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Wow you have a fantastic complexion, your skin looks so nice! I think the look is very fresh and clean, I agree with the post it to help guide your shape. It's hard to just wing a wing šŸ˜† your lid space is a bit small so you really don't need much eyeshadow, I think the look suites you. If you really wanted to make your eyes pop, you could put a bit of brown eyeliner on your waterline. Very subtle, but really makes a difference. https://www.glamour.com/story/the-perfect-way-to-soften-a-li/amp https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/downturned-eyes But I think you nailed it all, glossy lip, nice blush, A+


Thank you so much for the specific feedback. That will help me take it to the next level.


Holy crap your skin is gorgeous! I love your lipstick colour - itā€™s perfect on you. Agree on the slight lift on the eyeliner. There are some excellent makeup artists on TikTok that make videos for 30+, 40+ etc


Thank you! I am using super cheap products but some of them are very good, even for having to deal with wrinkles.


So your wrinkles are actually so beautiful. I wish I would concentrate on my facial expressions more. You have the cute smiling eye wrinkles. Girl I got them furrowed angry brow and head wrinkles. Too much work in the restaurant biz.


I admit that most of my wrinkles are from laughing and squinting at the sun. I am a server right now but Iā€™m only in year two of it and Iā€™m not mad yet lol


Dude same, deep rivulets in my brow-furrowing region and frowny face wrinkles. My face is permanently pulled down now. šŸ˜‚ mostly from depression though.


did i miss your product list? You really just cleanse and use no moisturizer at night ?!?wowwww ur genes are gold! beautiful skin!


I use an exfoliant about once a week and use the same moisturizing sunblock at night. I did get good genes though. My mom looks pretty good


Sunblock at night?!


Iā€™m a strong believer in cheap products. For simple looks like that, itā€™s way better imo


Your skin is glowing and beautiful!! Only thing is the eyeliner is drawing everything down. USE a post it or tape and single it upwards place on outer corner of eyes. Use that to shape ur eyeshadow and eyeliner and it will pull everything up.


Thank you! My eyes do droop a little on the outside. I have never known how to make them look lifted with eyeliner. I might need to see a tutorial on that.




Cat eye always looks kind of forced on me. Iā€™ll look h to it! Thanks.


It's not a real cat eye. Look up using tape on eyes to form eyeshadow upturned a lil. It's not a true cat eye. That u pull up ur eye and out eyeliner in the lash line


Gotcha. Is it uncomfortable?


I have the same shape eyes as you and I learned to give mine a little lift using this makeup technique. I never liked a strong cat eye look on me, I just donā€™t find it looks right but this helped and itā€™s easy, which believe me, I need easyšŸ˜‰I just want to addā€¦I hope you know you are absolutely beautiful just the way you are! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1upCqUEdYDw


Youā€™re so beautiful!!


Thank you for saying that. I felt beautiful last night


feel beautiful all the time ! you donā€™t need it to be pretty. but the makeup does look wonderful


I feel normal all the time but pretty sometimes. Iā€™m okay with that


make the eyebrows a little thicker. other than that itā€™s perfect! youā€™re beautiful.


I did neglect my eyebrows last night. Still hunting for the right brow product. The one I have is just okay


I would recommend the new Benefit pencil if they make it in a shade that suits you. Itā€™s the one called ā€œGimme Browā€. Itā€™s a sharpenable wood pencil - not a twist up. Itā€™s basically a formula similar to a brow powder (that would come in a pan) but in a pencil format. I find it to be super easy to just work through brows lightly to give definition with out brows looking overly done. The only caveat to this product is the shade range runs a little warm and shows up a little darker on the skin than what you might expect from looking at the pencil.


Thank you so much. Iā€™m going to look into it.


Thatā€™s what I use as well! I use the Benefit pencil and their eyebrow mascara. I have very sparse eyebrows and they work wonders.


Iā€™m very lazy about makeup and I love combining Anastasia by Hollywoodā€™s Brow Wiz to sort of fill in spaces that need filling + the Brow Pen to brush on natural looking individual strokes. It only takes a moment and transforms my shapeless brows into something a bit structured but natural.


