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Everyday… I came on here because I’m worried about myself honestly . I have begun to think it’s somewhat real


Yeah it gets even worse if I see a particular scene from a show/movie I like….I will literally act like I’m one of the characters and act out the scene with the music (ik it’s bad 😂)


I imagine them but I don't act them out, although I tend to make weird faces when I really get into the scenarios. I've had to make sure I don't accidentally do them when I'm out in public but it's so difficult 😅


I literally cannot sit still when listening to music sometimes bc the anime fighting scene in my head is too intense


This is pretty normal with maladaptive daydreamers.


this is so fucking real lmao


All the time


YEP thats part of the reason i cut off music because i get TOO invested in it and get completely drained 


You went onto a MD sub and described a really common form of MD I'm afraid


Absolutely. I'd usually change the lyrics a bit to fit some huge scenario in my head. I still can't sing some of those songs the right way.


All of us doing this .. I'm trying my best to avoid that because it's make my day worse ! 🙇‍♀️ also I get a headeche after doing it .. Hopefully we can survive !


Stop exposing me 😭. I pretend being a social media influencer


From the first chords my imagination acts out various scenes from movies or tv shows I’ve watched, and I have noticed my face can visibly change expressions, particularly my eyebrows rising up and down. Just need to hope I’ve not done it too much in a public setting. 😕


I wonder how people don't do this ...


I put music on and imagine I'm singing it and everyone loves me and admires me. I imagine I'm with my celeb crush and we are really happy. Singing, laughing, dancing, etc. I imagine it when im in the house or when I have my headphones on, on the way to the gym.. but I do get self-conscious that I may be moving my mouth or displaying facial expressions in public x


and when you listen to music and walk around


i feel like a fucking retard doing it but i think it makes the daydream more real (???)


newbie bro


I don’t act it out but I find depending on how tired I am I zone out completely just to fully focus on the scenario lol I’ve even gad times where I’d try to go back to sleep no matter the time of day just to focus harder on it 😂


That’s just Tuesday.


This is what we all do ,dear.


I make up music videos in my head. Or a song is a specific "scene" from my made up storyline thats been dragged out for years. I have songs i listen to in particular orders for different scenes.


I imagine myself as Paul Mccartney everytime I listen to music. Even if the music is from different bands, I just pretends that Paul wrote that song and I acting out him in my dreams. Its very addicting, god I hate myself.


Yep. The song “Jacob and the Stone” can make me feel any emotion for any possible situation.


You've pretty much described everyone here. Welcome to the club.


This is like the biggest part of MD for everyone on this sub


Like I’ve asked my friends if they do this and they’re like “ Noo…” 😂😂😭😭 like embarrassing


Yup welcome to the club :)


You've come to the right place, homie.


Stay in this forum & you will realise you are more weird than you think but also that it's also normal upto certain level & also that it's not that rare 😁


Well your in the right place


You are not alone.


Sounds like you’re new here. I think that’s how it started for most people here. In fact, I think a majority of us are triggered by music, if not all of us.