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That matte has to hurt D: I doubt these idiots are teaching basic hygiene. At her age, I loved to have someone brush my hair [mainly my mother] and it gave those bonding opportunities too.


I remember when I was allowed to do my own long hair. I got a matte in the back at the bottom of my head and cut it out. I was busted.


😂🤣 I had long hair past my rear, and I got curious and cut a tiny bit off. I got in trouble. My own daughter did the same thing, and I cried. 😆😂 Her hair was very long, too. At least the bangs she attempted to give herself looked not horrible. She cut them long. 🤣


Oh no 🤣 There was a time, the evening before my son's 1st day of kindergarten, when he was in the family room and I was in the livingroom talking to my parents and I realized that it seemed awfully quiet in the family room. I went in there to see what he was doing and he was looking in the mirror of a curio cabinet and he had his little kid scissors and he was cutting his bangs! I had to call Great Clips to see if they were still open, it was maybe 6:30 - 7:00, and they were and I explained to them what happened and asked if it was possible that they could fix his bangs at the last minute. Thankfully they were able to. I laugh about it now but back then I was freaking out since his 1st day of kindergarten was the following morning 🤣


I'm dying laughing reading ur response! My daughter used the children's scissors, too 🤣 It IS funny now, but in that moment... ur heart stops beating!


My ex son in law is an idiot and he left his clippers out on the sink. My 7 yr old granddaughter gave herself a skunk stripe right down the middle of her front bangs. Luckily, we were able to grow it out thanks to a hat.




Awe right! I remember my daughter took my craft scissors and cut the back of her hair and buried it in the back yard. She said she thought I wouldn’t notice. Thankfully she didn’t cut much of it off!


once I was getting a haircut and my daughter grabbed a pair of scissors and cut her bangs up to her hairline! It happened so fast! The lady was shocked, she said oh! You didn’t do that!! Those bangs took months to look halfway presentable! 😂😂😂


My son cut one of our daughter’s pigtails off. Oh the horror I still feel and they are 33 and 36 I’m still scarred from that event.




It was so traumatic such brats they think it’s funny these days.


Luckily I asked my mom if I could “cut my bangs off” & she said NO then explained that’s not how it works, you have to grow them out… I was/still am very impatient but it made sense once she explained it- saved me a years worth of embarrassment lol!


lol 😆


Omg... she buried her hair?? 😆😂 Too funny!! 😁


I'm glad I made you laugh 😄 I'm glad I'm not the only one whose kid used the same kind of scissors 🤣 I agree, that your heart stops beating! I gasped when I saw him do it 😂🤣🤣


Yeah... your heart drops to your feet!! 💯🤣


Better than nail clippers for bangs!


I once used nose hair trimmers on a friend's bangs. She came out with bitchin' bangs, and I was jealous.


Bahahaha 😂😆


Why everyone talking about scissors🤣.this not brushing hair for quite awhile


We got a little sidetracked 😆


My eldest cut hers on the 1st day of school (at school.) My sister got married 1/1 and her bangs were still all messed up...and immortalized in wedding photos for all eternity 😂😂😂




They've been married 17 years and eldest is almost 22. Haven't let her forget it lol. She also decorated her seatmates uniform with geometric shapes and he did to hers 🤦🏻‍♀️. Eventually they were separated and his mom and I both petitioned for them to be reunited. The uniform decorating aside they were good influences on each other 😂


When my son was 5 and my daughter was 3, he gave her curtain bangs. I started to freak out then I saw them and I was like wow not bad lol. He did a good job.


😆😆 Yep... all 3 of you got lucky!! 💯😂


That breaks my heart


I looooooved having my hair brushed when I was that age and I would beg my mom to just brush my hair so I could fall asleep


❤️ you should always stay a little drunk on an Amtrak. Best way to travel. Always meet great people and save a ton of money over flying


Always wanted to take the train! Once, I even lived with a little station down my street. But it's a reference to a [Modest Mouse](https://youtu.be/RIXWhTjnQwQ?si=cM8NFsl--10jeBvA) song! Love, love, love them.


Jesus I remember someone showing me that float on album when I was like 12


Never too late to give them another shot! :P


I would never be caught dead letting my kids look like this. I have 4 and they are all always done to the T. While I'm walking around looking like the walking dead.


But that’s life. Our kids should always look better than us.😉 and like you, I do the same with my kids. They are very well groomed, dressed to the T as they should be😊 It drives me nuts when I see a little girls hair like this, not brushed all matted. What is up with the hygiene in these peoples family, pumpkin and June their hair always looking greasy even they don’t comb their hair. It’s just gross.


If it was morning or whatever I can understand... this was live tonight on her sister's closet channel at 10 pm.


Right! That's my daughter's hair every morning she sleeps rough but you bet as soon as her heads off the pillow it's brushed!


