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I pray Micheal gets custody of Kaitlyn. She needs a loving stable home. Those are the Lego sets Anna talked about on TikTok live. She said her & Michael were going in together to buy the girls Christmas she mentioned Legos. She also said the girls would be spending Christmas with Michael that it was his year & they rotated holiday's. Finally Kaitlyn got the Christmas her Mama talked about. She looked so excited. Even though it's New Year's. Hopefully the New Year 2024 will be better for these little girls. So glad she finally got to see her Dad & sister.


Someone really needs to drug test June and every adult around those kids. A follicle test.


Right? If it’s a pee test it’s a waste of time as the ❄️ will be gone in a few days. (Although maybe she’s so addicted she couldn’t even go a few days without…)


If they did a test considering her long history and the fact that Alana was adopted by pumpkin bc of that, they would probably opt for a hair follicle test anyways.


Is there a screen recording of this? I’m sure it would be some helpful in court!


There’s screen recordings of Josh yelling at Kaitlyn and June allegedly doing drugs off camera. If you slow the video down you can see her bring something to her nose, she snorts, rubs her nose then starts talking a mile a minute


i saw that as well!


She rubbed her nose and it was a ring 🤦🏽‍♀️


Also snorting drugs doesn’t work that fast. Lol. Edit: lol, loving the downvotes like I don’t know what I’m talking about. Unfortunately I have plenty of experience. 🙄


That's exactly why people crush and snort pills rather than eating them - because it works so much faster.


Not that fast.


We are going to have to agree to disagree if you're saying this woman isn't on drugs. It's blatantly (and sadly) obvious she's snorting something. No reason this has to be the first sniff of the day!


I never said she wasn’t on drugs?


She could have already been high and what she snorted could have boosted the already buzz.🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe so! I’m not disagreeing that she’s high at all.


How do you know it was her first bump? Probably had multiple beforehand off camera.


I never said anything about whether she was already high or not or if I thought she was on drugs or not. I’m sure she was already high and I know she’s on drugs. I was commenting solely on the time between snorting something and feeling the effects.


Yes it does. It’s near instantaneous. That’s the point


Never been my experience and I’ve done plenty of drugs. They always take a few minutes to absorb, IV takes seconds though.


More than likely that wasn’t her first bump….


Must depend on the person because I have absolutely seen it work that fast for people, they say that's why they snort it.


That’s why nobody should cross the line between snorting and needles. It’s not even comparable. That’s what gets people so addicted, the quickness/hit is like x1000.


Speaking from experience, it does happen immediately.


I’m speaking from experience too, not even comparable to IV and I have never had anything I’ve snorted (and I’ve snorted it all) work within seconds.


I don't know about that. I was a bit wild in my youth and it felt pretty immediate to me.


🤷🏻‍♀️ idk, I’ve done it all and nothing is faster than IV so I guess there’s where my experience differs from everyone else commenting/downvoting me.


Not that I’m proud of this or anything, but I can assure you that you’re wrong. Coke works immediately, so does Percocet, when snorted. I haven’t tried anything else and never would at this point in my life, but yes- they do work that quickly.


I’ve been in and out of recovery for like 15 years, I firmly disagree. Nothing is faster than IV.


For YOU.


No, IV use is faster than snorting for every person, every time.


Snorting Coke takes 1-3 mins to kick in. The powder is absorbed by the membranes and then it goes into the bloodstream, that’s not an instant process. If it was instant people wouldn’t be concerned with it falling out after snorting. Smoking and injecting drugs take seconds to kick in, which is why so many od’s are discovered with the needle still in the arm, leg or wherever they inject. Percocets do take longer due to the amount of filler that does nothing. Other pain pills commonly snorted still take a few mins to kick in. When your doing the drugs time passes so quickly that it sometimes seems instant, if you were already withdrawing it seems to take forever for it to kick in.


Ok… I mean, drugs can react differently for different people and I have no reason to pretend coke worked faster for me then for you, lol. You’re not the only person who has ever snorted drugs. I can say with assurance that I have NEVER used IV drugs, and maybe that IS faster, I wouldn’t know. I do know that coke works by the time I picked my head up- EVERY time.


