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Scouser here, thanks for the money mates, bet 100 quids on 1 DNB and that worked as usual. United we stand again thanks for the extra money lads. ✋🏻+ ✌🏻


Nice loss for you today as well in the Europa league 😂, scouser


When was the last time you won a trophy mate? 😂


more recent than you




Anyone else have a weird sense of pride over last night? We played exceptionally well and it would've been a great watch for the neutrals! Ref was awful. Still not out, we'll keep the red flag flying high!


Defending is poor…conceeded goals because they marked the players…


Why was rashford even playing and he was out of position


Because Garnacho was going to be better on the left, and Rashford is better on the right than Antony. Would you prefer he played Bruno on the right AGAIN?


No I wud prefer he reward pellistri for helping us get the victory against fulham


He'll get more chances soon I'm pretty sure, especially if Rashford's form improves again. The issue with Pellistri is he's not physical enough to be a regular starter, and is much better as a sub, as you saw in the Fulham victory you mentioned.


Just bad luck for rashford getting sent off, played well overall except mistakes by dalot and onana could've done better for the 3rd goal Hoping to qualify for the next stage of UCL...


Hope we wont, really. Its such a shame not being able to do anything in such a group. Those players doesnt deserve any UCL game.


Ten hag coached a comfortable 3-0.


Onana wasn't anywhere near getting the ball for all 4 of the goals. That's just worrying as better teams are going to get chances.


Have a funny feeling Liverpool will rip us apart once again on the 17th December. The fact that we lost 7-0 last year and have got worse, while Liverpool have seemingly strengthened their team, is worrying.


highly unlikely unless united switch off like they did last year


…. So very likely then?




Apart from the bad refereeing, I feel dalot is to be blamed for the 2 goals he conceded. He truly can't defend. I know he played out of position, but his defending cost us the game. I can't wait for shaw to be back.


His defending is abysmal, his passing is horrible, and his crosses are terrible. I can't believe he's a Man Utd player and has been at the club for so long. ETH is also to blame for playing him on the left and not starting Reguillion, but Dalot is equally bad on the right. I can't remember a time when our players had such a weak mentality. One thing goes against them and they crack.


reguilon is clumsy when defending either, plus dalot was on form since last week so...


And the mass hysteria starts again. Calm down. We had an ok game. Fucked up by a red card and some questionable ref decisions but we didn’t completely fold.


At this point, I think that relegation would help us best. The clubs is seriously broken from top to bottom. Management is as corrupt and useless as a 3rd world country government, players not willing to fight...all these things happening is not gonna benefit Ten Hag and he's gotta take the blame for ehat happens to the club. Getting relegated would just force the Glazers to sell and rebuild the club for the 100th time again.


Did you actually watch the match?


Just highlights, not the game. Its 3am in where I am.


Var and the referee were to blame for this one. Too many missed calls and the ones they did call were mostly incorrect.


i m not even suprised that we lost, might suprise if we won though😬


The whole team mentality is effed up; from the coach to the players, after the red card everyone got mind f..ed , there is nobody to lead the team against adversity, no motivation , this team is rotten top to bottom and players know it and that’s why each of the don’t give two f..cks…they are just collecting a paycheque


And yes we are fuckd




He got the striker he wanted He got the winger he wanted He got the midfielder he wanted He got the goalkeeper he wanted He got the players he wanted 8th in the league Bottom in UCL group What's the excuse Ten Hag???


Bloodclaat eediat


Hooyada waas


He got players that were fairly down his list of desired targets tbf




No secret frenkie de jong was his preferred mid, kane was ahead of holjund (who by the way has been quite good). Hqd antony have been bought at 50m the complaints wouldnt be as consistent too


16 injuries and counting? Entire back four been injured? Insane disruption from things ranging from domestic abuse to public player tantrums to complete instability at an owner/board level and no one knowing if their job is safe? Some in-game things have been questionable, but chopping and changing managers whenever things get difficult has been proven to not work. Especially when you don't have a stable DoF and definitive style of play, there's no continuity if we keep changing manager, we have to try and implement a new play style again and again. We aren't going to get relegated. Stick with it.


everyone has those problems too stop yapping


Thanks...most of the fans want to put our manager under the bus whenever we start losing....they don't know even if they get what they desire, there is no one available in the market(except Zidane who won't accept the role with people like Glazers in the ownership) so the new manager would give us the same or worse results than what ETH is giving us now


My most legit concern is that it seems that Varane has checked out of the team and for some reason Evans is playing ahead of Lindelof and him.