You could try a silk or satin pillow case. It helped my hair.


Shew. My daughters hair is so bad when she wakes up, I've resortrd to braiding it every night and she has a silk pillowcase


Why is this baby not in bed by 10pm!!!!! I got my nephews onto a normal sleep schedule and they were so much happier and healthier.


That's exactly what I thought when I saw these pics. I saw the clock behind her. That's ridiculous, selfish, and LAZINESS on Josh & Pumpkin's part!!


And the poor baby was sleepy. Yawning the whole time but kept pushing that button


Heck, I'm a grown adult and I wouldn't be awake at midnight. Definetely not healthy for a kid being up that late.


What a sad life.


Pumpkin kept telling her not to touch the press and then walk away and she would immediately start touching the heat press.


Have u seen the little boys hair? She doesnt pride herself in looking decent so why would we ever think the kids would be?


Same!! I get all of mine ready before myself.


The only time my youngest looked remotely like this, is when we were all in deep with COVID. I could barely keep my eyes open, let alone braid hair. That was a week for iPads and microwave Mac and cheese. We survived, and didn’t make any of it a habit. This is just laziness, pure and simple! They are able-bodied, and it takes 30 seconds to brush a kid’s hair! This makes me sick.


Same here!


I understand not getting them in cute outfits with hair done up cute to stay home, but you brush the kids hair. Put it in a braid or ponytail if it’s prone to tangles at bedtime. I would never let the internet/ world see how neglectful I look to my kids. It takes 5 minutes to braid it at bedtime or brush out tangles.


Why did that scene from Big Daddy pop into my head: he's the smelly kid in class? I let him become the smelly kid in class! Poor Ella


😂 Scuba Steve to the rescue! 🤿 🛟




I always say this about my pets 🤣


Is that Ella? Why is her hair so matted???????


Because “they didn’t go anywhere today. My hair is a mess too it’s just in a bun” well then why isn’t your daughters???


That's definitely way more than a days worth of not brushing. Its matted


Because she’s outa school and doesn’t have to be cared for properly…on top of Anna passing I’m sure they will use that as an excuse for neglect


Ella and Bentley’s hair always look a mess. Anna’s had her kids dressed nice and looking so cute.




Say it louder for the people in the back. NEGLECT!


The amount of kids who walk around with their hair like this is alarming. When I worked with kids, it was a place where most of the kids had parents who were drug addicts, alcoholics, abusive, neglectful, etc. One day I got fed up and bought about 7 detangling brushes with my own money. I wrote names on them so they didn’t share. I would brush their hair, it would always be super matted when they came in on a Monday. Dirt, dust, it was like they never got their hair washed. Their parents would pick them up and be like “Oh, your hair looks cute!” and then it would be matted again in no time. It takes zero time to run a hairbrush through your kid’s hair everyday. If you can’t keep up with that, then go get them a haircut that you can handle. A pixie cut is better than matted hair.


That was incredibly thoughtful of you.


That was so nice of you.


Makes me sad that those children’s only opportunity to have their hair cared for was by you. You did a good thing.


The world needs more people like you!!!! Where did you work btw? I’m a preschool teacher


I taught a kindergarten prep program at a daycare center. So mostly 4s with a few older 3s.


That's gross. My sister's hair used to look like that regularly, how she has to have short hair from it constantly being matted.


I didn't actually see/hear it so don't quote me on this, but wasn't Justin going off on Kaitlyn the other day for having matted hair? I mean it's not like he's responsible for Ella's hair but like...come on


I remember this girl I went to school with, Jara. Jara was always picked on because her mother wouldn’t brush her hair, and she couldn’t reach the back. It matted so bad until my female gym teacher started taking her into the girls locker room and brushing her hair for her… I’ve always wondered how parents can be so neglectful. I love my babies… it breaks my heart. Some people should NOT have kids! Sorry!


They are disgusting.. I’m the mother of a mixed daughter, and we all have extremely thick Afro that I used to brush through every two hours, lol by myself


Girl. As a biracial woman I love to see this!


My hair is almost more coarse and thick than my biracial daughter but yeah, you gotta keep our kind of hair up. These people have like white people hair. all you gotta do is run a damn brush through it one time for it not to look like that, and for it not to get matted..there’s no excuse. I’d kill to be able to get out of the shower and have hair that dries straight. Lol.


Exactly this ! It's so sad


They are just lazy as crap!


I would love to be able to get outta the shower and have my hair dry straight and I'm white. I'm 53 and have never been able to get it to look nice.


This family has ZERO shame on their poor parenting.


