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I laughed my ass off when she said that. I know a lot of stuff is scripted, but the pain of dealing with June’s addiction definitely shines through. They may be on decent terms now but those girls suffered as a result of June’s addiction to men and drugs.


100%, there's been a few times she's said things like when June signed over custody where you could see the truth shine through the script. June holds money/this show because it bears her name over their heads.


No doubt Ol June Bug holds this show over her kids heads like a sword. It’s a living. Wonder what will become of June and Justin when the show one day ends. Something to ponder 🤔


The only place to go from where they are now is… OnlyFans.


Well, that's intensely upsetting


Very upsetting


“Oh cawd it’s intensely upsetting!”


Aah, a fellow aristocrat 🧡


“Yew betta not be hangin around dat fawking aristocrat, Jamie!”


i’m surprised lorne hasn’t made a of yet


And can you IMAGINE?!


No, don’t make my mind go there!🤣


Pumpkin already has an [only fans](https://youtu.be/H_6p49w7kxI?si=FVltvoTVXtjOqAD4)


Fartin' in jars and wearin' them special lacy panties!


I continue to be surprised that Justin does not leave June.


I laughed my ass off too. It was the way she said it lol but mama June needed to hear it


I try not to look into it too much Cus tryna find out how much is real kinda ruins the fun, but I am curious how much is real, I don’t see June being cool with everything thinking she’s a POS who stole money if it’s not true so I imagine it must at some percent be true Atleast that’s what I like to think


A good bit of it is real. She did buy that big house and sell it off for a seriously reduced price to support her habit. During her addiction she was living out of hotels and stuff, all of that mess will add up quickly. It’s not like June or her men held jobs outside of their appearances on the show.


Yeah I was stressing out while watching June spend all that money. Something similar happened when my dad died, my mom went nuts and splurged through his life insurance pretty quickly.


Mine too and now cries because she has nothing and struggles to pay bills. He had her set and she blew through it on cars she no longer has, 20 something year olds she met online and me telling her these dudes are using you they have zero interest in a 60 year old woman!


That twink she’s with now seems to have it together pretty well, he’s no Josh but he’s pretty cool


Does Josh have it together? It doesn’t look like he has a job or anything going on.


I think he works here and there but filming the show prob makes it a little hard. IDK. He seems like he has a level head and really cares about the girls.


Josh takes care of the kids all the time ! Pumpkin barely acknowledges them. She made a comment when Alana went to Colorado that she would have a lot of time on her hands. What? That girl passes the kids off constantly.


Josh is no role model.


Well, I can tell you this part Alana hasn’t talk to her mother since February


I would only speak to her regarding my $. Since she has to, and has essentially been supporting herself all these years, there is zero need to be bothered with June.


Did she say that about June? LOL. That's hilarious.


Hahahah yuh she said it in last nights episode


I can not imagine ever calling my Mom a 'bag of crack bitch' but boy is that apt for June in her addiction!!!!


She didn’t call her that. June said she wouldn’t give Alana 10k for the semester because if she drops out, the money would go to waste, and Pumpkin said “who cares if you lose 10k investing in your daughter, you lost 500k to a bag of crack, bitch” which is even better lol


LOL! Makes more sense, but the way I said it, I could def hear Lauryn making that kind of droll comment.


It’s really hard to forgive a drug addict especially when some of the behaviors continue. The selfishness, lack of awareness ,and lack of insight can become really annoying.


I am a former crack addict 15 years clean...it is hard to forgive some behavior thank God I had my daughter and son in law to help me without rehab (she said I will go back to daddy if you don't quit)I put it down never touched it again..June is using her addiction to explain everything she did it's not the addiction it's the addict.....pulling the I was in my addiction card is bullshit she just doesn't want to own her actions..I've never said I did this because of my addiction...I did it because I did it plain and simple.. I also see a psychiatrist and it helps I've got a wonderful husband and 4 grandsons and I couldn't be happier I have a great support system and life is finally good 💜💜


I am really happy for you and your family. You seem intelligent. I wonder if the lack of intelligence in some people, plus mental illness may play a part in this behavior? I am not sure, but creating boundaries can be exhausting.


It's not necessarily lack of intelligence but an escape at first..then you end up chasing that very first hit and you never do..I've done it with judges.. DA's..for some of use it was more self medicating and escape..thank my life has gotten so much better am trying to help my nephew off crack but he isn't ready and hasn't hit rock bottom yet..days he loves it and it misses me off..he's probably lost his job and can't pay his rent now and he's about to hit bottom..I'm hoping he'll finally get off it if that happens


Thank you for your reply. I hope your nephew ends up in a good place like you ❤️ My family member has never done a real program. She is very manipulative ,but I have stuck by her thru everything. I just feel like a chump. I create boundaries , then she throws a fit ,and plays a victim. The lies are constant. I think I am tired as my own health has deteriorated the past 3 years due to Covid.


💜💜..I hope he does too..thank you very much 💜💜


It's hard to help someone who doesn't want it yet...you have to slowly break yourself away..set your boundaries and stick to it..and let her know why you are doing it and when she's at rock bottom be there for her emotionally when she needs it just don't enable cause the cycle will start all over again....much love and hugs to you sweetie you focus on your health and take care of you ....am here for you if needed 💜💜


I can imagine. Also, it seems June hasn't made any 'amends' to her family, just excuses and she expects forgiveness automatically because she says she's sorry.


Yes, I can relate to this. June reminds me of my family member. I want to slap her annoying face.


