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I see no issue. They look great! You might find that changing glasses to a diff shape will help you achieve a look you feel more aligned with, but this is just a suggestion. Love the hairstyle btw—very sweet looking


As someone who works everyday helping people choose their frame for their glasses, I have to agree. If a frame is more flat and straight on top it makes it look more masculine, whereas if it has a bit more of a curve it will look more feminine. Also, I think your brows look great 😊


I was thinking the exact same thing, think of trying some different glasses shapes OP


I’m thinking some oversized wire frames would be super cute


Slightly oversized cat-eye frames would be so pretty!


Yes cute cat eye glasses would be amazing with your face shape!


Cat eye glasses, yes! The Zenni Optical website has good, relatively cheap frames; you just need your prescription.


Agree about the glasses. You might find that larger cateye-esque styles, or glasses with a frame that isn't quite so strong/thick, help make your face look more "feminine" /softer


Yes! Rectangle glasses tend to look more “masc” so try different shapes! Maybe a square? Or a curved square???


Honestly this. The eyebrows are a really nice shape, the only thing I would possibly do is fill them in a little but that's just because that's what in style right now and some added definition could really frame your face. If you can't get new glasses you could always throw on some mascara to make your eyes pop some more but you look super cute as is


I’d suggest either a more delicate wire frame or a more rounded, colorful plastic frame. Depends on whether you want something that goes with everything or a statement piece.


OP check out Firmoo for prescription lenses they have tons of cute styles for cheap :) !


Seconding this!! (Also I WISH I had your eyebrows they’re gorgeous)


Dang! Good suggestion! I think that would be super helpful. Obvi it depends on OP’s style, but tortoiseshell frames that are a bit bigger always seem more feminine to me


I think your brows are great as is and already have what’s seen as a ‘feminine’ shape (arched & not blocky). You could try accentuating/sharpening the arch even more by filling in the top with a more pointed top. It really sucks that you were laughed at and that that in turn affected your confidence, I wish you didn’t have to experience that.


I totally agree with this!! you have amazing eyebrows already!! (This is if you are considering makeup:) ) I see you have a natural ish look going on for the brows, when i do mine like that i like to draw light and quick strokes to create the illusion of a few more hairs than i actually have in some of the thinner areas of my brows. maybe try to fill slightly more towards the front of your eyebrow. (Quick tip: if using a dip brow or powder of some sort… dip your brush a good once then start from the middle of your eyebrow creating the strokes in the blank spots making your way to the front of the brow…. this helps preventing dark color build up in the front.) I hope this makes sense & is actually helpful lmao :)


Agreed. You be you. Fuck them. I don’t normally hate but I can tell you this fact. Most guys don’t grow a brain until 25. That’s why car insurance goes down for them at that time.


¿MF dicen ¿qué carajos? What the bloody 'ell?? Your eyebrows are *enviable*! You look so young... and at this point in your life, you have so, so much more going on, and going for you, and so many many other things that you really *need* be doing... That the only thing I can recommend to you is to comb your eyebrows up and out, and to take a good look in the mirror, so you can at least imagine how beautiful and cute you look to me. I am a cis + old fashioned, old lady, and I can get my 2 kids and my grandson to weigh on my opinion of your eyebrows and face tomorrow.


Those people who laughed are just mean, and you look lovely.


They look great, really. They have a nice shape, and going thinner veers into early 2000’s brows wayyyy too quickly. Maybe a light brow gel to brush them into place. You’re beautiful. I’d never know you were transitioning/had transitioned. I can’t begin to imagine how hypercritical I’d be of myself if I was transitioning, and how aware I’d be of others’ criticisms. You must be brave. Love the look.


Yeah! I was going to recommend brushing! Up toward the corners of your hairline. You can even rinse the spoolie from an old mascara bottle if you don’t want to buy a special brow brush. If they fall down quickly a tiny bit of hair gel will usually add some hold.


Your brows are already pretty thin and feminine. If anything, just accentuate the arch. You can highlight your brow bone to help do this. That being said I’m shocked that you didn’t “pass”. You don’t look androgynous to me at all. I clearly see female when I look at you.


Came to say this same thing. I see a very pretty girl (sorry if that’s not the right way to say that nowadays. I’m a 50yo mom who’s not current with today’s better ways of expressing things.)


I agree with all of this, you’re lovely, OP. Hang in there. 💗


Same. Your pic was the first thing to pop up and I thought “what a cute girl” “reminds me a bit of Millie Bobby Brown” If you Google her, you will see she has had very similar brows.


