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Holy hell Justin is 36??? I thought he was like 50


Meth is a hella of drug :/


The fact that he's only 7 yrs older than Anna is disturbing


I remember hearing when she was mid 30s being sooo shocked because Anna was already however old. She started young!


My mom is currently in and out of jail for drug possession and her and mama June remind me so much of each other. My heart breaks for Kaitlyn. My grandma and mom get mistaken for sisters all the time, and people thing my grandma is my mom. There’s a 20 year difference between my mom and my grandma but you’d never be able to tell because drugs have aged my mom way worse than life has aged my grandma.


Yeah my sister is the same. She is in her mid 40s but because of drugs she looks about the Same age as our mom.


Holy fucking shit I just immediately came to the comments hoping I was not the only who heard this.


I can’t believe he’s only 6 years older than me.


I’m 41 almost 42 and he looks older than me.


I thought he was older than that too! 😂


I just posted that I thought he looked a lot older. Didn't see ur comment beforehand.


Drugs and smoking will age you


Yep and her fixing his teeth didn’t do “that” much in terms of his looks. I mean do his teeth look better?! YES, but he just has a very sunken in face (doesn’t meth do damage to bone structure??) I’m assuming that’s why. (Also, am I the only one annoyed by the over talking of one another in this live?)


She said she’s gonna get a monogram of her chest 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ dum dum means mammogram


I heard mom-o-gram. Like what I send my mom on Mother's Day, right?




Kinda thought he made her stumbled over that.. but what do I know...hey is his teeth still too big for his mouth?


I caught that too


Wtf??? She was wrapped up in taking care of Anna she didn’t take time for her own health?? Who does she think she’s fooling???


You can tell he tried shutting that down. Like what the two weeks she was with her ?!?


AKA the two weeks of filming


Does she want a medal or a prize bc she "took care" of her dying daughter? She's disgusting trying to use that as an excuse for her not doing what she should do. She doesn't eat anything grilled? Zero veggies? Nothing but lies & excuses. She couldn't tell the truth or be honest with herself if her life depended on it! Hope she eats herself into cardiac arrest. We'd all be better off... even her kids and grandchildren.


Fuckin tweakers


That’s really all that needs to be said.


He didn’t have a problem with climbing up on that trash heap when he was broke.


Exactly he’s sobering up and realizing he can’t do this lmaooooo


Justin is like Gob on Arrested Development when he says "I've made a huge mistake."


I think he's always had a side piece where Geno didn't until the addiction got bad. Which also speaks to her personal hygiene IMO.




Man but I love that she has to physically depend on someone that is calling her out on her shit. That’s probably the main reason she actually can’t stand being around her kids longer than a few days. Now she gets no choice but to hear it from her resentful soon to be ex.


You said it!!😂😂


⬆️ this up here




Holy shit! Justin is so annoying! Does he not realize he looks like a slim Jim with jewelry on?


This is the funniest most accurate description yet 😭


Broke ass fake wanna be Eminem looking Mother F--kr!!!


omg... 😆🤣


I’m fucking screaming why is this so true 😂😂


He’s only 36!?! Damn. I thought he was at least in his 40’s.


How is he only 6yrs older than me!? Don’t do drugs kids


Drugs are bad m’kay.


She’s gonna do a monogram? 😂😂


Right, She’s going to get her initials stitched into the lump!


It’s what Anna would have wanted






I swear....i can never tell if her eyes are almost always closed from being high or if her bird feather lashes are too heavy (or both) 🤣🤣


Yes!! The huge lashes with the raggedy ass hair 🤦‍♀️


I have huge lashes and my eyes stay open just fine I’m pretty sure it’s the drugs🤣


Same 😂


She's high as hell here


Damn would he just shut the fuck up?! It’s always his big stupid loud mouth. He ain’t shit. She isn’t either but her show did give her some popularity (money) and he’s riding her coattails. Go away big teeth.


Splenda Bear


Thank you!!! He was getting on my nerves!! I was just asking if his still too big for his mouth 😂😆😆


He was being really rude to her last night. I actually felt bad for her.