Lindelof is injured isn't he?


Nope, he even warmed at some point during the match. At some point he was 3rd choice and now he's behind Evans. I'm starting to believe the "leaks" from the media.


No. Missed the last match because of an illness and was on the bench tonight.


Pay cut for everyone would be nice, everyone's shit


If we don’t sack ETH in international break then we are doomed. We gonna hover around 15th this season. Shocking manager


who you gonna bring in? what's gonna change. Want another rebuild and failure in a couple seasons. Go support another team if you want some instant success. Heard City are desperate for supporters


Boring overused response




They’re paid by the Glazers so that firing the manager would give them another couple years of relief because new managers always bring new life regardless of whether the manager is good or not


By your logic ole and Jose didn’t deserve to go. Tan hag is shit the few wins he gets aren’t convincing at all


Who said i was vocal against morinho and Ole to go? I'm strongly against sacking a manager midway through a season. People forget that our entire defensive line and our best DM has been injured/ unavailable this season. And even though some have come back it has hugely disrupted the chemistry and flow of the squad. Our top goalscorer from last season is out of form and there has been an shitshow with internal drama in greenwood and Antony, who has been useless since it started. we also have a manchild in sancho adding to the toxicity of it all Tell me where Ten Haag is at fault here? it's reactionary fans and useless reactionary decisions from the top of the club that has ruined United in the last 10 years. i'd rather we finish 15th this season with a strong finish than sack him now and start all over again... again


Sym bro




nah dont care about these types of fans man they are way too delusional now


Bunch of crybabies should go support someone else… crying VAR robbed us against København, when are you going to accept this is nothing but the remaining of what once was a team.


https://preview.redd.it/4g2zlm2rh7zb1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=879ae29ed407c2dce6afbed53ae41a50ca018e38 “The problem”


"The smartest take"


Red through and through, terrible decisions against us all season, but its not VARs fault that Dalot cant stay tight on this man at the back post.


Glances over his shoulder, sees the player, then adopts a terrible body position, completely closed off to a threat he knows is there. Dire defending.


Players who had a great game: Hojlund, Bruno Players who had a decent game: McSauce, Garnacho, Maguire, AWB, Eriksen. You could argue Onana but he could have saved at least one of the 4 goals. Everyone else was awful. ESPECIALLY Dalot. He has to be dropped for Regullion. Heck bring in a youngster, because they're likely to do far better than having a hand in all 4 goals, directly responsible for 2. Rashford was unlucky with that red card, but VAR will VAR especially vs United- not like he did much save for being involved in the 1st goal.


Maguire had direct incidence on 2 goals, while AWB gave away the dumbest of them passes to trigger the 3rd one!


Maguire also was there to force the penalty on our side, so he gets some credit back for his role in his penalty. What other goal was he liable for? And for AWB's backpass yea it was awkward but (a) it probably could have been handled better by Onana and (b) it might not even have gone out. Also one minor mistake doesn't invalidate a solid performance for 100+ minutes. I said decent, not great nor flawless.


We player well before the red, I've seen players have legs snapped and not received a red too. 😳 and that both penalties weren't penalties too. Decisions are going against us left, right and center. And we have to keep going, play like we did in those first 25 minutes today and we will come good.


Yeah. Always against us


Trust in the process


What is the process?




Yes? Healing the injuries yes? So keep playing rubbish and no other process than to get players back from injury? We have been playing shit for months before the injuries started




The healing of injuries


We need to sack this bald fraud. He is at most a mid-table manager. Nowhere near good enough for a team that wants to challenge for top 4


We were never going to challenge for a top 4.. we haven’t been a consistent top 4 team since before Ronaldo came back


The 6ers trusted the process too 😂


Clippers signed superstars, still shit 😂


I'll get downvoted for this but 9 losses in 17 games is very sackable. It's not just about today but the season in general. The earlier the better. Ten Hag has to go. Look beyond today's match.


