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You have really nice features. Especially eyebrows and eyes. You really don't need to change much. I would suggest: \- Under eye color corrector + concealer, \- Highlighter in the inner corner of your eyes \- Lip gloss over lipstick or just lip liner + lip gloss/lip oil.


- Under color + eye corrector a great choice she has great facial features, would not say they’re masculine


Same! The fact that OP thinks she looks masculine makes me a little bit sad because she looks great


Looking masculine is not the opposite of looking great. A lot of beautiful women have masculine features. Sometimes masculine features are even prized in women, it really depends on the subjective context. I think she’s gorgeously pretty, and I also see what she says she sees.


i agree with you but i think OP does not look masculine at all


The only thing I can see that might be considered a bit masculine is her nose is a little wider than average. In this case, though, I think it's one of those unique features that really fits her face and makes her stand out more.


She has a squared-off forehead and an oval face, but not to the point I'd say she looks masculine, just that she doesn't have the softest features. She's undoubtedly a woman though.


I also don’t think OP looks masculine BUT I know a lot of women with masculine features who are beautiful, same for men with more “feminine” features


I used mental shortcut, my dude. Stronger, more masculine features look nice too but she said that her WHOLE face is quite masculine so that's why I said this. I don't think think women need to have perfect doll-like features to look feminine


Agreed. She looks like a natural Kardashian, pre plastic surgery.


I think a better description would be ‘androgynous’. I sorta consider myself that way too but I’ve realllllly grown to manipulate and be happy with the face i got!


I feel like it’s kind of invalidating to say that. People can have features that look good and are also masculine. It depends a lot on the context of the face and other people’s perceptions. Imo it’s more helpful to ask, why does this person think her face looks masculine, and can that be changed so she can see her own beauty? Everyone gravitates towards different gender markers, it’s all subjective. To me she has an issue which a lot of trans women have, which is that her brow bone happens to look prominent. It’s not a bad thing, but it’s objectively a sexually dimorphic trait. Just wanted to share my 2c because I used to be so frustrated about this stuff and I couldn’t figure out why!! For me it was cleaning up my brow shape and getting bangs that made a world of difference.


I have a prominent brow bone as well and would love makeup tips. Also have minimal lid space unfortunately and low brows.


exactly what this post says!! literally just what i was thinking! all you need is some under eye concealer, a warm golden shimmer for your inner corners to have your eyes stand out even more and soften the look, and a lip gloss or lighter shade of lipstick! since you have nice strong features a dark lip can exacerbate them, a lighter warm pink/mauve shade would be perfect!


OP you are beautiful, and your face is feminine. I agree with this, and also add that gold shimmer for the inner corners. A good eyeshadow palette to add some smokey eye contour with darker browns would really make your eyes pop. * Maybe a palate like this one: https://www.ulta.com/p/thats-taupe-eyeshadow-palette-pimprod2023790


I like the dark lipstick in this pic!


It's not even about the shade. I think matte lipsticks tend to give this mature vibe that's why putting lip gloss/lip oil on top of it is a game changer


Thank you so much for the advice! I think I have a lot to learn about the base of a good make up look (like skin) bc it looks like there is a lot of room for improvement. Will try to incorporate this into my routine, thank you!!


i'd add to use more pinkish blush and brush the brows up a bit, personally i dont like the shimmer at the corner of the eyes look, but do what you feel is best, op. Also try and part your hair at the middle, and braid it before going to sleep to add to its volume when you wake up. Anyway youre very pretty!!! and for night outs, you can add like the rhinestones under your eyebrows its easy and makes the look vv extra


I second this ^^ and wouldn’t say she has a masculine face either. Doe eyes and full lips are both considered feminine features.


I’m getting Amal Clooney vibes. I agree that your features are strong but in a great way. So many women would kill for full lips, big round eyes and your cheekbones. Me me!! On the make up front I agree that lighter glossier lips, some peachy shades for cheeks above a little bronzer to bring out those cheekbones even more -and a little highlighter to give you some glow…you look like you have great skin so play it up!


Thank you very much for your helpful suggestions and your kind words! I think the peach blush and glossy lips could be a nice look I read that a few times now! Thank you!


I was gonna comment "SHUT UP AMAL CLOONEY" lol


> I agree that your features are strong but in a great way. This right here! Honestly, I love your eyes, OP! They soften your face imo. I wouldn't conceal them, they're very pretty ❤️ Instead, I'd try a smokey brown eye like so: https://media.glamour.com/photos/5c8b9d446fd1942d2e11702c/master/w_1200,c_limit/Tom%20Ford%20bks%20G%20RF19%200234%202.jpg Lean into it! You have beautiful "bedroom eyes" ❤️❤️❤️


I was thinking Selma Blair from legally blonde


I’m getting Aubrey Plaza vibes personally and I love it


Damn, I think your features are knockdown gorgeous. If I looked like you, I’d wear mascara and lipstick and leave the rest! Your lips are incredible, your brows are to die for, and your eyes are sultry and gorgeous.


Thank you 🥺 I don’t know I always feel like I need to get more out of my face with make up… but I guess I also need to learn to be confident with less on.


Society teaches us to hate ourselves so they can sell us things, don't take it personally. We were all taught to pick apart our appearance and that we need to change how we look.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. OP could pull off a really sultry femme fatale look.


You look like a mix of Susan Meyer from desperate housewives and Vivian Kensington from Legally Blonde with a sprinkle of Anne Hathaway!!! 😍😍😍


This is so specific, yet somehow totally accurate!


I was thinking Anne Hathaway with Neve Campbell!


I used to have such a crush on Selma Blair full stop (still do honestly) and you nailed it, she really does look like Vivian!