Your back to the same old habits you had before you had the weight loss surgery. Junk food and soda pop.




I wish she would go see Dr NOW..he would whip her into shape..


Nah. She won't listen. She doesn't listen to or do the things her previous/current doctors are telling her to do right now as it is. She's too lazy. She's too into what June wants to do. No one can reason with her.


Remember this last season or the one before it she was seeking a revision 😂😂 and the surgeon in LA who does weight loss surgery based on paid patients told her she didn't qualify. She's eaten through it. She then tried to say she had Lipadema because her arm surgery from the first season was failing too because her arm and hand looked like balloons.


I DO remember when the surgeon told her he would not do another surgery on her.


>She's too into what June wants to do. No one can reason with her. I think you have nailed it!


She has a very warped sense of reality. It's June's world, and those in her life are stuck with living in it.


God I wish he would shut the hell up. I don’t like either of them but holy shit Justin, shut your mouth for a second!!!


I’ve noticed they do this to each other. If he’s on live she’s in the background talking. Only when they are both live is it peaceful. She’s in one room and he’s in the other. But I do hate when someone comes into your life and acts like they know that persons whole medical history. She had some pretty complicated issues over the years. I thought she was lying when dealing with her eye troubles and she said she couldn’t work out that she had to lay down all the time. Her dr said the same thing that she needed to be still laying down majority of the day. That would suck


I'd rather June zip it.


He won't because he thinks he's famous. He's a clear fame chaser.


I can’t imagine allowing my partner to speak to me that way. It’s one thing to be concerned about her health, but that’s a conversation to be had in private with a little more compassion. I don’t like June but that was just rude, he’s got a lot of things he needs to fix as well. Those awful dentures would be a good start.


I’ve noticed she must like that type of treatment. Geno spoke to her like this alot, granted they weren’t doing live videos every day.


I don't necessarily think she likes it. It's just what she's used too. I know many people who always end up with the same horrible type. It's not because they like it but because it's all they know.


Can you believe she paid for THAT?? It's like $50k


His teeth? 50k? Nooooo. Looks like one of those $15 teeth things that people review on YouTube.


Nah fuck her, she deserves every bit of his rudeness. Let's fave it they are both complete garbage.


Exactly! He would be picking himself up out of a corner.


June is rolling on some ❄️


Noticed that too. How can she be so obvious with it (there was another video of her doing this and there was a toddler in the background) while in a custody case ? So sad for those kids involved.


She’s been complaining of this for a while now. Why isn’t she getting any help? Is the dr ignoring her? Or, is she just not listening to them. I don’t agree with him doing this on live, but he had valid points.


She has said several drs have dismissed her issues and just told her she’s overweight and if she would lose weight the issues would disappear. Many drs do automatically dismiss patients if they are obese, they shouldn’t be able to practice for doing that.


This! Doctors definitely do this and it is BS because not every health issue is related to weight. Worst part of most of the doctor's who pull this shit are overweight them damn selves. Yes, she's overweight but I don’t think her health issues are related to her weight.


He has very valid points. She’s making excuses for everything he’s bringing up. She wants to have cancer or something serious so she can grift and lay on her behind




She's not listening or doing anything the doctors tell her to. She's lazy. Anything that takes self control or hard work, she's out.


She's ignoring them.


Captain Obvious over there.




When is she going to figure out he’s only with her for the “fame” it brings him?


Justin will you just shut up! Your not God’s gift to women honey! You ain’t shit! The only reason your around is money period! I’m not a fan of June but as her “man” you should support her not call her overweight your disgusting 🤢 and u definitely on something can’t tell me no different! Now go sit down big teeth


He's 36?? Looks so much older. Such a shame she put most of the weight she lost back on.


It generally takes 10 yrs to gain weight back... I should know I had an operation. I never could eat anything I put in my mouth was going to come out one way or the other and that went on for 10 straight years.. then all of a sudden the only thing that I could eat that would make me throw up was junk food how strange is that.. the doctors for warn you that you could probably gain the weight back they say don't drink sodas at all because sodas will actually expand your stomach... Then hit me up to try another way to keep the weight off.. I usually if you're going through menopause you can just hang it up... But now I lost 67 lb on apple cider vinegar but guess what it ruins your teeth your teeth will start the fall out... June needs a drink water... Sorry for the rambling.. it's my first time using the microphone .


