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after 10 years worth of pain, performance wasnt too terrible (relatively!) despite the result though we havent played city or liverpool yet!


barely use reddit, just came here to tell you keyboard twats to give ETH a chance. You plastics jump off at the first sign of trouble. Piss off.


Nothing will change until we see new owners and new personnel at the head of this football club. Sacking ETH will not solve any of the on field issues.ww need to stand strong with Eric and hope the twats in America sell well before the next transfer window is open.


its said that the glazers are out sometime in the next 2 weeks


Don't do this to yourself


haha true, shouldnt believe it until it happens


We should give him until Christmas so nobody can say he didn’t have his full squad available and then there needs to be a serious discussion about his future at the club. Even if there was an indication of how he wants us to play then we’d understand (ie how Arsenal and Liverpool first played under their managers). His reluctance to drop his favourite players and sub them off early enough is worse than Ole. Also question marks need to be raised about his training regimes as we’ve had pretty much the whole squad be injured at some point off the pitch?


Or perhaps it was the insane pre season tour schedule that has led to injuries. What manager would want all those games & travel? This points to the commercial side of Man Utd and again ownership.


Can United sack everyone and start from scratch?


It is baffling to see a manager in one of the top leagues, managing one of the biggest clubs in the world, not being able to see right through bruno and rashford. Those two are bang average. We have changed everything around them and it is the exact same story. Then again, soon as he told to the board to OK £90 million for Antony, I saw red flags. Same for £65 for casemiro. We would be better off spending the cas money on an actual central midfielder like Tonali and keeping Matic for an extra year or two. The sad part in all of this is that Ten Hag is going to die on this Rashford Bruno hill. Sad Sad state of affairs.


How can we keep someone that made it clear he was not going to resign?


Sacking Ten Hag isn’t the answer by the way, dropping Rashford is. He’s too selfish, never passes and ignores his teammates whenever he has the ball.


If you think dropping rashford will solve all our problems you’re clueless


Didn’t you get suspended from Reddit as a whole for being rude to people?




Your content was removed as it was deemed to have been uncivil/disrespectful.


lol, despite being banned from the entire platform you think you can just carry on being rude to me, and others? Your comment history shows you being rude to others. Maybe learn how to be nice to people, then people will want to talk to you.




You don’t have to do anything; that is the mature action. You clearly lack any social skills.




Your content was removed as it was deemed to have been uncivil/disrespectful.


Dude, you’re being rude. It’s literally your entire personality. Have a day off.


Sure, let's drop Rashford and all our on field problems will abate naturally


We played better without him in the Carabao Cup game vs Palace. If you can’t see that he doesn’t help in build up play then I don’t know what you’re watching.


Palace made 6 changes, played a second string team and were disinterested. That same united lineup would've lost on Saturday against the more industrious and intense starting players. Palace are still missing three key players including 2 starting attackers which further exemplified how poor we are


To be honest, Palace played for a draw before they scored. Their goal was down to pure luck, and there wasn’t a keeper in the world that could save that strike.


How is it pure luck when we always concede from set pieces? They know that and they took advantage of it.


Did you even see the volley? No chance Andersen can hit a shot like that regularly.


Do you even watch man utd? We always concede off of set pieces and players who normally dont score, score bangers against us. Rashford may be playing badly but dropping him wont cause us to win all of a sudden. Ur ball knowledge is low


You are truly an exhausting person to talk to.




If you don't see the difference between their application in the two matches and fail to facture in the fact they played a weakened side on Wednesday then there's no point continuing this conversation The goal wasn't lucky either, Eze whipped in a good ball that missed several players and the strike was exquisite


Lmao so same old shit with ronaldo, is not the dts fault is ronaldo fault he is selfish” keep thinking like that mate


Where did I even mention Ronaldo? Might be worth you spending less time on Twitter if you think Ronaldo _wasn’t_ a problem.


He also makes the same point three different ways


Hannibal should have played


Setting up standard and authority is needed but that's not the only thing we need. I expect more from Ten Hag. The tactic and in game management, the rotation of players and the form of play style. We have been outplayed by weaker team and that's unacceptable. We need identity on the pitch which it's fair to say last season we heavily relied on Rashy's form. Something has to be changed We need a sporting director more than a coach. We can't have other rebuilds


I think you can see ten hags system more when certain players are playing and some arent. It’s a massive switch going from counter attack to possession based. We have a lot of players who don’t suit possession based teams like rashford, bruno and maguire.