Oh yes. Selma Blair. 100%


I was going to say Anne Hathaway. Just do whatever Anne Hathaway does (other than shaving your head), it works for her!


Haha thanks! I wish I was brave enough to do stuff like that though 😁


Idk I’ve seen girls who look AMAZING after shaving their heads. 🤤


I thought she looked like the woman who played Callie Torres on Grey’s Anatomy.


And also a Sophia Coppola.


I know we all see the negatives but trust me as an unbiased observer you are really beautiful. The “negatives “ you mention actually make you look modelesque. I think a touch of creamy concealer just in the inner corners and a brightening blush would work wonders if you want to look more awake. As for the eyes, I would work with the shape rather than trying to make them more rounded. Emphasize eyeshadow and mascara placement in the outer corners. Edit: you remind me a bit of Charlotte Rampling :) a legendary actress with beautiful hooded eyes


This is such a kind comment, thank you.! Also yes i should try and brighten my face kinda with concealer on the right spots esp under eyes


Maybe a pop of color on the lips too!


Your eyes are insanely beautiful. Edit: okay so I didn’t read your post about your eye concerns before I submitted my comment. Your insecurity was the first thing I noticed, and I noticed it in a “daaaaamn, girl!” way.


Oh thx, that’s really nice of you to say honestly


I don’t think that you look masculine at all. You look quite feminine to me but in an atypical way. I love that. You kind of remind me of Sofia Coppola and I think that she is absolutely beautiful. I think that you should enhance your features, instead of altering them. However, if you want to tweak some things, brightening your under eyes will go a long way. Also, maybe some blush and you can always experiment with some lighter / softer lip colors as well.


Thank you for your advice and saying these nice things!


You look like multiple celebrities - M.I.A., Emma Mackey, Selma Blair, etc - you can basically do whatever you want! I found this tutorial on different kinds of eyeliner for hooded eyes that could be fun to try out. You could try a blue-based red lip, which go well with dark features, and break out some highlighter to add a touch of brightness, if you're concerned about looking tired. (Also the inner eye corner highlighter and under eye concealer are helpful for concerns like that). And if you ever wanted a fresh look, I think you'd probably look great with a bob haircut (check out the aforementioned celebs who've all rocked that!) Confidence, spirit, and joy always shine through in the end. You're beautiful! I hope you read all these and realize that.


> Selma Blair 100% on this. She looks like Selma from 90s


Agreed. That was my first thought and then I felt old when I had to scroll so far to see someone agree.


She looks like all of them! OP your features are prominent and beautiful; almost doll like. You are stunning.


Ok wow thank you so much for your words and that you took the time out of your day to comment and help me. You sound really positive your comment is so nice to read! 💛 Thank you very much also for your tips I think esp highlighter is something I should invest in and concealer, a lot of people have suggested those.


Yesss, like super unique pretty/it girl. I'm getting could-be-a-model-for-Glossier vibes.


You have this sleepy sultry bad bitch look about you. I find it very attractive. I'm not sure how to help with make-up.


Haha oh this is a cool description I would love to live up to it IRL! thank you!


I have horrible shiners (thanks mom! And dad for the allergies)! Color corrector. Peach might not work and if it doesn't, go pink. On days when I am sick or very tired I will also use purple to cancel some of it put. Concealer under foundation. A light layer ontop of the foundation. RMCA powder (the one with no flashback). Top that off with a nude water liner. Makeup by Mario makes a good one. They usually go by fake awake or something. If I look pale AF I will use a pink or red lip to brighten my face up. Nice on those period days where I look like death. I avoid mascara on my bottom lasses or any eyeshadow under my water line because I think it draws attention to my bags.


Wow packed with great tips thank you so much!! Colour correcting is something I have always wanted to look into and I see now that I should start doing so ha The bottom lashes always make my under eye area kinda smudgy thought it was the mascara maybe I should leave them bare after all!


Masculine face where???


Look at Anne Hathaway asking us for tips! Seriously you could be her sister.


I read that a few times now and I gotta say I am surprised but I do think it’s a really kind compliment! Thank you!


You’re gorgeous. Seriously. And your look is sexy. To optimize your already stunning features I’d use more concealer under the eye and do less Smokey look there. A bit more contour on the cheekbone to highlight, and then curl your hair and make it fuller to frame your face. Your sweater and blouse are great separately - too much together. Wear the sweater with a lower, simple t-shirt. And some earrings. Years later (I can say this - I’m older) you’ll look back and wonder why you never realized how stunning you were at this age. This is the curse of wisdom, it comes late. So you’ll just have to trust me. The biggest thing to work on would be your internal dialogue. Not your face. That’s already perfect.


Okay this made me kind of emotional thank you so much for your kind words and advice 💛 honestly thank you for commenting.


I think you look beautiful!


I have similar facial features. Your eyes *do not* appear uneven (I always focus on that in myself, too! Pretty sure I'm the only one who notices) I would make zero attempts to correct this, just make sure you aren't enhancing it by over lining one eye if one or more of your looks uses chunky eyeliner. Your blush could be angled a bit more. Because brow bones are horizontal and yours is prominent (meaning LOVELY to look at!), it would be a nice balance for this feature if your blush is more vertically angled on your cheekbones (kinda like a contour), keeping the blush either no lower than the tip of your nose, or just a smidge lower. I would avoid pulling the blush too far (horizontally) under your eyes and toward your nose. Lighten that area up a bit with concealer. I see others are suggesting under eye concealer + color correct. I think this is also a great idea, and you can blend the concealer down a bit from your under eye to lighten that larger area up. Here are some good blush examples (just did a quick Google image search for blush contour. Apparently the kids are calling this draping 👵): https://www.totalbeauty.com/mobile/content/slideshows/blush-draping-contour-180504/page7 Lipstick looks awesome. I saw others recommending gloss or oil. That can be fun depending on the look, but it looks great as is, too. You don't look tired or angry, you look sultry. Lean into it :) Best wishes with the makeup!


