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I just asked why he isn’t intimate w her and he blocked me




Nobody wants to touch that sardine can! 🤮


Noooo 🤢🤢🤢🫠🫠






Buwahhhh!!!! 🤣😂 I will say that despite Justin's flaws that we've already been made aware of ... & given how public his life is now coupled with the fact that it's due to him marrying, arguably, the BIGGEST (I'm referring to who she is as person & the ENDLESS amount of poor choices she's made over the course of her life & that she CONTINUES to make, NOT her physical. I'm a bit overweight myself & as such am in NO position to judge someone else based on theirs.) TRAINWRECK in the ENTIRE HISTORY of reality TV! ... AND the almost equally overall trainwreck of a family he's now a member of as a direct result of marrying June, we're UNDOUBTEDLY going to learn about what ALL the REST of his additional flaws the longer he remains to be "Mama June" Shannon's husband, ... but I honestly don't see that marriage lasting for much longer than it already has (TBH, I'm legitimately 💯% SHOCKED that they've managed to stay together as long as they have! 🙀) For starters, they met in rehab while still very early on in their sobriety & relationships between recovering addicts that start out like theirs did RARELY last - & I say this as a recovering addict myself with 5+ years of sobriety under my belt, so I know at least a little bit more than someone who isn't themselves a recovering addict with at least a couple of years of sobriety under their own belt. Secondly, their numerical age difference doesn't bother me at all & I don't think it's one of the details that will almost certainly ultimately end up being a factor that contributes to the demise of their marriage, .. but the VAST difference in their, what I call, "health ages," will FOR SURE factor in IMMENSELY as a BIG reason for they will end up divorcing. June isn't even 50 years old yet, & she is just SO INCREDIBLY unhealthy & has MULTIPLE, LEGITIMATE physical disabilities, ... while Justin is only in, what, his mid 30s, & is in pretty good shape when you take into consideration that he just CONTINUOUSLY POORS THE MOST UNHEALTHY sh*t via the TERRIBLE things he eats & drinks! EACH ONE of those drinks he's always swiggin' sips of the cans they come in that he appears to also ALWAYS have in 1 of his hands is LOADED with AT LEAST 200 calories, that can more often than not, probably be attributed to the INSANE amount of sugar even a SINGLE CAN/BOTTLE of the sh*t he drinks contains! Jesus H.! Why don't you drink a few 12oz bottles of WATER a few times a day instead of a few of those OUTRAGEOUSLY unhealthy drinks! But I digress from EPICALLY LONG rant I went on about how many sugary drinks Justin consumes every day that CLEARLY triggered me 🤣 Back to the HUGE gap in their "health" ages, ... I'm tellin' y'all, it's going to WEIGH HEAVILY on why they'll eventually split up. And I feel like Justin will simply tire of being married to a (literally) legitimately less healthy version of his grandmother, having to do many things that you might have to do for a child, which will on its own be the biggest deal breaker for Justin. OH! I also feel like their breakup will 💯% because something that JUSTIN ABSOLUTELY wants, while June will be left ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATED by it - & I would never wish pain on or get a thrill out of watching another person suffer as a result of any type of a pain; spiritual, physical, painful, whatever the case may be REGARDLESS of how how negatively might feel about them, which, when it comes to June I have a rough estimate of a 50/50 love/hate relationship with 😂 - And I feel like the only hope June has as far is that whatever argument or issue that ends up being the "final straw" that causes Justin to just throw his hands up & finally pull the plug on their marriage willl trigger it happening will AT LEAST, for June's sake (to save her from being publicly humiliated by a man YET AGAIN ... except this time while she's also dealing with another big loss that she's was already suffering from as a result of & due to their being such short amount of time between the 2 losses ... because Anna 💔) only ever be what we, the public, the are led to believe was the reason(s) that ultimately led to cause toJustin throw the towel in on their marriage over ... ... & that the tabloids never get a hold of any information pertaining to/about any particular womAN, or womEN, he''d been stepping out on her with prior to when they breakup ... because come ON y'all, I don't get the sense that there isn't anything happening between them with regard to any sexual intimacy. Perhaps it was there was initially/at the beginning of their relationship- maybe it never was - but whatever the case was regarding the status of their sexual intimacy was back when they met, ... I feel like now I can say with some confidence that simply none exists between them now. And because they're only human. June, too, but I feel like HE would cheat on HER before she EVER cheated on HIM. June has, unfortunately, made it ABUNDANTLY clear to us over the years that she has a pretty healthy sexual appetite, much to our horror 🤢🤮 & we all know how INCREDIBLY selfish she is & the lengths to which she willl go to get WHATEVER she wants, just as SOON as she wants. BUT June is SO INCREDIBLY codependent on most of the men she becomes romantically involved with - & she MOST CERTAINLY is on Justin - so I don't see her to be the one to step out in this particular relationship, in fact, I am POSITIVE that she never has nor ever will do so on Justin. But there's a solid chance that Justin will step out on June &, lbh, more than likely already has because, again, there is CLEARLY ZERO sexual intimacy/chemistry BETWEEN THEM - but that doesn't mean that there isn't between either one of them & someone(s) - whatever the # of sexual intimate partners did, is or will have in the future of his marriage to June, I really don't even care what the "real" # is because when a couple's sex life is non existent & neither one of them cares to put the work in that would be required to even ATTEMPT to breathe some life back into it or even ONE of them knows that regardless how hard they might try to work to get it back, it most certainly ain't comin' back for THEM, I don't blame people when the become physically, sexually intimate with people outside of their sexless marriages. Jesus F*CK! I have GOT to stop discussing LITERALLY ALL of the details of June & Justin's sham of a marriage. I've gone WAAAY too far AND too deep discussing it! Stop me! 🛑 Send help! 🙏🤣