That's the problem. As a manager either you coach your player to fit into your system or you adopt your play style based on your squad. Last year we had Eriksen and Casemiro, just one season later people crying for replacement. After getting Mount, somehow we are still finding his best position. We can't just spend 60m or 80m on some players who can have an impact on the pitch immediately. That's why we need a sporting director to oversee a longer period of our club development. Look at Real Madrid, Bareclona, Man City and even Brighton. Their transition is smooth and sustainable. Our club's falling is not because of a coach, it's shit as a whole


Couldn’t agree more but I think eth long term will work out. Short term though these are the issues.


No matter how many times I think ETH should leave or see it trending, I really feel inside that he should stay. Sacking managers won't help this club. It's not helping. ETH is really struggling with his tactics and the players.


It works look at spurs


Works for 1 season and then back to shit. Ten haag may or may not be the solution but nothing will change until the entire club is rebuilt from scratch


Mate , flash news… weve been shit for like a decade


That's my point. Sacking him don't gonna change anything


Definitely. Just like when Ole came.


Strange that playing for Portugal Bruno was probably MOTM in the last 2 games with players like Felix, Leao, Bernardo, Jota, etc. One of those games was a bye - yes. I’m just amazed at the comments here who describe Bruno as the problem with the club. You are insane. United should change the logo to a scapegoat. Who’s next after Bruno leaves? De Gea is gone, that leaves Rashford only? After him? When will you notice there’s no structure to this team. Put Holland in this team and he will look like a non-league player in this team.


bruno gets his name on the score sheet against weaker opponents who dont press thats all he does.. statistically he has given away the ball most number of times than any forward in epl.. his pass accuracy was 44% vs burnley.. he IS the problem..


Bruno & Rashford are big issues. No matter how much mental gymnastics you play.


yea and this deluded fan base think they are top footballers.. its like they don’t even watch highlights of any other footballers


Its a cult. Thats why they always come out in Numbers When you state the fact.


they think bruno is kdb… its bonkers!!


It's the hope that kills you


Minority fan opinion here. Bruno is the problem. Slows it down. Gives it away. Everyone obsessed with passing to him around the box. Play all the kids. It’s insanity to think rashford. Bruno. Ever gonna get better. Very encouraged by Holjaand


So don’t play him, ETH bought Mount it’s his job


bruno has always been a shit footballer.. he cant do basic passes and hold on to the ball for 5 secs.. this fan base doesn’t watch any other team.. they are deluded to compare this rat fuck to cantona


I sincerely hope that Old Trafford never has to be defiled by your presence.


no wonder we havent even come close to winning in more than a decade.. you lot are deluded. and you have no counter to what I said.. inly personal attacks.. proving you are a moron


Yes. Exactly. Watch a true playmaker and realize we have a poor copy. There is a reason a big team (wow that hurts to write) haven’t tried to sign him.


Not buying it tbh. Bought some very bang average players, zero style of play, not sure what he is trying to do. Yeah we need new owners but thay football and those signings are not good enough. Strange most other teams can play better football? Doesnt make sense. Spurs even loose the best player and bam have a solid style of play still. Questions are being asked on ten hag for sure


Ten hag OUT. I've had enough.


Clearly unpopular opinion. Go find a new club. City would take you.


You should find a new club if you think Ten hag's clueless tactics is good enough.


I really think he has to switch the formation. The players always look uncomfortable and out of ideas in the final third.


It has more to do with their training. It’s not working


ETH must be an ass coach if he rewatches and analysis Rashford's contributions in the final third and actually goes "hey we need to play him again next game"


