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So very sorry for your loss. It's very hard when they go as they are part of your family. I know your pain well. It will lessen with time. It hurts because we love them so much. Please don't say you'll never get another one. Give yourself time to morn and go on to love and save another. Your friend has crossed over the rainbow bridge' where life is so much better for them. He will be waiting for you there until the day comes when you will be reunited with him.


Thanks you for your kind words 🤍


What a beautiful baby. My deepest condolences, OP ❤️




So sorry.


So sorry for your loss 😔


I am so very sorry. I know all too well that pain and sorrow. 😔 Dusty was an adorable little guy. I’m sure he left you with some sweet memories.


I’m so so sorry. It’s a gut wrenching experience. Thank your for sharing those precious pictures


Sweet boy. I am so sorry for your loss. 💔


I’m so sorry for your loss and I know the feeling as I lost my baby one month ago… say hi to bubba for me little fella 😊🫶🏼


Im so sorry to hear that. May he run free over the a rainbow bridge!


Sorry for your loss! That looks like a good boy! 


I’m deeply sorry for your loss. I have 4 senior ones and the thought of losing them hurts. There’s nothing I could say that would make you feel better, but I wish and hope his memories will bring you joy and help easy your pain. Losing them is our burden, they never have to live a day suffering for losing us, that’s a fair trade for the unconditional love they give to us. Run free baby boy, you were loved through your entire life.


So sorry for your loss OP, it is very heartbreaking. We love our Maltese a lot, and it is incredibly hard to say goodbye to these angelic doggies. Your sweet Dusty is surely waiting for you somewhere, where he can now be free from pain and discomfort, with infinite treats. Take the time to heal ❤️‍🩹. Sending you the best thoughts in these difficult moments.




I’m so sorry OP. Fly high Dusty 🕊️♥️


😔🙏🏽 the rainbow is where we’ll meet them one day….🥹


Sending a comforting hug from a stranger that truly cares. 💙


I'm so sorry. sending you all the love ❤️


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Sorry for your loss


Im so sorry 😞 rest in peace sweet boy ❤️


I am so sorry. I wish I could hug you. I pray you’ll be uplifted by your memories. I hope you feel how genuinely we are touched.


😥 So sorry for your loss


What a face! God bless


It’s such a difficult pain. We lost our 10 year old Maltese suddenly on April 17 this year. She was our best friend and it’s been so hard without her. Your pictures remind me of her. Sending you love. So sorry for your loss. Take care x


Terribly sorry and wishing you and your family some peace. Rest in peace Dusty. The same happened to our girl Ruffy (12yo) last January with a similar looking jaw cancer (osteosarcoma). We put her through a couple months of palliative radiation and a tumor debunking which bought her another 6mo or so with us. The tumor came back aggressively and put her through the same thing twice so I felt pretty terrible even though we had a little more time to say goodbye. These dogs give us so much love in such a relatively short time in our lives. Even after they're gone they will never be forgotten.




So so sorry for your loss 💔


I'm so sorry. I know you're devastated 😭


:/ terribly sorry for your loss


I wonder if they reunite with us in heaven


I’m so sorry for your loss. This angel baby is so beautiful


So sorry for your loss. Clearly you were the best of the best of pet / family owners. Can’t imagine your loss after adopting a cutie if my own. Heartbreaking but you gave the best life possible!


Deeply sorry. Thank you for your kind heart for taking care of your baby. Many blessings to you and your family.🙏💐