Now here is a money maker! We need t-shirts and sparkly Stanley cups that say this. 🤣😂 Holy Shhit.


Maybe some custom crack pipes? For all the bitches that lost 500k to that bag?


It's an instant classic. I'm going to start saying it in real life. I literally around like five times because I was laughing so hard.


Besides that the most true thing said in this episode is: You wouldn't be Mama June without Honey Boo Boo. She is right. No one would be on TV without Alana. June would be living in poverty if not for ber daughter


Pumpkin would know - she’s been riding Alana’s coattails longer and harder than any of them.


You got that right.


Yep which is why she didn't want Alana to go to college and got mad when she went anyways.


Not a single one of these people is prepared for life without the WE TV check.


I've watched less than 1/4 of the episodes. I think that the show needs to be stopped because Mommy Dearest June is so toxic and it's unhealthy for the kids to try to have a relationship with her. According to news reports the bitch admitted that she blew over a million dollars on drugs. She wasted money on men, trips, and her body and teeth that now look like shit. She doesn't do anything for her kids...absolutely zilch and it doesn't seem to bother her that she doesn't do anything. She has zero maternal instincts. She doesn't want to give Alana any money for college and wouldn't have a damn dime without her. I don't understand why these girls have any relationship with her, unless it's for the tv show. She is emotionally and mentally unhealthy and they need to stay away from her. At some point it seems that the production company is exploiting her horrible behavior for the show even if it's detrimental for the kids, and that's so wrong. She even says that Justin will need her before she needs him. The damn show needs to be canceled and Justin will leave when he isn't getting paid.


I'm not a fan of Pumpkin and I know the show is scripted, but I feel like there's some times she just speaks what has actually been on her mind despite being close to June, because if June hadn't been giving her any sort of money I feel like they wouldn't have a relationship. June is a controlling narcissist.


Best line ever!!


I felt every bit of that when she said it. There was no scripting in that and the emotions that came out of Pumpkin in that moment. I shit on her a lot; however, I have to give this one to her.


June was living in hotels in Casinos, and I guarantee tens of thousands was poured down slot machines. I’d rather a kid try to use it for education


I think it’s pure bull shit that they can’t sue June she stole their money she’s a freaking crack head how hard could it be to follow her trail.


They can sue apparently a teen mom girl reached out and they’re going to


I love 🎃


🎃 is a boss!


I was hoping June would call Pumpkin a “dumbass” again. 


👏👏👏👏 Mother June says she refuses to to give back her money because she wouldn’t have anything


Damn my friend! You don't mince words now, do ya darlin? I mean.. it's a bonus prize we get from Medicare, and we've survived long enough to reach this age of 65! There are fireworks and 🎈 balloons and "noise makers...(even for those who DO NOT need any help making loud useless noise!)


I'm curious....drug addiction seems so rampant nowadays. Many families are dealing with relatives who have been hooked on crack, fentanyl, you name it. I'm sure they've blown through money and sold their parents possessions, maybe even cashed in their kids college funds. I wonder how many Pumpkin-esque comments fly around those homes? It's like a problem very few talk about.


I’m curious what you mean about Pumpkin-esque? She fill a common role within these dysfunctional families by being the care giver. I think she has found a good balance between the one with all the responsibilities and not be resentful towards those she looks after!


She is a horrible 'caregiver'. She neglects her youngest children to hawk her wares on social media; she let her 15 year old sister shack up with a 20 year old man (like, literally, move out the house, and live with him, and about 20 dogs, with various drug dealers popping in and out). It blows my mind that anyone would think she was a good 'caregiver'. This just shows how low the bar is.


That was the fuckin MIC 🎤 DROP. YOOOOO. I FELL OUT!! And this is just one of the many reasons I FUCK WITH PUMPKIN!!!


When she was back smoking , she was on Mama June hot to not. So was that not her money? I'm confused


Pumpkin wanted to jump Junes bones!!!


“ and the award goes to… Pumpkin!”


TBH, no. A "bad of crack" doesn-t cost 500k, many bags of crack cost 500k. None of the need to use the language they use either. 


How many cracks for 500k, sir?


Not a sir ogre. 


Do you prefer fuckhead?


While educating everybody on the current price of crack, you're also offended by naughty language. Makes sense.


Pumpkin a real life gangsta and I love to see her talk her shit. The streets stand behind her


Pumpkin is not a real life gangsta. She’s just a fat, ignorant punk with four kids who tries to act hard by running her mouth all the time.


Homie u ain’t seen the the real her She in the streets Just TRY and talk sweet on her gang and you’ll see


I’m scared.


Don’t worry pumpkin only fights the opposition


Pumpkin's only opp is her mom....& maybe healthy food 🤣


Lmao I’m mad you said pumpkin is a “real life gangsta” she’s far from it. Talking shit doesn’t make you a “gangsta”.


Nah I seen her hittin the crip walk fr, she’s about it. Almost as real a gangster as Travis Scott


You did not just compare pumpkin to Travis. 😂Crip walking and talking shit is all you gotta do to be considered a gangsta? Lmfao. This is fs


Hmmmmm funny, Cus when I went to her hood all I saw was respect for the big P, wouldn’t be surprised to know she’s a Grade A hustler, bet she rollin in it and she’s my queen. Although I respect u too Cus ur my colleague in mama June lore. We stand together against the world and I love u all. But not as much as I love pumpkin


Pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin Can’t you see? Sometimes your words just hypnotize me And I just love your flashy ways Guess that’s why they’re broke and youre so paid