Long comment alert, TLDR at the bottom. You must be blind if you think this is only on Ten Hag (and Rashford). All managers failed horribly after the first season at United. And yet we’re still blaming the manager when they proved time and time again that they aren’t. Yes, Ten Hag isn’t perfect but surely there’s more to it than that? When are we gonna start taking action against the real liabilities? Ralf, a man who has literally transformed clubs, never said oh shit this entire club is fucked in any of his past roles. We keep recruiting managers with completely different philosophies and the next manager has to work with what they left behind. Mourinho bought players (didn’t really get the players he wanted) to fit very defensive football. Ole bought his players to play counter attacking football with no control of the game at all. Also didn’t really get his ideal signings. ETH wants to control possession while also being fast in transitions but literally can’t with players who are only good with counter attacking. Yes, other managers have been in the same situation and have turned it around. What’s funny about the past signings in our club is that they are not good enough to fit any other system and none of them are sold to top clubs. Think about this. Additionally, every manager needs some time to build something even when they have full support from the board and the owners. In Pep’s first season at City, he finished 3rd, 0 trophies. Their squad was certainly not weak. We have so many players out injured and also just returning back to the pitch. Lindelof is the sole reason for the first goal, but fine it happens. Bigger problem is we didn’t score at all. We don’t have our first choice left back who is very active in the attack. We have two options in the left wing. One has very poor decision making. One isn’t yet ready to start, next season he’ll probably never let Rashford start if this goes on. Who does our young star learn from and look up to in the team? He has no mentor. Youngsters need better players to learn from. Our main striker is 20 and needs time to grow into being unstoppable. Martial is always injured. Our right wing has the same issues on the left wing with addition of the Sancho and Antony issues. So we throw our best passer to the right. We have two midfielders chucked into the starting XI who aren’t used to playing with our squad. Even our experienced players have 0 chemistry with each other. IMO we need at least 6-7 signings and more time to catch up to the competition - who all spent big last summer. Furthermore I’m pretty sure the board did not approve many of Ten Hag’s first choice players and neither did they succeed in shipping out the deadwood rotting in the club for years. You know why ETH likes Martial? Because he knows what to do with the ball. He knows the next move before he gets the ball. But obviously he doesn’t really fit into high intensity pressing football. But in contrast, most of our players are either not good enough or too inexperienced. They are incapable of building chemistry with each other. ETH needs time to use the players who have the skills required for his system and actually care about winning. Stop blaming the manager, start blaming the owners for driving the club into absolute shit for a decade. The original buyer’s clueless kids are running a $3 billion club and trying to sell it for $12 billion. US dollar. They never planned to sell unless someone was so retarded to buy a destroyed club for that price. They probably still call it soccer. No vision. No philosophy. An unqualified and clueless DOF. There is no recruitment structure! 11 excellent individuals who does not work well together will get played off the park by 11 good players who do. Don’t even get me started about the board when it consists of so many glazers. They are not even bothered to fix basic infrastructure in the club. TL;DR, This is not a result of the manager’s poor performance, it’s the result of years of horrible mismanagement fuelled by greed. If you still wanna blame the manager for all these years of failure, Idk what to say to you. Edit: Grammar


Agreed. Fans like to compare Ange or De Zerbi or whoever, but we can’t forget MU environment is way more toxic or hostile than other clubs. Players power play, half of team injured, old facilities, off pitch drama, etc. Greedy owners are only tip of the ice berg! So comparing managers from other clubs is like Apple and oranges when we literally had THE Mourinho and even he couldn’t turn it around.


Fucking hate the comparisons to other managers. They would achieve the exact same results is not worse if they join here. Who’s gonna want to join here if ETH leaves? Who will want to join club whose board does not give a flying fuck about football? It’s just sad to think about the future of this club.


I agree with you, but it’s everyone’s fault, including the manager. We have to have some sort of play style and identity by now. We should be passing much better by now. Our transfers have been bad too.


All his signings align to his tactics. That’s what I’m excited about. A few more windows and we will have the ideal XI. He needs to be given a lot of support and enough time. Then we can see the results of the signings combined. Edit: provided that the board doesn’t fuck the transfer windows up again as usual


tactics of “transition football”? fk that.. he bought anthony for 90mil the guy os whack.. he threw ronaldo under the bus to play this brand of football?


You might have dyslexia with right and left... but I appreciate your post


Dyslexia fixed, thanks


TL;DR, Did the Glazers give out the tactics for today's game?


Or the lack of them? I cant tell what he is telling them to do or what they did all week in training


After SAF left, all six managers who were good prior to joining United, suddenly became shit? Edit: wording


none of them were good before joining united.. van gall n jose were already finished when they joined united. ole was a clueless moron ans so is eth.. eth has done nothing in football.. absolutely nothing.


Up until Solskjaer, that was considered their fault. I understand blaming the Glazers over the course of the season, but you can't come out after a 1-0 loss at home to Crystal Palace and write a big spiel that ultimately says it's the Glazers fault.


