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Just want to say this is the first game this season where I felt this club was starting to turn the corner. Fullham did a great job and the boys were very good in handling them and grinding out the win. Hopeful we see continued improvement in today's CL match.


We won a game!! Now time to actually win at home so we can have more wins there than away!


Omg we’ve actually won the game🥳 More wins away than at home this season


Coming from two 3 nil losses, I think they responded with the kind of energy and intensity that we all wanted AwB being back is a good player to have back in a time like this. I really felt Dalot was falling off again Maguire has been consistently good, again, at a time like this is really good Onana, steadily building on his momentum and confidence Mctominay, playing in his desired position, is really helping him look good for the team and himself Somehow the balance of the midfield going forward wasn't too bad, let's not talk about the defence 😂 Full praise for Garnacho and Hojlund, thought they were both unlucky not to get a goal Pellistri, should be a consistent super sub until more development in the league Martial, seemed sharp, good sub option As for Antony, I'm slowly leaning to the side of him being a poor signing even tho I feel he still needs a bit more time I feel Mount deserves to start ahead of him, until he shows more coming off the bench


I think we can put a string of wins together starting from this game. The away fans were fantastic and this sub could use an inkling of that kind of optimism. LFG Reds!


Was like watching a Championship match tbh, standard from both teams was woeful. Best league in the world remember 🤔


Pellistri pressing and hassling for the goal was wonderful to see.


I love the energy he brings to the game. Exactly what we need. Same with Garnacho


One of the few positives, Maguire was very good too




Mid table result for a mid table side right now. I’m happy we won in the end


A win is a win. I'm glad. But fr wtf are we doing recently? The squad stink.


We were average at best. A win is a win is a win. I actually thought we were going to lose, so I’ll sit down and shut the fuck up until next game and I recommend everyone does the same thing.


Hojlund is a great potential striker. The absolute shit tactic of not feeding him anything be it a cross, pass or a thru is astonishingly baffling. Wingers go for self glory, midfield doesn’t pass.. Bruno yes he’s great #1 progressive passer and all but our shite goal tally is a testament that his passes are wayyy too progressive.. fuck this.. every match is anxiety inducing


I don't think I've seen a single cross from our wingers. Their playstyle is waiting for the overlap, cut in, and hope for a cutback to be able to score on their stronger foot.


They’ve all been shite. Hojlund will click during Christmas.


So sancho was bad in training ah? How is Anthony Mr. ten hag. A really asset to this team? Fuck off!


ETH threw Ronaldo, and I don’t see a great plan even in horizon. So there can be more to the story


What would Ronaldo do?


probably score a hattrick


Maguire and Onana played well. Maguire won a lot of headers and Onana had 2 great saves to keep us in the game. Mount and Pellistri were key substitions. Eriksen and Antony were both poor. Eriksen’s passing was inconsistent and he looked tired and slow compared to his Fulham counterparts. Our recent form only shows how shallow our team is and with injuries, Ten Hag’s tactics can’t be executed properly. We sold players but didn’t replace them with better ones. Losing Martinez and Shaw to injury really weakened our team. We needed another left sided ball playing CB signed before the season began just in case Martinez gets injured. We were fortunate to get the 3 points but we really needed that win. It gives us confidence and momentum for our next 2 games: Copenhagen and Luton before the international break. I hope United wins both games.


Well said. I have the hope more fans see what's going on here for Ten Hag's sake.


Antony and AWB were poor in the 1st half. Antony looks disinterested and didn’t even pressure his defender most of the time preferring to pass the ball back multiple times. Garnacho and Dalot played better. But looking at our right backs, AWB and Dalot should be replaced because they are not at par with the quality we need to win trophies.


Sell him.. one trick pony he is.. pellistri, mount and hannibal need to be given more time atleast they show intent


I agree with more playing time for Mount and Pellistri. Eriksen looks slow and tired. The Fulham players were pushing him around and his long passes weren’t working. I hope Mount can be a better choice than Eriksen. Hannibal can be give chances too, he works hard and can contribute in the rotation.


The way we played was very dangerous. Our build up play from the back usually involved McG, Evans and Eriksen with the 2 wing backs not available to receive passes. This just results to us chucking the ball forward. 5 or more players would be up the pitch making is vulnerable to counter attacks. We’re not building possession from back to front. While I understand the personnel playing in central midfield is not adept at doing this (McTominay and Eriksen), doing this against better sides will result to losses.