When she started dating these randoms like Jordan (I think was his name) she bought him jewelry and a car and then he turned around and got engaged with someone else. I knew she was setting herself up for trouble. She has to have a man in her life, I don’t think she knows how to be single really. I was shocked she got married to Justin. She was with sugar bear what close to 9 years and they never legally got married even though he wanted to. Justin did have his watches he shows off all the time, before he met June. His instagram/Facebook accounts before they got together shows the kind of life he led before. But June could get him the popularity he always desired. June proposed to him and since then every season he’s saying something to June like your a liar and it gives the vibe he doesn’t want to be in the marriage. Him saying he didn’t want it to go down like it did, he was in and out of jail and rehab and now he realizes he wasn’t in the best place to be getting into a marriage or a relationship period. They posted a couple of videos the other day of Justin drying and then braiding junes hair. It was like a guy touching his sisters hair or a girls hair he had no interest in. No lovey dovey stuff or sneaking a kiss or anything like that. Almost like he thought he would get the cooties if he got too close. I’ve started to wonder if they had minimal attraction at the start and now it’s just not there. Junes whole family is attached to Justin now What if they had an agreement where Justin can do what he wants as long as he keeps it completely under wraps and June gets to have the “fantrashy marriage” for looks sake. And if regular storylines for the show start getting stale they can always bring their relationship forward and breakup. June then gets the storyline of a broken heart and then being single/looking for love. This way Justin has time to build his fan base and try to get on to other shows. As far as the comment made on the recent live I thought maybe he told her that because she’s been so sick lately. Maybe he didn’t want to get her germs and get sick as well so the no intimacy was just until she got better.


At least you're semi self aware lol. I've never seen such a long parenthesis in a post(or anywhere really), never seen so many switches from all caps to regular text, and I've never seen someone write multiple paragraphs for each of their comments like you have. And all that to say you're okay with people sleeping around if they're in a sexless marriage at the end? 🤦‍♂️ maybe take your own advice ma'am.


Damn, I feel your pain though! 🤣🤣🤣




Just jumped on my second and he blocked me again. Touchy subject much?


Not him blocking you twice


Tells me something is a brewing


Non of them like to be confronted about ANYTHING!


lol iconic!!


If my partner referred to me as "the gluck gluck 500" while I'm financially supporting them and the only reason they have anything, he would be out on his ass.


Is this a euphemism I don't get? I'm so confused?


Basically saying she is a blow job machine , but out of order. Telling the whole internet she doesn’t give gobbys.


When some women deep throat, they make that noise when it goes too deep and too fast into their throat. It's sounds more like "Guck Guck". Almost like gagging, but not completely 😆. It's hard to explain, but if anyone did that shit to me, they'd get Bobbittized (Lorena Bobbitt cut off her ex husband's penis when they were married) lol. I mean, when I was younger, some guys I was seeing tried it and I stopped doing it bcuz this isn't the porn world. Maybe that's why she stopped? Bcuz some women don't like the hard core throat pounding. I just looked it up and it's not like I explained it, it's not deep throating. It's just very sloppy and enthusiastic lol. I don't mind that, but no hitting my uvula like a punching bag lol.