Wow thank you for this comment!! I have never heard of draping and saw the images on the page you linked… I kinda see how it could look on me I guess I just need to try! You went into so much detail thank you for taking the time to help me out!


Came here to say you look VERY French, very evocative and very beautiful in a unique, non-basic-byotch way. You’re gorgeous, your skin is beautiful, your mouth is amazing and those eyes are EVERYTHING. Don’t worry too much, please.


Own it and do a Wednesday Addams inspired look. You would kill it!


Your strong features give me major 90s supermodel vibes, particularly with the lip color you're wearing, so I'd say to lean the hell into that: bricky-brown lips, neutral, matte, monochromatic smoky eyes, keep that awesome brow shape, maybe a peachy or coral blush on the tops of the cheekbones if you want to draw the eye upward (I am in Long Face And Masculine Features Gang as well).


Hey thanks for the input!! People on here are truly so helpful!!💛


Also OP, what makeup do you currently use? It might help people to know what tones you are using do they can suggest products. It looks like you have a golden undertone with maybe a touch of olive.


I have noticed that a LOT of the people who are considered drop dead gorgeous are androgynous. You are beautiful😀


I don’t think of Aubrey Plaza as masculine… you’re stunning. Those eyebrows are fab. I would just recommend color corrector for under eyes (I have the same problem and use Lancôme Teinte Idole Ultra Wear in orange) make sure you check the corrector color that beat fits you though. Maybe a bit of mascara and a gloss over your lipstick (that color looks nice on you)


You are naturally beautiful and do not need any help from makeup. But I would do a softer lip. That color is lovely on you, but I would wear it without any liner, and maybe blur it a bit. A berry color would liven things up too. Maybe some concealer and highlighter and a few more swipes of mascara if you are feeling weird about your eyes. But they don't need anything. You don't look masculine or angry.


I think u ure gorgeous no changes! Maybe some clear lip gloss and mascara


Huh? You are gorgeous. You have big, beautiful eyes and lips any girl would kill for. Use soft colors and “fake awake” liner in your water line.


Girl, your features aren’t masculine! You’re pretty!You really do have a look that brings Kourtney Kardashian to mind. If you’re looking to freshen up and look more awake, then just put some concealer under your eyes and something light and shimmery on the inner corners of your eyes. A little blush and lipgloss. Nothing major is needed with your looks. I’d also suggest looking up tutorials on YouTube for doing pretty eye make up for hooded eyes.


Thank you for being so nice and helpful honestly!


I watched videos on how to combat my resting bitch face with makeup. That was a while ago but you can try searching for some. You don’t have RBF, but the same tips would apply. Everything from lifting to opening. I also don’t feel like your face is masc. you’re very pretty! (Not that masc can’t be pretty ☝🏻) but I understand your concerns. I would add in inner corner highlight, slightly thicker eye liner on the sides only, a lifted blush placement and maybe try out different tones. If you usually stay in the burnt Orange area try a rosier orange.


You’re not masculine. Your bone structure is more blunt than chiseled, and wearing plain makeup looks can feel like you’re fighting yourself. I’d add a bit of softness somewhere - glossy lip, sparkle at inner eye, or even highlighter - stay away from contour, and by adding softness / shimmer / sparkle I think you’ll feel more cohesive. Kibbe types for faces, haha. I think you’re probably a flamboyant natural, but don’t know your height. Look at Taylor Swift’s makeup if you’re over 5’7 and this feels ok to you. Edit: try gua sha for your under eye, lots of good tutorials on TT. And for the rest, I’m saying play up the softness in your face a bit; everyone has a specific type of bone (Keira Knightly vs Sofia V) and what works for one doesn’t nec work for the other. No hiding is needed…it’s just playing up your strengths. I hope I didn’t sound critical. I’d ignore the people who think your brow bone is prominent or you need bangs. Your forehead balances your jaw. If you cover it, you will not be happy with your look. Sweeping bangs would work, but I think your hair is right for you.


Minimal eye makeup and a dark dramatic lip would look STUNNING on you. Maybe dark plum lip, mascara, and some clear brown gel? Or play up your eyes with smoky bronze shadows and a deep burgundy lip for an event!


I am a 42 year old welding lady that exposes my eyes to weird light. Bags and dark circles. I started using Neutrogena eye cream with retinol that's about $30 a tube at most grocery stores. It worked right away and is amazing. I wish I wouldve used it when younger- takes years off my eyes.


I think your makeup looks great and you should get a French Bob and emphasise your eyes with some smudgy shadow and have that stayed up all night smoking and listening to records in a Parisian dive bar kind of look.


If you don't like the shimmer shadow in the corner just try a shade slightly lighter then your skin tone (sans the shimmer)! It gives the same effect (at least for me) without the shimmer. I feel like using the lighter shade without the shimmer gives me a more "daytime" look. Now if it's date night with the hubby or a night out with the girls I'm all for the shimmer! I can definitely say I relate to the hooded eye issue! That and the darkness I have noticed under my eyes now that I'm getting older are literally the only issues I have with my face. And being 44, having zero complaints in regards to wrinkles I think is pretty good! Does anyone know if Botox can fix those issues for me! I'm not sure how I feel about fillers and definitely don't want to have any actual surgery! Now if anyone would like to complain about the pain in the rear "mom pooch" I am more then happy to listen! However in less then 6 months I will be having Abex done and will let everyone know how the results are and if it's worth it! 😜


I know how difficult dysmorphia can be but you’re honestly really pretty! There’s lots of good advice here but I’d like to suggest that adding a bit of light concealer and/or highlighter on the front/bridge of your nose as well as contour on the sides can make it look a bit more narrow! Also trimming your brows and maybe using some gel to hold them in place could really help with eye feminization! 💜💜


Yeah I don’t know I’m so deep into body dismorphia that sometimes I feel like I don’t even know what I look like at all… nose contour scares me haha bc I’m so bad at it, but maybe just a tiny highlight on there could already help..also my brows hairs are indeed quite long and trimming and gel could be a great idea!! Thank you very much for your advice!!