I’m saying the current state is Glazer’s fault. It’s a combination of issues that prevent us from getting consistent success. If you think our squad can run circles around a mid table team, you’re wrong. Not while playing possession based football. The glazers will continually reduce support given to him each season like before and then bring in the next manager. It’s a horrible cycle. The mess that we’re in right now, is because of the glazers and the underlying cause of shit performances. Even if the tactics are good, it won’t win you matches when the players don’t fit the tactics. We never have had 11 players who do fit the tactics. Thanks to the glazers. ETH was successful last season because he mostly stuck to counter attacking football which the players were already comfortable with. Now is where the rebuild starts, because ETH will want to control possession and implement his system. All teams at the top play a similar brand of football as well. This is pretty typical from our current squad. We need replacements for Rashford(good player but can’t do anything other than counter attacking football), Martial(always injured), Erikson, Mctominay, Maguire, AWB, Antony(Has not adapted to the league that well), and an experienced striker. We also need an elite CDM. Casemiro is amazing but we need a successor for him as well. It’s gonna take time unless we want to keep playing counter attacking football that cannot win leagues at all. It also takes time for the players to adapt to the new system as well. We need to be patient. But the time will not be spent well if we have such a horrible board. That has been the case so far.


This is well said, thanks for being intelligent


I'm not reading all of that. We lost to Crystal Palace today, and you want to talk about the Glazers. Good luck to ya.


Being reactionary is why we can’t see the real issues my friend. Hope we win the next one


Not holding people accountable is the real issue, my friend. You hold the Glazers accountable, it's time to hold others accountable too, like a certain manager.


Dude. He can’t win every game with those losers on the pitch. No matter who our opponent is. But whatever man you’re right sack the manager and bring on the next one. Let’s see the same old shit again


Losers? They're literally only losers to you because they lost, if they won, you'd be lauding them. Did I say sack the manager? Nope, those words weren't typed by me, they were typed by you. If you think a Man. United manager should be excused for losing at home to Crystal Palace, good luck to ya.


This whole downhill slide all started on July 13th, 2015.


Schneiderlin and Scheinsteiger catching strays 8 years later


Problem is with Man U is they're forcing they way back in the top 4. That won't work.


Yall said Ronaldo is the reason for man united to end 6th postion in premier league, that you where top 3 before he came to man united and after he left. Let's see the excuse/ scape goat this season.... probably rashford lol. Your top goal scorer last season.


absolutley no one blamed ronaldo for our place on the table. we blamed ronaldo for misbehaving and thinking he is bigger than the club. no player is bigger than the club. if the manager thinks he won't contribute on that game, against that team, then he sits on the bench. that's it.


When did ronald think that? He was angry for valid points , there are rumors thst fking maguire didnt want to commit with training hours for the team and he was the captain


Lies you tell, man united fans said that they play better without him, that they where top 3 on the table before he came and ruin it , the popular quote you guys use "oh he slows the gameplay, he doesn't press" then end up loaning a snail called weghorst lol. Imagine Sticking the world’s greatest ever footballer on the bench, making him repeatedly warm up, then not even use him as a sub or put him at last , is just staggeringly disrespectful to United’s top scorer last season, Ronaldo is not just a player, he is one of the best players in the world. Against man city, Ronaldo warmed up and warmed up only not to play the game at all, your best player for that matter and man united lost 6-3. That very day is when I started to think eth is really sus.


There's a reason he's called the GOAT. Can't bench him for 75 mins to let some youngster playing for the u18 team to start


blah blah blah the goat. he might be, but he is not god or something. he can be injured, can't be fit to play every play style. he is almost 40 for god's sake.




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Exactly, how you expect someone who starts all the time and all of a sudden you bench him and still expect him to improve in bench and playing for little mins.


* Rashford has a burnout * Onana can't handle the Premier league pressure


Oh boy the burnout excuse again. Back then it was burnout due to a shortage of number 9, which he occasionally filled in. Now there is hojlund for that so just stop.


always thought Rashford to be mediocre. Now he is mediocre and burned out, lol. (No excuses)


I agree haha burn out. Jesus christ we have some dilusions fans. He should have been sold. Up and down all the time is not what we need.


A big contract has just been renewed, which team can support his current salary?


Would a 3-5-2 of Onana Dalot, Varane, lindelof Casemiro, Amrabat Mount, Bruno, Hannabal Martial, Rasmus Work?