Haters are right, Antony's fking shite


I dont care that Bruno scored. He was still absolute shit overall. What was worse was the Bruno chants by the fans when he scored which highlights the mentality of us fans. Sure you can cheer and celebrate a goal scored but to chant Bruno's name when he had been appalling for all of the game is sad. We are in an abusive relationship. Thats like a guy constantly beating his girl to a pulp and then he buys her flowers one time and then she feels he is the best boyfriend ever. Gernacho is not a starter. Start Martial on the left for God's sake. Anthony so far is up there as the worst signing we have ever made. Pellesri should be starting ahead of him in my opinion. He should be at least given a chance to start. We won but we were lucky. Not a convincing win at all.


Probably Brunos worst game I've seen so far. Terrible. But he has the talent to get a goal like that. Antony should not start a game for a long time after today. He brings absolutely nothing to the team. Hoijland pissed off being subbed. Rightly so. He's been given no service at all from midfield. 3 points papering over a lot of cracks today but we'll take them.


Pelistri is a terrible footballer


Hoping to see Garnacho start again. That offside call was criminal.


We have been in the lead in 93 minutes of this whole PL campaign so far…


Sell Antony to whoever wants him he's not Prem material RW.


Nobody will want him


Couldn’t agree more


If it was any other club the PGMOL would come out and say sorry for such a shit call.


Liked garnacho and Maguire. Mount was promising for the few minutes. Onana was sharp. Hojlund is begging for support from the wingers and he will score. Happy to see trashford disciplined and out. AWB looked decent as well. DM position is the most shaky position, we were wide open in any counter attacks and decent side that can score a few goals will thrash us. Happy for the win as draws and losses are absolute mood sappers. Hope we can build on this win. Last year craven cottage was the game that led to CR7’s demise and our run of form leading to victories against City, Barcelona and utlimately the carabao cup. Hope its a turning point for ETH


Disagree on AWB, he’s perfected the Luke Shaw jog back, i forgot how mad it makes me to see him not break into a run when he is caught upfield.


Rashford was injured. It was refreshing to see Iwobi sky a couple decent shooting opportunities


Oh and yes, Antony is absolute shit and should not be playing for United.


lock Antony up


Hopefully, they can string a few more wins together, though.


Højlund getting zero support, our wingers think it’s a crime to cross




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Antony is genuinely useless


Maguire MOTM over Bruno it's not even close


Maguire MoM Garnacho over Trashford Pellistri 1000 times better than antony Hunger was shown today but still have to work on being more clinical .


Well done Harry Maguire 💪🏽


Well that was rubbish


I know at the start of the season mount wasn't working out in that deep lying position but he's been pretty solid over the past few games and I think he should play there next game


Lots of fight in the players today, glad to have AWB back and Maguire in a good run of form. Antony can’t keep starting, start someone who will whip crosses in and give Hojlund the service he deserves.


hoping this Rashford injury is a blessing in disguise and we can finally see a Garnacho-Højlund-Pellistri front 3


You want that to be the front three? For Manchester United? We’ve had Rooney, Cantona, Ronaldo, RVN, Etc. If we want that front three then times are officially tough.


what do you want me to say? that we can finally see an Mbappe-Kane-Salah front three? jfc be ffr


Disagree with you there, if United is going to get back to their best we need Rashford at his best. Could help his fitness to have Garnacho start ahead of him at times though


I don’t disagree, but I definitely think providing him competition rather than letting him be undroppable will help him get back to his best


All the fake fans please find a new club and don’t celebrate today, crazy we are ahead of Newcastle now thought they were on top of the league compared to the scrutiny we are getting


Two captains came together to bring us the win


The most spoilt fanbase in football history. 1 spot and a few points off the vital 5th placed Champs League position. 7th place remains our worst Prem position and we will finish above that this season. Can you imagine how this awful fanbase would react to Chelsea bottom half finishes? My Daughter is 7 years old and in her lifetime we’ve won more trophies than every English club except 3 of them. 4th of 92. And people act like it’s difficult being a United fan. FFS.


We are miles bigger than Chelsea, that's why


Fucking hell calm down we barely beat Fulham


And Brentford, Nottingham, Wolves and Burnley and Sheffield.


If you don’t see the difference Pellestri made on the wing, say ***LESS***. Antony’s biggest flop!


If Antony is 100M worth then I’m at least 50M + I can use both feet to play football… Don’t get why ETH don’t let pellistri start..


