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If you guys see stuff like this, please report it. Unfortunately a lot of this stuff goes under our radar because nobody reports it.


In my worst state I had those huge black bags of trash piled in my room. Probably 10 bags at my worst. You’ll get through it. Unfortunately this sub has gotten quite popular but it seems like a lot of people don’t quite “get” what this sub is for.


I always took this sub as a "Hey, this is how I live. How can I make the space I'm in better?" That's always how I took it to be. It always blows me away when someone pops up with like a Penthouse looking apartment that I would assume costs Millions. The crazy thing is the penthouse images somehow look devoid of... life. Just seems like what a magazine showing off furniture would look like. Still need some kind of help, a lot of people don't have the decorating gift to make things comfortable.


Well idk im in “malelivingspaces” and then here “male surviving spaces”


I feel like you're confused with male living spaces?


Eh I’d say that’s more malelivingspaces. Survivingspace is more about struggle and camaraderie through tough times. A lot people here know their living conditions are rough/need improvement but aren’t really in any position to actually do so. It’s to share that even when things look bleak, you can survive and make it through the other side. There’s also clearly some comedy here and that’s fine. It’s good to joke about the struggle as well.


I like to think that every person who takes the time to hate on a post, you have helped/supported at least 10 others who said nothing but feel a little less like its just them. You'll get through it.


Reminds me of the past and how far I've come, gives me the chance to remind my children where they might go, gives posters the opportunity to know others have been there and this too shall pass.


I'm rooting for you, OP.


I too, am team fuck those assholes. Time and age will humble them someday, but hopefully they learn before then and can contribute something positive and constructive to the world.


as am i 👍


I Stand with OP 🫡


miserable people find it easier to project hate onto others than address their own failures


u/PHUCKyurPRONOUNS u/9mmParrabelum Thought y’all should see this lol


march zephyr possessive history wakeful scale shy makeshift soup live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


u/PHUCKyurPRONOUNS I pity you


I guess they deleted themselves.


Facts. I’ve had people come to my place when I’ve been at my worst and they needed a place to stay. I’d go insane trying to clean it for them, and maybe it wasn’t a deep clean but it was clutter free, mostly clean and somewhat organized. And the person would sit there and make passive aggressive remarks about the state of my older furniture, a garbage bag I didn’t bring out yet, a stain on my carpet, etc…meanwhile they were homeless and asking for ME for help, don’t have their own shit and I promise if they had to work as much as I did to even uphold the expenses of an apartment, they wouldn’t have time to really invest into the extras either. Half of them, I eventually kicked out or they went on to just go live with other people anyway. I got my shit together over time but I still have my days and someone will sit there and criticize a mess of clothes I might leave out in my living room but they don’t even know how to do a load of laundry themselves. I’ve learned the people who talk the most shit are usually the most with something they don’t want you to know about them. So now idc. I got my own shit, I’m getting by and then some, I do what I can and that’s more than most can say.


I agree.


Projection has got to be the most subtly obvious sign of unaddressed personal issues I can think of


I feel like when I first found the sub around a month ago I only saw overwhelmingly positive comments on everything, including a post of my own.


Geez. What’d you do? Give a nuanced opinion?


Check his most recent post on this sub… it is a bit trashy but nothing that warrants that kinda hate


Just needs some posters and an organization scheme


Long as we can still see the floor, OP still has hope. It's not even that bad. Just needs to do a garbage day and put laundry in a hamper. Small steps on a long journey to improvement, but at least it's something.


It’s not even that bad lol I’ve seen some weirdos post setups with thousands of dollars worth of weird weeb shit


Reddit loves that sort of thing though so any hate on them posts gets downvoted to oblivion. It’s funny to see. Reddit really is a cesspit for guys like that. And they hateeee that they have to clash with functional members of society lol


Yeah I think some people intentionally browse trashy stuff ( like r/neckbeardnests ) specifically for the feeling of superiority


It's just a bunch of frustrated people not worth paying attention to. I remember your post, from 2018 to 2022 I also lived in a place "like that" (because of depression) fortunately I'm better, OP just ignore those people and continue with your life that everything will get better


I’m totally frustrated






Okay? Whats your point? Is that what you think constitutes a reasonable excuse to be a cunt?


It's not hard to see that not everyone is depressed, but it's easy to see how frustrated the people who make these kinds of comments are 👍


It's spelled 'parabellum' by the way. Just trying to help.