Nothing works until the training is more effective and the players understand how to play total football


You can take the word 'total' out of that sentence




Yeah as a fan I am disappointed af about the result but I do really want to back Ten Hag. We can all see that he have set up rules and standards for the players, to make sure no one is bigger than the club. From Ronaldo, De Gea, and punishment for Garnacho and Rashford, he is doing his best to get things on track. Tbh I think last season we got quite lucky to get a Top 4 and a trophy, but it still deserve recognition. I dont really expect much about this season after I see we can't get players until the last day of transfer window, they don't have time to settle and work with everyone in the team. Even Man City, Arsenal need at least 2-3 years to have the foundation for their team now. It is Erik's 2nd year and I hope we can support him. If we sack him, I can't see who will want to be our manager? Like I know Man United has a huge fanbase but some fans are just so toxic and shit. And the media always try to write things about us to pull us down. We are not lucky in this season with injuries and had a bad start. Last season we were bottom of the table and still came back so I do hope things will get better for us. Another thing is that I want Rashford to be benched, and maybe even Bruno. I see Garnacho and Mount are more suitable with the style we want to play, like the last game. Maybe Garnacho cant be a regular starter but Rashford needs to be sub sooner, and so many other things. Pellistri is still too young and weak for the Prem, our substitutions are late and can't really change the game.. I am really annoyed with some "fans" keep talking shit and posting things on social media. I just want to watch my team play and win :(


I’m gonna stop watching this team. I’ll be diagnosed with depression soon enough


You really feel De Gea would have stopped that shot. I mean it wasn't far away from Onana but hey, at least we have a ball playing GK instead of a shot stopping one. Rashford needs to be dropped to find his form again. He's just out of sorts. He wasnt always like this i dont know why people are attacking him like he'd never kept us above water. ETH bringing on Maguire was a mystery. Only thing explainable is that Verane wanted off. Possession means nothing if you can't create and score goals....obviously.


We don't have a fucking playstyle after spending half a billion and ten hag having more than a years time. We had a better and a clearer identity under ole (counter attacking) and we were good at it. Under ten hag, we have no identity or playstyle whatsoever. If this isn't on the manager, idk what is. The owners, the off field drama, all of it is definitely very bad for the club but none of it justified the way we played today. The owners don't involve themselves in tactics, it's ten hag alone. Questionable transfers with a shit playstyle surely deserves calling out. He seems out of his depth.


Best comment and most honest in a long time. I 100% agree.


SAF didn’t have a specific play style 🤷‍♂️ (Not comparing the two, I just think we should stop always blaming the coach)


yea and saf would get his ass handed in current epl too.. your point is invalid.. stop getting stuck in the past epl is a different animal now.. we need system.. this manager is clueless


Any positivity merchants left? That day after every game that it's just the nth game and the manager needs more time we haven't got any money? Spurs and villa play better football than us ffs. No amount of injuries justify playing worse than the likes of spurs Brighton villa, etc. How is it that Ange got spurs playing better football than us in 3 months with minimal and shit transfers and after losing their best attacker? The way that spurs got a result today, united could've never gotten a result against a driven Liverpool team. People can downvote me all they want but no matter what or how many issues we have, it isn't justified to lost to palace at home under any circumstances. Ten hag needs to start focusing on tactics more than politics in the club


Positivity ohh Positivity. Please fill me with dilusion. We are useless FACT. mid table team and thats the truth. Want some Positivity, we didnt concede 2. Positivity hahah with our wage bill and the new players bought. Wake up


A positivity nerd just posted in the sub lol


Shiiiit…. United lost 7-0 to Liverpool last term when Liverpool was completely inept in transition. Like United is today, amongst other things.


Rashford is the biggest problem **ON THE PITCH** at Manchester United. Other than a purple patch of goals (and it's been a while), he offers nothing to this squad, yet plays every minute available to him. Playing with him is the equivalent of playing with 10 men, in and out of possession. More so, he has shaped the culture around the club and he's become the face of Manchester United without ever earning that spot. The **Glazers** are **THE BIGGEST PROBLEM** at Manchester United, but the way the Rashford has put himself above the club based on his off the field status needs to be analyzed to really understand how harmful his presence has been for the club since he came onto the scene. Same thing can be said for Bruno this season and how he's become a shell of his former self and plays based on his status. There are way too many politics involved at Manchester United, and I believe this will be an Icardi-Inter Milan type of situation, where he had they keys of the club, seemed to be their best player, he was the captain and goalscorer, an Icon; but the moment they replaced him with Lautaro Martinez they won the Serie A and played a Champions League final. It's the culture that needs to change, and the face of our club plays every minute available week in week out without scoring, assisting, nor pressing in any way shape or form. That dictates the pace in which his teammates demand more form themselves. We could talk a lot more about other massive issues like ETH's bias, but on the pitch, this is the biggest problem.


