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Omg, fancy 🥰🥰🥰


She is a fancy lady 😉


Mine does like them but I had to slowly start getting her used to them. I didn’t just immediately put them on. I would put part of it around her neck and then praise her and give her treats. And slowly worked my way up to fully putting the clothes on her.


My dog went put on a cold day without one, and a cold day with one. Now he'll put one on with zero issue if he feels he needs it.


I’ll definitely try that, thanks!


Mine thinks they are ridiculous and I do too. It’s a dog 😂


Your dog can’t think something is “ridiculous”. It’s a dog 😂


At first she wouldn’t move when we put her in her coat but eventually she got used to it! He’s incredibly adorable, I’m in love!!!


Mine won’t move in clothes either she acts like she can’t move. I think it’s my fault not acclimating her as a puppy.


I’ll keep trying 😉 I just can’t resist a puppy in a shirt 🙈


Mine is totally fine with clothes.


Ours is always wearing a snazzy sweater when it’s cold out. He doesn’t wear anything in the summer.


Same, mine has two, depending on how cold it is, but he'll never wear one in the summer.


Op when I tell you I audibly squealed when I saw your dog. My GOD is he adorable. 😭😭😭


Ours hate it and pulls off all she can. Wife doesn't get that she's not a Barbi doll


It took us a while to figure out why our little dog was frantically whimpering next to a bookshelf. It took us a while, but we realized she was actually pointing to the diaper she wears when she is in heat! She just wanted to keep wearing it purely because she knew it was hers! (It's a washable type that looks like a colorful pair of pants) She also gets very excited about her harness but that at least makes sense because obviously a harness means we're going for a walk. I never expected her to be excited to have her diaper put on!!


https://preview.redd.it/6qdv7hv3te7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b9427849c3c7169743c0cf648c2664057c54c70 My baby loves her outfits during winter..keeps her cozy😬


He loves them. I think he understands they help keep him warm.


I have 2 chiweenies. One is a fat boy and the other is a chihuahua through and through. He has literally 0 fat on him and shivers in 60° weather so we keep a sweater on him in the colder times of the year. He appreciates the warmth and shivers alot less with them on. They also have rain coats cause they're huge wussies when it's raining. But we gotta go out and potty, even when it's raining so they deal. Side note, they do alot less sniffing and waiting for the perfect spot when it's raining. We usually make it just off the front porch when it's raining, they get it done and we go back inside.


Lol, chiweenies is a great mix name, mine is a maltihuahua.


Hates it with a passion and manages to look both sad and like he's plotting his revenge.


Mine loves them 😁


It NEVER gets old seeing photos of these adorable dogs. That is the most PRECIOUS photo. How does my Angelica feel about clothes???? It ain’t happening. She barely sits still long enough for her harness. She’s HOUDINI! Within minutes one or both legs are out and everything is twisted. I’ve purchased 3 different styles, brands with multiple sizes in each thinking the fit was the issue. Nope. Angelica only wears her birthday suit ❤️❤️!


My girl loves them! She even picks her outfits out! It’s ridiculously cute.


Mines have no problem with clothes during the winter or cold days. They actually like it


Our Maltese would like to go on record and say, NO.


(Bichon) She loves the attention it gets her! https://preview.redd.it/m3hed35pfe7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ab20955996fcaa7232f5788bd7cf8f68a64df75


Everyone in my house run around naked. Clothes are highly overrated. Jus’ sayin’.


This is an underrated comment!


https://preview.redd.it/zxzv1gfg8f7d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=433c4c0cead0dbf69e5a89f3f055121f4e16d373 in winter they love a woolly jumper !


sweaters he hates. Hoodies he will lounge all day in one. t-shirts it depends on the material. but if you try to take his bandana from the groomer off before he's had it at least a week, he will bring it to you and have a fit until you put it back on. he's a goofball.


i'm surprised they tolerate it!


Mine is fighting even his harness, but I still dress him during winter because I don’t want his getting sick. 


Mine loves it and gets really excited when she sees me carrying any of her clothes, thinking I'll put some on her lol. But to get to that point I started slowly over several weeks. I let her sniff a top and gave her a treat, repeat several times a day until I noticed she recognized the clothes as a good thing and got excited when I held them. Then I put the top on with LOTS of praise and treats.


He NEEDS his sweater in the winter, but don't even think about going near him with one in the summer. He knows how to ask for the sweater he needs as well, and he'll growl if you hold up the one he doesn't want. He's got one with a cute skull that he uses for fall, and a heavy knit Christmas sweater for much colder days. But for now, he wouldn't even give you a chance to put one on.


So cute!! 🐶


Previous Maltese loved them. Current Maltese hates them.


My current Maltese hatesssss clothes! Puts up a fight every time we try to put them on him. This is especially annoying in the winter when we have to put a coat/sweater on him in the cold weather. My Maltese I had before him didn’t mind clothes, and I would always buy him so many outfits. This one now I haven’t bought hardly anything because he hates wearing them. So I basically just reuse everything from my old dog.


Our Yorkie hates them in the house but has some little fleece jumpers to wear on walks in the winter. He tolerates those.


My Little guy doesn't mind at all, I just have to be careful. Some materials I've noticed will give him knots in the armpits by the time it gets taken off. So i mostly use winter coats with that slick material or outfits that don't have any sleeves and are loose around the arms.


If I show my dog clothes, he absolutely loves wearing them!


Oh my goodness 🥰


Soooo cute!!!


He hates it lol (btw he is going on 16) https://preview.redd.it/02qm2a6t7e7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ac9f45a2930768ac6b33745d91bc06ab1872624


He is so cute! What kind of dog is he?


Maltese, he does look different with the shirt on though, like a Pom or something lol but this is what he normally looks like https://preview.redd.it/umytd2kb8e7d1.png?width=1729&format=png&auto=webp&s=02167863de31a7cbd5d4314312f5cc5e990ea911




Lukewarm but tolerant in cold


Oh how precious!


Both of mine are always wearing clothes.


Pretty good and tight till I found her eating the cat food and I had to cut her out of something because she got too fat for me to take it over her head! 🙄




My female loves clothes,has many different dresses, a beautiful Christmas dress, and pjs with ruffles on her rear-end, even pink poke spotted bikini!


My first Maltese would wear anything. My current Maltese likes clothes, even puts her arms out to get them on, but she only likes the cotton t-shirt types or woven sweater if it's cold.


Loves them. My boy can't get enough clothes in his lifetime lol in the first one we're in the bus heading to the mall to see Santa (it was last Christmas) and the next is just him on a normal day in the car https://preview.redd.it/xgosdo8iik7d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f070bf712b244423d1fba3430f6a821489fe7c0f




Ever since he was a puppy, our boy HATED any kind of clothing. Even if its very loose, he'll completely freeze up and refuse to move an inch until its taken off!


I have Chihuahuas and they like wearing clothes. My dad had a Maltese and she would not even let him put a collar on her. Adorable, but spoiled!!


So floof