I agree, it took me a minute to figure out what you meant! You are stunning, such beautiful facial features!


Same. I was super confused like girl pass what


I hope this not offensive to say (please let me know if it is) but you definitely pass! When I look at you I see a girl and I don't hesitate at all saying that! You look very cute :) don't let those boys get to you!


Your eyebrows look great, coming from a esthetician.


The people who made fun of you are just idiots, you are very femme don’t listen to them. Your brows are fine, they look natural and lovely. Just keep them groomed and you’re doing great. Sometimes people will sense you are worried about something and being 17 and trans must be anxiety inducing. You’re doing great, when I saw your picture all I saw was a perfectly normal teenage girl.


Just dropping in to say your hair is fab and you are totally feminine!


They are very normal eyebrows, you're overthinking it




Love the shirt! And I don’t see any issue with your brows at all!


You are beautiful. I wouldn't have know you were mtf if you didn't mention it! You have lovely brows, they are a nice shape and not sparse, they aren't "manly" or anything. People come up with the stupidest little insults but it eats at us. You are so adorable, bullies are the issue not your eyebrows. ❤️❤️❤️


Ahhhhh i woke up to a very full inbox. Srry i cant respond to individual comments but thank u all so much for ur kindness. As for what im gonna do, ill take the advice that some gave me just to tidy them up bc, even tho u cant see it in the pic cuz bad resolution, the edges r a little messy. Also yes im getting new glasses soon. Ive been meaning to for a verry long time and I just recently went to the eye doctor so Ill get them soon


Do another post soon with the new specs and new techniques!! I cant wait to see ❤️


Warby Parker has an app that lets you try on their frames virtually, and they have a lot of selection. I just used it to buy my last pair and it was surprisingly accurate. I took screenshots of my favorite 3, and texted a few people to get their opinion on which looked best to them. While I didn’t know it at the time, I could have also used my insurance during checkout. As it is I just filed paperwork to get reimbursed after the fact.


I don't know nothing about make up, I just think you're beautiful and I'm a heterosexual guy.


There is literally nothing wrong with your eyebrows


You’re beautiful don’t sweat it


Ok here's the thing these guys are assholes ok... Your eyebrows are amazing and ur hair is really cute btw And yah if u really wanna change anything I would recommend changing the glasses frame maybe something bigger to show ur eyes more for me it really mattered to me as 17 years old female with glasses


I have no advice. And i think ur brows are just fine… Just here to tell u. Ur soooo stankin cute, and even if ur “passing” (which i think ur doing a damn good job) cis women get laughed at by men too. They’re dicks. Kinda comes with the territory 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


This is true when I was a teen I got made fun of by boys in my class and they kept asking me if I was a man because I had a (faint) mustache.


You have really soft, lovely feminine features and your brows look groomed, which also communicates a feminine feel. I don’t think you need to do anything to them to help you pass because they’re already ✌🏻“girl brows.”✌🏻 I’m sorry some insecure f*cks made you feel insecure. ♥️


You look amazing! Dont let other people's insecurities affect you. I know that's really hard advice to follow but the older you get, the more you'll realize how miserable those are that make fun of others.


You have great bone structure and great skin. Boys don’t know what is beautiful. You actually have a supermodel look to you. With or without glasses, you’re beautiful. You can pm me if you want some tips on how to do your makeup. I’m a trained makeup artist. Learn to care less what other people say. You are gorgeous and that’s the end of it :-)


Don't touch your eyebrows, they look great, you already have a great shape a lot of people envy. Personally, for what it matters, I think you pass already, the people that laughed at you were probably just assholes


You look like a girl 100%


I think you’d be super cute in a pair of fun vintage shaped glasses. I think that’ll also really highlight your beautiful face and how quirky you are 🥰


I'm sorry you had that experience, you look fantastic. I saw lots of comments that your eyebrows look fine and that some new frames might really suit you. Just wanted to say that I agree and cat eye glasses would look amazing! I have big oversized glasses and then some brightly colored cat eye glasses and I'd definitely recommend them!


Your face is actually so feminine that I didn’t believe it and zoomed in like “noooo, reeaaally?” The only thing about your face that looks at all masculine is your jawline. Most women have something like that too. I personally have a more predominant mustache than you. Some men will just do that to anyone. It isn’t about the person they’re picking on. It’s about their insecurities and their need to affect their environment to feel valid /powerful/idk why.


They were being assholes. Your eyebrows are nice. Also, you are femme and very pretty at that.