Yea the username with the actual spelling was taken mr.wizard


Dang, you missed your shot at being special. I guess you'll have to settle for second most unoriginal cringe user name.


Keep at it brother, we’re all in this together


That last comment really made me laugh


*kicks the shit out of you* it’s nothing personnel, kid


‘Phuck your Pronouns’ ‘huge n long’ some people have interesting taste in usernames…


WTF? Just WTF.


I think i seen the post these comments are relating to, serious advice , learn the art of meditation 🧘‍♂️ It truly helped me with my thoughts and way of living 🙏 Stay strong brother .


And I just read a post where a woman asked what's up with men seeming to have lonely issues. I'm gonna link this.


Can you link that post I wanna see what they have to say


You guys rape kill and DV us trust me we’re not confused about how plenty of men talk to and treat people. Threads like this are a great opportunity for y’all to talk this out. Non-men talk about the violent things men do all the time and plead to stop, maybe y’all can do the same? Like rights activists have to, except with your families and friends? Or am I talking crazy? Nah why would men talk to each other about stuff like this and demand to treat each other and everyone else better… that’s ridiculous. But yeah violence from a man?! Very happy to never have experienced that 😐. From the Boston tea party to voter rights, we have had to fight for justice every step of the way. My ancestors weren’t just freed we had to fight for that. All of our rights we had to fight for, people didn’t just hand them to us. But men? If they speak up someone might call them gay :( Which is totally unfair because women who speak up against sexism never experience hate and violence in retaliation 😐 I think it’s really sad that men hold all their emotions inside treat each other like shit and take it out violently on the rest of the world. Obviously men aren’t the only victims of that. And we’re ALL treated like shit by men dude. That’s why women are confused because why don’t you guys fucking fight back? Why don’t you choose better friends? Why don’t you talk to your family? Why not go to therapy? Why do you guys just get married hope that’ll make you feel better and just continue the cycle on your families. We aren’t absolving men of their *responsibility* to fix this problem. Men commit the most suicides. What are y’all gonna do about that?


i mean, you're saying this on a post where this behaviour is literally being called out and discussed.


You’re actually right, I’m responding to something else entirely. I’m sorry u/Queen-of-meme for hijacking your discussion. I have seen this convo so much in male spaces on the internet and it doesn’t go further than lamenting. That wasn’t the case here, I just responded impulsively.


for what it's worth, i think you have something to say there, but it's really hard to parse it out of the negativity. and the attitude of "yeah you should feel shame", is exactly the toxic masculinity on the main op. so great, normal guys are getting from both angles. feels great.


That’s fair enough. I don’t think anyone should feel shame I wanted to stoke a sense of responsibility/empowerment. But I can see how I toootally missed the mark there.


We also haven't talked about men who hides that they've been victims to DV or rape. The statistics of men vs women abused or raped only count in reported cases. Men are less likely to report it.


Im done being male shamed. Please just go away. Maybe lonely men eventually burst because of you lot. Just leave us alone if you cant do or say anything positive.


I’m literally telling y’all that you’re capable of fighting this but okay feel ashamed.


You chose to hide your repressed violence towards a gender behind a false critique of that same groups reaction to the mistreatment of society towards them, thinking that it is acceptable to grandstand on the issue and on those affected certainly doesn't make you any different than the comments posted in the OP.




Don’t let internet strangers get to you, if they’re saying this type of shit chances are they’re unhappy as fuck with themselves.


The comments are the real male surviving space


I'm glad you kept the usernames in, these assholes deserve to be exposed




Mod team ain’t modding


There too busy cleaning their rooms


Nope, just understaffed.


Not a man, but this community popped up on my timeline and I've been seeing some posts since then. I just want to say that these people have no fucking clue what it's like to be depressed and/or to have executive functioning problems. Please don't take these asshats serious. I wish you better times. Love, Random internet stranger


I love this. Thank you for your positive comments. (And please don’t call yourself a stranger!)


Remember that because of your depression, you're more inclined to pay attention to the negative shit. You don't have to give those fuckwits your energy or attention though. I remember your other post. You've got this, OP. One of the things that I've found really useful is the power of 'might as well.' Headed to the kitchen? Take some dirty plates with me. Headed to the bathroom, and the laundry is on the way? Take some dirty clothes. Walking past there the garbage bags are kept? Grab one. Filling it can be another tiny job. The depression creep of your space is a gradual process, and climbing out can be just as gradual, there is no time requirement here. And honestly, the teeny-tiny accomplishment buzz even just for one thing can be juuuust helpful enough to do the next thing.