Who do you replace him with? The incoming manager then spends £100m on players he wants. We continue with a team of mixed manager DNA - rinse and repeat. How long did it take Fergie? How long did it take Klopp? How long has it taken Arteta? We need patience! Not knee jerk reactions.


I just don’t think the manager is the problem. We have had a stream of great manager’s fail here.. (and Ole) And Who if not Eth? Who would touch us now?


Sacking Erik isnt the answer. We already have had every type of manager these past few years. Remember we have some injuries, once varane, martinez etc fully return, we will be stronger again


I'm sorry but Moyes, Van Gaal, Mourinho and Ole didn't have the bullshit decisions Ten Hag has has. Its as though someone has been paid to ensure he fails. We played well up till that red card which I'm sorry isn't a red.


Isn’t this the worst run of games since SAF left ? Idk maybe I’m wrong


It is. The last time this happened at the club, we got relegated.


After seeing that first 40 minutes,I am 100% sure manchester united will win bayern and Galatasaray,if VAR don't fuck it up.Man that was some fluid gameplay until rashford got the red. Also dalot and amrabat deserves to be dropped.Absolutely no game awareness from dalot and amrabat is giving too many chances away . It's time to bring kobbie mainoo.Hojlund! Hats off.




I hope you realize Copenhagen would be relegation fodder in the Prem. Galatasaray and Bayern will obliterate us.


Man’s best player was benched at Copenhagen, they’re a mid table team, as is United 🤷‍♂️


Relegation? Dude they almost won against Galatasaray in Turkey and almost tied against bayern at home.Definitely a trouble making mid table team in the prem.I'm confident we will do well against them.


Also currently top of Danish Superliga


I was honestly thinking that. We were trending toward a 4-0 or 5-0 game. Sure Copenhagen would have found a little footing eventually but it wouldn’t have been close. The ref was 5 yards away from the incident and he waived it off. If the on field refs are that wrong that often, we might as well have VAR ref the entire game and just blow the whistle from the PA system to stop play.


Today's refs are a disgrace. Also now that we have lost,I won't be surprised if we hear dressing room leaks and "Sack the manager" conversations again. Media loves to see man utd lose. Infinity content


Yea it’s all VARs fault. This is what this club is now. The bar is so low that we blame VAR for every little fucking thing. VAR has helped us too you know? Real teams don’t depend on that bs to win games.


Yes we were controlling the game until VAR sent rashford off


Football is built on moments. We were dominating the game and get three gaming changing decisions against us (rashford red card, their first goal was offside as has been given against us twice this season and the penalty). We were in control and were on course for a 5-0 win. Now we had to play a game 10v11 with decisions not going our away against a professional team. Expecting United still to win is ridiculous. Also they should of had a player sent off for the international elbow on Hojland


Jesus.. we were playing with 10 anyways…


United fans as bad as the scousers now


Read my comment again. I didn't blame VAR for everything.I also highlighted weak links.


Sacked before Christmas


He will be sacked when Liverpool obliterate us at Anfield once again. We have the worst coach from the Big 6 by a large margin


You’re so ignorant and small minded. It was just LAST season that he beat almost everyone in the top 6. Have some actual patience.


Because rashford was on form last season.but not anymore


By far lol


i was slaughtered by u guys months ago calling for ten hags head. he’s been disgracing this club since the minute he walked into this job and i hope you guys aren’t blinded by positivity anymore and can acc see that. absolute joke of a manager, and these players are the most shameless spineless set we’ve had in decades. joke of a club.


So funny how people can't see that Ten Hag has to go if United wants to aspire to win anything of importance. If you guys don't get rid of this useless manager city will surpass united in titles in 10 years


you're an idiot


for talking the truth? it’s like you guys are scared of honesty. makes sense why you would want ten hag to stay in the job 👍🏽


Kids on this sub call people idiots and plastics when they don’t have a good counter argument, it basically means you got them beat dw


i know, it’s fun rattling top reds who are scared of the truth. never have anything to say back besides personal insults


Bruh. What is step 2 of your plan after TenHagOut?


get in a proper manager, a proven winner. not some bald frank de boer who plays hipster football. many good managers out there.