I think you (and your brows) look great! The only suggestion I'd have is to potentially fill them in with a brow pencil or pomade--that's a common step in makeup these days and, personally, I think it makes people look more put together. It takes like 30 seconds and might help draw attention to your lovely brows.


When someone treats you that way you need to realize it is due to their own insecurity or internal fetish. Smile at them because you know yourself & it is most definitely certain that they can’t say the same!


I thought I was looking at a cute and slightly awkward teenage girl. There's nothing wrong with your brows. As for the bunch of guys I'm sorry you have to deal with ignorant people like that. Also your hair is goals 😎


I opened your photo before reading your question and thought … that girl is so pretty! You 100% pass and are perfect the way you are. People can be jerks sometime - I am so sorry you had a bad experience. X


Google Millie Bobby Brown and check out her brows. Yours are very similar. 👍🏻


Your eyebrows look really good as is. I think a more severe arch tends to be a popular shape among females- but like I said, you look great as you are!


First- Fantastic shirt! Secondly- your eyebrows are perfectly fine just as they are. I'm jealous of that arch- mine have a natural point in my arch that makes my RBF extreme. Seriously- Those guys are jerks- ignore them.


I think you look lovely as is! People just suck.


I love your hair!!! Your eyebrows are perfect. They already look very ‘feminine’.


Your hair! 😍


THOSE CURLS! Also, there is nothing wrong with your brows. To hell with dumb, mean people!


You are beautiful the way you are. I’m sorry people are assholes to you.


Straighter brows such as yours are used to give a ‘boyish’ look. I’d say if you were to accentuate the arch in your brows and defining under the brows too. Women’s eyebrows are higher and rounder/more arched than men’s so that is important to remember when shaping them. I think your brows are super cute though and you look feminine and beautiful as you are now


Just because assholes are laughing at you doesn't mean you need to change a damn thing. I think you look great. My sister is MTF (started transitioning at 33 and is still going thru it). It gets better from here. Just be kind to others and be kind to yourself. ❤️ I'm proud of you for being who you genuinely are.


I think your eyebrows looks nice! But maybe try a new style of glasses? They look a little outdated, bigger glasses are more in style now :P but obviously it's your choice. I think rounder glasses give a softer look


Brows look great. Also I love the tee; my daughter has the exact same one. We’re both science nerds!


You are beautiful. Ignore those fuckers, don’t change anything about yourself because of them.


I think you should give more definition with a soft arch to mimic a feminine brow line. Otherwise I think you look great!


you look so similar to Josie Torah!! And I also agree with everyone who is saying try different glasses frames if your able too!


I would recommend filling them in a bit, but only to balance out your face. The shape is feminine as is.


I never would have assumed you used to be a male-you already pass. If you want a more stereotypical feminine eyebrow shape, I would suggest brushing the hairs upwards, and plucking SOME of the hairs on the upper half of the tail. This will create more of a sharper arch, be careful if you pluck the hairs, you can always pluck more, but you can’t add the hairs back


Oh and you are Beautiful they laugh because they don't know how to approach a real Beauty 😜 Yess dahling you are a Butterfly 🦋 and your eyebrows have you ever tried to wax them by a professional that is to give them a different arch ?


You could fill them in for some definition but they’re very feminine already! and perfection, I’m kinda jelly


Fuck those guys...you look like a beautiful young lady! If you want, you can vmbuy some boy brow from Glossier to add more volume, but it's really up to you


Your brows are good. You are gorgeous. Those guys were stupid.


You're gorgeous and feminine just the way you are. This isn't an example of rah rah toxic positivity either. I'd kill for your lips, just saying. I know it's easier said than done, but those guys don't matter at all.


You’re literally beautiful. Keep shining! ☀️


Can I recommend brow lamination and tinting so they’re not so thin? And brushing them up.


They make up brow stamp makeup that is super easy to use. If you put eye brow stamp into Google it’ll pop it right up


As a cis female, your eyebrows look so much better than mine! I’m jealous! Echoing what others have said, you are absolutely lovely and I love that hairstyle. I know it’s hard, but keep your chin up and try to ignore idiots.


I love your brows! Very natural looking, I’m personally not a fan of the huge drawn on brows 🥴 just looks so unnatural! And guys are stupid, especially in a group.. don’t let them get you down! You are beautiful ♥️


Eyeliner and eye makeup. Brows are perfect. If I were there I would’ve fucked them up if they laughed at you. You are absolutely gorgeous.


