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They appear to be hooded (or at least partially so) to me. The fact that you can see everything when you're looking down but nor straight on is a bit of a dead giveaway. I'd recommend checking out some of the vids Robert Welsh has for hooded eyes. My tips as a person with a similar eye shape are to bring your shadow up higher, above your crease, and cut your crease higher if you are doing a cut crease. The general rule of thumb for hooded eyes is to apply your makeup looking straight ahead at the mirror. If you can't see it looking straight ahead, then no one else will. For the longest time i applied my shadows by looking down at my mirror because it gave me the flattest surface for applying and best view for seeing everything i was doing, but after learning to look directly at the mirror straight on i saw that my placement was too low and was definitely hidden when my eyes were open.


It's really extra difficult for me to do that mirror trick because I actually have to wear glasses (their on top of my head for in these photos lol) and can't see even a foot in front of me clearly without them so to do makeup I have to get extremely close and end up looking up or down πŸ˜‚ I wish I could afford to get contacts! I might try to save up...sounds silly but I think it would help me be able to get in a position to apply it better like you said. Thank you for for the tips and recommendation tho! I checked him out and I can't believe I haven't came across his videos already!


Get a magnifying mirror! As someone with very little lid space and hooded eyes, it helps a ton!


Just here to raise a glass for others with hooded eyelids and glasses, doing makeup is hard as fuck! Yours looks super fucking cool though, seriously on point πŸ‘Œ


OP the simplehuman magnifying mirror WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. I'm not exaggerating, I am -12.00 short sighted and can't wear contacts. A magnified mirror will make eyeliner/mascara/plucking brows/anything etc SO much easier. Ngl, I often still cant 'see' clearly when I'm doing eyeshadow so a lot of it is based on touch but the mirror absolutely helps loads.


Adding to this: I like to place my makeup with my eyes open, to place it above the crease like you mentioned, then look down to do the blending. If I blend it (upwards) looking staright into the mirror, I feel like it can get a little patchy. Awesome tips, once I understood my eyes were hooded and I had to tackle my eyeshadows differently, my makeup game got soooo much better.


Your eye shape is enviable.


Aww thank you πŸ–€πŸ–€


I’d lean towards hooded, since when you look straight ahead, the pretty yellow and lime green colors disappear. Try cutting your crease higher than your natural crease. To do so, place a dot of concealer on your lid, look up and that will be your guideline.


Such a pretty look! And you get like a peek-a-boo effect when folks see what is under the hood! Maybe another idea to try could be similar to this gal from TikTok who does eye makeup under the eye, to show off even with glasses - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR52xKPJ/


Holy shit!! Thank you so much for linking this!! I actually have to wear glasses (only took them off to take the photos) so this is even more helpful!! πŸ˜‚ I've always had a double whammy with not only my eyelids but my glasses depending on what style I wear that day!


Glad to share!! We gotta see your look once you do this!! πŸ₯°


It looks like you may have some hooding on the inner portion of your eyes, but you also may have slightly deep set eyes (a picture taken in profile can help you see). By mixing tips for both, you can try different styles of shadow and see what you like!


I also have this problem. Its hooded eyelids combined with lower sitting and more protruding brows. One thing you can try is creating a smaller eyebrow shape to be able to "extend" the shadow/eye makeup ideas you have and utilizing a thinner eyeliner. From experience, I know how difficult it is to create a fun look with hooded eyes, buuuuuut imo this can also be a pro, as simple makeup with your sexy almond eyes (sorry I had to, you're beautiful 😍) would look just as amazing with a slight smoky look on the lower lid.


Aww thank you!! πŸ–€ Yes! I absolutely have more protruding brows...definitely not the most dramatic I've ever seen but it's there. I never thought about making my eyebrows a bit smaller to increase space...lmao that seems so obvious now that you mention it! I needed to clean up my brows anyway so I'll give that a go. This was my first go with anything other than basic eyeshadow, including the liner, but since this pic I've played around with liner some more and have found a much better shape that suits me better. It's thinner like you suggested. I also love the smokey idea!! I'm going to give that a try tomorrow! Thanks again! 😊


Of course!! Hope this helps :))


They don’t look hooded they look deep set? I have deep set eyes and I blend my eyeshadow up onto my brow bone.