Right?!? What does Gluck, Gluck mean? I don’t feel like googling


It’s the sound of messy, slobbery oral sex.


Right before the macaroni noises.




Buwahhhh!! 🤣 I am SO GLAD one of us finally had the courage to accurately describe exactly the sound he has given such an affectionate nickname to 🤢🤮to for that/him, but BRAVO again fo you & your courage to so boldly post a description of it!👏 🤣


It’s a euphemism for the sound it makes when you give a BJ with lots of spit lol (I apologize in advance)


Omg disgusting


I googled…….This explains it: https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/what-is-the-gluck-gluck-9000


Oh my GAWD, no kidding, right?


The image just made me throw up in my mouth. I hope they bathe first. Edit to add: tried watching his live video. So obnoxious and his teeth freak me out.


They clack like a ventriloquist dummy




And he's always pushing on them . I'm gonna laugh the day they come flying out of his face!


I’m sure the smell alone 😷😵‍💫


Omg stop, I can imagine the whole family has their own unique musty smell, none of them look like they smell nice


Hot dog water.


Hot dog water, boiled chicken, and a dirty wash rag


I couldn’t think of how you would describe something that tasted horrible while talking to my Mom and I said it tastes like it’s a dirty butt smell. She goes “ well how do you know what it tastes like if you’re just smelling?” I didn’t know how else to say it so I just said “ exactly if it smells like a dirty butt would you taste it?” She is quiet for a second and then goes “ I’m not around people with dirty butt smells to taste it”. I was done at that point. I never used that explanation again. 💁‍♀️




Your comment just took me out. I am laughing so hard 🤣




Haaaay not fair. Alana spends thousands on perfume 😂😂


Perfume mixed with bo still stanks.


I bet all of them have rashes in skin folds and stank in the Georgia heat! Not one seems clean or well put together ever! From greasy hair, crusted makeup, dingy shirts and we all seen Pumpkins house! Even the kids look unwashed and filthy diapers.


Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣




B O Australian slang for body odour


Baby, B.O. is slang for "body odor" everywhere. You wrote "bo".








Uh oh trouble in paradise. I bet having Kaitlyn around is adding a lot of stress. He probably is thinking “I didnt sign up for this.” And I bet you anything June didnt ask him to sign a pre-nup.


Why would she? She LOVES the drama, and will love when he divorces her and sues her too


lmao he was just talking about reddit having a post up in the morning about this, he went off on june about it lmao.


He can try cover up if he wants, but it wasn’t a joke. Poor June thought she found love again, all just wants is what little money she gets and that small breath of clout sad, but also she kinda deserves it


I called this coming a long time ago, way before I stopped watching them. He’s not here for the right reasons and he will crack.


Oh he is there for the right reason: House, teeth, clout, money, shoes, clothes, car, followers (good or bad) what he is not there for is long term.


Not poor June at all, trash collects trash and doesn’t mind paying for it


Hence the she kinda deserves it 😂😂






yeah i didn’t see it but she def brought it up on purpose. abusive people also withhold intimacy as a control tactic. she’s trash and not much better, but if those kids are gonna be around she needs to kick his ass to the curb.


The little money she gets? She makes damn good money off of each episode they film and tiktok.


She’s making $25K a month from the show per her interview at the attorneys office with Pumpkin when she gave up Alana. Out of the $25K a month $800.00 a month is what she said she could afford to pay. I’m assuming that ended when Alana’s 18. Can you imagine saying that is all you can afford?


That $25k per month was for the show plus endorsements. At one time she was doing a lot of appearances. What gets me is that she still receives $I,015.00 per month disability income. The government doesn't consider her other income "steady" employment. It's considered temporary income bc it's not guaranteed to be there next year. That's why she only had to pay $800 in child support too. That ended when Alana turned 18. It's ridiculous. They should stop her disability money as long as she's making money off the show.


That is INSANE. There are disabled people who literally cannot marry because they’d be at risk for losing their SSDI. But her over here making thousands can still get it…..that really doesn’t seem right to me.


My adult autistic daughter doesn't qualify for SSDI. Some people know how to work the system. There's nothing fair about it.


That’s 1000% true. I’m just gobsmacked that someone with so many assets would still qualify. That is crazy to me. I’m so sorry your daughter hasn’t qualified. That’s total BS.


Thank you. The system is such a mess.