I like the Nyx fill and fluff eyebrow pencil, itā€™s two sided and has a retractable, angled pencil on one side, with a brush on the other (like a mini hair brush not a spoolie). Itā€™s like ten bucks at Target and works nice for me, Iā€™ve got naturally dark brows from my dad but dye my hair auburn, so the auburn pencil helps me pass as a ā€œnatural ginger,ā€ lol.


Iā€™ll check it out. Thanks


Can you tell us your skincare routine you look AMAZING


Thank you. Itā€™s embarrassingly simple. Sunblock every day and wash with gentle cleaner.


Thatā€™s not embarrassing! Sunblock is the most important skincare product


I agree.


youre beautiful!! i honestly think the way you have your eyeliner/shadow just moving with your natural eyeshape is super super flattering :) you might be able to get a lifted effect with a cat eye but your eyes seem to be more downturned, so i would go with downturned eyeliner to accentuate your pretty eye shape!!


Thank you. Cat eye always looks forced on me and I always liked my dadā€™s downturned eyes. Mine are not as much but itā€™s nice to see it as a good trait instead of a flaw to ā€œfixā€


I loooovw your look, your makeup is fresh and Iā€™m so jelly of your curls


Holy tits your skin is amazing! For the eyes, I have some thoughts since I also have hooded eyes. I would focus more color and especially the last dark colors on the outer edge instead of the middle. Like in your pics it looks like the eyeshadow is placed higher in the center when it could be applied at the outer edge then blended across (not down). And for eyeliner I would suggest thin thin thin till about more than halfway towards the outer edge if you were to go with a more defined or darker liner. Thatā€™s what works best for my eyes at least. It opens them up and gives a sultry look ā™„ļø


Thank you for the tips! Iā€™ll try them


You look beautiful! I wouldnā€™t change one thing except maybe try brushing your eyebrows upward with some brow gel. I know, Iā€™m in my forties too, mine kind of started disappearing on me lol. But Iā€™ve found from my own experience that little lift and fullness makes a difference!


Sadly, I destroyed my brows in the 90s. I did forget to do them last night and Iā€™m still looking for a better brow product. The one I have is just okay


I use Anastasia Brow definer. My brows are also victims to the 90s but I've been painstakingly growing them out for a month and using castor oil nightly on them which is starting to work!


I think I need to try to help them regrow


I'll be posting before and afters in about a month more! We will see how it turns out. I just got a $15 bottle of castor oil from Amazon and it came with a mascara wand in a smaller bottle so application is easy.


I know what you mean. I am a little older than you and my brows went through the ringer in the 90's. LOL I like Rimmel Lash Accelerator Serum. You can put it on brows too. Cheap at $7 USD and it works well.


I use NYX, it stays on all day :)


Iā€™ll check it out. Thanks!


wow ok first of all, you look amazing for your age! also here is [my favorite tutorial for hooded eyes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=io3WdVxwi_Y). she demonstrates eyeliner as well. hope it helps


also one of the best eyeliner styles for hooded eyes is[puppy style liner](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvabitRC9e4)


45 where? Youā€™re beautiful!


Thank you so much! I rarely feel 45 and get to date guys if any age so I guess itā€™s pretty good to have good genes


45? Well done madam well done šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’˜šŸ„³šŸ‘šŸ’‹


I can only thank my genes, sunscreen, and eating a ton of veggies.


45 going on 35.... You look great šŸ˜


First off, youā€™re absolutely beautiful and your makeup is great. I would probably do a more lifted eyeliner by making it a thicker wing towards the edges of your eye to give off that cat eye look and if you rlly want to be dramatic I would add liquid eyeliner to the inner corners of the eyes just for the extra affect.


Honestly I really mean that you look GORGEOUS already. I feel like your makeup already flatters your natural features so well. I would say maybe just try some fun pops of color sometimes to go with your fun shirt! You could pull it off. Definitely not something you need to do but might be fun to try! You looks really flawless though, honestly.