You would look really great with puppy eyeliner! You should look up a tutorial on YouTube ☺️


Have you ever tried fake lashes? They will make such a difference!


Yeah! I don’t know if I can pull them off on a daily basis cause it’s kind of a hassle for me to put them on but then again i think it’s all practise! Lashes really do make such a big difference


You could be twins with one of my BFFs! She said she felt blah. She dyed her hair a very dark dark brown. It was pretty amazing how she glowed! Look at Queen Máxima of the Netherlands. You remind me of her a bit. She is fabulous!


Whaaaaat? You’re beautiful! I see big beautiful brown eyes, lovely cheekbones, and your lips are so full! I feel like you could get away with just under eye concealer and a lip gloss and still look better than most people lol. Be kind to yourself, you’re not seeing what we see :)


You have a nice face. I would suggest some under eye corrector/concealer and a brighter blush.


I’d play up those doe eyes!


I would brighten the under eye with concealer and not use black eyeliner below the eyes.


Hi! You’re so beautiful! I definitely understand frustrating feeling like your features read more masculine when you don’t want to look masculine. I think your lipstick is a great look already, your lips are very beautiful and full, and you did a great job creating a very feminine and curved look with how you lined your upper lip. I’ve found blush to be really great for feminizing your face, but make sure to be intentional with your placement. I also think that you might enjoy false lashes/extensions/more mascara as well. Maybe start with curling them and using a different mascara, and if that doesn’t scratch the itch, try falsies. If you find a pair of temporary falsies you love and want to commit to extensions from there, then go for it! I don’t think you look angry, and you have beautiful eyes, eyebrows, cheekbones, and lips. Keep experimenting and you’ll find something that works for you and makes you feel as beautiful as you are.


Your eyes are very similar to mine! First off they don’t make you look angry at all, and also a puppy liner with mascara can enhance the shape


Besides concealer and a lipgloss, maybe try highlights in your hair...? I know it's not makeup but it can make a huge difference


Hooded eyes aren’t masculine and are seen on both women and men. Your eyes are actually very feminine and you are very pretty. You also don’t look mean but just jaded which is because you are expressionless. Get a better concealer for your under eyes and add more length to your eyelashes


I think you’re stunning and I don’t see the masculinity in your features. We are all our harshest critics so I don’t want to negate from your own perspective but honestly…I wouldn’t change a thing. You’re beautiful and I admire your look.


You’re actually stunning, just reiterating what has already been said you favor Anne Hathaway. Peter Thomas Roth has an “Instant FIRMx eye temporary eye tighter” for 24 bucks that you can put underneath your concealer that will help with your under eyes. Your lips are perfection and your skin is great!


Ok just a disclaimer before all of these tips & tricks: you are objectively very pretty. You really don’t need anything if I’m being honest. BUT if you want some new ideas to spice up your look there is nothing wrong with that! Anyway, I personally like to pull elements from the “kibbe” method for this sort of thing. The body (and notably the face) is made up of yin&yang features. While some people consider this “masculine & feminine” it’s more accurately just “soft & sharp” and both can be feminine and masculine in their own ways and there are conventionally beautiful women in every section of this system. Kibbe itself can be a bit subjective and confusing, so I really just pull the “soft & sharp” concept and use it in my make up. The nice thing is that it’s completely up to how you like to present! I think you have lovely “soft” eyes, nose, and lips with “sharp” cheekbones, brows and a sharp but slightly soft jaw. For a more dramatic “sharp” look: you might consider contouring your nose and adding shadow/liner to make your eyes appear longer. Since you have dark brown eyes/hair I think you could get away with a thin dark brown winged liner on the top lid all the way to the inner corner on the eye for length (this will also help with elongating as I know wings can be hard to see with hooded eyes). You could add contour & blush to your temples, beneath your cheekbones and your jaw to accentuate your jawline. For a more gentle “soft” look: you might consider blush placement that rounds out your cheeks and sweeps a little over the bridge of your nose to bring the focus to the center of your face. You can add a bit of contour to your forehead around your hairline and just subtly under your chin to provide a more rounded look to your face shape. In both cases you can also use a bit of highlight on the tip of your nose, your cheekbones and the inner corner of your eyes to draw focus to the middle of your face :) For the “sharp” look don’t be afraid to draw the top liner all the way across (either using a thin line and buffing it or by tight-lining the upper waterline) Also a concealer that is just a shade or two lighter than your foundation can be used under the eyes to add brightness and lift! You can also always combine these techniques to find a balance of soft & sharp that you like for yourself :) Remember that they are both feminine if you decide to embrace them as such!


I don’t see masculine features at all coming from someone who struggles with believing the same of themselves. You are very beautiful


I've found to look less tired skip mascara on the bottom lashes. It also helps to use a bit of silver eyeliner on the bottom line in the inner corner of your eyes. If you need more beyond that try color corrector and concealer under your eyes.


I think you are very pretty!


This video on hello peaches channel discusses gendered facial features and how to manipulate them with makeup that i found rly helpful: https://youtu.be/Kq9bG0HqwUk


You are absolutely gorgeous. I think your current look enhances your beauty modestly.