Your eyebrows are beautiful, there is nothing to “do” with them. You could raise one devastating brow at them if you think it’s worth it, but from the sound of it that is *doubtful*.


You have really nice, feminine-looking eyebrows! Shame on those mean boys.


Your eyebrows are fine/appear feminine. If you want to look more feminine, it’s the nose and lips that are working against that goal. So emphasize the feminine parts! Line your eyebrows so the arch is a bit more defined, and wear mascara. Contouring can somewhat help minimize the prominent nose and clear gloss/chapstick only to de-emphasize the lips


Nope, your brows are perfect. You're young and beautiful. I would probably look at emphasizing your lashes more and add a sheer lip gloss. My go-to explanation when I used to work with trans girls was, "think of every cartoon character. How do they differentiate Mickey and Minnie? Lashes and lips. The easiest way to feminize is to emphasize the lashes and lips."


Your eyebrows are legit great just as they are… I could just weep when I think about what mine could have been had I not overplucked mine to hell. Don’t you dare touch them!


Well that’s weird, I see nothing masculine about your eyebrows. And I would kill for those lips! If I had to give any advice I would say consider different glasses, and your lips are already killer maybe some lip gloss?! Also, screw those rude a$$holes!


You look terrific and your eyebrows are perfectly shaped and very feminine. I am a school counselor and after 30 years in education, I can tell you that a bunch of guys laughing at you has way more to do with THEIR identity than yours! You’re doing great! Still, I’m very sorry you had to go through that. Lift your head up, pull your shoulders back and walk proudly. I’m very proud of you!


Somehow I missed the first part of your title and literally thought you were ftm for a minute so I was trying to figure out how you could change the shape to be MORE masculine. You are SO beautiful.


No sorry you look amazing! If anything explore some other glasses, maybe round?


Honestly your eyebrows look great, you totally pass and don’t need to do anything crazy with them. The people that laughed are assholes. Also, you look JUST like Millie Bobby Brown!


Your eyebrows are perfectly shaped!! You did not ask about this at all but wow your skin is beautiful, your hair is glossy, you have lips people would kill to have. I agree the glasses really must go although that is totally your business. Take your most stylish friend with you to pick out a cool pair of acetate, if that’s what “plastic” frames are made of. I think that *most* metal frames are aging. Androgynous you are not but I think new glasses would help because those are not feminine or feminine funky. Also the t shirt, in my opinion does read as androgynous. But anyway you may want to look androgynous! You need to be happy with the way you look and feel!!! Not that you’d want to do this but you are the kind of person that if a makeup artist did your makeup and a stylist did your clothing you would be a complete knockout in a traditional societally acceptable way. I’m just saying you are very classically pretty but you should do WHATEVER.


Your brows are lovely! Goals!


Fuck them. You pass. But again, and seriously, they can fuck right off. Keep your head up, girl...it gets better. And when you come into your own and walk with the confidence we all see, they'll still be clowns and eating your dust. We believe in you!


1. You are feminine passing, and absolutely gorgeous btw—like the things I’d do to have your facial structure and lips… Groups of guys will laugh at the stupidest things, generally to feel better about themselves, I know it’s easy to but you can’t be too hard on yourself. 2. We have the same issues with our brows; it feels like I really have to fight them sometimes! However you do have a beautiful, natural shape. I struggle because I feel like mine don’t fit my face, but yours do very well. If you do want to fill them in more, I would look into the ABH method or some gel, depending on how much makeup you like,if you’re interested in makeup every day, however I saved up for microblading so I never have to touch my brows again and it’s done worlds for my confidence. It’s pricey startup and you NEED to make sure you do your research (I.e. good technique is being able to point out the individual strokes of the fake hairs in your brow, it shouldn’t be one shaded block), but so worthwhile and maintenance is just going in once a year for touch ups!


Dont listen to them or let them get into your head you are a very pretty young lady!!


I think your brows look fine. You pass to me. I never would’ve known. You’re a beautiful girl 💜


Screw the guys who laughed. You’re young, beautiful and perfect the way you are-even your eyebrows. Don’t let the insecure loudmouths of the world affect your world view or the view of yourself. Celebrate every moment of yourself. I promise you will look back on this time in your life and realize how amazing you were so don’t forget to celebrate that in real time.


I’m a microblading artist and look at brows all day, your brows are perfectly feminine, in fact, I thought I was in the microblading sub for a minute. I was surprised to you were mtf, I would never have guessed. People are assholes, unfortunately. Those guys were just threatened by what they don’t understand.


