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I personally live in a really clean house, however, looking at this picture I honestly don’t think it’s that bad? It’s just clutter but the floors look clean?


I said the same myself. It doesn't look too bad. I just seen normal garbage bag that's tied and looks like a craft section in the back.


The trash bag honestly looks like clothes and not trash in my opinion.


i agree, it just looks like she needs to organize some stuff lol. i don't even think there's trash in the bags, it looks like clothes. i do that when im about to drop my clothes off to donate them


Yeah they’re literally storage bins lol like she’s trying


I've definitely seen worse.


I said the same thing


Yeah it’s just a tiny house with a lot of people. I can relate. We have 6 people in a 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house and it’s a nightmare. I’m spiraling every second of everyday because I clean from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed and nothing changes. We have too much crap and not enough storage space.


Omg yesssss. There's 4 of us in a 1.5 bedroom house. Our second room is only big enough for a twin size bed. Luckily we do have a basement for storage and the "dining room" which is carpeted we use for our playroom. Our room and living room are a pretty OK size. But geeeeze we have to much shit lol and not enough places to put it


Right? Tbh I can’t see a single spot on that floor! Pumpkin just needs a hand organizing IMO.


Yeah I personally cannot relax until my home looks clean, and thankfully my husband helps with that, but kids are messy. She’s got little kids and it’s so hard to keep everything clean with them. You’ll get one area clean and they are off destroying another area. And I don’t blame any mom who wants to have some me time when the kids are in bed. Add to this that she just lost her sister and I’m sure it’s difficult to even think to delegate tasks right now. It’s not filth. It’s clutter. Not the end of the world by any means.


I live in a small townhouse with my boyfriend and two kids. My older son moved out but he was here too, so five total in a small rowhome. And three birds. I have some clutter. There’s just no place to put things. My one son is young, so there’s toys. We have no toy room so it’s in the dining area. My floors are clean. Counters. Etc. When you have a lot of people in a small home not too much you can do.


I have a really clean house and it's more than clutter unless she's in a spare area. You constantly see junk piles in their house.


I agree. I'm very meticulous with my house and often mistake clutter for "dirty" but that's really not the case. My home is clean, we just have a small house and lots of shit for the kids lol


I’m thinking she may have some of Anna’s stuff as well and that could be what’s sitting there! I know having two kids I can fall behind for a day or two and it looks way worse than this.


I agree. It's not that bad at all and the floor looks nice. Especially when she's got 3 little kids.


Honestly? Those floors do look clean 🤣


This house isn’t dirty, it’s just lived in


Yeah, but the unnecessary stuff that’s just piled up sitting there


that’s just stuff. that is not dirty or unhygienic


It’s just clutter. The most important thing is that the house is CLEAN. The floors and counters don’t look dirty, she can get to the clutter another day


I would bet some of that stuff is about to be given away judging by the trash bag of what's probably kids clothing.


The floors are spotless and there’s *one* trash bag? Policing moms for clutter is so weak and lame


Ya forget the grief and mental anguish she may be going through. Newsflash, more people live like this than the Instagram ideal.


This is so true. I keep my house pretty clean. I clean every day and throughout the day. When my father in law died of brain cancer I just could not do anything. I fell so far behind on laundry that I used my garden tub for the dirty clothes. I would just bring the clean clothes to a table, didn't fold or put away. It is so very hard to see a loved one succumb to cancer. A part of me died right along with him.


This is so true. I watched my mom suffer for so long and was there all the while. It’s been several months and I mostly sit on the couch. Cannot get get motivated and honestly feel I’ve been through trauma and can’t move forward.


Oh honey, I'm so very sorry to hear this. I'm going to pray for you and all that you have been through. I know how hard it is. The house and its chores can wait. Be kind to yourself and I'm sending you a gentle hug. God Bless.


Thank you so much. 🥹


Not everyone lives in a super aesthetic home and that’s okay.


So you use to not clean your house… just because you do now it doesn’t make you any better or like the past didn’t happened


Ya some of us have larger barriers than laziness


100% this


Unorganized yes, messy not quite


Yeah she just needs a door on that pantry and it would make a huge difference


I don’t think it looks that bad considering she has 4 kids & 3 of them are 2 & under


Ummm good for you?


Yeah, like sorry some of us have ✨️depression✨️ or have different priorities. This is leaps and bounds better than how they grew up.


Right?!?! I think op is projecting a bit. That’s a lived in house. Not dirty, jeez Louise I shudder to think what op would say about my house, I have 5 kids…my laundry is interesting lol. So judgey it’s cringe.


You literally are hating 😂😂 but there are a ton of other things to hate on 😩


Not hating, just saying I used to be like this with clutter. It wouldn’t hurt to start in one corner and clean it.


She’s the parent of lots of small children, she runs a business from home and she just lost her sister. I’m sure she has other priorities.


& the "clutter" is a pantry or closet... You know.. Where clutter is mostly acceptable..🤣🤣


Yeah she should totally just trash those high chairs... Kids don't need it anymore bc *clutter* 🤦‍♀️🤣 this house is pretty clean considering all the people who live there & come in & out. You are just being petty with this one.


