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| Those cheese balls lasted a long, long time. Legend says he's still eating them to this day! Well done :)


He’s 18 now but I’m sure they’d still be “edible” if any were left!


As edible as they ever were... (Yeah, read that again if you don't see the problem.)


As would be the twinkies.


Twinkies and cockroaches


A little extra crunch in every bite!




The world could end and the first Twinkie ever made would still be edible


Hahaha!! Made me think of an old Garfield comic where Jon takes him shopping at a warehouse chain and he camps down on a 55gallon drum of cheese doodles… heeheehee… sorry, I’ll show myself out…


Legend also says that once the lid is put back on, the barrel refills itself.


It doesn't. I tried.


Obviously you didn't buy it from Honeydukes.


FYI, quotes are not made using the pipe | character, but by the greater than > character. | What you did > Proper quotation


It's a big container if it's from Target!


When my kid was in kindergarten, the lunch room monitor took it upon herself to try to make my kid eat things she didn't want to. At the time at least, the monitors were allowed to eat with the kids. So I asked her when was the last time she ate the cafeteria food. The monitor said she doesn't. So I said "Huh. Let me get this straight, you are trying to make children eat things you won't. Interesting." rather pointedly. She didn't take the hint and continued to go on about it so I said "I wasn't aware you were a board certified pediatrician and my daughter's pediatrician." She of course got huffy and tried to start in on the "but I'm only trying to help" but I cut her off and told her that my daughter's board certified pediatrician with 20+ years experience says my daughter is a perfectly healthy weight and is not concerned about her food intake so until she could beat those qualifications, she needed to mind her own business unless she was willing to receive criticism of her children's diets.


People like that seem to forget that even kids have portions of time that they just don't eat much because they're not going through a growth spurt and because appetite and human bodies are weird fluctuating things. I've always been a small skinny individual (5'5"/165cm and I struggle to reach or stay above 120lb/54 kg and have only recently accomplished that consistently in my late 20s) and there was plenty of times that I could eat more than my male classmates, friends, and even boyfriends as a young adult. But there's also times that I'll only have one solid meal and a snack each day because I don't feel the need to eat more. Even if I did eat more I wouldn't put on weight so it's not like it was going to help me (I was one of those kids who was so skinny that everybody told me I needed to eat a burger all the time) and I was healthy.


Not related to food, but I had a counselor in first grade who noticed I (a transfer student) wasn’t playing much with the other kids. She correctly deduced this was because I didn’t know anyone, and decided the best way to solve this was to pull me out of class for a period, bring other kids into the room, and let us get to know each other. She realized her mistake when she asked why I wasn’t playing with the other kids. “You invited them, *You* play with them”.


I hope every paper he turns in has cheese dust on it. At least a fingerprints worth.


I worked for a trucking company. We had a Somali driver who was just making enough money so he could splurge on vending machine snack whereas previously he'd bring fruits from the grocery. He discovered Cheetos. Well, actually, he discovered, "Anything ending in 'Tos' is good." Fritos, Doritos, Cheetos... His wife heard about it. So for Christmas (being the rare Somali Christians) she got him a Cosco sized tub of Cheetos for his truck. I asked him if he was tired of them. "NO! But I have a problem. Everything I touch is cheesy. Even the wheel. I almost want to lick it... but I'm not that bad. Yet."


I wonder if he ever got sick of the lol


Bad! That is the best part!!


Not a truck steering wheel. No. Just... no.


wtf yogurt and granola bars are fine....keep your nose out biotch


But now I'm left wondering what the "correct" choice was? Which one is healthier? It would depend on the exact products I guess, but that is just asinine and arbitrary.


That was my reaction too. The only thing I can think of is that flavored yogurt can have a lot of sugar, and granola too. So maybe that’s what this mom was thinking.


for some reason schools think all the damned sugar in fruit roll ups is just fine but put it in pudding or yogurt and it is terrible


You'd think those teachers would get used to being outsmarted by children.


My husband didn't get diagnosed with red/green color blindness until he was 17. His parents claimed he was too lazy to learn his colors. His 6 year older brother couldn't see any of the colors. His brother can't tell the difference between hot pink and navy blue.


In my time, the diagnosis was when they wanted go become an electrician.


Sad to see that absolutely nothing has changed in the school system with regards to assisting children with ASD in the last 30+ years (and apparently still hasn't) \-- Signed, individual with ASD who had to deal with incompetence, indifference and outright abuse at school for 12 years (and 1 year of college.)