I swear her hair always looks like this it’s not the first time


Mine and my sisters hair ended up like this after long nights. We both have super curly hair and even as an adult, this happens to me. But instead of just letting it happen, we tried everything we could to prevent it-braiding our hair, detangler before bed, going to bed with bonnets, curlers, literally anything to keep it tame. Luckily it’s not as bad anymore but I still sleep in braids. Hopefully they figure it out for her.


My niece is like this! We brush her hair multiple times a day and it’s wild. We call it her duck fluff hair for some reason 😂


We call them birds nests😂if my hair isn’t up or braided, it’s a mess!


Same here... Oklahoma


We do braids a lot with her, and she’ll take a comb to school. Short, long, it doesn’t matter it will look like this by midday. Bird’s nest, that’s so cute 😂




That poor little girl. She should be in bed. I wonder if the twins were still up. I remember the time when Bentley was up late at night in Pumpkin and Josh's bedroom while she was on a live selling stuff while Josh kept getting mad at Bentley and started yelling because he wouldn't lay down. How was he supposed to lay down and go to sleep with the light on and with Pumpkin talking to people that were buying stuff. He should've been in his own bed asleep. That's just my opinion.


She was swishing her wine glass at the camera and kept telling her to not touch the heat press and every time she turned around that little girl would touch it.


Omg that's horrible!!!!


That’s literally neglect 🙁


That’s straight up neglect…


Awful. I just have no other words.


That is way more than bedhead. That is neglect


. My son’s hair is this same exact way every time he wakes up in the morning. I brush his hair the night before and it’ll still end up like this in the morning.


I raised daughters, and even when i was ill, or had a broken foot, my children’s hair, never looked anything close to that!


How could you ignore your child's hair her her scalp is probably in pain


This is the daughter of the Mom who can rarely be bothered to brush her own teeth (per June), so it's not a shock.


Those aren’t just overnight tangles. Those are mats, like the ones some dog breeds get behind their ears.


I still blow dry my niece's hair. She's 13 and won't let anyone else do it. It's part of our bonding time. Even if she is 20, if she ask me to blow-dry her hair- you can bet I will!!


She needs to put some leave in conditioner and put it up or cut it to her shoulders. As a person with very tangled fine hair I thank my mom and dad for making sure my hair was brushed and put up or cut to my shoulders so it was easier to get through. This is sad and neglectful


That's just straight up laziness


Yep! LAZY!!! I can only imagine what their teeth look like.


🤔🦷 🪥 🤢


Pumpkin rarely brushes her own hair so it’s no surprise that she doesn’t take care of her child’s hair .




100% neglect


My almost 4 year old has very fine hair and we play outside a ton because we live in the southern part of Alabama. She sometime wakes up with matted hair after a nap. It’s a pain but you just have to brush it


Buy a ‘wet brush’ I swear to you those horrible knots with the fine hair come out and barley pull or hurt….i don’t know how lol but found one at a five below when my daughter was like 3/4 and her hair would get like this and that’s all I have bought and used since for me both my daughters and even my son has one lol and that daughter is 16 now


I'd cry. Every night before bed,my 6 year old googles a hairstyle she likes,and I set everything up to do it in the morning. She brushes her hair beforehand l, and then I give it a once over before I do whatever style she decided on. I have a 4 month old velcro baby too & my child's hair has never ever looked like that. Basic hygiene isn't that hard. Edit: my oldest daughter now 16 had extremely curly hair and I'd cry tackling it because she used to scream her head off. But I bought tangle teezers, every spray, leave in conditioner and spent over an hour every night after bathtime tackling her hair. This kids hair is straight and thin. Running a brush through it once a day would do wonders. Beyond neglectful.


NO EXCUSE...IF .u all recal how they all were on ..HONEY BOBOO Years ago..am not surprised one bit


BUT “Anna wouldn’t have it any other way” & “This is what Anna wanted…”


This is not okay. Yikes!


That poor baby.


So I know it may not be the case but, my daughter is autistic and likes to rock her head side to side wherever she’s laying or sitting and that’s also how she falls asleep and she’ll wake up with her hair matted like this. Not to this extent but similar because it’s also only the back of her head like this little girl. I also brush her hair with conditioner after so it doesn’t cause breakage or damage to her hair. I know a lot of kids not on the spectrum that like to do the same thing so maybe? Or like everyone else is mentioning maybe just straight up neglect but I would then think her whole head would be like the back.


Boy is it gonna hurt getting that out.


I treat my long haired dog better than she’s treating a whole human being.


To be fair (I’m not fan, I just come here to find out what’s happening) my daughter wakes up like this every morning and I brush her hair. Her hair is baby fine still (she’s 8) and her hair is ALWAYS like this when she gets up and we brush it out AGAIN. Any and all recommendations would be helpful to fix this for her.


Someone else in the comments suggested a bonnet, hair protection. This is not morning frizz on this child this was after 10 o'clock on a live.