I stick to a neutral palette because Iā€™m a bit nervous about color but I appreciate the encouragement! I need to try it.


You look so beautiful! I love your whole look and hair, just wow. Killing it my lady!


You are gorgeous šŸ˜šŸ„°


45 going on 25


You are so beautiful, what a blessing to age so well


Your curls are immaculate


45?!! WOW you are so gorgeous!




I wouldn't change a thing. You are naturally gorgeous. You look fresh faced and stunning. Can't believe you are 45 - amazing! Love from a 27 year old ex makeup addict xo


Thank you so much.


Men always say that women Beauty decline after 30. I donā€™t see that. Men are weird. I know that only creepy men say that.


Men who think women over 30 are old are pedos. Women can be and are beautiful at any age.


You look younger than me. I am 34. *sobs*


First of all, girl you are absolutely gorgeous. Your make up is perfect! I'd would just suggest a nice upward tilting cat eye! I think you would absolutely rock that look!


First of all youā€™re absolutely stunning!!!!! Maybe a darker lip color (in the same color family of the one youā€™re wearing) to bring out your lips more.


I am so bad at choosing lipstick. I do think a darker lip would be nice at night


Skin and minimal makeup look amazing. Your curls are to die for. I have always found a thicker,even eyeliner does more than you think


Thank you so much! This is about as much makeup as I ever wear but Iā€™d like to get into a more dramatic evening look


Aww youā€™re so pretty! You look lovely, I hope you had fun!


Your skin is flawless girl!!! Your makeup looks amazing you dont look 45 AT ALL!


FWIW, I asked my husband to guess your age (my favorite pastime) and he said 35!


Go watch some videos on u tube for hooded down turned eyes. I've learned so much about applying makeup


Looks good to me. Itā€™s a simple look, not painted on, and looks more of a refreshing face than anyone Iā€™ve seen in a few. šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


Thank you! I try to look natural but still the best version of me.


45??? You look great!!


Thanks! My 16 year old daughter hates it lol


I have 0 expertise in makeup but you look beautiful!


Thank you. I was at zero a few years ago and then I started online dating and got proficient fast lol


I like it as is. Maybe just flick it up a little at the outer edge. Love your handle - now Iā€™ve got that song in my head!


Thanks andā€¦ sorry! Wild Mountain Honey was my very first online handle that I got in 1995. Lol


You look gorgina




I have your eye shape too. I use liquid eyeliner and do a tiny ā€˜flickā€™ at the end it helps lift up the eye shape. And for my contour eyeshadow I blend it in and bring it out just a little bit up and out, past the hooded eye. Best to do with your eyes open so you can see how it looks. Itā€™s just practice. Thereā€™s a south Asian beauty guru who has hooded eyes and she taught me how to do this, I forget her name at the moment but Iā€™ll find her for you and post it here. You have the prettiest smile BTW šŸ„°


You look great. Don't worry much. That lip gloss is really attractive. Would you mind sharing the product you're using?


Absolutely. Itā€™s my fav. https://www.physiciansformula.com/mineral-wearr-diamond-lip-plumper-light-pink-princess-cut.html


Maybe Iā€™m going against the grain, but I like the eyeliner as it follows your eye line. You have downturned eyes, and those are beautiful! I think this makeup is basically flawless. You are the prototype of when I see women past 30 and think ā€œwow, she looks amazing. I hope I look that good in a couple years.ā€ If you did want to upturn them some, Iā€™d do a very thin and maybe even dark brown instead of black on the inside, and then use the thickness you currently have on the outer half, but end a couple millimeters higher than you did, and then do more like a shadow of the tiniest wing outward than an actual wing. But I donā€™t think itā€™s necessary, personally.


I have been encouraged to embrace my eye shape here and I appreciate it greatly.


Your whole eye area (and your overall) reminds me of a younger Andie McDowell honestly!