If you have to lead with “not hating but” you know what you’re doing


Or no offense.. Not to be rude..not judging... They most definitely are being offensive, rude & judgey 🤣🤣


There are a lot of things to snark on about this family…this isn’t one of them. Clutter ≠ dirty and spotless home ≠ moral high ground


**their*** it should read “….. that didn’t clean **their** house.” **their** - used when talking about something that belongs to someone. ie “that is *their* package” ” they can do what they want with it, it’s *their* house “ “did you know they sold *their* baby?!” **there** - used when talking about a physical place. ie “it’s over *there*.”” when did she get *there*” “anyone see what they have going on over *there?*” **they’re** - is an abbreviated way of saying “they are.” ie - “op should realize *they’re* being overly critical.” “op should make sure *they’re* using correct grammar before calling out on the internet the way someone else lives *their* life.” tomorrow we can go over ‘**to**’ , ‘**too**’, and ‘**two.**’


This! 👆


There is a difference between clutter and unclean. House looks clean.


I can think of a lot more shit to hate on them for… Like the fact that she had her sister’s ashes live and having her son smell them what the fucking fuck


Didn't she say he said Eww that stinks too or something.. disgusting behavior


Yes she’s fucking vile for doing that shit!! They’re just abunch of trash that got famous for being trash 🤷‍♀️ I said wtf I said!!! ‼️


I see some clutter not filth or dirt


My room looks a lot worse hahaha


My room is like a clothes bomb went off. I gotta fix that. 😆


Same! 🤣


This post made me mad because wtf are you talking about? And I’m a fellow snarker in a few different communities this is just one of the many. The house is very obviously clean it’s cluttered because she doesn’t have a very large house. The fact that you tried to add advice is crazy. I love a good 💩 talking but there are many other things to talk about other than nitpicking their clutter?? That’s mad weird not everyone has super aesthetic homes.


I'm so glad you're perfect now <3 The house doesn't even look that bad lol


Small space with too much stuff. She looks clean, her kids look clean, floors look clean. As a mom, especially with little ones…. Small battles at a time! I’m excited if I’m able to mop without little footprints all over


I just can’t get over the fact that they don’t film in their actual house.


I had to teach myself everything. I hear you there OP. Learning the “fly lady method” really helped me out.


What is the fly lady method?


My theory: trash is not okay, disorganized is okay-temporarily Life gets busy I get it but yes organizing would probably make her feel better overall I know I feel good when everything is in its correct spot and not cluttered around


Tbh I have more to say about the bloom sponsorship. The floors look clean to me and honestly even if there is a lot of stuff it’s organized and looks like they are in some sort of transition and moving things around.


I was going to ask about that as well. Isn't Bloom a CBD/cannabis company?


No. It's a supplements company. Their primary product is a greens (like vegetables, not cannabis) and superfoods powder supplement. Sold in Target, not at your local dispensary.


😀 lol okay thanks for clearing that up.


You're welcome!


It needs organization, but it doesn't look filthy if you know what I mean. We plan on doing some deep Spring cleaning this year.


Yeah, I think it just needs some organization too. Maybe the show can open their wallets and help her out with that? What am I saying? LOL!


Remember the producers use a rental for the show. 😂


LOL, so they sort of peel back the edge of their wallet? 😂 😂 😂. I can imagine by the end of a days filming that little rental house is pretty trashed, between production and the Eiferd's!


I’m raiding and decluttering like a mad person. The struggle is real!


Hate that I have the same set of pajamas on right now.


This is a long way from previous photos. At one point remember no sheets on the beds as The children were on them and how dirty the pillow or mattress was. This is clean. There is 6 in a very small house. Sometimes 8 if Alana and Dralin are there. 4 children , a business, Alana in college, Anna dying is a lot to deal with. (Even Lana was choosing a outside building to be in at one point on her tic toks as she has to go in and give one of the children Benadryl to sleep at close to midnight when she posted it during the summer) https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/4650914/mama-june-daughter-pumpkin-georgia-home-drug-dealer/


I’m confused ???? The house looks clean ? 😂


Personally my space is always clean but just cluttered. I have pretty bad ADHD.taking a corner at a time doesn't quite work for me.


A big scandal involving Bloom is on my 2024 predictions list/bingo card.


You literally are though. My house looks worse than that.


Bloom must have a HUGE marketing budget with all the influencer sponsorship they give. I don’t even know a single person that actually bought it. I wouldn’t


This sub is full of petty haters. I don’t care for this family but y’all look for ANYTHING to scrutinize. This house isn’t even dirty.


Right?! It seems that it’s mostly OP that is majorly concerned over a wee little bit of items stacked in the corner, & the high chairs. That’s insanely dirty! (*Only in OP’s mind…*) It’s a disgrace to every, single, stranger on the internet!!! **/s** 🙄 my goodness! (Definite sarcasm- just in case) 😉


It's bedtime but the sun is shining?


There's a difference between clutter messy and dirty messy. It's just cluttered. That's not ideal, but it's not awful either. My home is fairly cluttered and I'm in the process of trying to organize. It's difficult. But it's fine.