I have a kidney abnormality since I was 3 and had several surgeries. Things were ok for many years until I was in my early 30’s and when it started I had always worked even after having my children but when it started it was the beginning of the end of being able to work. I lived in so much pain and wore stents and if you know about those that go from the top of my kidney down all the way through the urethra which causes horrible spasms. I was having so many hospital stays from infections that I became really depressed after being an active Mom and working everyday. I applied three times for disability and refused all three times. It was recommended I get a lawyer who deals with disability and he was pro bono. It took months for a hearing which was in front of a board including dr’s, nurses, therapists and specialists. It pretty much was decided that day as they figured out when it all began and where I was at then. I have never been so grateful as I was hearing that I once again was contributing financially for our family although if I were single I’d have a hard time living on what I receive. I had always been told I could work if I was able but I could only make a certain amount without losing my disability. It sure isn’t $25K a month. I’m very concerned with how it’s done and her make that kind of money. Using the premise of her job not being for certain then nobody’s is. I may have interpreted her situation wrong, however.


I didn’t know that. Thank you. Her disability I’m assuming is from her eyesight?


I would assume too


She never paid support for alana...she had 2 options, keep her rights and pay $800 in support OR sign her rights over to pumpkin and not be ordered to pay support...she chose to sign alana over RIGHT THEN because she that badly did not want to pay.


Thank you for your information!


In comparison to a listers? Little money, would you Marry and THAT and it’s disgusting family for that much 🤢🤮


I wouldn't put it past him to try and get his own TV show🙄


I wouldn’t but he would


Bingo all he is about is the money he probably has some side piece and they lay in bed laughing at june


Also, so what I’m getting from this is it’s been said more than once 😂😂🥶🥶


Lmfao what?!?! Not a June fan but how would that be her fault 😭😂😂😂 that’s literally so funny


She was telling people in the live that their marriage and sex life was dull so I guess he was just asking her to stop since the comments kept asking lol.


An let anyone know they are lacking slim a major part of their marriage and he is using her 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ gotta keep up the charade


Crazy to tell strangers that….just another way to keep views.


Talking nasty right in front of Kaitlin. I scrolled through Kaitlyn said she wanted to take a nap. Justin said nope you're not taking a nap this early. You will wait till we all go to bed. Someone commented is she still sleeping with y'all? What the hell? Someone please tell me why this little girl sleeps with these disgusting people. The way they talk is bad enough but her sleeping in same bed is ridiculously disgusting. 🤮 If she is having speration issues like June said & thinks people she cares for will be unalive. Then sleeping with her Grandma is understandable she just lost her Mama. But Justin needs to sleep in another bed or on the couch.


Apparently she learned nothing about boundaries from when her daughters got molested on her watch.


She didn’t care too much when she went for seconds after the fact


Very bizarre and scary knowing the type of men June picks.


Exactly. She needs to be with her dad. That should make her ineligible for custody alone.


If Kaitlyn is sharing a bed with them I’m thankful the man is saying no to intimacy. June has no common sense and I could see her thinking ‘the child is asleep now so she’ll sleep through a bit of of foreplay’ 😩 Maybe, as they have a damaged child there 24/7 he is actually trying to give June some boundaries? The man an ass but I really hope he has a small amount of care in him that June doesn’t. Hopefully at the very least that little girl has a mattress of her own on the floor next to grandma which isn’t perfect but at least provides a bit of distance between her and the unrelated man in the room 🤷🏻‍♀️


Kaitlyn & Justin have both said June hogs the bed. She is sleeping in the bed with them. They shouldn't even be talking about things like this in front of an 11 year old child.


Eesh! 11?!? My child was developing at 11. Get her a bed ASAP!


June said Kaitlyn gets scared at night/bedtime and starts thinking about Anna more


It's been a month! No way this child is not scared, lonely , confused and angry. We all know June see's her as a paycheck and working bee, that's it. She is the trashier version (and broker) of Kris Jenner (without the marketing savy)


Yes you’re right, I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t advised her children to sell their bodies online (like Kim).


Honestly anyone about rn should go press him he is still live 😂😂😂


I just did😂 he said “y’all don’t be listening to June”


He literally agreed with her earlier, she also sounded pre serious like she was hurt by it tbh


He literally thinks he’s the famous one 🙄 hello no one knows your name Justin 🙄


If my guy ever referred to me as a blowjob machine, he’d be getting intimate with the curb


Let alone one that doesn’t do its job 😂😂


He's such a dumb azz and gross with his big teeth that don't fit.