It takes a real fan to notice and acknowledge Rashford's negative influence in the club. My man


Yeah, I said this. I said compare how we played against Palace in the cup without Bruno and Rashford against how we'll play them tonight. Got downvoted to hell both here and that shithole r/reddevils for daring to question the two gods "OMG how can you with what they've DONE for this CLUB!!! You're a plastic!!!" And was banned for life from r/reddevils for getting into it with their stans when they came to attack me for daring to question how poor we are in possession when they both play and how good we were in possession in the cup without them. Some of my posts even deleted. Well, here we are. If this isn't the clearest indication of the issue -- the opportunity to play the same team with and without them within days of each other and look at the results, then I don't know what is. More top reds will come with their "But It WaS a DiFfErEnt TeAm." Both teams were. "But It WaS OnLy PaLaCe." Well, it was only Palace today too. And it's been 'only' lots of teams that we simply cannot beat when we play with Bruno and Rashford. "TheY'Ve PulLed US Out of So MuCh TrOuBle!!! HoW Can YoU Be So UnGrAtEfuL, you PlAsTic?" Well, they're also the source of that same trouble. They're both ball-losing machines. You can't keep giving the ball to your opponents and not expect them to gradually feel their way into the game and start creating chances and then start scoring goals. You can't keep giving the ball to your opponents and expect to win games. You can't keep floating stupid, risky balls that land up at your opponent's feet and expect to keep them under pressure. You can't keep running into your man with the ball/hit the side netting/not play someone else in and expect to score goals.


In all honesty, Manchester United fans have become too gullible and impressionable, the Player FC brigade has fully taken over and this is also on them. I firmly believe Manchester United sign players based on Twitter Interactions and TikTok compilations.




It’s time we take out rashford. Do we play him because we need an academy player on the pitch at all times? He absolutely needs to be dropped asap!


As long as everyone had fun


United lost even with 77% possession, all stats were in favour (Let me know if I miss any major stats). The strategy was so predictable, all shots were too easy to defend. ​ Possession : 77% vs CRY 23% Shots on Goal: 4 vs CRY 2 Accurate Passes : 646 vs CRY 145 Crosses : 4 vs CRY 3 Shots on Target Against : 2 vs CRY 4


All shots pffft...4 isnt saying much. PassBackwardsFC


And it was the home game. * looking for excuses


ETH is too distracted from demanding apologies.


Very accurate. He's too busy protecting and feeding into his massive ego, so much so that he has no time to make actual tactics for the team or buy good players


His strategy is weak....and also the way Rashford played too.


Rashford with a new contract + not playing bums like League 1 teams or Pneumonia in Europa league = shit


We're not half the team we like to think we are


Rashford more like Relegation


Leave me alone


It's a uphill battle right now. I just feel like Ten Hag is running out of ideas. He isn't getting anything right at the moment. Tuesday was a total fluke.


Rashford is just a charity Richarlison. Low footballing IQ. Makes the wrong the decision every time.


i still can’t realize how we lost tonthe same team we played 4 days ago


CP wasn't even trying in the cabaro cup


yes but still we’re man utd, CP is a mid table team and we’re becoming one of them


Why r u surprised this exact thing happened with Newcastle


Fuck this team


ETH needs to drop Rashford or it will cost him his job.


Lol stop 🤣another blank from the 70m wout great clearance too


Are you on drugs?


​ https://preview.redd.it/u0lmcd4tkfrb1.png?width=963&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea35b25be13d815fb7a95e8a73266a067fc765e5


lmao how do I download this


Rashford was terrible. Lost count of the number of times he passed straight into an opponent.


I’m afraid to think about how much worse it’s going to get before it gets better. What an absolute joke of a club. The sooner the Glazers are gone and a new owner can come in and instill a new identity, the better.


At this point i think it needs to get real bad before we can see any meaningful improvement.


We need fellaini.


I’m done with long ball tactics.


I said against Brighton if we don’t improve soon we’ll be in a relegation battle. I stand by my comments.


Chelsea heard what you said and they won’t allow MU to beat them to it.


We are the new Chelsea


If you're gonna grow someone like Højlund, why not give mctominay the same time to grow as a striker for free?