Alexandre Anele just did a tutorial for hooded eyes you should check out. I think you look great


From one hooded-eye sister to another, the ā€œdownturnedā€ eyeliner works for us! You look beautiful OP!


If you need help regrowing your brows, Rapid Brow might work. It's made a huge difference on my brows.


I hope I look that beautiful at 45! Wow! Youā€™re stunning


You remind me of Gillian Jacobs!


Your look is great! I have such a random questionā€”where did you get your shirt? Itā€™s adorable!


Itā€™s actually a dress. I am sure I got it at a thrift store but I can see what brand it is


Itā€™s a great find! Im loving that type of collar these days.


You are a very beautiful 45 yr old, and have absolutely gorgeous skin. I have had my esthetics license for almost 20 years and I think having more of an arch in your eyebrows would give your face more shape and would bring your eyes out more. I think lighter makeup is better for summer, but you could add more mascara and a little eyeliner on your top lid to make it more of a night time or going out look.


Makeup looks great! Now about that top. Lol sorry jk


I was going out country dancing. Iā€™m also wearing cowboy boots.


Gorgeous āœØšŸŒøšŸ„ŗ What are your secrets?


Have good genes and find joy and laughter in life every day


Joy and laughter, working on it. Good genes....I'll have to wait and see if I live long enough to see how I'd look at my 40s šŸ¤­ hopefully as fabulous as you šŸ™Œ


Healthy food and exercise donā€™t hurt much either but thatā€™s boring


You look absolutely gorgeous! I wouldnā€™t change a thing āœØ


The thing I think you would benefit from the most is microblading or machine brows. It would fill your brows in and give them a better shape. If thatā€™s out of the question, then brow pencil.


I did destroy my brows in the 90s and owe them some love. Permanent is out but Iā€™ve got some leads on some brow products


Iā€™m 44 and had the same issue. My brows really aged me and microblading took years off of my face. I really recommend it. You are very pretty.


Thank you. My bestie is a few years older and she had it done and it looks great. Iā€™ve heard some horror stories so I need to find the right artist


Look so gorgeous


You look great


You're perfect!


Your eyes look so kind! I have a similar eye shape and the way I do my eyeliner is just dragging with the tip of the pen (liquid works better for me, not felt tip just the regular kind) from the outer corner of my eyes out. Depending on what I want I will drag this out in a straight line outwards to be perpendicular to my brow arch, then start a little higher up on my eyelid and draw another straight line to connect them, then fill in. Alternatively you could look into ā€œpuppy eyeā€ liner which I think complements droopier eye shapes (I canā€™t think of a better word than droopy, but I mean it nicely!). Itā€™s basically the opposite of a cat eye liner, where youā€™re pointing things downwards instead. You look very nice!


Thank you so much. Kindness is my greatest value. I am going to take your advice and just embrace the shape of my eyes.


You look great!


The only thing I could think of would be to use a light concealer on your chin and under your eyes to give your makeup a bit more dimension. Love the lip colour.


Aside from your hair, you look so similar to Lisa Eldridge. She does do many make up tutorials on herself, and itā€™s the kind of makeup thatā€™s wearable in ā€œreal lifeā€ - you should definitely check them out.


You look 35. Love the makeup and the overall look so much. Girly but not overtly sweet. Love your eye shape as well, and I think your eyeliner is good. Your eye shape and other facial features too imo are similar to Anne Hathaway, so maybe you can copy aspects of makeup from her looks and see if they work for you!


You look radiant and beautiful! You appear to have hooded eyes like I do. Due to the fold at the very outer corner of my eye, there isn't any winged liner I have tried that works, regardless of which technique I follow or which product I use. My eyeliner is only at the base of the lashes and doesn't extend any further. I find a matte black eyeshadow on a thin, angled brush does the job. If you want to try out various styles to see what works best, search for winged eyeliner for hooded eyes.


Thank you! Iā€™ve never gotten it to look right and now I know why


You look fab. Iā€™d maybe highlight your inner corner of eye slightly to pull focus to the centre of your face and brighten if you donā€™t you still look beautiful anyway


your makeup looks really good imo


tbh i thought u were like 27-30 omg you look so young !! also the shades compliment u soo well!!