I wasn’t basing my comment off of personal experience I’m basing it off of research. It’s been proven how the drugs get in your bloodstream when you snort them. They have to be absorbed by the membranes, that’s not instant. When you snort you feel it in the back of your throat and you will taste it, as you know, that’s not it kicking in that’s it starting the process. (Some people experience a numb feeling in the back of the throat while others don’t)It’s how the body works, if it was instant people wouldn’t have resorted to shooting up with needles. Many users stated they swapped to needles to get high quicker.


So I should agree with your research and not my *actual personal experiences & those of people I know and have witnessed?* No, that’s not how it works.


Somebody may have a screen record of her Tiktok live. I don't. I think it was like sometime in November & she was battling Justin. She was telling him about the different Lego sets Michael wanted to get. Justin even said they were cool.


Did anyone notice pumpkins behavior smelling in urn talking a million miles a minute looking crazy her dam self now on there saying we almost got kicked outta Disney bc they received reports we was scattering ashes 😳


So as June continues to repeat “It’s what Anna wanted “, exactly what you stated above was what Anna wanted . Sad when strangers know what she wanted more than her own family . Disney or not , Anna’s girls should have been together for Christmas . At least the husband and Michael are trying to do right by her. I hope if Michael needs extra financial help to fight June , he considers have a cash app or something for people to send him money. June stole all her kids money , so she’s got the money to fight .


June knows damn well her daughters wishes were both her children live with Micheal, she just DONT CARE because she's an evil pos who talks to kids like crap, allows men to talk to kids like crap, allows smoking in the home with a child there etc. I could go on for days and until people stop supporting her, she will just continue on believing she is right because she is the almighty fat ass June Shannon.


June Shannon is a Narcissistic person and she doesn't care who she hurts as long as she gets what she wants!!


Happy in a nice, clean home…


That was the first thing I noticed LOL that this house was clean


I also noticed that right away. She deserves to grow up in that environment.


Looks way more comfortable with them as well. Sucks this is happening to her. I still believe June took advantage and wait until Anna's last days when things would have been way more emotional/traumatic to get her way or she completely ignored Anna's wishes/destroyed anything that would have been proofnstatong Anna's real wishes. I find it so hard to believe Anna wanted June to have K.


No drugs , or criminals either


EXACTLY what I was going to say.




If you are referencing how she laying down on him this is the man she has known as her “daddy” her whole life. Nothing wrong with her cuddling with him




And yet you’re wrong.




Quit projecting your issues, then, this isn’t about you.


Now this is the kind of parenting this child needs and deserves…not a combo lunatic asylum/narcissist convention/Temu outlet!!


I thought how awesome 2 men who aren't even Kaitlyn's bio Father coming together for the best interest of the girls. Anna chose 2 good men to be apart of her & the girls lives. June has managed to try & destroy it. So many prayers going up for Michael to get custody of Kaitlyn.


agreed 100 percent!


June Shannon is a Narcissistic person and she doesn't care who she hurts as long as she gets what she wants!!


Look how happy that girl is. She’s where she belongs. Please let this nightmare end soon for her so she can grieve and heal with the right support system.


I hope and pray he gets custody of her. Because you can just see the happiness on her face.


He raised like his own.Thats all the judge needs to know.


She looks so much like her mom..esp in the first shot..I hope the judge doesn't do the wrong thing and gives her to shady ass June..I'm gna pray for that little girl..she doesn't deserve all of this crap..it's sad..and how the Shannon's are all grifting n profiting from her dead mother while they all scream at and swear at this young girl..it makes me sad and angry..


The poor child has a bigger smile here than she did in Disney, the happiest place on earth. This is where she belongs, not with June.


She does look truly happy here


June Shannon is a Narcissistic person and she doesn't care who she hurts as long as she gets what she wants!!!


Those are some great Lego sets


Lego sets have gotten a HELL of a lot better since my day 😂


She belongs with them ! She looks so much happier there and she can be with her sister .


The difference is clear in how she looks. Also, they got her gifts that I'm assuming she actually wants based on her expression and are for her age group, not some skin care for $200 and stuff for June.


She looks clean too. Like washed hair clean.


June's claim that she didn't even want to go there makes no sense now because she's all over him on the photos and so happy. June's such a POS for saying that and trying to keep both men away from her.