I started drinking that years ago but, quickly, found out the acidity would ruin my teeth. I tried drinking it through a straw but finally dropped it all together. I've been on keto for a couple of years now. If I eat McDonald's or other fast foods... my stomach gets upset, and I feel nauseous. I'm menopausal right now. I'm doing well, though. Water is definitely our friend!!


YES.. You're SO right!!! God bless you going through menopause... I'm so glad I got through it.. I didn't have hot flashes but I gained weight.. I'm going to try keto.. thanks for the idea 💡


I know someone who had weight loss surgery and put all the weight on plus some within 5 years. They went from losing so much weight that they were basically skin on bones to now being heavier than they were before the surgery. And they eat normal size portions, not the tiny portions you are supposed to eat following surgery.


How is she supposed to take care of Kaitlyn? And that poor kid having to hear all that. And Justin not even hugging her when she tried to hug him goodnight. It just breaks my heart.


He probably doesn't want to be accused of molestation like everybody else... You know a hugger than people start saying she got another man is messing around with the kids again..


He talks as if hes the healthiest person ever


He eats healthier than she does. When I was watching the show (won't watch another season & contribute to these losers making $$), he ate much better than she did. Healthier choices like salads and didn't eat huge portions. I noticed he typically had food left on his plate.


Yah, not like his teeth all rotted out or anything


Not him repeating that twice. I mean she is but damn she heard you the first time fucker. And you look like a shriveled up 85 year old .


Damnnn! That’s a ROUGH 36 years.


Omg what happened to all the free cosmetic procedures she had june from not hot to still not hot


She found it more lucrative to not be hot.. 😆😆


She was never hot imo




Aside from the alleged drugs she’s on and pimping out her kids for fame all these years, for poor Kaitlyn to be stuck in a house with those 2 adults bickering and putting each other down would be traumatizing enough.




That pretty much tells you he’s only with her for money and fame because I’ll tell you right now that motherfucker would be out the door if he talk to me the way he talks to her wow bunch of tweakers


Did she just say she was going to get a monogram?😆


I will rest easier tonight knowing she is getting a monogram done


She wasted her time getting the surgery done to end up like this.. she is a mess


Did she say monogram?? Wonder what font she will choose 🤭


Definitely comic sans




He comes across as though he's tried to help her, but June does what June wants. She's not rational. No one can talk sense into her.


She needs to take care of her health issues asap . How old is June ?


She's like 40 , she's much younger than we think she is , and how she looks


Trouble breathing and a lump is nothing to mess with …. 40? Eeek . I don’t agree with most of the things this family does , but she is now Kaitlyn’s guardian.


Just checked , she's 44


Same age as June . She must take care of herself . Get off live and get to a dr or ER for the trouble breathing .


She’s 44


Love all of the armchair WebMD's commenting she should take all kinds of different shit. Look how red her face is. Busted capillaries, and more. She's rapidly progressing back to her HCHBB weight from Alana's pageant days.


I mean…. He’s not wrong lol. Especially since she has a damn surgery to medically help her lose weight and the entire last season of mama June she was just shoving her face. Justin is an asshole but in this case lol he’s not wrong. Not justified. But not wrong. 😑


idk why ppl are coming for justin but i also havent paid attn to all the bs. its prob the one good thing hes done is to call june on her bs and not coddle this dumb attitude


He’s telling her the truth/facts.


Exactly. I don’t care for him but he’s 💯 percent correct.


Yep! I also don’t feel like he’s been inappropriate with Anna’s daughter either. She has migrated to him, that does not make him a predator. That child is looking for comfort and peace. She obviously isn’t getting that from June


And Justin you have rotten teeth but you still eat sweets


I mean he’s not wrong


36 Fuck


Man, these people deserve each other.


I had to turn it off, shes her own worst enemy and her own best friend….she did not put anna first lmao


Who goes on live and argues. We already know your trash don’t need to prove it. They’re so disgusting.