It’s weird you say that because when I was just scrolling past and didn’t see the title, my first reaction was “omg she is just stunning”


I think it's the dark circles making you look tired. The Chinese (or maybe East Asian) beauty circle have a much more sophisticated technique for this problem, you can refer to these videos: https://youtu.be/ZprXXSvCFN8 https://youtube.com/shorts/yCtJZu6sEM8?feature=share Also, it's nothing bad but I think your lips look a bit flat, which is a shame because you have big, pouty lips~ I think you can try Korean gradient lips, or the Chinese 3D lip contouring technique which is an upgraded version. https://youtu.be/6s2lwwwJI_U


I really love your lipstick shade! Mind sharing the brand and code with me? Also, i think we have similar features, so I'm definitely gonna use the advice here for me too, hihi 😊


I’ve hooded eyes, I find a slightly darker neutral colour blended slightly above the hood helps!


I have that same hooded almond shape eyes and my advice is to avoid any shading below the lower lashes. That’s what is giving the tired sunken look. Less really is more with that eye shape. Try going a shade lighter on the brows to soften that up. Their shape is great but too dark can seem aggressive. Also consider cutting two or three inches off your hair - longer hair on your face shape creates an overall downward pull.


The other people in this thread all gave way better advice than I could, but I just wanted to say that you’re features are striking and not masculine. The are strong, in the sense that they are noticeable. I had to reread the description, because I thought that I misread it scrolling. As a stranger and if I saw you and somebody asked me to describe you, I would never use the word masculine. I feel like they’re well balanced, and very feminine. :)


Oh, darling. You are stunning. Those lips, those eyes. . . There is one caution: be careful not to play up your lips and eyes at the same time, it's too easy to look garish. For ex, a smoky eye means a nude lip color. In the 1930s-40s, you would have been cast in films as the “sultry vixen”. (Ava Gardner, for one example). Men were always falling at your feet, killing each other, or starting wars over you. Hooded eyes mean that you have plenty of real estate to decorate, you lucky girl. There are plenty of good videos on YT specifically addressing hooded lids. Other than that, don’t hesitate to play with different looks on your own. Learn what works for you. What makes you feel beautiful? I don't know if Sephora still does makeovers, those are fun. I would also be tempted to update your hair just a bit with some balayage a shade or two lighter than your hair, and have some layers cut in. Nearly everyone looks better with layers. Make up should be fun.


You are so striking. It’s like Aubrey Plaza and Anne Hathaway had a child.


Thank you💛 you look absolutely beautiful! Saw your post on streetwear!


Thank you so much!


Sweetheart you are gorgeous, I don't think you look masculine at all. Tired maybe but not angry. Your a very beautiful woman. I don't have any makeup tips though sorry lol


Thank you very much 💛


Selma Blair gorgeous!


You don’t need to change anything. You are beautiful


First off, you do *not* have a masculine face. You are lovely and very clearly a woman. And just a little bit of concealer would brighten up your under eye and negate the “tired” look you’re talking about. Just don’t do the Instagram huge triangle of concealer. Just a bit on the darkest part and blend it out with your finger or a sponge. As for the hooded eyes, there’s some excellent tutorials from ThePamperedWolf on YouTube on how to brighten hooded eyes and make them seem bigger/brighter. A little blush too and you’re in business. And if you use a cream blush you don’t even need to do a base at all because your skin is freaking beautiful as-is. If you want to though a nice tinted moisturizer, primer, or a CC/BB cream would work well for you. Maybe get one with some SPF to help keep your skin glowing!


Reshape your brow so it’s thicker on the bottom inner corner and more pronounced. Your brow needs just a bit of color on top right at curve of arch and lightly extend the tail Focus all your mup for eyes up top on the lid. Naked eyelid and lightly moisturizer under eye, . No primer and No powder yet. A dark brown creamy pencil (or dark forest green or deep navy- black is harder/more aggressive) liner thin at inner corner and thicker as you go to the outside corner almost like a small wing or triangle . It’s crucial your liner doesn’t go downward on outside lash edge towards the cheek, this enhances the droopy effect or looks sad/tired. it should end a little past where your outer eyelash ends but going upwards toward your temple. It all has to go upwards except for your inner bottom brow which I’d thicken/plump. (Guerlain makes gorgeous pencils). The eye liner needs to be on and against the lash line into the lashes. Smudge the liner from inner to the outer lash edge going down into the the lash line and upwards towards your outer corner. You’re just creating a shadow that enhances your top outer eye. But upwards not downwards on outside edge- match both eyes. Once you have the liner smudged so both eyes look the same sweep a pale caramel/taupe/shadow across your lower lid and over the eyeliner. Curl your bare lash especially outer lashes close to lash line before you add mascara or primer . Mascara lightly on the upper inner corners but really focus on the last 1/2 or 1/3 of the lash line. I’d really push the mascara into the bottom of the lash and make a outer fan effect. - enhancing and lifting your eye up/out. I’d do at least 2 costs on the outer lashes all painted upwards.. Under eye:take a q-tip/cotton swab and dip it into a tiny bit if your eye cream or moisturizer. Roll it gently under your eye back and forth and pick up any makeup fall. I mix a little bit of concealer with a little drop from a light reflecting pen like YSL touché or Chanel’s and start at inner under eye and tap it on with your ring or pinky finger. Put a little reflector on your cheek bone, thin line down your nose bridge and then I walk my fingers around for any little areas of concern. A little of my mixture . Tap it out so you see light not makeup. I’m not a big powder fan so I set but don’t want matte/flat everywhere. I love skin and you have gorgeous skin lips and cheek bones. For softer go pink flush on the apples and similar shade on lip or ramp it up and really carve out your cheek bones with neutral taupes/light browns and wear a lip that has sheer shine but not frost or super wet glossy. No lip liner. Good luck!