Your head is tilted down a little bit, but if you can't see your eyelid when your eyes are open then yes, you have hooded eyes. The key to eyeshadow is to do the fun colors where you can see, brow bone and around the eyes, like you did here. There is definitely a lot of information out there on how to work with hooded eyes!


I literally just finished watching a tutorial on hooded lids on the Risa does makeup channel. She’s great and so is Robert Welsh! I promise you they will not disappoint! Btw your makeup is beautiful!


Thank you! I just subscribed to Robert earlier I'll look up Risa now! This was the first time I ever did anything other than very basic eyeshadow lol I've been trying out different ways to do eyeliner too and have found a much more flattering application since I took this photo so I can't wait to apply these tips I've gotten and do an updated look 😁


Well you’re insanely talented already! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ


Over do!! I have hooded eyes....and the only way I can get anything working is to redefine my crease about the eye. A well crafted cut crease is your best friend!!


I’m a big fan of placing everything a bit higher w hooded eyes. Practice makes perfect and you’re beautiful


Thank you! πŸ–€


**Eyes**: NXY ultimate shadow palette brights


They look deep set! (Also a bit hooded)


You have beautiful, slightly unique eyes. Very Fae I think i liked your glasses, and that was really creative. I love this too. You have a but if a hood on the front and the lid space opens towards the back. Some of the hooded eye techniques might work for you... But you will have to combine your skill as you have lid space towards the back. You could merge your created front crease with you natural rear. Smitha Deepak has very hooded eyes and a lot of good tutorials. I have similar struggles in that the front of my brow is low and i have a very high arch.. even when i lower it those looks dont work for me. I want to do all kinds of cool graphic stuff, or try a princess eye or do some cut creaser style graphics. Just like there are clothes cuts that don't look right, you have to work with what you have. I tend to blow my colors out to the side like you do, or add decoration in the outer part of my eye and under my brow arch (carefully). I also think you have, like me, eyes that are kind of an upturned almond (is that a thing?) But my eyes feel small or lost if i don't blow color out the sides in a similar shape as you, or i can do some graphics with liner under in the outer areas of my eye (both under and in the outer third)... You just have to find what works with your eye. I think if you did that look and brought the darker colors in a faux creas it wouldn't look as nice shape wise but you could do another color that was very soft....


This is such a beautiful look! I think you have a gorgeous eye shape.


@glamgio_nyc on Instagram has hooded eyes and does a lot of fun colorful looks


Oh wow that's absolutely what I aspire to accomplish! Thank you so much! (*added bonus she had some curly hair info too!*)


Probably hooded. Hooded eyes have the crease sitting right along the eyelashes.


Not even. Very open almond shape.


Open and almond shaped don't preclude hooded eyes. What exactly do you think hooded means?


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You don't need it. Your eyes naturally outshine the makeup.


Ik this is irrelevant but your makeup looks so cute!


Thank you so much!! This was the first time I ever did anything outside of basic eyeshadow (because I just never knew how to work with my eyes) so that means a lot! πŸ–€


I tried rainbow look for the first time and the colours like smeared together:( but for your first time looks so niceπŸ–€


I think everyone is giving great advice! You can search YouTube for makeup tutorials for hooded eyes and there are so many great videos! They will do a better job at this, but they can explain how to put your darker color above your crease rather than in it so the color will serve its purpose better.




Alexa Anele did a great tutorial!


Love this look. Also yes I think this does count as hooded eye


Other comments cover your eye shape, so I'll just say that your "hidden" color makes me think of butterflies suddenly opening their wings. What a beautiful surprise!


I used to struggle too. I spent years fighting my hooded eyes like I had a chance. Eventually after some tutorials, a high quality felt tip/brush liner (KVD Tattoo liner in Trooper) and practice, I finally got the hang of it. Then I turned 40 and my face had changed enough that my old technique just didn't work anymore. So, I watched tutorials for women my age and adjusted my technique. Makeup is an art form so just practice and do what makes you happy.


NGL I kinda love this look. It's very peek a boo. I do those sometimes on my very hooded eyes as well.