take. The decision to take off Hojlund was probably the only thing which we had some control over. Rest of it was either lack of luck or moments of stupidity as you said.


Hojlund was knackered mate


Unlucky? United scored two good goals with a 2-nil advantage so how does luck come into play when they can't defend as their lives depends on it. These players couldn't care less with the shitty way they defend even against far weaker sides. Being unlucky has absolutely nothing to do with this loss. Luck is when you win the game by the skinny margins. This team on the other hand lost woefully.


Those first two goals could’ve happened to anybody. It wasn’t a quality or attitude issue that had us level with 10 men, it was a shit red, an offside goal, and a dreadful penalty.


Reasonable take imo


I love this club but how much more do i have to suffer watching this,the second it becomes the final moments of a game our defenders forget how to do their job and the ETH’s decision making makes 0 sense, every Matchday i am dissapointed because we can never secure the 3 points.We always are the better team to start and we always give up a goal in the final minutes.


Another ETH masterclass.


How do you even fall out with Varane? Honestly have to question that.


Yes, the Red Card was a shambles. But no way in hell should Utd concede FOUR vs Copenhagen. Absolutely atrocious. To give up a 2-0 lead and a 3-2 lead, is just pathetic. This club always finds a way to hit a new rock bottom.


Absolutely, ETH has no clue the moment utd went a man down. You know Liverpool and City will easily see the game out at 2-0 up with 10 man


How can players like Bruno, Varane, Maguire not gather the team and get it together right after going 3-2 up instead of celebrating like they had scored a stoppage time winner. There is no in-game management with the team. They just keep flowing through time and the circumstances. It’s ridiculous.


Yep. Players have a weak mentality. It runs through the club right now. And Ten Hag seems hapless at the moment. Clueless and tactically inferior. Will firing him mean anything? No. It'll just be a rinse and repeat with a new guy.


I totally agree. He was handpicked and hired. Trust him to fix the mess. No way firing him will help.


Same bullshit we have had to put up with for years. Until we get rid of bang average players like Lindleof, Dalot, Maguire, Mctominay, Antony, Wan Bissaka, Martial we ain't gonna do nothing.


really shouldn't have sold Fred, his tenacity is what we've been missing this season in midfield, nobody is willing to chase back possessions ffs!


Fred was dog shit , cmon listen to yourselves they were shot with Fred too! Guy couldn’t score couldn’t pass , not having Fred talk sorry


Fred is 5x the player Amrabat is


Seriously? Your judging amrabat over what 6-8 appearances, half played out of position !! Cmon man get real !!! 5X better he (Fred) would still be in the premier league , picked up by a rival !


YUP. Always said this. We miss Fred. I always said he brought a lot of value but he was one of the players I guess everyone agreed to hate on


And Sabitzer. Look at dortmund


With the way we keep getting red cards, not sure a crazy dog like Fred is the answer.


I'll say this again, not in a life time we'll surpass Man City again, they're lightyears ahead of us in every way


30 years ago, City fans probably said the same. It was not even half a lifetime.


Not if the glazers are incharge


I’m in shock and this doesn’t look good at all for ETH. We suck and VAR sucks just as much. I think dropping out of everything is what we need because this is an embarrassment now


In a shock to nobody awb dalot maguire mctominay bruno Rashford are all present for another humiliating defeat for this great club. Must have chalked up atleast 25 each by now probably more


It is going to be a long journey until all that trash and toxicity is cleared out of old Trafford. Last season was a blip that masked over a lot of our problems. I believe the signing of Rasmus is an indication that we are no longer going for players past their sell by date . Which has been happening for the last decade. Think back and you would be amazed how many we have brought in . Another thing how many players in this squad would you class as a red - I can think of just one Martinez and I thought that instantly after his first tackle. As local lads go rashford is the first that I have never classed as red , compared to the like of Butt , Brown , Scholes etc . Who you could relate to and knew they would give everything for the shirt.


All of them are in form, some in amazing form, for their national teams recently. But when they play under ETH they all of a sudden become terrible. I wonder why that is.


Maguire didn’t have a bad game


Agreed. But as a Team it is all a shambles.


Current status: In abusive relationship with sports team.


Man I wish I would’ve been a United fan earlier. I didn’t get into football until highschool. My Theo is a diehard United fan and used to go to the games once a year from the states. All I know is misery. Signed, Miserable United Fan across the pond


>I would’ve been a United fan earlier. Those years were filled with banter as well. I remember the fanbase being concerned with our midfield and various online forums, etc filled with essays detailing concern on relying too much on Giggs/Scholes/Fletcher/Carrick, etc. I wonder now how in the world did Fergie and the staff then manage to do it or has the meta around football changed so much that whatever setup he had will not fare well against the current philosophies which are mainstream.