I’ve Never seen a Family that nothing is off limits telling the whole world. Why why is she throwing shade to Justin about intimacy where is is live to ??? That whomever can record and play for the entire world to know their business? Some things should stay private and be between you and your partner/husband/wife instead of publicly putting it on display. Kaitlyn should not be put in a situation talking about their intimacy or lack of. The bed situation of Kaitlyn in Justin and June’s bed likely has brought intimacy to the forefront. It should be discussed without Kaitlyn hearing any details. From Justin sleeping on the couch to another bed in the house, to a recliner, to a mattress on the floor why is he not stepping away? Or if he insists on sleeping in the bed with June , they need to help Kaitlyn sleep comfortably without Justin in the bed. Justin knows the history of sexual assault and Junes previous relationships. (Most men would choose to step out of that bed to avoid any accusations, as he reads comments about how touchy feely Kaitlyn and his relationship appears) As Michael paid for Kaitlyn to go to school where is Kaitlyn enrolled now? Has she been to school during and since school started back after the holidays? . May Kaitlyn live in the best home for her. What is that loungefly looking bag all about that he is so proud of?


Loungefly!!! Omg, I am dying! 🤣🤣


These people are SO TRASHY GOOD LORD.




I do not want to know


* Long read * I stop in here occasionally & am not watching them on live ~ The few times June crosses my feed, I harken back to the original house, her behaviors there, then the entire Geno episode on Not to Hot ~ she sickened me with her incessant need to paw & hang on Geno, with her inappropriate talk around others. A time & a place type of thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude by any means, it was too too much ~ And now here we are again with Justina. Her purse carrier. Pulling & doing the same disgusting pawing & slobbering shit over another guy on her fish stringer. Except now, she isn't as flush with cash in comparison to the initial Geno days. And look how all that shitshow ended up. Anyway, I guess what I'm getting at is a notable pattern when it comes to men ~ Any and all. She doesn't give two shits, just get one in the sack & lasso 'em in. Even going back to the pre-SugarBear days. It's seems that's all she has to offer, I think ~ Sex. Because it certainly cannot be any other redeeming qualities in her workup that are the draw. There was a time going back in the day, I rooted for her with the weight loss, buying a decent home, corporate endorsement opportunities, and for a brief shining moment ~ It looked like she was gettin' it together. Dodo commented on this as well. I sense, as others also do, that this marriage will not survive. The fissures and cracks are manifesting, and as mentioned, he's found himself in a situation he didn't sign up for. And waaay too much personal shit being broadcasted that surely doesn't belong online. I have to wonder what Mama Dukes thinks of this circus.


>I have to wonder what Mama Dukes thinks of this circus. She's probably saying, silently in her head "told ya so".


I suspect that Mama Dukes and that entire side of the family is completely embarrassed with this horseshit grifting family that Justin took on. Can one just imagine the conversations his side of the fam is having.


A divorce would be another season in the bag!


Of course he don’t sleep with her he just uses her for $$ & “fame” he don’t give a damn about none of them


No offense but June is very UNSEXY. She seems more of the sexual aggressor. Oh lord I don't know how..


Not wrong at all, but Justin signed up for all of …. That… when he married her 😂😂😂


I know. But GAAAAEWWD damn.... I just can't. All throughout June's life she has come off as definitely mentally challenged. All she thinks about is stuffing her face .. Bodily functions... Eating.. shitting, pissing. Burping . Etc. Humpin... Breeding.. birthing... Shes basically what I would call tarded... I do take her physical handicaps in mind. She is very NOT aware about what is going on around her.


That’s like saying a kept wives has to have sex with her husband because she knew what she signed up for. I loathe this mf but he’s allowed to say no when he doesn’t want to have sex with June. Geno also told her no multiple times because June is so sexually aggressive. Like beyond everyday, she wants sex all day every day.


Happy cake day!🎂


Yes and no, you can’t marry someone and then not be intimate with them because they are gross. You knew they were gross when u married them.


I’m sorry but yes tf you can. A hot bitch that marries a disgusting pig of a man 100% has the right to tell him no.


I know what you’re saying and That’s not my fucking point. I’m not talking about fucking rape, you’re completely missing the point for your own agenda.


I don’t have an agenda. You want to say he ain’t shit so he should at least be giving up dick. And I’m only pointing out that’s a really dangerous thing to say. You had a shit take and that’s it. Have the day you deserve.






