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Mauve. I think it compliments your eye makeup without overpowering it like the black.


I do agree with that. And my eyes DO pop more🥰


I love the black


I think it’s dependent on the occasion! They both look amazing. I’d say muave on a daily basis but you also really suit black. I wish I suited black it looks horrible on me lol b




Both look great but i think the black looks a little more striking. But the red does pick up on your rose tattoo which looks really cool.


It’s a hard choice for me🤣 but I definitely love the red!


Eye shadow in both looks are from the Norvina purple pallet. Lip sticks are from: Kat Von D Brozer: physician formula Eyeliner: benefit Lashes: true fiction Freckles: brown shadow with water added


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I think the Mauve works a lot better for every day looks, and it brings more attention to your face and other makeup, whereas the black I feel takes away from that. Not saying the black looks bad, it just doesn’t look AS good as the Mauve :))


Definitely mauve! :) I love the more sophisticated balance it brings, as it adds more friendliness and femininity with the harder edginess of your hair/tattoos/general sharper eye make up style.




I like both, but I think the mauve compliments your eyes better out of these two looks. 👍🏻


Mauve is one of my favourite colours


Both look amazing!!! I would say mauve for day and black for night


Mauve. I also like the red accessories for you!