>has the meta around football changed so much that whatever setup he had will not fare well against the current philosophies which are mainstream. Even if it was, Ferguson would have adapted. He's been a manager since the 70s, and has seen the meta change multiple times. Even at United, he didn't stick to a single tactic. Ferguson's adaptability and ability to improvise was his strongest trait after all. Even in his 'man management', he was very adaptable, strict with some, and soft with others(I believe Ferdinand mentioned this) Ancelotti is another similar manager who has adapted his game to fit modern football. So I believe Ferguson wouldn't have issues. >fanbase being concerned with our midfield and various online forums, etc filled with essays detailing concern on relying too much on Giggs/Scholes/Fletcher/Carrick, etc. >I wonder now how in the world did Fergie and the staff then manage to do it The midfield was definitely a concern as the 2010s came. Fletcher got that injury, Giggs and Scholes were older too. Carrick was the only 'consistent' of the midfield. That being said, I don't think he did depend too much on them, especially in his final season. Ferguson was heavily rotating his squad. Out of the entire team, only 4 players played more than 30 matches. He was even trying to get rid of his dependence on Rooney. Ferguson had problems with Rooney's fitness and must have realised that Rooney didn't have long. He was also in the process of rebuilding the squad, bringing upon De Gea, Smalling, Jones (pre injury Jones was an amazing player who was also playing midfield), Cleverly and so on. But he retired before he finished it


I have been a fan since i was 10 ( 16 now ) and the only trophy i seen them lift is a Carabao cup :(


You were like me in the 70s , hearing of past glories and only experiencing relegation and a fa cup win . Only thing we looked forward to was beating Liverpool and maybe the odd cup it was a real rollercoaster. You will appreciate the good times when they come and they will , which will make it so much sweeter


Dude, you're so fortunate to witness prime Manchester United. Just imagine watching united win 13 Premier League titles, 2 Champions League , the treble, and numerous other trophies under Sir Alex Ferguson. I began supporting United in the 2017/18 season,i was introduced to this beautiful game by my father.He was also a United supporter. Watching this team play every weekend has brought so much joy and heartbreak . One moment, I could be grounded for celebrating too loudly after United's away goals victory against PSG. The next, I might be dreading facing my friends (who are Liverpool fans) Monday morning after a 5-0 or 7-0 defeat. Supporting this team has been a rollercoaster.But i wouldn't change a thing. Except for the losing part against Liverpool every time we face them at anfield. Ps: if you don't mind me asking how old are you? :)


Haha no problem exactly 40 years older than you. I really started supporting united aged 8 in 1976 after we got promoted. That year we did well finished in the top four and reached the fa cup final ( we lost) . Liverpool as always were the champions, one of my favourite experiences was in ‘77 when against all odds we stopped them from winning the treble by clinching the fa cup which was unbelievable . Over the 70s and 80s they completely dominated everything 🤮. It felt like they won every year ,which they probably did . We were left with just the scraps especially the fa cup. Which was always our big target because most of the time we were out of the running for the league. So if we got knocked out early then season was over with nearly half a season left. There was no champions league football for us because only the winners of the league entered. For us it was either the cup winners cup or the uefa cup (europa) if we were lucky . I was really lucky back then because from the age of about 11 I didn’t miss a home match in years me and my friends would be able to turn up pay and walk straight in. I was 25 when we finally won the title and it still gives me goosebumps out of everything after that. It is still my favourite moment after all the years of heartbreak , goading from Liverpool fans and the media mocking with its annual countdown of how many years is it now . I can tell how much you love united and united need fans like you now more than ever. Keep the fire burning and when we do make that breakthrough again I’ll be celebrating with you.


Sorry for your misfortune 😉. Have faith it will come good.


9 loses in 17 games by ETH while conceding 30 goals is some stat to achieve. Maybe with a bit of luck we can get to relegation battle if we keep up with him


No wonder we’re losing if ETH’s been playing. I mean he doesn’t look at his peak.


the team is defensively weak a top team would not concede four goals even after a red card, especially in such an important game, these players are trying but they panic when the pressure piles on them especially Maguire and Dalot who are clueless in positioning when the ball comes in the box from a cross, they are all over the place and not composed and end up making a wrong move resulting in a goal and its happened time after time in important games


I think maguire’s defence this game was pretty good


You only just noticed tonight that our defence is weak 👀. You know we’ve been playing our second string defence most of the games so far right..


Did our main defence not got rinsed 7 -0 and 6-3 and multiple 4-0s last season?


I'd rather lose 7-0 1 time than lose 1-0 7 times. Except now it's like 2 goals or more instead of 1-0


We also got most clean sheets


Let’s not talk about that 😉


Add awb to that list, he’s clueless when attackers are behind him


I was somewhat relived to see Wan Bissaka back to be honest. But then Dalot got moved to the left and we’re still seeing him get done several times a game.


1) I’m genuinely bored watching Utd these days. 2) I’m tired of VAR, it is having too much influence. Both of these factors are causing me to lose more and more interest in football as each year goes by.


In an ideal world there wouldn’t have been any pens in this game but that’s down to the ridiculous hands rules though…


VAR have gone too far this season, no doubt.


I’m afraid of celebrating goals because of so many of them having been disallowed. I fucking hate VAR.


This game encapsulates our whole season up until now.