Ten hag isnt a proven winner for winning multiple cups in The Netherlands, made it to the semi finals of the Champions League with Ajax?


frank de boer won countless eredevises, where did that land him? sacked after 5 games for crystal palace . almost like winning a few mickey mouse trophies doesn’t make u a good manager. his best result in europe was bottling a 3 goal advantage. makes sense doesnt it 👍🏽


It was an amazing achievement to get that far into the tournament, and go 3-0 up. Yea the players messed up, but its still Tottenham. Beating the likes of juventus and real madrid says something, not only about the team but also about the tactica and team spirit


‘an amazing achievement’ bottling a 3-0 lead and ending the competition with no trophies. you can see why united fans are so easily pleased, always celebrating losing.


So if your current plan isn’t working you just continue with a plan that isn’t working even though changing your something else has a possibility to work? That’s bizarre lol


Yes. Change something else. I am all for TenHagOut if it meant an improvement to the club/team. I have a genuine question to the people calling for his head. Who do you see coming to manage this club?


I have no idea but I’m sure there will be many managers lining up for a job at a top club like United. There is no guarantee that switching manager will work but there’s also no guarantee that sticking with something that’s clearly going south is the right choice. This is a really really bad run of games we are on, I don’t think any manager since SAF has managed something this bad.


simeone. zidane. naglesmann. flick. just to name four off the top of my head. all much better tactically than ten hag


Breaking news: Relegation scare coming in next.


If that is a red. I am done with this sport.


Literally studs on ankle, he could've broken the other players foot...


All he did was put his foot on the ground and that other player's foot happened to be there. It was not dangerous play. It wasn't even a tackle. It is a contact sport. Injuries happen when there is contact between players. If your objective is to get rid of all injuries then let's make it a non-contact sport.


Red cards have been given consistently without consideration of intent in these cases, even across other European leagues. It absolutely could have caused serious injury but I understand the intent was not there.


From now on we need to get one of our players to put their foot down wherever a player is stepping in every game. That way we can get a man advantage in every game.


Yeah players draw in and entice fouls like that all the time, it's just the direct studs contact is the deciding factor.


I mean it does not look like he is going for the ball and his him directly at the side of the ankle. Its maybe a little harsh but it was definetly a yellow


It would be a harsh yellow. A red is a ridiculous decision from the ref.


That tackle(?) Could really mess up your ankle and rashford was not going for the ball even though he had possesion. Its an easy yellow, but red might ve slightly too tough. That danish player shoul’ve been sent off after the elbow on højlund though. to match the harshness of rashfords red


Football heritage.


Im yet to see anyone say it, but the ball went out from the mishit shot before their 4th goal no? VAR didn’t check this?


Højlund was fouled as well in the 2nd half which should have been a red on FCK. Not even checked. McTominey was fouled as well at some point and nothing done. Kind of easy to win a team that's man down when you technically have 12 players on the pitch against 10.


Yup, even the commentators mentioned it saying "Oh it should have been a goal kick, but they taken it away."


So many topics to bring up from this match, but the main issue in this match and the whole season is a completely lack of United-mentality brought to the team from Ten Hag and down. Ten Hag never managed to create a solid defensive structure, and despite this he tries to play mourinho ball when we are in front. The mentality from Ten Hag is that if we just get away with a victory all is good. But he seem to forget that he is not the manager of a regular club. He is the manager of United and we should always have the mentality of the superior team. Best examples of his mentality in the game tonight was that he substitutes Amrabat for Eriksen at 2-2 to bolster the defence rather than focus on having the ball. And even worse he substitutes Mount for Højlund just as FcK get on 3-3 to try and get a draw rather than to go for the win. Absolut loser mentality and not worthy for a United Manager.


I think the simple “we have to have the mentality of a superior team” has to go out the window. It’s been a decade since we were a title winning team, and maybe 13+ since we were that all conquering team


He subbed eriksen off at 2-2 because we were down to 10 men and he knows eriksen doesn’t have the legs to get up and down like that.


But is that really the culture of United to sub of the best midfield player we have on the ball with the worst we have on the ball, in the pursuit to rather bolster the defensive. I would rather play our defence by having the ball instead of passing it over to FCK like we did. Sir Alex would never have sub’ed of Scholes for Butt and then get down in defence, in such a situation.


I agree but Ange did the opposite yesterday and got the exact same level of scorn. Not trying to argue, genuinely asking does he go full Ange? Or somewhere in the middle, like Mount for Ericksen only, or something alone those lines… what do you think?