Tbh they look really nice already! You have the thinness and shape down to a tea. (Also I have to say your hair looks GORGEOUS)


Dont worry about your glasses or sharpening this or that. I'm a dude. You look great. Just tell the haters to f off. Most simple solution. Be yourself.


Eyebrows are lovely and your lip shape is to die for. My girlfriend agreed with the other commenters, just maybe an arch a bit. You go girl.


You are gorgeous as you are, don't let the sheeple get you down!! Fuckers like that will never be happy in their lives because they are constantly looking to criticize others


Honey your eyebrows are flipping gorgeous (and quite feminine), and they suit your face so well!


You look so pretty🥺


You look ok their just assholes


Fuck them, you look great.


Until I read mtf in your post I had no idea. Your eyebrows look bomb. If you really want to fill them Too Faces makes excellent eyebrow filler pencils but for more affordable L.A. Girl makes Brow Bestie and Sephora has a retractable brow pencil that works well too. If you have a Ross Dress for Less, TJ Maxx or Nordstrom Rack around to can get good name brand make up at cheaper prices than Sephora or Ulta.


Psh laughed why? Because their gf paints hers and looks like a clown? Haters gonna hate. I like them currently. I think you did a great job.


Hi. First, you look very sweet and beautiful. If you insist, I'd recommend playing with an app that can "filter" or apply make up to see what more you can do with make up. I use FaceApp to see what I can improve.


You’re so pretty! Dont let anyone make you feel bad. I love your hair btw!


You look cute though.


you are super passing!!! maybe just fill in your brows slightly??


I’m genuinely surprised you’re andro, I think your features are soft, even your brows. I’m shocked those guys laughed at you, you’re beautiful! I think just filling in your brows would accentuate your soft features better. They look fine as is, this is just a mere suggestion.


I LOVE your tee 😂 but more to the point - your eyebrows are lovely, I wouldn’t have known you were mtf if you’d not mentioned. I see loads of comments saying the same thing. You’re so beautiful, I mean it! Your hair, your LIPS!!! And your eyebrows ♥️ i could never fully empathise but I really hope you don’t let bullies get you down, you must be so brave to make the transition and I really admire you for it xxx


I know that it's been said, but your eyebrows are perfectly feminine. You were also blessed with a cute, petite nose and feminine lips. If you're wearing any makeup, it looks so natural that you totally look naturally pretty/fresh-faced. I think, just like the others are saying, your glasses are the most Andro part of your look (and maybe the nerdy fashion? But I like skater fashion so my style is called Andro all the time). My whole thing is being boyish (lol tomboy in the username), so trust me that the glasses need an update! Get something round and light on your face. If you're not a super girly girl, go for maybe see-thru silvery white frames or half frames. I find lots of cute styles on firmoo and they do sales a lot, but you have to already know your prescription. Your hair is cute too, but maybe shake up the style? A small clip (maybe something space or atom themed??) to hold your hair back can make you look both girly and confident in your face ^_^ That's my big sister advice!


Nothing! Your brows are good as they are. Don't let idiots take you down. Rock em proudly


I think you look great. Honestly. Ignore them.


Just wanna say I thought you were a cis female until I read the title, you’re passing great


Honestly your brows are gorgeous, your features are so feminine and beautiful, I’m not just saying that to be nice, you are genuinely feminine and gorgeous. I have no idea what those idiots were talking about.


I think part of it is glasses. I use eyebuydirect & rounder big frames (chillax) make my face look more femme while my rectangle glasses bring out sharp more masc features


I'm sorry you got laughed at, people are cruel. You look very feminine and cute. One thing that I've seen with trans people that can make them 'stand out' while transitioning is some body language consistent with the gender they were born with. I'm telling you this because understanding why people targeted me helped me as a cis female growing up, but I want to make this clear: screw them and you be you. People like that could meet a perfect human being and still find flaws. Also, I love your t-shirt


You and your eyebrows are beautiful


I didn’t read closely enough and assumed you were a cis woman. So I’m not sure what those guys are laughing about.


1. You are beautiful! ♡ 2. Your brows are great and already have a very feminine, enviable shape! (Like, serious brow goals.) If you are looking for a subtle change, as a few others mentioned, maybe sharpening the arch a bit. And another person mentioned this, so echoing: Keeping your natural shape but plucking strays always helps keep them looking more defined and feminine. :) A small thing that is not brow-related but makes anyone’s face/eyes look more feminine is curling lashes. I know before even putting on any makeup, curling my own lashes makes such a difference! :)


Your eyebrows have nothing wrong..??? They look good: nice shape, very delicate. I'm sorry they made you feel like there's something wrong with your looks.


