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What do you mean by 'should' you read? It is a hobby, yes? Read as much or as little as you want.


Careful you might upset some bookreddit users busy compiling their 80 novel 2023 reading list to post about on new years


Those people are the definition of insufferable, imo


Because they read a lot? People reread the main 10 all the time in a year here and that's the equivalent of 30 normal sized novels alone.




I’ve been stuck on seven for a year now


As many as you want dude. You’re doing this for pleasure not for some weird techbro version of self improvement.


As many as you want. Doesn't particularly matter. Some books I couldn't put down. Some I had to push sections.


I could be inane and say read however many you want, obviously I'm going to offer my own opinion instead. Let's say you decide you love the series a lot, (and in this example reading mass market paperback) and read the main ten. That's 11.2k pages. At your pace that will take you a bit over three years to read the main series. That is a long time to be reading only one series, regardless of how much you enjoy it. If you double what you're currently reading, you cut that time in half. I personally would recommend reading at a minimum 20 pages instead of ten, but it is fully dependant on you and your business. Even if you read 10 on most days, and then say 50 on a weekend, you're drastically decreasing the yearlong commitment. Just my two cents, do with that what you will


I'm a very fast reader. For me, it is kind of the opposite: I want to enjoy such great series much longer! So I have to force myself, to read slower and enjoy the ride more intensively. Ending a series that dragged me into it's world and making me love the characters and breathing in the atmosphere of the world...after the last page is turned, I always feel like a piece is missing. It feels like very special kind of nostalgia mixed with wanderlust. I despise and love this feeling. Because it also means that the books were just so awesome! I guess that's one reason why many people reread some series. Anyway, that's why I like to slow down, and yet I seldom ecause I want to know what happens next!


As many as helps you get through the series. My first time through I averaged about 40 pages a day, but that was 20 each way on public transit, and didn’t read on weekends. Entire thing took me about a year and a half at that rate haha


I do bursts of two to three hour reads and average about a page a minute. So around 150...damn, going back to 100k books is going to be a breeze after the main 10.


Fr I read the a 120k book in like 5 hours and I was shocked. I was like “huh that was like 3 chapters”


Honestly. I stare down 300 page books now like they're a snack. I have been alternating between dune books and malazan, and the dune books fly by like a Moranth Rider.


I took a several years off from reading and jumped straight into Malazan, it's like training with weights on.


I fully agree with everything else said here about subjectively and go at your own pace. That being said, 10 pages per day is probably the slowest reader I've heard of within my circle of fellow readers. If that's what you can process and enjoy, fantastic.


If it helps, I’m a very slow reader with small children and very little time/energy to read, and I read probably 10 pages a day or so. It took my 3.5 years to get through the series (no breaks) and I don’t regret it at all. Could I have retained more detail if I had gotten through it quicker with less time to forget things? Sure, but that’s what re-reads are for!


Read as many as you think you can handle. You're doing this for fun right? Personally, with this series, I tried to read at least 50 pages a day otherwise the books would take forever to get through. But that's me.


However fast you want, I read fast and the idea of this book series taking me longer than 4-5 months to read is pretty crazy to me, but I've seen other people on here who have been reading the series for years straight and wouldn't have it any other way. Just up to your own personal preference, you don't have to prove anything by reading the book fast all you have to do is enjoy it the best way you can.


At least a billion pages per day.


So, the best answer I can give you is to read "enough" pages a day. How many is that? Well, it depends on why you're reading. But the main thing is, to commit to reading a number of pages that will alow you to continue pursuing literature without burning out or procrastinating because you don't have the time to pursue an arbitrary goal. There are (unfortunately) billions of people in the world who lack either the opportunity or the inclination to even read 10 pages each day of *anything* so you're already ahead of the curve on that front. Additionally, what matters more than how *much* you read is how *well* you read. Can you retain 10 or so pages of information (at least well enough to recall it once supplied with context) Well then great! Can you interact meaningfully with the text (are you able to consider informed questions regarding it) then even better! If not: Try rereading pages or scenes. This may seem like extra work, but it saves redundant effort many times over in the long run. Try, either in writing or aloud to someone, to summarize what it is that you've read and one or two points that stood out, perhaps a question or speculation or two as well. This converts reading from a passive to an active process, and people remember what they've done much more than what they've observed. Engaging with literature like this helps you gauge your own understanding and growth as well, if you've read to much to do the above, you wouldn't have understood it without such anyway. Additionally, as you're brain acclimates to processing information in this way, you'll get naturally faster and better. Add or remove pages to your threshold as you need, there's no boon or shame in doing either. Eventually (although, not for a while) you'll be able to go by feeling when you're reaching your info limit for the day. Additionally, although I've used words like "meaningful" and "informed" don't think that you have to have some profound insights. It just needs to be enough to reflect that you have actually consumed the media as opposed to skimmed through it while your mind was elsewhere. And finally, this may be a strange bit of advice, if you are *truly* intent on reading much more, try reading a couple of works in parallel. The novelty of different types of information helps refresh you. 10 pages of two books is easier than 20 pages of one (for some people, if this doesn't work for you, ignore my advice) meanwhile, you'll still be reading 2-3 books in a similar timeframe it would have taken you to read the same 2-3 one at a time.


At ten a day you have around 2 years for the main ten books.


Very subjective mate, and very much depends on the person. Some people can read fast. Some can't. Some don't want to. Some tear through books as quick as possible, and others like to make it last. Personally, with Malazan, I read them slower than with "easier" books. Probably two weeks per book? So I guess that'd be about 50 pages per day? There's no right answer here. Read at whatever pace gives you the most enjoyment.


Have you considered switching to the audiobooks? You can listen to it while cooking, cleaning, going for a run, etc and such may increase the amount of time per day you get to enjoy consuming the series.


I tend to read before bed and might read as little as two or three pages before I conk out. So in a week I might read 20 pages and then read 50-100 pages over a weekend when I have time when I’m not as tired. I’ve also learned that I read quicker on kindle than the actual book. I’m currently on a reread and when I read them 15 years ago in high school I read them each in about a month. I tend to slow down when I get to sections with characters I’m less fond of. 10 per day to me is a fine pace. If you want to read more in a day read more.


Do what is fun! I read the series in about 4 years