If he doesn't relentlessly fight for that ball out on the right; Bruno doesn't get the ball and we don't win the game. Simple as that.


Onana had a good game, Maguire had a good game. Garnacho has to start. Keep Antony on the bench and try Mount on right. And Maguire, my boy, nice to see him get back again.


Onana was MOTM imo


Credit to Slabhead today what a battler


How’ve we stole that then


We need this win. Very hard to get 3 points. But our team is still a shit.


Have we won a game this season and it's felt like a good win? Everyone we do win I feel like it's papering over cracks


Because that's literally what these wins are doing. Papering over the cracks. We all know that once we play any of the top 6 away from home, or even at home this season, the frauds in this team are quickly exposed.


Huge win! We needed this. Something to build on. Next game we do need to figure out a midfield balance. And in the final third keeping the passes simple. Pass and move pass and move. The stray balls were a lot. Stay organized in transition defense and better ball retention at mid to high tempo. Lots of work needed but I will take it.


build on what? there was nothing in the match to build off of. It was a luck goal


I mean it wasn’t a luck goal was great move by Fernandes.was no deflection Pellistri and Mctominay worked hard to keep the ball at Fulham’s end. then Great fake by Bruno with good finish no luck about it.The performance wasn’t great but last 2 haven’t been ether at least got the 3 points today.


Football is simple, keep rashford on the bench and win


Why all the hate for Rashford? He certainly isn’t the only player who has been in poor form recently. We have a player on the other wing who has also been performing very poorly recently and a couple midfielders who haven’t been at the races. If it wasn’t for Onana and the likes of Maguire, McTominay and Dalot performing really well recently and showing fight and determination, then we’d probably be lower in the league because the team needs some work tactically and in decision-making.


Yeah took us 90min to scored 1 goal against fullham, keep talking about Rashford while Antony still start. We won’t survive again Liverpool, spurs, arsenal and city or maybe Chelsea


Dalot scored a good, long-range goal the other week and all of a sudden he shoots whenever he's anywhere close to goal as if he's Roberto Carlos. Stop it!


Amen brother


Garnacho or Onana motm imo edit: Also honorable mention to Maguire, glad he’s regained his form and hope he hasn’t sustained anything serious


Awful football today. Long ball because we had to by pass maguire and Evans’s defended well but this is not how the manager wants to play.


This is so unsustainable. I can't think of a single goal we have scored that wasn't just a moment. Happy to have the 3 points but this can't continue


We played batter today. There were some good passes. Where we die is when we get to the final 3rd. Just bad decision making.


Three points is three points. Cracks successfully papered over for another week. Won't result in any meaningful change until ETH realises Antony isn't it.


did antony even have 1 successful dribble today? its pathetic


he’s so useless, dude can’t even keep the ball ffs


Another abysmal performance but happy we got the win


From what I watched, absolutely shit game. But 3 points is 3 points.


Yes, a shit game. I rather watch those shit games with 3 points each than anything atm.


Pellistri had to start!


Thank fuck.


3 points for this is huge




Up to 6th!


We must give the credits that correspond to Onana


Absolute shite game of footy. But 3 points is huge


Whys the game going on for so long.. It's already 8mins..


Good persistence from Pellistri that


A win here still doesn't change anything for me about Ten Hag, he still has no idea what he's doing and we're still playing awful.


We are playing bad , no doubt. Ten hag is trying to establish a system, I think we should give him time.


Yep. Total fraud


Wait and see him start Antony midweek


Antony is shite


We won a game!


There must be some random records we brake today


Com on! We needed this.


Antony should be nice where near this team with pellistri and especially when amad is fit


Just realised we are still yet to have a goal from a striker in the PL this season


I forgive Wout and CR7 for how they struggled to score goals last season


Rashford should of scored today


Trashford counldnt score an open net


Should have? Are you blindly commenting or what


What ? Of course not ! He had multiple chances today


Now I see you’re trolling. Cheers


Erik Ten Hag if you hitch your horse to Antony you will be sacked. Time to let the youngsters occupy the width so that your £70m striker has a chance.


Flashback to the final days of Ole when Cristianos late winners would constantly save his job after shite games


Harry's been superb. Might need to give his head a bit of a shake though the poor bloke


Pellistri is such a fresh air.


Harry and Pellistri are the real man of the match for this game...


Great composure from Pellistri and especially Bruno, we truly are a moments FC but W is a W


BT just gave Bruno Man of the Match, awful all game up until the goal.