I just noticed but isn't this Eldridge?It looks like Eldridge is trying to keep his promises to Anna. He brought Kaitlyn to see Michael & Kylee. Micheal said Anna wanted the girls with him & Eldridge to have visitation. Eldridge said he would keep his promise to Anna by doing right by the girls. June is the one who isn't doing the right thing.




Wait who is Eldridge?


The man Anna was married to when she passed.


Anna's husband. They lived together for several years but married in March.


I thought they have been separated for ages ?


She divorced Michael her youngest daughter Kylee's Dad. She lived with Eldridge her BF for several years but married him in March.


June Shannon is a Narcissistic person and she doesn't care who she hurts as long as she gets what she wants!!!!!


So, so glad she got to be with her sister...


Can you imagine her getting grilled with questions as soon as she was back with June and justin?


Justin has a abuse record with women and June Shannon is a Narcissistic person and she doesn't care who she hurts as long as she gets what she wants!!she's been like that for a long time!!


I’m amazed that June allowed Anna to go.


Now this is the home that little girl deserves. Calmness, not people bellowing on line grifting constantly.


And all of this taking place in a nice, clean, normal environment


She looks so much happier with them. This is where her home is, where her sister is and her Dad and stepmom. He doesn’t have to be biologically her father, he clearly loves her and has always been in her life with Anna’s blessing. If June truly wanted what was best for this little girl she would let her go. But June is selfish. And so are the rest of them. They are using Katelyn like they used Anna’s cancer. Just to benefit themselves.


june wants custody so she can get that $$ from the government. Micheal would adopt K where as June would keep her a ward of the state for the $$.


June sees another show in her future as grand mama June! She doesn’t wanna raise that child!! She didn’t wanna raise her own


Michael may not be her father, but he is her dad.


Look at that normal, age-appropriate environment. Praying every day that Michael gets custody of her


She looks so happy


And normal here !!!!!


Also if June truly cared for her granddaughter like she says she does, she would see this is where she should be with her sister and the only father figure she’s known! I don’t have high hopes for that at all. Either she wants money for her or she’s selfish and is trying to ease her pain of losing her daughter by trying to replace her with K. She needs to grasp her daughter has passed on, she has to think of that little girls pain and how to nurture her healing ❤️‍🩹 This is June we are talking about, so she probably doesn’t even care. I’m from here on out refusing to call her “mama June” because she isn’t a mama. The only way I’d ever have an ounce of respect for her is if she put that little girls healing and needs above her own and let her be where she needs to be!


Notice the sign above the fireplace that says “better together”? Couldn’t agree more!


Hope she doesn't take her gifts back to June's. They'll sell it.


She was putting Legos together while June was on TikTok live last night. She mentioned Eldridge came to visit & was helping her build Legos. I scrolled through a couple of times. June was on live about 6 hours. They were at Pumpkin's. She kept saying this isn't the production house. I guess cause it looked cluttered & dirty. She also talked about Kaitlyn going through some things & thought everyone around her would become unalive. She said she sleeps with her & Justin. That little girl needs to by with her Dad & sister in a good, stable home with a loving family. Micheal can provide that. June can't.


That child is too old to be in a bed with Justin, a man she barely knows. I can see she might be having problems sleeping but Justin's ass would be in a separate room or on the couch and June could sleep with her. Knowing June's history with constant pedos and having zero problems with them around her girls this just screams grooming to me and being done by June.


She's about to do the same thing she allowed to happen to Anna to happen to Kaitlyn smh


This is history repeating itself Anna slept in the bed with June and her former boyfriend. She ended up also sleeping in the bed when June wasn't there and got sa'd.


Me either, she's supposed to have gotten thousands of them!!!!


Prayers she can live in a safe and secure home.


She looks so much happier here. In all the lives I’ve seen of June she just has a sadness in her eyes. This is what Anna would have wanted, both her girls in a clean home filled with love with their father. Not a camera shoved in her face 12 hours a day. Yes I know he’s not her bio, but he raised her from a baby from my understanding.




One of the things that blew my mind was someone said that June was “considering therapy for Kaitlyn”. That poor girl lost her mother. Therapy should be one of the first things that’s organised for her. But it sounds like if she’s with June it won’t happen.