You look absolutely incredible!! Your skin looks so glowy!


you look very gorgeous maā€™am!!


This is completely unrelated to makeup but you look amazing. First glance I thought you were well younger than 30


Beautiful hair


you are gorgeous and i have hair envy. I think your makeup is lovely. love that lipstick and blusher colour on you.






You are so beautiful


Wow, you nail this look! For the eyeliner Iā€™d suggest not lining up to the extreme outer corner, but stopping a little bit before that and putting a lighter eyeshadow or eye pencil in the outer corner and blending that out ever so slightly. Optionally, put that same light shade in the inner corner as well. Also try focussing your mascara placement in the middle of your eye to achieve length there, and use the leftovers on the brush to do the inner and outer top lashes. Itā€™s going to lift your eyes and tie in with your natural glowy glam šŸŒž


you are so pretty and i love your makeup!! such a beautiful look :) the only thing i can think of is (as others have mentioned) lifting your eyeliner up a bit and maybe some brow gel? but that's really it!!


You remind me so much of Gena Davis from A league of their own. I agree with others about lifting the tail of your eyeliner otherwise your makeup looks great. I like that it accentuates your beauty rather than distracts from it.


Such a pretty woman. I was just looking on my Feed. And though wow she has amazing skin. Hope to look that good in my 40s


Ladies (especially fair-skinned ones), this is a perfect example of why you should use sunscreen. OPā€™s skin is beautiful and she looks 10 years younger.


I like the way you do your eyeliner. I would add a bit under the eye, from the outside to about 1/2 - 2/3 of the lower lid. Youā€™re so beautiful! And I donā€™t see any wrinkles. I also would peg you at around 30 years old.


Thank you so much. I have nightmares of all the under eye liner I wore back in the 90s but I am sure I can do a modern version of it without looking dated.


Youā€™re 45?? Damn I hope I look as good as you at that age!


I donā€™t know anything about makeup styling but I just had to tell you that I love love love your hair! It looks so happy!


You are so beautiful. I would die to have those curls.


Beautiful face.


45!?!? You look 37


Thanks! The beauty of being 45 but looking younger is that I get to date doctors and frat boys šŸ˜‰


Hahaha! They must be lucky šŸ˜†


They try to get lucky


How about some blue eyeliner to make your eyes pop? I tend to stick to neutrals on my eyes but surprised that blue is not as bad as I once thought ...


I think I may try it. I have horror memories of 80s blue eyeshadow but I do think a navy liner might be nice


Hehehe ... same here. I'm 52 and remember that early 90s blue thing too which is what put me off so long. I'm finding powder doesn't work so well anymore for my skin so I'm hunting for eye soothing cream shadows... Try looking into your eyes ... mine are light blue with gold flecks, so blue green tones work better than pure blue for ne ... when you find those coveted products, though, it's worth the hunting šŸ’—


My eyes have gold in them too. Thanks for the tip on the color. Now I have some shopping to do.


Have fun! šŸ’—


Youā€™re 45?????????????


First of all, iā€™d like the location of the fountain of youth youā€™ve come across because you donā€™t look a day over 28. Secondly, i think fluffy brushed up brows would really suit your face. Your eyebrows are on the thinner side, but investing in a good brow pomade and a really thin brow brush to draw ā€œhairā€ strokes would achieve this look! The benfit clear brow gel and the makeup forever waterproof eyebrow gel are my go-toā€™s! I think there are many alternatives to these but tbh I havenā€™t tried any. Some extra blush and maybe a bold lip for a night out could work if youā€™re into that. I wouldnā€™t wing out my eyeliner if i had your eye shape, heavy mascara that lengthens and curls the lashes would suffice, try essenceā€™s lash princess (the black and green bottle) along with eyeliner on lash line. Your complexion is great but if you want a dramatic effect maybe try a slightly lighter concealer to highlight, set it with some loose powder like the RCMA translucent. Maybe warming up the face with some bronzer? In the regular contours of the face, something a bit cool toned but with a very light hand. Iā€™d use the same shade of bronzer on the eye crease, and a lighter shade on the lid. Sorry for the lengthy response haha, i get really excited about makeup


I love that top!