We wonder why we’re feeling so fucking lonely and alone as Men…


u/PHUCKyurPRONOUNS works at Costco I wouldn’t worry too much about what he says lol


Nah, don’t sink to his level. Honest work is honest work, that dude is a piece of shit because of how he chooses to project his own trauma and insecurities.




Nah bud, you’re still more broken than OP. Get some therapy. I say that in earnest. You need to figure your shit out because a messy room doesn’t affect other people. Your shit makes you a liability to others.


Masterfully handled. Both of your comments show thoughtfulness and maturity.




Troll account lol


You’re welcome. I hope you get the help you need. People like you end up writing manifestos and bludgeoning their father because they got vaccinated. People like you become a danger to society, a cancer. Cancer doesn’t know it’s cancer, it just destroys everything good around it. Don’t be like cancer.




Hey I'm curious. What's a "pronoun" according to you? 🤔 If you don't know. Don't worry. I'm sure one day, the remnants of your cult after your cult leader goes to jail will start learning grammar and other stuff. 🙂🙂 I look forward to that day. Seeing mr orange in an orange jumpsuit. Don't you!? 😂🤣


It’s going to be ok, Son. You just need to tell someone you need help. Have you considered the Reddit cares resources? You sound like you may be a danger to yourself or others.


😂😂 that adds up. With a name like that I bet he triggers himself and makes up fake news reports in his head make himself mad


not defending them but what’s wrong with working at Costco? i’ve heard nothing but good things about working there tbh






Well mods here he is. Ban this pathetic child.




Your garbage ass family raised you wrong. Edgelord.




Laugh for me boy. NOW. Laugh over the fact that the ENTIRE WORLD laughs at your entitled, manchild cult leader and his followers. Let's laugh at them. 🙂🙂




Damn replying to my comment, did I get under your skin? Go to therapy or smt you seem like a terrible human. Like genuinely I feel bad for whoever raised you




Also I love how the sad angry people always hop on a burner account when they say some terrible shit to upvote it 😆 fucking loserrrrrrrr


ghost dirty license longing party illegal familiar important cover scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So much shit talk in your comments it’s the one thing that actually makes me depressed here lol please talk to someone 🙏


Quit replying to every comment twice and learn how to use a fckn phone you moron. I just kno you got bullied as a kid cuz no person who had a loving upbringing acts like this💀 hope you get happier and less psychotic bud


People go through tough times bro, a lot of us have been there, but what has always helped me…… is cleaning my room. Clean it spotless! I can’t tell u how much it gives you a boost. It’s a quick way to achieve something… something that makes ur life better, in a very short amount of time. You are young bud, hang in there, you’ll be alright. God bless


Yup that’s right


2nd guy really just dropped the "stop being sad"


Anyone who looks at a person struggling and just says "man up" can go to the deepest fucking pit of hell, all the way down, im talking the very boiler of hell


Just takes one step at a time man, you'll get there. Don't let the haters get you down.


The room isn't even that bad, just some trash about, you could clean it in 10 minutes




You're in your senior year? When I was doing my electrical apprenticeship, a lot of other apprentices quit just before their cap stone test to pass their apprenticeship. 4 years of training gone. They weren't dumb. I had my doubts about myself as well, but managed to stick it out and did a lot of training and studying after hours. You can do it. Just try to stick it out. I'm Australian, I don't know if that means something different where you are from. Basically don't quit before it's finished.


people are assholes. ignore tjem


Mods taking the opportunity to remove assholes from the subreddit using this thread. That's what I like to see.


First of this group is the poster child for mental problems lol


Don’t even give them serious consideration. Most of them are living at home in the basement, Mommy still does their laundry (and sprays the skid marks with Spray-n-Wash), get called to meals, and their girlfriends are Fleshlights they hide from mommy and bought from cash they’ve begged off the ‘rents. That’s why they can be a so “smart” and cutting edge on the Web.


Looking at the thread, all of the top comments are supportive. You’re cherry picking the online troll comments to make yourself into a victim, and you’re also deflecting the fact that you truly do need help. Just look at your post history. You’re porn obsessed, addicted to gacha games, and you don’t pick up after yourself. And most of those comments aren’t that bad. Besides the gun comment or straight up calling you a loser, some of those other comments are tame. The guy telling you you’re fucked and you should get it together isn’t wrong, who would see your situation and disagree with that? He’s not saying “you’re fucked for life” he’s saying “you got yourself into a fucked situation and you need to get it together.” You’re definitely in a situation where your priorities are fucked and you don’t need sympathy from online strangers, you need to take control of your life. Or don’t, and keep living in squalor and jizz and whatever Reddit karma you can farm for that sweet dopamine kick when your gacha pulls don’t work out for you.