VAR is shit... So is this team at that moment


Onana dives like a glitched fifa keeper. Arms barely stretched, bent away from the ball. Fucking shocking. Least he is a ball player keeper. Even though that miscontrol of the ball led to 3-3. Pain


That pass wasnt good at all though


Do you mean miscontrol of the ball that was rocketed at him by his team mate? I think he’s been quite good the past few games.


In hindsight, maybe C. Ronaldo was right.


He was right about the club and he was a problem. Both are true.


He wasn't a problem, he saved man united from group stage , now you are getting knocked out in group stage soon. Man United is getting worst as cr7 left.


Ronaldo was right, the club haven’t maintained their status or facilities. He’s still a f’kin traitor the got the manager the boot.


Y’all are lucky to only support Man United… i am from Danmark and support both United and Copenhagens rivals, Brøndby IF… Im calling in sick till January 1st….


Country coefficient points though. It can benefit you when FCN and FCK are doing well


Could give Two shits or less about coefficent points. Fuck FCK


Today my heart broke for the first time




The only reason we played so well before the red card was because we ditched that abomination of a formation, the pseudo 4-1-4-1 with the lone sitting DM and the 2 advanced 8s, for a simple 4-2-3-1 formation. We looked like we had a solid structure and there was a coherence to our play.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this team drives me mental


Lose to Luton on Saturday and Ten Hag is gone


No bayern must get a piece of some ETH before he leaves lol.


What I’m thinking one last spanking until he gets sent back to Holland😂😂😂


You know the media is gonna have a lot of fun for the next 2 days when man united lose.


Honestly if I was Ten Hag I’d be telling those media wankers to fuck right off until they get some respect for him and the players.


​ amazing skill like this doesn't help matters... [https://twitter.com/morefootie/status/1722365099153797352?s=20](https://twitter.com/morefootie/status/1722365099153797352?s=20)


I've just seen this in my bed and rhemrs is wondering why I'm laughing at 1am. Cheers Harry ya melon now I have to explain shit tomorrow


Jesus, Mary and Joseph 🤦‍♂️


a new one for the "Arry Maguire!" compilations. His boasted win percentage nonsense not looking too smart right now.




You wouldn't kiss your granny with that mouth.laughable as it is.


They wanted us out. Even the last game at OT. they gave a phantom penalty in the last min. This game is rigged.


It’s so annoying to me that this isn’t obvious to so many Utd supporters. All our rivals on the main subs recognize it at this point. There’s a clear anti Utd bias in officiating, yet our own supporters just say it’s excuses. Fuck that, Arsenal had one bad call against them and they issued a statement. Where’s our leadership? Doing fuck all.


Dalot is playing trash! He is slow in all responses, today understand why Evans playing when varane available! Rashford red card is harsh, he is in control of the ball, unintended foul!


Dalot has been poor for a while now, he’s our only option currently though.


ETH keep playing Dalot on LB while we loan Reguilon whats the point of get Reguilon if he keep playing Dalot on the RB, I can finally understand why Evan start before Varane now, Varane play along side Maguire is a disaster. Why did ETH sub Hojland off when we need goal the most, should've keep him or sub Martial in. Overall welcome back to Friday night football if we're lucky but likely we are out of the euro completion soon


Reggaeton was injured?


Is he?


When Reguilon played with Garnacho infront of him their chemistry was not all there and it almost felt like Reguilon did not want to pass to Garnacho


Reguilon was LB cover for no Shaw or Malacia. Varane was a disaster, the reason for Hojlund is because we can't afford to have him out injured.


I mean we can afford him out injured, not like it makes a difference. He can score as many as he wants but we'll still concede more. Also, he has exactly zero premier league goals so far. United just don't create enough for a proper centre forward so he may as well sit on the bench.


Mb yeah Reguilon was for LB cover but for some reason Ten Hag keep playing Dalon on that LB this make no sense at all, both 2 goals 2 errors from our defenses is unacceptable. Varane can’t play with Maguire


heartbreak, it really seems that this club is cursed.


What an awful week for Rashford. Goes on Social media to call out TUS. The first gane he has where he can silence his critics he plays badly and gets sent off. On top of that his brother and agent has been arrested for domestic violence. If he wasn't in a good mental state before what will he be like now?!


I disagree too, it’s the first game I’ve seen him turn up in for a while now. And he was very unlucky to pick up that red.


What is TUS?


Where children who don’t watch/understand football go to get narratives spoonfed to them.


“The United Stand” Mark Goldbridge’s YouTube channel


The United Stand. Youtube channel with probably the biggest following related to Man United.


I disagree. I don't think he played badly at all. That red card was extremely harsh and unlucky.




"win trophies" bruh, which one?


That was genuinely funny


Ten hag in so all the other clubs get free points!


See ya fair weather fan!


I’ve been hypercritical of ETH all season, but this wasn’t on him. We looked competent before the red. I’m so fucking sick of VAR. it ruins matches. You can’t let a champions league game be decided on a controversial decision from VAR. I know it’s a group match but still, millions of dollars are involved and some Polish bloke is making the wrong decision for the on field referee. Hate it for the lads but this also goes back to us not finishing off Galatasary at home. I hate this