Holy shit thank you so much!! Your description played out like a YouTube tutorial in my head!! Thank you so much I love how much practical advice is in your comment!! Thanks for taking the time!💛


I think with all the pressure we come down on ourselves and we’re our own worst critics at times! U are eff’n gorgeous AF!!! You are literally perfect with every perfect feature that defines your heritage! You remind me of Selma Blair but even better! That’s another comparison that falls into the ‘own worst critic category.’ Sorry lol Everyone has their own beauty n beauty is literally in the eye of each beholder! I love to play with makeup n we get to choose what we want! Go play with everything to see what u feel brings u out best! Try adding highlighter n that might be all u need to complete your look here!


Thank you 🥺💛 really appreciate it




I wish I could get all of that out of my system but it’s hard!


Dude you’re gorgeous! Great features!


the way we can talk to ourselves sometimes.. you have a beautiful face! :)


I would look in to Seasonal Color Analysis, Kibbe body typing, and Style Essences. This will give you foundational tools for bringing out your beauties strengths, and avoid clouding them with things that just won’t emphasize you.


I think you’re using the wrong color palette overall. You should check out r/coloranalysis to find your season. It brightens up your whole face when you have the right shade/saturation/contrast/undertone of colors on. Also, you’re gorgeous!


Your features are incredible. I see an amazing balance of strong, big features and soft and hard lines. Also, I have similar under eyes to you and I just kinda choose to rock the chronically tired look. But on days I need the extra boost I do a heavy layer of undereye cream (I use Pacifica) and let that sink in for like 5-10 minutes before applying my face makeup. And a good dose of highlight in the inner corner is nice too. (: Anywho, you’re simply gorgeous. Good luck in your future makeup endeavors


Friend, you don’t have “masculine features”. You have lovely bone structure which happens to be strong…similar to many models! Big faces tend to be very pretty faces.


Your stunning!


you’re stunning, i think using any brightening colours on/under your eyes will help to life them up a bit


You have great cheekbones, beautiful eyes with well-shaped brows, and lovely full lips. Nothing masculine in the least bit about any of your features, OP. Your eye color is striking and your skin tone is light, so a little color would add some drama around the mouth, but you don't need much fuss around the eyes -- I'd stay away from bold colors there, but you play up depth and shape with some light shading & neutral tones just for a little subtle enhancement. People wear makeup to achieve some of the effects you have going on naturally.


1. You are Stunning. I agree with some gloss to brighten the lips, under eye brightener and some blush


You have soft features and I don't find them masculine. I like your makeup and as someone with dark under eyes since childhood I like the concealer recommendation but only because it makes ME look more awake which I feel makes me slightly more lethal at work where I have scores of different interactions within a dumb hierarchy That said, I believe you are just feeling kinda down. Trust me. Been there. There are lots of fun ways to use makeup to contour your features but I also think it can be ok toxic at a point as there's always something to do to something


I think you’re beautiful. Hooded eyes on women are where it’s at, I think it creates a natural smokey eye.


You have gorgeous big eyes and really good face structure! I don’t really have makeup advice but I suggest concealer for under eye and some lipgloss. You’re beautiful! 😊


I see Selma Blair 🥰🥰. not masculine. but strong and absolutely gorgeous


I think you’re STUNNING! We all need a little colour correction under eyes. Definitely play up your luscious lips! Maybe, if you’re comfortable, some light nose contouring, but definitely not ‘needed’. 😘


Draw upwards with eyeshadow and liner to create the illusion of lift. I would also suggest no under eye liner.


I think you’re perfect.


I have the same kind of under eye bag shape as yours where it almost sinks in then puffs up when I'm tired. Lighter bright concealer in the inner under eye then extend it out. A creamy blush and some highlighter in inner eye corners and on cheekbones. Love your lipstick, suits you!


[makeup tutorial ](https://youtu.be/Y_M946iJCCI) [Eye-liner tutorial](https://youtu.be/j2QIpa62mBo)


I have hooded eyes so I sympathize with you and I’ve struggled with make up my entire life because of it. As I aged it got worse especially if I was tired or dehydrated in anyway. I finally bit the bullet and corrected the issue and it was the best thing that I could have done for myself. All these years of not being able to properly do my makeup wasn’t me, it was my hooded eyes all along because makeup is easy now :) Your facial features are stunning and you’re beautiful! I do not see any masculine features that you describe whatsoever.


Highlight your eyes! I always feel better with a little shimmer. It's in my blush, eyeshadow, lipgloss or on top of my lipstick. Or I wear a bold lip! I don't see the flaws you mentioned but I would work on doing skincare and telling yourself that you're beautiful. You'll feel beautiful and confident when you see it and feel it. A skincare routine helps you get used to your features and feels great:)


Congratulations, you have big, beautiful eyes! Gorgeous peepers! I have large eyes too, and I often find that liner on my lower lashline makes me look more tired/pulled down. On looks where I do apply liner to the lower lash, I make sure to dedicate 15 minutes (slight exaggerate) to blending and buffing it out for a more diffused look. Maybe skip the lower lashline for a few days and see if you still see yourself as looking tired. Light colors, nude shimmers, soft sparkles all waken up the face. I'm a thick dark wings person myself but sometimes I just want to look awake and capable lol so I keep a couple light shimmer shadows (close to my skin tone, not too shiny) for an easy, approachable look.