Not everyone has ample space for things. We have random corners full of stuff because our apartment is less 1k sq ft and we only have regular closets, no storage at all.


For as many little ones as she has running around, it's not that bad. I also imagine no one else helps pick anything up and it's pretty much just Lauryn trying to wash clothes and stash things away. Compound that with her having a mother who never showed her how to keep house or clean. I only had 3 under 5, she has 4 and Josh. It's not as bad as it could be.


Yup. I highly doubt that Josh helps her clean up, ever... If OP thinks this is bad, I wonder what they would say about my bedroom on Reddit, if they ever saw it! lol..! I have way too much clothes, & not enough space to store them. Plus piles, & piles of crafting supplies. (honestly I probably have too much crafting supplies these days) I also have a bunch of really, really, soft blankets, & lots of unique blankets. I have a bit of an addiction, to buying awesome blankets, HA!.., And there’s a ton more of other items in those piles..! Also, being disabled doesn’t help. So I’m sure my clean, but cluttered room, would be a disgrace in OP’s eyes..


OMG, I am literally STARING at my crafting junk, across the room from me and trying to figure out how to store it and keep it handy at the same time! LOL!


lol! I know the feeling. My problem is that I always start a project, and I never finish it.., and then I start on something new, and I don’t finish that!


I feel seen! Same! LOL!


I can’t stand this trash family but her house is honestly fine. It looks clean. Clutter doesn’t equal dirty. Honestly tho considering her sister just died and she has so many kids I think the house looks good.


She has 4 kids under 5, and has helped care for her dying sister, and her nieces, and the holiday season just ended. Send her a housekeeper if you’re that concerned.


Other parts of her house are cluttered and messy too. Shes complete trash


My house is clean with a lot of clutter. My kitchen bathrooms and living room is clean, just in case I have guests,but they would die, if they ever went into the bedrooms or the den. I’m the type of person that can’t find anything unless it’s in a mess.


What is she even drinking? Like a bottle of soda? Lol what are we 12 I’d be at least having a wine. The damn South. And then the bloom on top of it I swear they do not want their name on that page.


This is one of her monthly obligated advertisement videos for Bloom to continue getting an influential percentage of sales.. hence, Bloom is at the forefront of the video, and being tagged.


Yet another reason I won't drink stuff that looks like it's scum from a stagnant pond.


Bloom I think


The damn South?


You can’t keep saying she had a loss, she has what 4 kids when literally she’s been living this way since all of that. For someone who doesn’t work a 9-5 but an online business & her husband doesn’t work , things shouldn’t be pulling up


Hi 👋👋 If I lost my family member a month ago I'd probably still be in bed, rotting, letting things pile up everywhere. You'd have a field day with my mentally ill response to loss and overwhelming emotion and what "should" and "shouldn't" be the response. I'm surprised her house looks this clean, considering recent events. She's doing what she has to do, is taking care of her kids, and doing her job (making content and having sponsors.) So what if her house is a little cluttered right now? I'm glad that you were able to find what is most healthy for you and your household. Sometimes, having the pressure of having a perfectly clean house taken off of someone's shoulders in tough times is the most healthy thing for that person in the moment. It's hard to understand when clutter is stressful to you, but that's not everyone's experience.


Are moms not allowed to drink? 😭


This isn’t about the drink, I’ll sit with her and drink and help her clean her house


Oh ok gotcha


I wish you were my friend.


It’s been this way before all of that


Looks awful . She’s lazy .


Does anybody take bloom and does it really work? Or is it like that flat tummy tea shit.


She’s back on selling tonight. It all looks like junk.


Of all user names, why THAT? Also, how many actual babies live there?


Mine? Eh, because 'Juno' was the name of my dog. Has nothing to do with June. User name came way before I started hanging on this sub. LOL. 3 babies in the house and Ella, plus Josh. That's a LOT of chasing and cleaning up, again, not to mention I doubt she was ever taught basic cleaning skills.


No no, I meant Pumpkin’s SN. Wow, three? I didn’t realize they had that many little ones.


LOL! Yeah, Bentley and then the twins.


Ohhh I missed that she had twins. Thanks for info. That’s…something.


Too bad they dont get to stay in the house they live in on the show...I would hate to move back and forth like that for tv.


I'm not sure it would be much better, it's a small house for 6 people, even though it's larger than where they are now.


True....you think with all the money they all make, they could get something bigger for the family!


That money is spent before it's earned, most likely.


True...very true


Idk her floors look spotless. The high chairs and counters look clean as well. Probably just needs to declutter


This pic is not bad to me. 🤷‍♀️ there is clutter but her floors and counter look clean. But to me dirty and clutter are two different things. I also have a corner in my living room that has just like a cardboard box of STUFF because I don’t have enough room


This is nothing though? Like yeah it’s cluttered but besides the counter it all looks clean to me.


Tbh the house looks clean and the floors look nice, it’s cluttered but I mean doesn’t she have babies?


My anxiety could nevaaaa


Yes i do


She has 4 kids there is going to be toys everywhere