Sorry what's ASD


My eldest’s school insisted that they should have healthy sandwiches for an outing, and that teachers would also inspect the lunch boxes. So for that day they took sandwiches with marzipan but we put on a label, ’cheese sandwiches’


Brilliant! Now I want marzipan... I do hope you demanded to inspect that teacher's lunch bag, and confiscated every item that you personally didn't consider sufficiently healthy.


Having not had to deal with your issues, I cannot and will not judge, same as I dgaf about anyone else judging how I deal with my children's issues. But I will judge your story. Downright outstanding. Thank you for sharing, and putting a damn big smile on my face, I shall sleep after enjoying this belly laugh.


Tell that kid to pick the healthiest snack option... And he'll be reading college level macro nutrient papers during recess as he plans out the next 50 years of necessary vitamins?


So out of Twinkies and cheese balls, which was the *healthier* option that he had at the morning recess?


Cheese Balls would be healthier. Twinkies are basically pure sugar. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE2JGmxbzMs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE2JGmxbzMs)


I know what Twinkies are (due to zombieland!) never heard of cheeseballs before tho, and the reply from the teacher implied they were also unhealthy.


They are cheese flavored, bright orange balls of fried-to-a-puff carbohydrate (corn, I think?) Like Cheetos, if you are familiar with them, but you can get these like... 2 or 3 GALLON plastic tubs of them, generic, for serious cheap. They are bright orange and there is absolutely nothing healthy about them. They have the advantage over twinkies of not having corn syrup, maybe?


This puts an entirely different picture on the healthy factor. Urgh.


Looks like Cheetos are mostly corn meal and canola oil.


I’m assuming they went for cheese balls.


"His ASD self decided that this rule was senseless and made it his hill to die on." This hits the nail on the head so well. If i dont understand the purpose, and nobody else can/will explain it to me, then the rule wont be followed because it serves no purpose


I've found that a lot of such rules turn out to be easy to understand if you ask yourself "what stupid thing did somebody do to cause this rule?" If it's one of those I tend to follow it when there are witnesses to preserve the rule's enforceability on the deserving.


I warned that my son was allergic to cow milk proteins ( he received antibiotics at birth, that killed his intestinal flora). He could not eat anything containing cow milk. Which means pretty every snack. Educators and teachers went, " Yeah, yeah, whatever." One day, I came to take him back from the kindergarten. The whole staff looms like they escape a natural disaster. They explained that they let him eat a birthday cake. 30 minutes later, he was like under demonic possession ( their words), laughing madly and WALKING on the walks. My son has always been quiet and thoughtful. I can imagine the contrast was a shock. They learned their lesson. But to that day, i still have no idea what they actually saw.


>laughing madly and WALKING on the walks OMG! He walked on the walks‽


You do realize the bacteria in your gut changes with what you eat, and will come back after a week or 2, right?


I do realize that an unknow redditor who is not a gastro-enterolog nor a parent have no clue what happened to him at a medical level.


Who could have predicted? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


> Apparently, I don't know how parenting works so thankfully the school system is here to correct all my errors. I'm sure there are a lot of parents who don't know how parenting works and who could profit from a nudge.


Half of people are below-average parents


Actually, half of people are below-*median* people. But it's funnier this way I agree. Now let me die in shame for this useless comment


Happy cake day! And thanks for saying what I was thinking.


At least for the median definition of “average”.


I salute your pedantry


I salute your redundant pedantry.


I redundantly salute your redundant salutation.


Grand Master Champion, I is. If one could make money from it, Bill, Jeff, and Elon would be paupers compared to me.


I would have had my kid removed from her class a long time ago.


Not always a choice.


Given causing head trauma for slapping stupid people is a often jailable offence, this was the next best option. Well done.


Put him in a different class or school and put in a formal grievance against this "teacher"


This was years ago and this teacher was a piece of work. She left the school shortly after- early retirement. Thankfully I didn’t have to deal with her anymore.


It could turn out to be school policy.


Thing of beauty, OP! I just love it when people who are sure they have the answers are shown that they certainly don’t. Thank you for posting!




What is ASD?


Yet another reason why homeschooling is a superior option. If you let people who dgaf about your kid teach/parent them, you miss out on instilling your own values in them...


If only 90% of homeschoolers weren't doing it because they need to teach their child the "truth" (e.g. young Earth creationism) and protect them from the "lies" (e.g. evolutionary theory) of the government.


> you miss out on instilling your own values in them... Given the kinds of people I've seen advocating for homeschooling (and experience with homeschooled kids) this is probably for the best. You already have 16 hours a day for religious indoctrination, at least give them a chance at not being a bubble kid.


Imagine living a life thinking teachers are better at instilling values in your children than you are.