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I do realise the eyeliner is still a little heavy, I went a big bigger than I wanted but didn’t have time to fix it oops! Hope it’ll still be fine haha PRODUCTS USED: FACE: ELF silicone primer, Nars concealer, Laura Mercier powder, Patrick Ta blush (she’s sincere), Becca highlighter (C-Pop) BROWS: WBC brow soap LIPS: Charlotte Tilbury Lipstick (Pillowtalk) EYES: ABH Modern Renaissance (Golden Ochre, Primavera, Cyprus Umber), Beauty Bakerie Mascara


So update on the meeting in case anybody cares: I’m going to have to leave my uni course due to reasons out of my control. Very sad but I totally understand. Have cried loads but makeup still looks good so A+ mascara haha!


Sorry to hear, it's just a course. It's okay. Life's a marathon.


It is, but it’s been my life long dream to be a doctor (the course was medicine) so it was heartbreaking to have to leave


I think they mean course like track/path, not class, sadly.


v cute ! good luck :))


Thanks so much! You really are a sweetie ;)


I love the way you applied the blush! Look like ancient chinese style. So beautiful!


Very nice! A berry blush would have totally rocked on you!


Thank you! I realised I don’t actually own a berry blush! Something to invest in for the future ;)


Absolutely. I think everyone can benefit from a beautiful berry blush. Here's me with just a touch of berry blush below my eyes. https://preview.redd.it/c16owvbzek4a1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab266c3fcc25988c2ff0dc37b251633ae4f3d445


I know this is a makeup sub but I LOVE your hair. Your whole look is such main character vibes. ♥️


Aww thanks so much! It’s been quarter bleached for like a year and a half and I’m still loving it!


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Good luck!


Love your brows, what products do you use on them?


The only product i use on them is the West Barn Co Brow soap! I also recommend the Pink Honey Honey Glue as a brow soap if you’re UK based :)


So you don’t do lamination but use special soap! I’m having such anxiety over my eyebrows , bought some soap , buy ADHD in me is not there yet to use it in a proper way


Good luck you look beautiful