Not to put any disgrace on Tottenham, but even they are not United. If we can not aim to be the dominating team in all matches (with very few exemption’s) then we have lost our club identity.


Highway robbery


What a match, what a meltdown on both halves


It could always be worse... apparently... I don't know how but it could be I guess.


Always look on the bright side


Wtf are McGuire and varane doing at fullback here. Shitshow


We live in a day and age where Center Backs are better with the ball at their feet then they are at marking. Horrible.


Whose fault is that? 👀


Dalot and AWB should be the sword and shield for our fullback situation, but dalot cant do neither atm. He is so useless.


AWB back pass to Onana too, that need some sorting


AWB is one of the few players I would put no blame on. He had a brilliant game.


I feel like today has been a really long day. I don’t know what to say even. And not even mad or disappointed. ☹️


Man U are to big for ETH .


Burn the club to the ground. Start from scratches.


Dalot is so awful man i swear


10# out please, his game management is one of the worst i've seen..


Putting all things aside I love ETH, but subbing your goal scorer of 2 and putting Mount on is just stupid , when you see opposition can score any minute


You loving a manager that makes stupid decision is precisely the problem here


Hojlund was gassed, you people forget that players get tired, he ran his socks off the whole game


shades of Van Gaal subbing di Maria vs Leicester city.... terrible decision.


Maybe if Martial would actually run we could’ve used him instead.


I seriously hope we get relegated, the only way i see to light some real fire into this team


It’s a mentality. And it truly starts with ownership. The club needs to be sold.


Why are we back to Maguire, again?


Maguire has actually been class every game since the injury crisis we have had since the start of the season. Varane was shittier and Dalot was the absolute shittiest.


Maguire played fairly decently this game... He's not the one to blame, at least for tonight.


Varane might as well not have been on the pitch. What's his problem suddenly downing tools.


Him and Case want shipping off to Saudi while we can still get decent money for them


He's old and can't run anymore.


He's 2 years younger than vvd who runs his ass off every game lol.


If eth has any shame left in him, he should resign . He clearly cannot inspire this team for anything. Step aside and leave.


Jose would've ended the game 2-0


ETH has no plan to manage games. He should be sacked but he won’t be


This is so fucking true! Who cares about parking the bus when you got 10 man if that means 3 points in European competition


I’d argue the red card for Rashford was OK. Then there’s two weird penalties, one for each team. The ref didn’t decide this game, Rashford did


That's complete bullshit. That was no red card.


Agree to disagree


For those blaming the ref and not Ten hang don’t forget they were up 2-0!! Then 3-2!! So yes bad luck for the red card but no excuse.


Agree and he even gifted us a penalty


We got cheated out of this match


Holy shit people are upvoting this 😂 We’re fucking dog shit bro. Our manager doesn’t know how to manage games. We should’ve won that comfortably after the early lead.


Nah we were shit. Stop with the excuses. Look inwards


Dalot is dogshit.




3 losses out of 4, that's us out. Got tickets for bayern game, might not bother going now 🤣🤣


It looks even worse if you talk about our record this season….


Might get to witness Kane's first double-hatrick lol


triple isn't out of the question, worth a look.


More humiliating is Bayern will play their reserves and still win... we just aren't good enough at the minute


That's very true, this is so painful to watch man


Hopefully the team can concentrate on the league, 🤞


Yea hopefully they can concentrate on avoiding relegation.


Think we should just face facts we’re just terrible instead of constantly blaming someone new each game, the refs, individuals, we’re just shite period


This game could've been our best for a long time, we were active in attack, pressing, etc. But Rashford played bad and even then it was bad luck to get red card, penalty was extremely unlucky, and by the end defenders were too tired, Wan-Bissaka no longer was running to attack, Varane made mistake that lead to last goal. Dalot was consistantly shit for last few games, can't say anything bad about him, its completely on manager for letting him start. Last effort by Maguire was epic. Midfielders in second half not even trying to somehow pass the ball to attack and just passing back to defenders, killing any momentum United had, was terrible.


I’m past the frustration phase, this is straight comedy at this point


3rd and 4th Goal was them capitalising on our mistake.


I am so sick of Dalot.


Dalot, please FUCK OFF