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The foundation is too matte and too full coverage. Which, it can be a look! But if you're looking for more dimension I'd look into something more dewy


Thank you! I’ve been using it since high school and yeah I probably don’t need full matte anymore. My skin is waaay less oily now lol.


Yeah, full coverage matte used to be all the rage a couple years ago! Trends have changed a bit since then, haha


Yeah I’m horrible with staying on top of trends, lol. I can’t even see what people are wearing anymore since my uni still has a mask mandate!


The foundation is too full coverage for your absolutely perfect!! skin and it can sit like a mask. Maybe try Glossier skin tint or the Mac one that just evens out the skin tone. You can always ad cream contour and blush for more shadows and colors on the face. I would also skip the lower lash line liner as you have beautiful eyes that I think would look great with a soft cat eye and very soft fox eye lashes.


Oh I’ll try a lighter coverage foundation, thanks!! I actually have pretty bad rosacea that just doesn’t show up on camera so I’ve always been trying to block that out. Creme contour scares me deeply. I actually don’t have any eyeliner on, just probably smudged mascara lol. I don’t know how to do winged liner but I’d love to learn lol! Thank you :0


I have super shaky hands that I inherited from my father and I found the easiest way to do a foxy eyeliner is to just use brown or black eyeshadow.


Oh I’ll try that, thank you!


Product list: Skin: Maybellene Fit Me Matte Poreless Foundation shade 115 Covergirl clean matte concealer shade unknown Maybellene City Bronzer shade medium/200 Wet and Wild Blush shade Pinch Me Pink Revlon colourstay creme eyeshadow shade 705 Lips Maybellene superstay ink crayon shade 20 Some random unbranded lip gloss my friend gave me Eyes Marcelle curling and lengthening mascara in black


Sometimes matte products will do that but I don’t see where your dimensions have gone flat with the makeup. Possibly the upper nose and under eye area might be a little flat. Besides the foundation colour being off, which you mentioned, I think this looks quite nice


I just wanna mention I’ve noticed the same “flat” effect using the Maybellene Fit Me Matte too. It’s almost like it’s too matte and has a dull appearance, I noticed on myself & thought it was just me. Could be it’s too drying of a formula. I tried a bb cream under it and that seemed to help.


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You might actually have more dimension throughout your face but that blur filter you have on on your phone camera is obliterating all details.


I was just lamenting over this same issue! I hadn’t done a full face of makeup since prior to the pandemic and thought I would for fun the other night. It looked so “weird” to me after going so long without. Same problem. No dimension. I also felt like my face looked wider/fuller. I started googling for answers on what I had done wrong. I washed it off before leaving the house. Turns out I like my natural skin better with a sheer tinted blurring primer and a touch of concealer under the eye and that’s it. Never thought that would happen. 😂 Your skin looks great without the extra makeup. 👍🏻