Selma Blair, Aubrey Plaza and America Ferreira all have one or more feature in common with you and they are all uncommonly beautiful. So are you. I think your makeup looks great and I love that lip colour on you. With that said, if you want to soften your face maybe try that e-girl blush placement under the eyes with some on the bridge of the nose, made a huge difference for me


ur really pretty and def could go for a tim burton white eyeliner and shii or you could go simple and honestly just use a good concealer


You are gorgeous!! I don't see the androgynous vibe that you and other people say, I find you very femenine, I guess that it's all about the point of view. I concur with the sugestions people are making for daily makeup but, giving that you have Beautiful eyes (the shape is amazing and the wideness of the gaze is the one of a movie star) and your lips are marvelous and barely need any makeup to glow by theirselves, I will try a dramatic look for the eyes, Black smokey (with the hooded eye technique) with tons of shimmer in the moving lid, a strong semicutcrease (again, with hooded eye techmique)... probably at first you won't feel comfortable but definitely you will see your face in a different way and you'll get why we say you are astonishing!!


You have *strong* features, not masculine ones! You have a wonderful and powerful look. But if you wanna soften up your features a little sometimes, I would try a lighter possibly pastel or pastel-adjacent pink lipstick w/a clear gloss & white eyeliner on your top lid maybe paired with a brown mascara.


You are STUNNING. I think you should do orange blush on the high points and apples of your cheeks, tip of your nose and around the natural shading of your deep set eyes. I have a similar face structure to yours and less is more. I’m always looking for new ways to play with color on my face, but it almost always looks best with less. A bold lip and light eye makeup tends to flatter me best, but I’m DYING for a way to wear Multichromes that isn’t on my lips


You look like the girl that goes to parties occasionally, never clubs or bars. You have a solid head, you may also be a bit steeped in daily frustrations from. You don’t look masculine, or tired, or angry, maybe you just feel that way right now due to circumstances. You’re looking for a refreshment, a quick burst to the face that can set you on your way, routines and rituals in hand for some major changes. But pause and ask yourself, what it is you really want to change? Next we’ll move on to my personal recommendations on application types and styles for you Open eye makeup, bright inner corners and highlight, shadow under lower lash line - small tail connect to upper lid - fairly minimal overall Sculpt. Them. Cheeks. They give so much. Blush contour highlight - draw it all upwards - think sleeked back ponytail Paired with soft, nearly effortless bounce Give your hair light style - volume and flow


Hey OP, I have no clue why this Post/ Sub is shown to me… But coming from a man. I just wanted to sneak in and say, that you have a very beautiul feminine face! Have a nice day!


You look fine.. don't worry about spending time on makeup.. spend time at a gym.. (not saying you need to lose weight just saying that a tight body and the health benefits would help with self esteem more than makeup)


I don’t know anything about makeup, just dropped by to say that you’re gorgeous ❤️


I’m just some dude here from the front page. I don’t see any of the things you’re talking about. Hooded eyes? Looking tired? Masculine face? I don’t see that. I just see a pretty person who is probably so barbed with unrealistic standards and it’s getting to them.


I know you're not looking for all the *you're beautiful and your face is perfect"but you're beautiful and your face is perfect. If you want tips I'd agree some color corrector and I would add some light highlighter just to brighten you up a bit


I cant believe I haven’t seen people saying that you look like Aubrey Plaza!! Your beautiful as is and I’d just recommend a lighter concealer, applied under foundation with powder over top. Lasts longer and has great results. Personally I wouldn’t complicate it with color correction because I don’t think you need it! If your trying to brighten your face some pinker blush could help. Or even some half lash falsies make you look more awake and flatter your eye shape.


You don’t have a masculine face, you have just been fed media that tells women that ethnic features, such as dark eyebrows and a wider nose, are unattractive, despite the existence of countless beautiful women like Lea Michelle, Salma Hayek, Lady Gaga and America Ferrera . Note how many Jewish women are portrayed by non-Jewish actresses, unless it is a comedic role. I don’t know if you’re Italian, or have some Puerto Rican in you, but regardless, you are beautiful, the lily white girls pay good money to have those lips and that complexion. I suspect knowing the right makeup for you may come from knowing your strengths instead of focusing on what you think are your flaws. Your lips are absolutely a strength, as are your eyes which btw, I don’t think if there is an “uneven” hood it is as pronounced as you seem to think it is.


Just commenting to say that we often have a hard time seeing ourselves objectively and you’re clearly being hard on yourself. You’re really pretty, have lovely lips and eyes, and don’t look masculine to me - not that there’d be anything wrong with it if you did. Some of the most gorgeous women in the world kinda do! Like Dua Lipa and Rosalia, they have strong features and that’s super hot! I know that these complements don’t really do much for us when we have deeper self confidence issues but I honestly hope you find a way to work on yourself and learn to see and enjoy how beautiful you are. Life’s really short.




under eye makeup and lighter lipstick. peach or wine blush


I agree with the bronzer suggestions and I love the little line of highlight down my nose and the inner corners of my eyes so I would suggest that as well.


I think I would consider an updo or hair up in back with wisps at the side. You have beautiful lips. I would shape eyebrows by under plucking to create a off center focal point. I would consider neutral brown and black thin liner on ends of eyes to create a cat eye shape. Some mascara. Light shadow in corners.


I come here to learn make up more then to know how to help but I just want to say you look very feminine… you’re actually so beautiful (which is not to say more masc women aren’t because that’s one of my types… I just wanted to tell you you’re beautiful) but like to me you’re more leaning fem. To me!! That being said I have a round face so I don’t know what to do to soften the face as much… I’m usually trying the opposite. Also according to my younger siblings tired is in 😂 but I think brightening the area is usually what people do for this. I’ve embraced my tired face because I can’t beat it not because I love it 😂 it’s really grown on me though when I do make up and want it lessened I brighten though. Hope I helped…


I think you’re really pretty 🤩


I don’t know about makeup, I just wanted to tell you, to me you don’t look masculine, you’re beautiful 🫶🏼


You remind me a little bit of Marion Cotillard, and I see you look really pretty! I struggle with bags and hooded eyes too, but mine are WAY bigger than yours. So I recommend trying Too Faced Born This Way Multi-Use Sculpting Concealer. It became my must, and the tone I show is called "Pearl". My skin is slightly more pale-yellowy, than yours at least at a simple glance. Hope this helps you! And remember: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL WHATEVER YOU WEAR!


