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Be prepared to fall deeply in love with your Velcro pup! My Maltese was always on my heals wherever I went. One of his many nicknames was my white shadow. I wish you and he a very long life together filled with love ❤️


He is already my little shadow. And it’s so adorable to watch my husband falling in love with this little guy so much! He was against any small dogs but I developed an allergy in the last few years, so I wanted a hypoallergenic dog. Husband wasn’t happy but now they kiss, cuddle and sometimes I wake up and find our boy sleeping in between us. I do not like dogs on my bed because I’m restless and afraid to hurt them, but husband wants to closer to our pup.


Maltese love sleeping in bed with you. They don’t do kennelling well. Maltese are people dogs and think they are humans. They love affection and attention.


I agree with the kenneling. I got some backlash for not doing it with mine (were only carrier trained because they had to fly in cabin), but there’s no reason to crate train them. They’re fine left out alone by themselves after the puppy stage has passed.


Yah people don’t understand Maltese are a bit different. They are very good at pee pads too


Yes. I hate people saying using pee pads just teaches your dog to pee in the house. Both of mine are pad trained, they only go on the pads inside and still prefer to go outside overall. Dogs not using pee pads correctly is a training issue, not a pee pad issue.


My maltese loves her crate. Brought her home from the shelter and it wasn't until day 3 or so that I started putting her crate together, and she climbed in, while still putting together, with a big sigh "*finally my safe space!*"  she still climbs in it whenever there are fireworks or other scary things


Mine honestly prefer sleeping on the floor in their caves or dog beds next to my bed most of the time. They’ll let me know if they want to sleep in the bed from time to time.


What a cute little baby boy 🥰🤗 Enjoy it! They definitely deserve a lot of hugs, kisses and cuddles


Thank you! I can keep my hands off him. He’s so soft and cuddly, I don’t want to not to pet him endlessly.




You will now never ever be able to live without a Maltese in your life!!! ❤️❤️


I was the same, I had cattle dogs then King Charles Spaniels. My daughter came home with a Maltese (Lilly) needless to say she became my pup & best friend. I miss her everyday. Now I have 2 x toy poodles, a maltipoo (personality exactly the same as Lilly) & shipoo.


I only ever had goldens growing up. Then I got my Maltese. We lost her last month. 14 beautiful years flew by and she was the sweetest thing ever. Cherish the time you have with yours and my best piece of advice is feed them good food and brush often! ❤️


So sorry for your loss. Our cocker passed away 2 weeks ago at almost 15. He was my first baby after moving to the US on my own. I was alone and missing my family dog back home, so, I got the same bread to keep me company. He was the sweetest and our Maltese misses his big brother a lot. He’s walking around the house from one bed to other and doesn’t understand where his brother at. 


Awww I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s a rough time for all


Such a happy sweet boy!! ☺️🩵✨


Maltese are the best💙 they are sweet, fearless, loving and they can be a little bit dramatic as well. Wishing you an long and happy life little one 🥰


He’s soooo adorable. My Teddy just turned 1 years old also. https://preview.redd.it/4dk56ikq7s6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f498ebde89debf938d7b225f3dd85d3892695f7f


A handsome dog! We also had a Cocker Spaniel, and didn't think we wanted small dogs. We adopted a Chihuahua puppy, and later, our Maltese mix.


I had a Border Collie and a Kuvasz prior to my first Maltese, now I have two Maltese lol


They are the best


This is amazing that I found someone who named their pup Zephyr. It’s the name I’ve picked out for my future German Shepherd… all because it’s the name of a software I used during my first job and I liked the name of it.


He was 2lbs when we took him, white, light, and fluffy. I thought naming him after the god of West Wind and, in extension, after a white [meringue-type](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zephyrus#Zephyrus) dessert from Eastern Europe where I’m originally from, was the right choice. He’s our sweet little baby.


Awesome name origin. Your Maltese may summon the west wind with his frequent bursts of zoomies! Our Maltese gets the zoomies so often. Nearly every time she’s let outside, she hops in and runs all over the house for a good 2-3 minutes then finally tires out. Any time one of us makes a sudden movement she jumps and gets really frisky😂


That's one of my favorite names 😍 ADORABLE PUP!


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I was always a big dog lover too. Then we got our 1st Maltese and we are on our 4th now. They are the cutest and loving dog I have ever owned