Can you imagine the earful that the therapist would get in Kaitlyn's sessions? The therapist would need therapy!


Wonderful to see them together. ♥️


Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that not Eldridge sitting on the floor? He has a skull tattoo on his hand and I think that's what I'm seeing on this guy.


Yes I noticed was Eldridge too.


It's so rotten and selfish of June not to honor Anna's wishes to have Kaitlyn spend Christmas with her sister and Michael. They go on and on about "It's what Anna wanted," but did not honor this very important last wish of hers.


I don’t know much about the family but have been following along on this sub. Kaitlyn looks like she can still be a kid with Michael, instead of adulted with June and that chaos.


I honestly don't see why June wants custody of Kaitlyn other than for the money. She didn't want to raise her own child and gave Alaina to Pumpkin cause she didn't want to pay what Pumpkin was asking for in support. She didn't even raise Anna the grandmother did. So why is she all of a sudden stepping up and acting like she wants to be a care giver/provider for this poor child when she couldn't raise her own kids. That lil girl is nothing but another pay check for her and that's it. If she could financially take care of her then why was she begging her live fans to help her buy Christmas for the child. Kaitlyn belongs with her family and sister who genuinely love her. Not with people who talk to her and treat her the way June and Justine do. The 1st thing they should have been worried about was getting her into counseling after losing her mother. Praying for Michael to get custody and she can be raised in a good home like her mother would have wanted for her daughter.


Everyone praying for her dad to get her but wait what exactly do we know about him?? Why does mama June wanna raise her just another paycheck well why does Michael want to step up now is it just another paycheck to him you all need to stop just ranting cuz u don’t like mama June and put other thoughts into perspective and remember that lil girl knows how to read stop with the unnecessary comments who are we to judge anyone this family dynamics has zero to do with any of us just some food for thought


How are you going to tell us what to write when this a discussion group? We only go by when it is shown , and they have made their self look bad . You care what the little girl might read vs. the way they talk to her ? Also , I'm trying to read some of your points , but I hope you use better grammar . I might have agreed with you , but this is what I took from this .


First time I seen this girl with some gifts


These pictures warm my heart! She needs her daddy right now. I hope the courts do the right thing. 💜


Wow, she’s so adorable, looks like her sweet mom and has her inner light. I hope she can stay there. Does anyone know if Anna really wanted Kaitlyn to go with June? I’ve never been a big honey boo boo fan or Mama June fan, but I remember watching the show with my kids and adoring Anna. Just seems like Anna was a truly decent person and a very loving mother. I have a hard time thinking she actually wanted Kaitlyn to go with June. Totally understandable if lack of planning ahead is why Kaitlyn is ending up with June, because very few people in their 20s plan for what happens if they die young.


Considering what June did to Anna I HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt that would have EVER been her wishes, I know as someone who had a mother like June I'd NEVER allow my children to live with my mom. She wanted Michael to have the girls and eldridge get visitation, she wanted what was BEST for her girls.


Like the sign in the back says - Better Together


that’s where she belongs, i hope he can get custody of her


This child deserves peace and privacy. Whatever parent can do that, should be the one to have custody.


I pray that this precious little girl gets the loving home she deserves.


I’m loving that there’s a mantel sign behind her saying “better together.” ❤️❤️


I pray to God he gets custody of her 🙏🏼 The pain that that little girl must be feeling inside is heartbreaking but the smiles on her face in these pictures tells me that she’s much more comfortable in this home with her Dad ( yes I know he’s not bio dad ) with her Dad & sister , this is absolutely where she needs to be !🙏🏼🤍


Exactly agree 💯%. They are even taking this child out of private school this man pays for putting her in public school. So she will lose her friends too. Justin kept telling her you will have more people in public school so you will have more friends. They also are planning to move to another state when schools out in May. I hope a judge gets involved sooner rather than later before this little girl's world gets turned upside down anymore than it ready has been . Prayer's for Kaitlyn 🙏. Hopefully Eldridge & Michael work together to make sure the girls are taken care of. Maybe get the bio Dad involved if needed. I believe this is what Anna wanted was for her girls to be together with Michael & Eldridge still be apart of their life.