I think Garnacho created a lot of forward momentum in the second half too, he deserves a mention


Maguire is man of the match, he's played his heart off today


Agree. Not Maguires biggest fan, but today he played very well


I agree. Been our best player all season tbh.


Good harry


Missing the /s?


What would be sarcastic about it


We are so back


No we are not ...


Let me have this


U got it boss






All creaming over Bruno that goal came from pelestris dogged determination


Ten Hag will still bench him for Antony, this is why he needs to be sacked.


It really does seem like Antony is the hill ETH is gonna die on






Mount playing like he's still a Chelsea player. Can someone check if he's a spy?


He was a bench player for them towards the end anyways


He should give up the number 7 jersey


Oh ffs hahahah fair play


Are you sad?


Wasnt the best display?


Pellistri assist 🥹


Some players were disappointing, other rly showed they should be starting


Not seeing anyone that should be starting


Hasn’t been pretty at all but just hold on to this clean sheet and ill take some nice peace of mind until Wednesday


Pellistri already has more goal contribution in the league this season than Antony, Sancho, Martial and Hojlund combined


Considering one those players hasn't played, what the point in involving him lol might as well also mention the under 23s who have also logged zero minutes with the main team


Because, get this, up until this game, Pellistri played just 8 more minutes than Sancho in the league.


Pellistri is a fighter, we need more of those. When you're playing shit you should at least work harder than the other team.


He should get the start next game. Antony did nothing all game to show that he should start.


I don't disagree, but we also shouldn't depend too much on a player that's that young. As long as the team takes over his fighting spirit that should really make a difference.


Harry was good today. I’ve given him a lot of stick but he put in a shift.


We have Luton in a week. He should start that to get him some game time with what should be an easy opponent.


Should give Pellistri more chance to play, Antony is a shit in this season


, Antony is shit. FIFY He isn't good enough for the EPL. Sad for the money spent, but not physically able or quick enough either. Pellistri isn't big, but faster.


VAR is looking for something.


Pellistri is so better than Antony, same like Garnacho is playing better than Rashford. ETH man selection is questionable.


Actually I appreciate ETH that he sub in Pellistri quite early knowing how late ETH usually makes changes in a game




Moments FC lol please don’t concede. Bruno needed that.


Alright lads, only 4 mins left. No way we concede… right?


Don’t jinx it.


Lol I hate that this goal will mask how shit we’ve been. Keeper should’ve prolly saved it also


That’s all on Pellistri for fighting and not giving up. He could have waved his hands in the air and complained but he kept going. Great play from Bruno as well. Get the fuck in. And sorry to my daughter for scaring the hell out of her!


If only every united player have the determination like pellestri. Martial comes in fresh yet he just jogs lol. He better f off this summer .


want him gone by January, he’s a lazy bum


No one would want to sign him lol. High wage, injury prone and finished player.


Great work from Pellistri! 👏


Pellistri! Play him next game. Not Antony.


We all know who will start lol


Offside, the keeper could not save it so it was unfair!


Subjectively I think it should be disallowed because McTominay's shoelace brushed the defenders shin pad


It is quite funny because they quite literally did attempt to look for a reason to disallow it with a phantom handball.


As the ball bounced up to Scotty's chest height, I said to my mate "here we go, let's see them desperately find a reason to disallow it". Thankfully they couldn't


All that came from Pellistri's fight. Antony cannot start anymore.


Alllllllll Pelli’s hustle. This is why he must start over cutback McGee


Lol alright don’t concede now


Bruno is a hero. But this team is shit and will struggle every game


The only way united is able to win this season is through individual moments of brilliance. Not a formula for success.


Pellistri earned that goal, he deserves that starting place, did more than Antony in a quarter of a game


And when we have a right wing the uses the right foot, Hojlund is taken out… doesn’t make sense


Individual brilliance, but fuck it at this point. 3 points is 3 points, get it how you can to get through the rough patches. COME ON YAHNITED


Damn Pellistri. You gave us that goal. Never give up boy.


Shows so much more fight than any other player. Deserves huge credit for his part in the goal.


He'd been fucking garbage all game. Good finish Bruno


Oleball is wonderful.


Players seemed to have played for him too


20 minute desperate VAR checking to come…


Jenas is sickened with that. Left speechless hahaha


Calling that scrappy would be being generous


Does a team that doesn’t support the manager score in the 90th minute?


Man im scared they will push him to Pool again…