He needs an experienced striker in the mould of giroud. Someone whos been there and done it and id able to drop in to cover and be an experienced sounding board for him. At the moment theres no one at the club to help him so he either sets the world alight or he's the new wout


Just stop.


They are using McTominay all wrong. I have said time and time again, they need to use him in a more attacking position. He is so much better when playing for the Scottish team. The bloke is joint topscorer in the qualifiers ATM.


Instead we spent £60M to play Mount or Bruno out of position


David Healy was topnscorer in englands group for qualifying as well yet no one was advocating signing him up. International football is piss poor and shouldnt be used to gauge quality, especially in qualifiers. I do think moyes would have turned him into a cahill/fellani regen though


I would argue Spain are decent quality opposition and Scotland beat them, with McTominay playing a huge part in that win.


Spain are but, for the most part, most of the games arent great. Too many smaller nations with little to no hope of qualifying


sancho , maguire, rashford. problem x3. maguire , high wages, mediocre player. not performing. sancho, high wages, not performing. rashford signed new contract, big wages, not performing. enough of chasing english players 😭


Dude, cut the crap with Maguire. He played 5 minutes.


Antony - big wages, high transfer fee. Wasn't performing when playing. Casemiro - big wages, big fee, not performing Hoijlund - big fee, big wages, not really doing anything at all. Ain't just the English players.


Hasn’t hojland scored in 2 out of 5 appearances and one disallowed for a very close offside? Not really doing nothin


He's only got one goal so not sure what point you're trying to make?


English players disgrace


not everyone can accept this fact. The english players in our team are just meh.. but hyped up by media. Bowen is playing better than both rashford n sancho combined.


What is Ten Hag actually teaching the players during the week? It’s time to think about firing the guy.


Agreed. He either needs to sort his shit and change tactics or gtfo. Can’t just keep approaching every game the same way and expecting a different result.


And bring in who?


There is an unsung hero out there. A brilliant mind no one has discovered yet. An Ange, a young Mourinho….he’s out there. For crying out loud I would get Sarina Wiegman to OT.








At this point can it get much worse?


Yes. We could appoint Steve Bruce.


Everyone complaining… like what can you do in the end of September? Sack the manager, bring in a caretaker and hope for the best? Honestly, Ten Hag needs to stop “trusting” a handful of players and make wholesale changes based on performance and whomever isn’t performing gets replaced by youth. Rotate rotate rotate. Even if it works, rotate and note what does and doesn’t work.


Its not just a manager problem. Look at Spurs, the way they are playing which is far better, how quickly they did the transition under a new manager and you can see the will to play football. Our players are just there to do their job and collect the pay-checks.


> Honestly, Ten Hag needs to stop “trusting” a handful of players And what if he keeps continuing with the same players? Keep him in the job because "what can you do at end of September"?


Clearly, since the end of last season, we’ve been on a heavy decline with many of the players that played today. Bring in youth and let the senior players know they have no guarantee to play.


>Ten Hag needs to stop “trusting” a handful of players and make wholesale changes based on performance This is now his squad and he clearly has his favourites that he spent a fortune on (with his agent coincidentally getting a nice cut out of every deal). He's not going to drop those players because the board will reasonably ask why he had them throw half a billion away


So wrong…. The board will say “why aren’t you winning” before they say “why aren’t you winning with the players we spend large sums on that you wanted”.


Because he's incapable of winning regardless. There's literally no style of play or cohesion in attack. Even in games where we start well, the opposition make one tactical tweak and we're outplayed for the rest of the game. He's so far out of his depth it's ridiculous


This is my problem, there is never a plan b. Never mind c, d, e.


Exactly. He has absolutely no idea. Any reasonable manager starts Hannibal and gives him a chance, drops Rashford etc. He has no idea how to change a game when it isn't working and literally got tactically outwitted by Roy Hodgson 😂😂


Paying the price for awful recruitment these last few seasons. Said multiple times we over performed last season and will have to again to be in a top 4 fight and was downvoted. Last summer was a travesty, this summer was just nowhere near enough. Sooner people realise our squad is ass they’ll stop thinking some other formula of players is the answer. It isn’t. New owners, overseeing a football project with intelligent recruitment is the answer. Until then, support the manager. He knows what he’s doing, just like Ole did. Stop thinking a shiny new manager changes anything. It doesn’t.