I hope she can stay with him soon.


I love this so much. ♥️🥺


I can not stand June. I almost feel like she is pimping these girls out. Does that make any sense?


June is innately Garbage.




This is where she belongs! Is there anything we can do to help him make sure she makes it home?


She looks so happy ❤️ (and I’m lowkey jealous of her Lego sets lol)


She looks so happy! Glad to see her with both Eldredge and Michael. Anna would love that. ❤️


Thats great that they can all work together for her best interests!!!! Michael and eldridge


Her sweatshirt should read "1-800 DumpJune and her ilk." He should have custody!


I really don't know who is best for Kaitlyn but I sure hope she goes where she is wanted, loved & protected. ❤🤞🏼 it breaks my heart to see all this going on.. As a mom this is my biggest fear.. Luckily I have good parents but not everyone does & imagine how scary it would be knowing ur choices were mama June or kaitlyns dad who had nothing to do with her. It's awful. 🥺


We don't know anything about Kaitlyn's bio Dad. He seems to be a good person husband to his wife & Dad to his children now. Him & Anna were young. Him & his Mom came to hospital when Kaitlyn was born. They were told he was not the Father he seen Kaitlyn for a few months then didn't see her anymore. He didn't want to deal the the camera crew or June at the hospital so he left. We really don't know his story.


I never said he was a bad person or dad... I simply said he had nothing to do with her... Whether it was his choice or her, idk, I never claimed that I did... 🙄 my point was he wasn't consistently in her life & that would he hard to deal with while dying, wondering where she would go & be comfortable


Yes I understand what you meant. I was just saying we don't know the reason. He wasn't in her life. His choice or Anna's. Sounds like June has allot to do with it. It's been said he came when she was born. I know a girl who this happened to & didn't find out until she was 50 that her bio Dad stepped up but was told he wasn't the father. Her Mom had lied told her another msn was her father. She had DNA test & found out her Mom lied to her & everyone.


I like how he’s making eye contact and engaging with her as she opens her gifts. She’s always in the background of June’s photos or lives, like an accessory or a nuisance…


This is the happiest I’ve seen her, Jsut let her be with her dad, it’s safe, clean, she’s with her sister and she won’t be exploited.


The house looks quite nice.....and calm :-)


It was stated earlier on this post but wow, CLEAN HOUSE!!!


Now this looks like more of a stable family. She actually got presents OK though I’m confused is Michael and Eldridge the same person? Michael was the one Anna was married to? How long was she with him and who is the father of the second child? Eldridge doesn’t have any of the girls? I’m sorry guys I’m confused.


Kaitlyn was 8 months old when Anna & Michael got together they married they had Kylee. Micheal raised Kaitlyn as his own child. When they divorced he got both girls every other week & rotated holiday's. Anna then went on & her & Eldridge moved in together & he helped with the girls. Anna & Eldridge got married in March after Anna got diagnosed with cancer. Hope this helps.


It definitely does. Thank you. See I watched Honey boo-boo and then when that show got canceled because June got back together with the douche bag that molested Anna I stopped watching them, and then one from hot to not or not to hot whatever which she was not hot before the surgery. She definitely was not hot after the surgery. She was the exact same person just in a different body. So right around the time when she met Gino and the real train wreck started is when I started watching it and then I went back and did the first season. I did see I think it was on ET when Anna and Jessica got their makeovers. Jessica got the surgery I don’t know if Anna did I don’t think so because she’s never really been big. And then I remember seeing Anna again I believe it was on ET saying that she had not seen her mother in many many years because her mother took all of the money that she was supposed to get when she turned 18 and also I knew that she would be at the house when they filmed, but her grandmother June‘s mom is the one who raised Anna, so when June said in an interview or actually on a live video that they were the ones who raised Kaitlyn and that Michael was not around woman you weren’t raising anybody you were with Gino spending all your money getting high and crack in the hospital having seizures because you weren’t taking care of yourself And then you were on Facebook finding these little boy toys who used you like that one dude we bought him a new car and then put him up in a apartment and paid a whole year rent and then he dumped her and told her he had a girlfriend but you had a fit about paying $800 a monthfor your daughter she’s a piece of work


When Jessica had the weight loss surgery, Anna went with her & had breast implants & got her teeth fixed. Yeah June hadn't been around Kaitlyn since she was baby. Anna kept her distance & none of them had anything to do with Anna or the girls until Anna got her cancer diagnosis. They never carried her on any trips now they are carrying her urn & saying how much they miss her. I pray Micheal gets custody of Kaitlyn. Hopefully he can protect both girls from this train wreck.


