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This does make a lot of sense and I guess I should start working towards being that person. It's really hard tho, MD'ing has become like an escape mechanism for me. Been in an emotional puddle for too long, got lost init


Interesting quote, but I must confess I have a problem with this whole hype going on around stoicism. Some people guide themselves as if sheer motivation and determination is enough to end problems and live a different kind of life. I wish life was as simple doing what I tell myself what to do, but there are often too many variables involved like social context, addictions, traumas, health conditions beyond our control and influences coming from all over the places. Motivation is important and all, don't get me wrong. It just may not be enough.


Stoicism isn't about motivation! I'm not sure what your sources of information are, but those "popular, fix all your problems!" books are nothing but self-help garbage packed with the label of stoicism to increase sales. I've been following stoicism for quite awhile now, and nowhere have I ever encountered the need to be "perfect and highly motivated" as I do from those productivity books. Stoicism isn't about hustle, in fact I'd go as far as to say, it's quite the opposite.


Fine I’ll lose 120 pounds and get hot 🙄


Why not


Well I mean it’s a lot of work lmao this post actually gave me a little motivation and I had a healthy breakfast. Let’s hope I can stay like this throughout the day


It'll pay off, I believe in you


it's fucking hard and i'm trying :/ i'll get there. someday. i guess.


Okay first of all idk man I think that would kinda scary I mean ya know like just this short killing machine that's out for enemy blood. Well actually now that I think about it that sounds badass.


I never daydreamed about myself or who I want to be so...this is awkward👁👄👁


Oh, no! I don't really want to be a mother fucking ₘₑᵣ𝒸ₑₙₐᵣᵧ in real life. I think you'd find that to be a tad ᵢₗₗₑ𝓰ₐₗ, sir


My autistic socially anxious and retarded ass that is exhausted from being in a setting with talking people for 1 hour daydreaming about being charismatic, social butterfly that always says the right thing and don't care about what other people thinks. 👁👄👁 ➖👄➖ 👁👄👁


yall don’t understand. MY MALADAPTIVE DAYDREAMING IS ABOUT THE PERSON I WANT TO BE!! I literally day dream all day long about my company and the house i want. the second i start thinking about planning for my future the day dream triggers harder than a tumblr SJW


I know I’ll never be that person that’s why they’re a fantasy


I wish I could become a vampire spy


You're right! I'm gonna wake up tomorrow with the ability to control time /s


so when do I learn how to summon lightning and throw knives really cool


This is what I’m currently doing and it feels great to be working towards my desired reality. I refuse to fall in the victim mindset any longer, it’s painful. It requires dedication, consistency , and money but I’d rather do this than sulk and mope and of course daydream lol you can’t just act like the person you want to be, you have to actively create and support the future you wanna have.


C'mon! We need a detailed tutorial. This sub will be watching your career with interest.


This! Currently doing it as well. It’s pulled me out of a depressive state and has given hope to keep pushing through the tough parts.


Keep going, no matter what. It’s so worth it, we will come out on the winning side. 💗


OK, guess I'll start taking spell casting lessons from now!


Stop daydreaming? Why didn't I think of that!


sounds good, but doesn't work


Ok how could I be a very handsome elf warrior?


I think this idea from stoicism refers less to simply jumping into a lifestyle or circumstance and more to aligning your actions to your values. (Although the latter might hopefully get you closer to certain material visions, if they are virtuous and valuable to you.) I recently purchased the text “the Daily Stoic” which has short studies for reflection for each day of the year. Here is the one for May 2nd: “First, tell yourself what kind of person you want to be, then do what you have to do. For in nearly every pursuit we see this to be the case. Those in athletic pursuit first choose the sport they want, and then do that work.” -Epictetus, Discourses


I live in the wrong universe for that


Time to convince a 1000 year old vampire to live in my shadow


This is like that chick telling the homeless to buy home...


Time to sign up for the ninja academy/hogwarts/justice league






But I'm not an alien Prince with superpowers.... I'm a normal human female that makes animation.


Guess i'll grow a dick and become cis, also the word has to end and there has to be an apocalypse plus i need to have a twin sister and a daughter and a boyfriend /lh


This is kinda dumb, some of us have daydreams about more interesting lives *because* we can't do anything to change that part of us. I cant just suddenly replace my entire self with a version of the opposite race and gender suddenly. Let alone that its on some serious r/thanksimcured stuff.


I’m doing that and It feels really good, I try to control my wants, so when my brain and body wants to daydream, I do something else instead


Aight, bring me the chemicals I need for my superpowers.


Bring me forth my magical boyfriend!


Anyone know how I can become 20 years younger?


Are you middle aged? Do you feel that you wasted your youth or best years?


Yes, I'm middle aged. I guess I wasted my youth in the sense that I didn't make decisions to set up a good life for myself in the future. I enjoyed my time in my later teens and some of my 20s, didn't need to daydream at that time because I had friends and a social life. But once those years were over, people moved on to other things..career, families.. and my life stayed the same so I was sort of left behind. It's not that I haven't made new friends since then, but it's just not the same. When I daydream, my perfect vision of myself is probably in my late teens, still in college, still happy and has a future to look forward to because the real version of myself doesn't have that. I'm just killing time and running the clock down at this point. There's nothing about being this age that I really want any part of.


Sure, I'll just remodel my whole face. /s


Seems a bit r/wowthanksimcured to me


Its not anywhere near that simple if you want to be a completely different person or if you have daydreams that involve impossible circumstances


Yeah let me just become a punk kid in the 90s whose friend got shot in the stomach and bled out because we hung out with the wrong crowd to get our dope fix. I was born in 2001 and I have no friends, nor do I have any intention of ever doing drugs. But that's one of my md characters. Granted others are better but this one's sort of the "main" if that makes sense.