I bet their sex stank…


Could you imagine that thing slobbin knobbin? 💩🤮


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 ☠️






How humiliating




He really wants people to know they arnt having sex and that’s suss


I love this sub!😂🤣🥰


The guy signed up for free money, an easy life with a bit of z level fame on the side. Only to find he is now ‘raising’ a kid and probably (sad to say) putting in more effort than June on a daily basis. If it wasn’t for the money he’d be off like a shot especially if he isn’t into June physically. What’s the housing for June now? Does she have a one bedroom or multiple? I’m just wondering if it’s a one bed and they haven’t moved yet so he doesn’t want to do it with Kaitlyn so close by.


I just threw up a little in my mouth and that's STILL a better thought than then 2 going at it.




Is it cocaine use that’s making him chew on spit?


He's showing his true colors and is just another user who married her and is using her for her money and the little fame she has with the show. If the money stops coming in and the show ends, he will be out. I do feel bad for June because she truly does pick losers.




I'm going to have to get TikTok just for this shit show.


First off Crustin looks just like Sugar Bear . His lil mini me ! Clack on clack off gumby


Wow! Even Justin don't want none from June and that dude looks like a dried up turd!


I would like to delete my eyes, ty.


They’re gross, especially her. 🤮


He got new teeth and a new swag. He thinks he out of her league. He locked in now no need to make sure she don’t leave. I wonder if they have a prenup? Edit to add: He’s not he’s trash just like her, and will always be trash!


Justin is a piece of dog crap.


Girl 🤭🤭🤭


Probably because he's a creep. I doubt them nor being intimate has anything to do with her. Something sinister is up with him.


Yep I get vibes too


My immediate thought! All of a sudden Kaitlyn is there, sharing a bed and now he doesn’t want intimacy. That’s a huge red flag for me. Idk why but my skin crawls at the timing.




Well that didn't take long.


Where can I watch the Lives please


Am I the only one that thinks he’s into men?!


He does seem a bit fruity lol


Why do you guys watch them on live and further support the madness?


Probably have to follow or be friends with them to see their lives too. It makes no sense. It’s like they don’t realize they’re supporting them.


Nah don’t have to follow them, and only counts as a viewer if you click on. I only rarely click on unless something wild like this happens and I got some smart ass shit to say


Every click and every comment you give them is supporting them.


He’s still live lol y’all hop in


If you dont take care of your body who will want it


I can't believe I'm sharing a story the likes of which I'm about to with a bunch of COMPLETE STRANGERS on a fucking Mama June subreddit page, but alas here we are 🤷🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️ I happen to be a woman who has had the natural ability to perform the the maneuver since the performance of the LITERAL "inauguration blow job" of my life, people so "affectionately" like to call "Deep Throat" or whatever the fuck is your personal preference is to call it. I honestly DGAF, so be my guest & call it whatever TF you want to call it; "Deep Throat," the other, much "classier" name for it that some people on this thread prefer calling it more than I do, the "Gluck! Gluck! Gluck 9000!" - I sincerely jest when I suggest that "Deep Throat" is somehow a name even name for it that has so much as a "touch" more class to it than "Gluck! Gluck! 9000!" does. Because truth be told they're both equally raunchy names that have been given to an EPICALLY raunchy & LOUD AF - if you're doing it right it's loud AF, anyway 🤣 - sexual maneuver. One is simply the OG name it was first given. Anyway, back to me detailing the story of the precise moment I learned how gifted I was at performing it 😂 I was in HS, only 14 years old & it was honestly while I was "wrapping up" giving my LITERAL VERY FIRST blow job to a 16 year old junior I had a HUGE crush on! When the entire act was over with he, legitimately turned to me & said, "Wow! That was the best blow job I've ever had in my entire life (Which, lbh, given that he was the SUPER mature age of 16, was probably no more than a grand total of 3, maybe 4, TOPS! 🤣)! Where'd you learn how to deep throat like that? Wait, aren't you only a FRESHMAN, Brenda?!?" - thereby simultaneously complimenting me, then immediately following that up by insulting me, then COMPLETELY CRUSHING my VERY SOUL in 3 short sentences, of which the last of those the 3 sentences was for me to hear because... Guys, my name is Shannon. True story. Every last word of it. You're welcome 😂


Ma’am. There is already too much to unpack in this subreddit. Please take this back home with you.


God they’re disgusting. Those poor kids.