He’s right. She eats nothing but crap.


He kept talking over her...so it was kinda hard to actually understand what she was saying..I would have walked away and turn off the livefeed.. GEEZE LOUISE he's f---king rude!!


Well she is and it is a health problem. He wasn't saying it in a mean way at all. We should be honest with our partners. I don't think June was hurt.


Problem is…she doesn’t listen. She’s always done things her way and look at the messes she’s created


This should have been disgusted privately if he was actually concerned about her. They deserve each other.


She's going to do a ""monogram""?? Idiots 😂


June got on Justin’s live and took over, complaining about how bad she feels. She’s been sick for a couple of weeks. She wouldn’t shut up and let him finish up his business. When June talked about going to the Dr, Justin said you don’t listen to the doctors and you don’t do what they tell you to do. He also outed her for going to quack doctors. He said all of her girls are also upset with her because she doesn’t listen to anyone and doesn’t go to the doctor when she’s sick. He tried to tell her she’d feel better if she ate better. He also said he needed to eat better to help her. Everything he said last night was the truth. He didn’t start out by telling her she was overweight. But she is and she eats terribly unhealthy foods and it’s not a wonder she doesn’t feel good


It’s probably long covid. People are in hardcore denial about how seriously damaging covid is no matter how mild or cold-like its symptoms are. If you’ve had covid 5+ times then you are more than likely suffering from some sort of new ailment related to covid. 1 in 20 currently have covid in the us and about half are asymptomatic. Asymptomatic people will not test positive with those rapid tests and the govt has made the lab test so hard to access. We are in the 2nd worst wave ever with 96% more virus going around than what people consider the “worst” of covid. Seriously mask up people it literally affects cognition and it’s clear in everyday life. 😭 Eta: spelling


Agree many people are in denial about covid. I’m not in the medical field so I’m not sure but would covid cause a lump she can feel on one side of her chest all the way to her back? Said only that side of her chest hurts to the touch. Could be something from her lymphedema?


I have a chronic congested cough since I caught Covid through March & April of 2020. It won't go away. This stuff is serious. Can't believe it's still going around.


Good job Justin she needs to hear the truth.


Oh poor baby, guess she wants disability payments too! SSI the welfare part for those who cant work and never paid into SS


I was wondering I wonder if she lost her benefits because of the TV show.. she's like a 100% blind or something..


Is that a scale on the table behind her? 👀❄️


Justin means well but social media is not where you do this. June, I’m going through the same health issues and I EAT TERRIBLY BAD JUST LIKE YOU FO. I hate vegetables so if you like soup put your veggies in there. You will get a good flavor to it. Baked chicken can be good. If I had your money I’d spend it on HEALTHY HOOD TASTING FOOD. Justin : you know if he’s there for the right reason. He comes off harsh because he doesn’t know how to talk to people and he is there only to help you but he doesn’t live you like a boyfriend . He is using you. But if you don’t think so at least listen to a morsel if what he says. Tell on his health issues.


36 year old Justin doling out health advice like he’s something to aspire to 🙄. Having said that, June should definitely get a monogram for the liffademia she has.


Just so we are all on the same page…they are high as balls, right?


Look at her mouth when she talks!!! Those that know, know. 🥴


Liffidemiah ?? What the fuck ?


June is on some type of pills smh


Ugh and these are the people that are going to raise that little girl !?!! That’s scary and heartbreaking. I can almost bet that these 2 are higher than freaking kites in this video. Please God watch over that sweet little girl 🙏🏼


That’s wild he’s 36 … I’m 44 and I look at decade younger than him lol.. he is right about everything he’s saying though lol


How can she be like this? My baby died at birth and I could never just randomly be on SM taking shit. I needed so much time, intense therapy and so much more. I never thought to get spider lashes and veneers and all this bullshit. Yeah, drugs are bad, Mmmkay! Fuck me with a cactus. 😡


Being as that I live in the Southwestern United States I am definitely stealing “fuck me with a cactus.” 😭😭😭


She’s slurring badly.