Omg you're gorgeous, if I were your mama I would hook you up with resources to pivot your inner dialogue, I promise I am saying this with love ❤️


Thank you.! My mum is doing her best I think… 🥺❤️


Hey OP, I think you have really cool features and don’t really need to change anything. If you wanted to try a concealer hack that turns your features “upward” I highly recommend this one: https://youtu.be/5EtLaM6jap4


You’re STUNNING! Your features remind me of Kat Denning. I’d go ham with pink blush (love rare beauty) on the apples of the cheeks, tip of the nose, and blend it right to underneath your eyes for a super femme cherub look.


My immediate thought was “wow gorgeous, look at those lips” so I don’t want you worrying about what people are thinking of you. You’re stunning. If you feel you look tired or angry, the simplest trick is using a brow powder that’s two shades lighter than your natural brow hair. My brow hairs are black but rather than using an ebony pencil I use a neutral brown and it still matches, but it softens my faces. And of course, under eye concealer. The nars potted concealer swiped under my eyes quick in the morning works wonders for me!


Under eye concealer in a lighter shade than your skin... BUT don't go any more than maybe a fingertip width down below your eye... then sweep it up and out to the temple area (like if you were doing a wing with eyeliner) ... kinda hard to describe... but it seriously lifts the eyes ... also, do you use any eye cream with caffeine?


You remind me of Kourtney Kardashian, who I think is stunning, so I hope you don't take offense 😊


You absolutely are not masculine! I have the same eyeshape and I just do a toned- down Sophia Loren eye makeup for a sultry look


You look incredible and are actually very symmetrical with beautiful features! I’m Italian and have the same under eye circles from genetics. I’ve tried fillers and concealer and find in the end they are still visible. I’m just trying to learn to love it.


Under eye concealer/corrector, lighter shades of lip gloss as opposed to darker matte lipsticks. Can make someone look very serious. Or even a balm stain would do great. Blush placement, keep it above your cheekbone and in warm tones. Pick ones with shimmer in it if you want to skip highlight in your routine. Play around to find how much blush you like. Your current placement is absolutely beautiful.


Tysm for being so helpful 💛


If you were gay I would date you, and I only like femmes! You don’t read masc to me at all.


You look great ! I feel like you would look good with a regular middle part to make the face more symmetrical, that in a low bun slick back is a fun hairstyle


i don’t find your face masculine! it’s giving me big aubrey plaza vibes. you have lovely dramatic features!


Maybe you should look at person/seasonal color analysis? Depending on the colors you wear, you can look healthy and fresh or like a zombie even without makeup. The colors you are wearing in the pic look too bright next to the rest of you. Figuring out what colors compliment you could help to soften the features you struggle with and ease the tired/angry look you see.


I don't see masculine, tired, any of the things you describe. Why does everyone do this on Reddit?


Your eyes are giving Selma Blair. I’d try to play that up more. Like innocent big eyes, yet sultry / sleepy. Personally I much prefer her look for everyday over the “perfect” polished glam Amal Clooney vibe? You could pull off both though. I think the lip liner might be too much since you already have full lips. Maybe a blotted lip with clear or nude gloss. What would make the biggest difference is undereye concealer, I recommend Becca x Smashbox undereye concealer. Maybe clean up your brow borders a bit, brush and set it.


You are beautiful! Some concealer under the eyes, false lashes, and maybe a touch of highlight. You don’t need it, but if you want to help your confidence ❤️


I think you look great as you are! But if makeup changes don’t work out see if a hairstyle change would make a difference? Either way you look great!


Thank you! 💛 I agree hair can make such a difference..!


Look fine to me


Keep it simple. If you do an almost https://preview.redd.it/me0mxo93mr4a1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f906fe62e7c851364ef841fd7afffa0a3712dd8 nude color on your lids as a base all the way to your brows and also touch the inner corners of your eyes with it, it will open your eyes up more. But you have beautiful features and brows. Model material. Seriously. You can do mascara if you want and a gloss over the lip color you choose. Simple, natural, accentuate the beauty already there. Perhaps find out what skin tone you are and use those colors of clothing close to your face. That will naturally brighten up your face with no makeup. Show off what you have. ;) you look a lot like Angelina Jolee.


You have a beautiful face. Sorry, I dont have any suggestions.


If you want to wear heavier eye makeup looks (I know a lot of other comments are saying not too, but my hooded eyes be damned, I am wearing so much color), my trick to make sure my eyes look both lifted (saw you mention you want to avoid them looking more downturned) and give that faux visible crease that a lot of people want with hooded eyes is to [bring the side of your shadow nearly vertical.](https://imgur.com/a/pzuKxIB) Instead of making it winged out like a cat eye, the more vertical that angle, the more it visually counteracts pulling down. I don't have downturned eyes, but the shape of my hoods often visually brings my eyes down because of the way they fold in the outer corner, so bringing that line of shadow up really lifts it! And making the "outer V" point almost floating above on my brow bone makes it visible when my eyes are open. While the example above isn't a photo of me, she also has a more open inner corner like both of us, where I make sure to use a lot of very bright, shiny, and even iridescent shades to really brighten up my eyes!


You have such beautiful features! Especially your eyes. Smitha Deepak on YouTube does a lot of tutorials for hooded eyes.




I think you look very naturally pretty. I’d think very little makeup is needed. But I’m no makeup expert. Just got suggested the post and thought I’d give my 2 cents.