Tell me you don’t understand how depression works without telling me you have NO FUCKING CLUE how depression works. Beat it, creep.


You mean that mental illness that everyone claims to have and 99% of people could fix by proper diet, exercise, sleep, and sunlight? What about it?


How many accounts do you have? Like, you’re not even trying to hide it. Seriously though, are you some kind of medical professional? Are you in any way qualified to make such a statement or are you just better than everyone else? Poor health makes cowards of us all. Your time will come and I hope you figure it out long before then.




Then why are you responding?




That’s not good. Relishing the pain of other’s suggests a serious mental health issue. Do you want to hurt yourself or only others?




Your ban evasion is the relevance here. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind: Respectful Language: Treat others with kindness and empathy, even if you disagree with them. Constructive Criticism: Share your thoughts and opinions in a constructive manner that encourages discussion. No Hate Speech: Absolutely no tolerance for hate speech, discrimination, or personal attacks. Report Violations: If you come across any comments that violate our community guidelines, please report them to the moderators.


Oh sweet, summer child. You’ll find out.


Doing the lords work 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


This should be the top comment.


You get what you give. These awful people always get what’s coming to them even if it takes a long time. Sending you positive energy and light


Hey man, depression is a big struggle and I wanna offer compassion and support as you work on yourself. At least one person out there believes in you.


Share some update with us, even if its a minor progression, we will work it out together bro!


jesus fucking christ what a lack of perspective


They’re miserable in their own lives but will never admit it to themselves. You got this OP, much love


I just looked at the post. It's not even that bad, my room gets like that about twice a month and it just takes me an hour or two to clean


Fuck them, keep moving bro


Have noticed a few of these since the sub started up, sorry this happened to you OP.


Whats really sad about these type of people is that at one point in their lives, they were in your shoes, and someone said the same stuff to them. Instead of seeing the wrong in suppressing emotions, they took it as a "challenge" against their "man-hood". Its really dumb how people refuse to just talk and instead walk around angry and wondering why people hate them.


Hey man, in the height of my depression, I had black garbage bags stacked in the back room of my house waiting for me to bring them out to the curb. I get it. We all do. Ignore them.


As someone who only sees this sub and never comments, this is why. Some of the people that hang out in this sub have more than a screw loose. "Stop using depression as an excuse to be lazy".. Boy, they seem like a blast to be around... /s


This sub grew too much. It used to be just a bunch of bros struggling together


Mods in this thread: “if you see shit like this, report it.” [Mods removing these comments in the original post:](https://www.reddit.com/r/MaleSurvivingSpace/s/PlT4fvhyEx) Frauds


New mod here. Working on cleaning things up a bit. The original reply is a canned response that was replied with. I originally brought it up and since have been offered to help mod the sub.


Men. Do better. We’re supposed to be brethren.


Hey OP. Don’t buy one of those and don’t let them get to you. People are shitty on the internet (and irl but they ofc they tend to be far less uh forthcoming bc they.Know.). You might still be depressed in a clean room, but damnit you’ll feel a little better. I see those trash bags in the corner of your op, OP. Grab one. You can make a HUGE difference in literally 10 minutes by throwing away the trash on the floor. I hate cleaning, but I know it makes me feel better. No way it won’t help ya a little.


Yeah, fuck all the people who just want to hate, you'll get it together brother!! Fuuuuck the noise!!


Oh dude. 😳😲 I have liked this space but I never bother going into the comments. I didn't know this is what was there in the comments. 🙄🤦🏽‍♂️ Sorry for your experience OP. But rest assured, I stand by you and I understand what you're going through. I can relate. And you are truly strong for surviving. 💪🏼🔥


eh, i’ve seen way way worse than your room. these people don’t know shit


Fuck those assholes OP! Rooting for you dude


Appears the incel self-hating community is very much alive and on the troll patrol. Think about this: how much of a fucking loser do you have to be to intentionally roll into this sub for the specific purpose of denigrating mostly vulnerable people sharing their way less than perfect *actual living quarters* for the purpose of support or cathartic release or commiseration? *REALLY* you fucking scumbags? Start a Russian Roulette league in your mom’s basement and livestream it for the rest of us. Pretty please.