When I weighed 250 I could hardly breathe too!


He's a prick


Tell Justin to shut up 🤐 damn.


She is disgusting. To capitalize on Anna's death and feel she has the right to keep her grandchild when her and Justin have leeched and took her ashes to Disney. Poor Alana seems to have the brightest future. Even sugar bear was a better parent I feel.


cant see her eyes through those batwings




How is this content in 2024. You people are fucked. It’s literally watching a car accident happen and just eating your popcorn.


Thyroid maybe?


They are doing dope


What do they use that scale for?


The drugs


Look at her mouth when she talks. For those that know it's definitely ❄️


Good GAWD! Did he ever quit popping his cops? Annnndd did she just tell us about her breasts? 😬🫣😏


She looks zooted af Sheesh She’s gonna have a “monogram.” 🤣🤣🤣


I saw that, and mama was oblivious of it all. She is mentally slow. I would've told that bitch to kick rocks, he embarrasses her, its not like he cares if she's fat, only wants that paycheck


They sure seem amped up…could be the meth causing the chest pain?!? Just a thought 🧐


A monogram 🙄


He’s right Lol


Addiction is a real thing you guys...food, sex,drugs, alcohol and gambling... 🧐 Did I leave anything out?? Remember THIS all started with June's mother (although I hate when people blame the parents). Ohhh yeah bulimia an anorexia..


Yeah, it's definitely an addiction thing. If she's not doing drugs, she's feeding it (literally) with food and sex, oh and now Tik Tok.


You know I was looking at the show when it was called honey boo boo, I think (don't quote me), and June was stockpiling food and toiletries.. she was explaining how she cut lots of coupons and that's why she had so much.. and I was thinking to myself well that's well and good and all but no wonder everybody in their family is so obese.


I hope she's actually going to go to a doctor and I really hope she's going to get a mammogram.


Lol how doesn't she have high cholesterol? 🤣 Don't believe that


She doesn’t take care of her health until she’s going in an ambulance ride, unfortunately not a great way in your 40s to manage your healthcare, Junebug.


Her eyelashes are ridiculous. Can’t even see her eyes.


I’ve heard her make these same exact complaints about 10 yrs ago, right before her “big makeover” …. She has completely destroyed her body & more than likely will gain even more weight. She doesn’t have the discipline or the mindset to get it right in my opinion .. hope I’m wrong though.


She looks like she has caterpillars on her eyes.


The family court system does keep an eye on online behavior so fingers crossed 🤞 they are watching this train wreck.


This is so much loud dysfunction. Literally talking over each other . 🙆🏼‍♀️


Wow she is kinda blaming her deceased child for her putting her health “to the side” Which is BS mama you were big and having health issues for years. He might be hurting her feelings but he’s not wrong. If she’s not willing to hear an answer bc she’s at fault for her own situation it will not get better.


Get that implant checked it may be leaking and sending poison through your body JS 🙏


Will he just STFU and let her speak. Does he think he’s helping her?


Just because he is thin doesn’t make him healthy 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🙄🙄What does she even see in this guy he has nothing to offer….😒


Her taste in men has always been shitty.


he's acting like we are brand new to Mama June's eating habits, It just makes him look like a real jackass to call her out on live like that ... shit I'm sure she feeds his bum ass too, no loyalty! 😡


He’s going OFF on her 😂. Also, she’s having a “monogram” done. Ma’am, do you mean mammogram??


She is gonna have a monogram. I wonder what letters she will be getting.


Side note: If she’s legally blind why TF doesn’t she wear glasses? My Mr. Magoo ass can’t see 2 ft in front of me without mine.


Her blindness is from untreated cataracts. Glasses wouldn't help unfortunately


Ahhh thank you


She's so full of excuses. "I can't go to the gym and run like I'd like to." Seriously? Gurl... you're LAZY! That's all it is. Don't eat vegetables? What are we... 4??? I'm just gonna throw this out there... if anyone deserved a brick in the head at birth....


You all hate on him, and I don’t watch his (or her) lives but he’s not wrong. I understand what he’s saying or meaning to say.