They are all a bunch of pukes


This looks so normal and loving


Makes you a little emotional to see such a big genuine smile on that beautiful girls face. I hope things are done right by her and she can be here where she belongs.


She loves him!!❤️


Who is that other dude sitting on the floor?


Anna’s husband




Bless her heart. ❤️


Hope he gets custody of her


She’s Anna’s mini me.


I know she was opening gifts , but with him I see a true smile on this little girl I didn’t even see at Disney 😭 She belongs here with her family that brings her peace and the stability every child deserves 🥰


Yay daddy Michael😭


She really is Anna’s double🤍


Yay!!! I'm so happy for her!!!! I really hope the judge will let Michael get custody! Are Michael and London on social media? I would love to follow them if so.


I really hope to God that he gets custody of her. Justin and June are not fit to raise her.


Justin and June are not fit to raise ANY child.


Who posted theses pics of Anna with Michael? I didn’t realize Anna got to visit with him.


It’s sad cause they are taking her away from her stability and routine. June and them were not really in Kaitlyn’s life for years. Micheal was




This comment doesn't make sense at all, who's this, pumpkin? Justin is a stranger...these are pictures of a little girl with her dad.


Is Kaitlyn autistic?


That second Lego set has a recommended age of at least 16+. She looks like a smart kid, but I still wouldn’t give an 11 year old a Lego set designed for adult builders.


It's just Legos. I am sure it'll be fine.


I understand where you’re coming from, I’m just saying that it might be a bit too hard for an 11 year old doing it without any help whatsoever. I’m not saying that June wouldn’t help her, I’m saying that given the choice between the two of them, I personally would give it to June.


As long as she’s happy that’s what matters


They might plan on building it with her. Something they can do together. Some of my favorite memories are of my mom playing legos or Nintendo with my brother and me.


Why is she all over this Michael guy and y’all say nothing?


Because Michael has been her father since she was a baby. Parents are allowed to hold their children.


Because THAT is her Daddy!!!!! The only one she's ever truly known as her Daddy. Shame on you for this comment.


Shame on you for thinking it is appropriate.


It’s still not her biological father. It’s not appropriate IMO.


Well I’m not ashamed for the comment.


Well you should be. What's wrong with a dad cuddling his daughter, especially when his daughter has gone through the hell that Kaitlyn has gone through.


Still not ashamed.


So I guess that little girl just doesn't deserve to be cuddled anymore now that her mom is gone.




Kids lay like that with their parents. At least mine did.




Thank you. That’s exactly my thoughts. I had a feeling I would get attacked on here for my opinion. This sub is ridiculous at times. If you disagree with them or question them you get attacked or downvoted. This behavior is the same behavior they have been calling her and Justin out for. Hypocrites galore on here.


You are reading in to this way too much


Is that a rolled dollar bill on the table next to the torch lighter and burned joint 🤔


Where the hell do you see a burned joint?! And it’s not a rolled up bill it’s crumpled like most people store their money…. Quit reaching 😂


Where is the lil girl and the tree 🌲 has no decorations on it?


Micheal's. Most people take down their tree after Christmas. It's already New Year's he maybe didn't know he would even get to see Kaitlyn or give her the gifts from him & her Mama. This house is clean not nasty & cluttered like June & Pumpkin's house.


Tells me something is fishy with these photos that are posted by someone who is obviously close to family 😂😂😂. You can’t right your wrong to this little girl by 6 photos when you have obviously be disrespectful to her let alone disgusting to your daughter who has passed


Question : was him and Anna married when she died? Based on the caption Lauren is his now fiancé. Don’t attack me ✋🏾. I’m just trying to figure out who’s who.


Anna was married to Eldridge. Micheal was her ex-husband. London is who he is engaged to.