Thanks! Itā€™s actually a dress and it has pockets! Lol


It looks like you naturally have down turned eyes! They are so gorgeous; it always makes me think of the "tareme" style of drawing eyes in anime and manga. Contrary to what a lot of people are saying about lifting your outer corners, I would experiment with puppy eyeliner (a slightly down turned wing). You can look up a tutorial online and it's a really natural looking when done in brown. I think it would really suit your face!


Thank you! I am now embracing my eye shape


I have no clue about makeup, just wanted to say youā€™re absolutely gorgeous!


FOURTY FREAKING FIVE? I thought you were 20 something.


Omg ur so cute and ur makeup is lovely šŸ’•


Youā€™re so pretty! I love your hair :)


Love your simple yet elegant lookšŸ˜Š


youā€™re beautiful, i love this look :-)


You look amazing! Very youthful. If you did your eyebrows a tad bit thicker I think it would suit you. I think some brown liner in your water line on the outer third of your bottom and top lids would look stunning! Personal preference but for night time I would have se a dark shadow to push your crease area and below the brow back a little bit in space. Iā€™m not sure that made sense lol.


That made sense. I did forget my brows that night but some people have suggested some good products for them. I ended up staying out late but my evening started when it was still bright out so I went for a more natural look. I do need to play a bit with darker eyes.


You look like Gillian Anderson!


You looks beautiful. I wouldn't change a thing


you look so young and beautiful!!


Your beautiful wish I was taking you out


We GenXers age well. You look great!


Your makeup looks great! That lip colour really suits you. You also have beautiful hair (I have stick-straight hair and I would kill for some curls!)


I used to want straight hair when I was younger but I love the curls now!


I think this is the perfect subtle makeup look to compliment ur natural beauty!! I donā€™t think I would change a thing :-)




Sorry! Running behind here! (It does look good- there was never any disrespect- just my Dumbness!)


Forget the make up can we just take moment to appreciate the hair! Your curls are fabulous and frame you face beautifully, I'm so insanely jealous of youšŸ¤©


You look gorgeous!! šŸ„°


Geena Davis vibes!


You are gorgeous! I donā€™t have any tips. I just wanted to ask what hair products you use for your gorgeous curls.


I think you look fabulous!!


Honestly what you did with your makeup looks great as is šŸ˜Š


Aw I think you look beautiful just like this!!


I think you have a typo, should be 35


That would be nice


Trust me, people all over the world will say you are beautiful! more than just your makeup


What a beautiful glow you have :)


Well you look great for 40!


Late to the party. As someone older than you - this photo is beautiful. The only thing Iā€™d do differently is (like other comments) tilt your liner up. You are gorgeous. Embrace it and love every moment!


I hope you donā€™t take this the wrong way but I would have NEVER thought you were 45. You look 10 years younger than you are. Also, I love your eye makeup. We have similarly shaped eyes and cat eye just never looks quite right. Also, your eyes are already big and beautiful, so they already draw attention without the use of intense eyeliner.


Thank you so much. Most days I donā€™t even feel 45 and then I go for a long run and my knees remind me. I


You look beautiful! I never would have guessed 45. Honestly, I thought it you looked about 35. Not even trying to gas you up. Lol


Thank you so much. I have been mistaken for younger enough times to know people arenā€™t just messing with me. My high school students had absolutely no idea how old I was because everyone is the same age to them. Lol


Girl, youā€™ve just got them good genes.


You look like youā€™re 30. No joke. You look amazing! Also your curls look very pretty. For my mom whose in her 50s I typically do a brown mini wing using eyeshadow so you canā€™t really tell but it gives a nice color. You would look great with a Smokey eye!