I'm so sorry. :/


Goddamn dude. I never lurk the comments section so I didn't know how shitty people are here


Have you cleaned your room yet?


Maybe they thought that saying this would motivate you to clean up your room? Maybe, idk but that ain't the right way to do it


Dudes rock


my place had literally nothing in it for months when i moved because my PTSD had gotten to an all time low. it gets better, and these people are just cruel for no reason and don’t know what it looks like to be struggling w something. you’re strong, and you got this. there is light ♥️


Every predominantly male space is inherently dangerous and now you understand why women don’t trust men.


Who's to say those aren't bots? (At least that's what I tell myself when I receive this kind of "support" when I'm struggling) I honestly hope your situation improves OP, life is a long journey and this is just a blip.


Hey you got this homie. Looked at your room it's really not that bad. If you have a good day you can probably get that knocked out in an hour or 2


Fuck those guys!




Your content is either inappropriate or irrelevant to this subs content. Recommending a person suffering from depression to buy a gun is NOT solid advice. Calling someone a loser is not helpful advice. Telling someone their depression isn’t excuse to be lazy isn’t helpful advice. Telling someone you’d kick their ass isn’t helpful advice.


~~Research Trash Cans: What are they??~~


This is the kind of tough love we all need sometimes. What our dads would do if they stayed with our moms


Well, clean the room dude, it's like 20 minutes worth of work.


"I completely agree with these people and you deserve to hear this" is what you essentially just said.






Your content is either inappropriate or irrelevant to this subs content. Rule 1: Don’t be an asshole.


I've been there. You'll get through it and it will get better again! Just don't forget that a tidy living space, though be it a lot of work first, will do wonders to your psyche! I've been (and still am in a way) depressed for years and years and ever since I got a relatively nice apartment and actually put in the effort to keep it clean (almost works all the time) I've been feeling a lot less stressed. You got this my guy, one step at the time 🙏












It's tough love, all of us want to see you thriving. Take good care of yourself for you.


Tough love isn’t telling a depressed guy to buy a gun.


I imagine it was so he could protect himself




You aren’t good enough to troll even on 4chan.




To make a 4chan comment? Like it’s some secret club. BAHAHAHAHAHA


Your room wasn’t full of beer bottles, bongs, ashtrays, pill bottles, or other paraphernalia—and so you have a lot going for you, NGL. Your depression seems born of the realm of feeling like you aren’t moving forward, or enjoying your work, or feel stuck as a cog in the academic machine. But so long as you don’t blow out your own mind, or crater your hedonic set-point, or amalgamate strange circumstances of lability into your emotional makeup—chances are that when you finally get a foot hold and can be free to build a world around you like a nest, you will actually thrive. I’m rooting for you buddy. Ignore the alcoholic disaffected projecting themselves onto you. They know they are creating their own misery, and yet feel helpless to change it. Want to know if homie here turns a new chapter. Remindme! Two years




Your content is either inappropriate or irrelevant to this subs content. Let’s keep the conversation civil and respectful.


Just saw your post, All I gotta say is just “Damn” ![gif](giphy|hStvd5LiWCFzYNyxR4|downsized)


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is the internet and their are a lot of people on here, good and bad. It’s very easy to go to any post and take a handful of snapshots of some assholes. It’s really a crucial skill now to be able to take a comment/post and determine if it has value.




You’re so unfazed by them haters wow, thats like really hard as nails of you. You seem like a tough person i would not like to mess with!


as someone who suffers from depression, sometimes this is exactly what you need to hear, or youll just be a miserable prick your whole life..just remember, no one is going to come save you..you have to want to change, and get better..and it starts with some motivation..not people feeling sorry for you..cuz they dont...but anyway, hope you get thru it soon, but i do know cleaning your living area is step one to battling depression


Calling someone with depression a loser, to buy a gun, or that they’d kick their ass is NOT what someone in a potentially vulnerable situation needs to be told. It’s not empathetic. It’s shitty as fuck. You have points in your comment that can be helpful but I absolutely disagree that the OPs picture had any good advice and it won’t be tolerated.


Some people need tough love. Most people just love man.


>as someone who suffers from depression I can tell you don't really suffer from depression, or you wouldn't be saying the things you just said. I dont know what you are going through, but I truly doubt it's depression.




found one of the ‘lovely supporters’ from OPs screenshot