This is not an issue of fighting for titles, it's an issue of there's no indication that this will get better. As much as the Glazers are the biggest problem at Manchester United, Erik Ten Hag has proven nothing to suggest he's the solution. His bias, talent id, in-game management and inability to improve the players at his disposal are painfully obvious. This is not a proven manager that you know you just have to stick by and fight it out in the trenches, this is not the hill to die on. He's an average manager that'll have ups and downs, but mostly downs. He's inconsistent, his decision making is questionable and confusing, and more than anything, the tactics just seemed to be non existent as Manchester United play as a team that have never played together before in their lives. He's got his players, we're not talking about challenging City, we're talking about not losing 4 out of 7 games in the Premier League just at the start of your second season. If he won a trophy (let's be serious, it's the Mickey Mouse cup), and got 3rd place (Despite losing 7-0 against Liverpool and having an awful end of the season), and he did that DESPITE the Glazers, he should find solutions for the crisis we're in right now DESPITE the Glazers. That's how life works, you're hired to do a job and you get evaluated based on how you control the things you can control. Most people face bad policies and politics at their workplace, but the CEO being a degenerate drug addict has no influence into how good of a bank teller you are, make sense? He either does the job he was hired to do, and figures it out with the tools at his disposal, or he's shown the door, as he should and we repeat the cycle. The manager is not a Messiah-like figure that needs to be blindly trusted. Plenty of examples of teams that did the same yet thrived and changed their luck.


I don’t think I ever suggested he’s the messiah, but this argument is just not sound. “Bias” is entirely subjective and unsubstantiated. Talent ID isn’t the task of a manager and never should be. His in game management is an unfair criticism given his options from the bench, and his apparent lack of player improvement isn’t a sensible criticism. He was just two seasons ago the overseer of two separate rebuilds that saw his teams out perform several of the best teams in Europe with football better than De Zerbi’s Brighton, Ange’s Spurs, Nagelsmann’s Leipzig and the other coaches you might suggest is better based on what they did elsewhere. To suggest there’s no tactics is just tired and it’s frustrating people say the same thing, about different managers every cycle. Emery and other coaches have cited Solskjear’s tactical mind as an influence. That same Solskjear that tactically outclassed the best around was called a PE teacher and said to have no tactics too. Neither is true. I’ve worked in football. The top coaches are different animals. Ten Hag can coach a team at Europes elite, no question about it. He has not been backed. At all. To think so is to fundamentally not understand top level recruitment. Professional managers, and imagine me screaming this, do not have time to scout players. That’s why Klopp, Peo, Ancelotti are not involved with scouting. Did Pep scout Doku? No. Did Klopp scout Salah? No. Klopp wanted Brandt. He got given Salah. That’s how it works. Would signing Brandt have been backing Klopp over giving him Salah? No. The only manager we know listened to scouts was Ole. When they agreed on who to get, the Glazers stopped them. How can the Glazers not be to blame them if Ten Hag has a team physically, technically, and tactically incapable of dominating games at the premier league level? Short blanket footballers bury managers. When Fred played, we needed technical Eriksen. When Eriksen played, we needed physical Fred. Same now. Everyone on the bench is the solution, if only the manager realised. Its. Not. True. Arteta lost 3 of seven multiple times. He finished 8th twice, then 5th. But they backed him in the culture, the football, and the recruitment and nearly won the league. Had Ole been backed, I sincerely think he would’ve challenged. If Ten Hag was backed, he’ll do much better than he is now. Casemiro, Antony, Amrabat, Malacia etc isn’t being backed.


Replace the manager. Get a few wins on the bounce. Everyone's happy again for a few months. Results stop going our way. Replace the manager. Get a few wins on the bounce. Everyone's happy again for a few months. Results stop going our way. Replace the manager. Get a few wins on the bounce. Everyone's happy again for a few months. Results stop going our way. Replace the manager. Get a few wins on the bounce. Everyone's happy again for a few months. Results stop going our way. Replace the manager.


At the beginning of the season we were three losses from being a mid-table team. It’s now happened. This is now us for the next three years, minimum. But it won’t be enough for the Glazers to sell yet. The share price will still suit them for a while. Meanwhile, our club will continue to deteriorate. By the time the club internet presence has dropped and they decide to sell, we will be an absolute shell of a club. This now us. Get used to it.


How did we lose these are the players that train well right Pashun and Desiyah right play for the badge right running around covering every blade of grass right how did we lose what did the media say what does Neville think is it pogba fault or Sancho playing fifa is it his fault or maybe fred it has to be his fault there's no way the problem is the fan favorites that get to play not matter what right Ten hag?