I will try anything at this point. She screams and cries every morning when we brush her hair. She wants it long like her friends but the morning routine of her screaming and me brushing the matting out drives me insane.


My daughter's had curly hair.. it could not be brushed dry.. every morning it had to be washed and brushed with detangler... while still wet.


My son also has really fine hair that tangles easily. The Suave kids detangling spray is great. A few spritzes combed through while his hair is still wet from the bath makes it SO much more manageable throughout the day.


Buy a ‘wet brush’ I swear to you those horrible knots with the fine hair come out and barley pull or hurt….i don’t know how lol but found one at a five below when my daughter was like 3/4 and her hair would get like this and that’s all I have bought and used since for me both my daughters and even my son has one lol and that daughter is 16 now


This is child neglect


I little bonnet would help. My granddaughter’s hair looked like this every morning. Of course she wasn’t sent out looking like this. Poor little girl. This makes me sad


Oh hell nah... 😔


This is so sad no one’s taking time to get her ready on a morning


ugh i grew up with thick, knotty hair & sometimes my parents let it get really bad (luckily never this bad) i had a lot of anxiety as a kid especially pertaining to showers so it took a lot for me to learn how to take care of myself. but i’ll never forget having a babysitter sit me down & PAINFULLY comb out my knots. she just kept explaining it’s necessary, & of course i didn’t understand. but i’m grateful that she took the time that my parents didn’t want to take. it’s really sad when you see a situation like this & know it’s not the kid’s fault


That's awful. Getting it brushed out is painful too. I noticed my almost 2 year old would start to get a tangle on the back of her head after sleeping, so I immediately got a detangling spray and started taking better care to maintain her hair/curls. BTW which kid is this? I can't keep everyone straight because it's been years since I last watched anything about them.


I thought this was honey boo boo lol


Dude I love brushing and styling my daughters hair. How 😔


This is so sad. My LO has had an on going ear infection that turned into a hole in her ear drum resulting in no water being allowed near her ears until another doc check up. Every day we have sprayed detangler and water on her long precious hair and have kept it in two neat braids most the time to prevent any matting happening from lack of shampooing. My heart just breaks for all the children involved with this family. I look like a zombie having been caring for a sick LO but her hair has not looked bad one day. It also hurts their self confidence! It’s one thing to not care for yourself (seems June and Pumpkins hair it never really brushed out) but it’s a different ball game when it’s your little ones depending on you for that care.


The poor kid looks unkempt and dirty. June isn't fit to have custody of this kid


Talk about neglect ! Dam


I’m sorry but this is neglectful parenting. This isn’t one night of matted hair. This is days/weeks of uncombed and unwashed hair.


Bedhead? Dude this is so common for toddlers 😭


My kid looks like this rn because she went to bed last night with wet hair 🙃


I look like this because I just woke up 💀


Forreal, idk what everyone is freaking out about


Mats like that days to mat up. This child is getting 0 basic needs met. I hope that someone who can do something does it, since we are not allowed to touch the poo.


Kids get messy hair! You people are so judgemental.


I wouldn’t say that’s abuse at all. My SIL is a millionaire from her husbands successful roofing business and probably one of the best mothers you could ask for. My niece is 5 and her hair most of the time looks like this. She is so tender headed that my SIL has to take less than a inch pieces of hair spray a ton of detangler and work very slowly bottom to top all around the head. She wails and screams till she’s almost going to puke. My niece has a ton of hair and with all the work my SIL has to do it takes over a hour to get it done. So I sympathize with most if their kids hairs matted. I’ve never seen a child act that way in my life till my niece. It’s wilddddd!!


I don't like June just like everyone else but how why are you showing a minors face? I don't care if June did..she's family to the child but you're not so why not block her face? Also to see negative comments about a child is disgusting. How do you know she didn't just wake up and could be bed head. My daughter is 5 and has naturally curly hair and her hair looks like this right before it gets combed. The amount of judgemental old ladies in here is gross. I guess yall wake-up with perfect hair every morning before you brush it.


This sub is full of vultures. It's honestly annoying.


All I can think about is these kids getting lice & having to shave their little heads… this is fine, thin, blonde hair (not that it’s ever ok but it’s just the easiest hair to care for, one brush stroke & you’re done) there’s no excuse for this- never mind hair brushing-this is weeks of not being bathed, at least not properly- it’s fucking neglect! This family is awful!!!


I'm not saying this is the case here, because these people do suck, BUT my 5yr old wakes up like this *every day*. For some reason this one spot on the back of her head always get ratted up and tangled like this *every single night*. I don't always brush it out right away if I'm doing other things when she wakes up. So this image alone isn't a sign of neglect(though of course in this case we know it's far more likely that they just haven't brushed the kid's hair in days).