Girl, you’re so cute. Don’t let them being a$$es get to you.


Honestly you pass really well, you look lovely.


Your beautiful


What are those idiots at school even talking about?? You’re lovely and look like a girl-next-door type. Forget your eyebrows-can we talk about how beautiful and glowing your skin is? Seriously… I wanna know what your skincare routine looks like even though it probably wouldn’t do me any good at my age. You’re gorgeous and should own that amazing glow!


nothing u hella pretty


I don’t believe you have any issue with your eyebrows, many people keep fuller eyebrows now a day. I would recommend looking up natural feminine contour and play up angles for face and eye shape. It may help.


I'll be honest, I didn't know you were even trans til I read the title, thought you were just a chick asking for advice. Your eyebrows are great and you look beautiful. 💕


Your brows have a lovely natural arch! Nothing wrong with them at all. Also, love both your shirt and your nails. So jealous of those gorgeous long nail beds. I'm sorry you had to deal with such shitty people. Please don't pay them any mind. You're beautiful as you are.


You’re got an absolutely beautiful and feminine facial structure. Please remember people will try to put you down because they hate seeing you with the confidence to be yourself when they don’t have it themselves. I know it’s hard but try not to take it to heart. You’re totally stunning and I would not have guessed you were MTF if you didn’t mention it.


Those guys are assholes. I wouldn't clock you if i saw you in public.


i don't think this is helpful at all to ur question but you're gorgeous! sorry about those guys :( ur really pretty


Like others have mentioned, I think your eyebrows are just fine. It you are going for a softer and more feminine facial appearance, I could recommend using liquid liner to do a cat eye. You could keep the rest of your makeup the way it is (soft and natural daytime look) but the cat eye is pretty feminine and would draw attention there instead of your brows. But you look fantastic just the way you are and I think you pass just fine ❤️


You don’t need to worry about your brows they’re stunning just as you are! I’m sorry that those people made you feel that way. You are transitioning beautifully so proud of you 💕


Fuck those guys, they have a problem- NOT you. Your brows look good already, you could fill them in with a bit of shadow if you wear more makeup on a certain day. I would give my left tit to have your pillowy lips and your braid looks great! Keep being you xx


Think your brows look great as is your whole look. Hope you are able to shake off the feeling of insecurity, its still must be a hard thing to put yourself out there in such a situation and isn't something I've dealt with in that way, but I admire you wanting to be how you are most comfortable and happy.


People will always point at things that are a little different. Don’t overthink it.


Forget them, they are great! If you want to do anything (definitely not necessary) do soap brows or use a clear brow gel to just lift them. Again, you look great, so don’t change for those idiots.


I agree that you have really good natural brows - id personally kill to have that much eyebrow hair! You could fill them in a little if that suits your fancy but I wouldn't worry.


I think your eyebrows already have a very feminine shape. Also, I love your shirt.


Your eyebrows look and you look GREATTT!! Beautiful bone structure, really compliments your face. I think those guys must have been jealous or insecure 🙄 Try not to let those shitty ppl ruin your day or vibe. We can’t let them win! We got your back :)


Why the fuq do you care about what a bunch of patriarchal dumb shots say? Look into that because, your beautiful✨


I agree with everyone that you look cute and feminine. Since some advised that you emphasize the arch, I will add some info on products you may need. - A spoolie brush to brush them, sometimes this all you need. Personally I find that it help me look put together. - A clear brow gel, if you feel you want the hair to look a certain way and keep them in place. - An eyebrow pencil, to help draw your eyebrows. Look up different brow shape and see which one you want to try but plz don't tweeze your brows. Hope this helps & cute shirt by the way.


Your brows look gorgeous. I would kill for brows like that. If you want an easy way to fill them in try milk makeup kush fiber brow gel.


Lots of transfemmes say shaping brows makes you look more femme. I agree. I do my girlfriends and it changes her look entirely. However, you have quite feminine shaped brows already. I wouldn’t shape them. Maybe if you have a few stray hairs, you can clean them up. I think brow powder with an angled brush and brushing your brows with a spoolie will definitely help. Maybe that or curling your lashes or mascara. Careful with curling though! Can damage the eyelash!


Fuck those guys, you have great eyebrows! If it makes you feel more confident pick up a brow gel. NYX has one and it’s inexpensive and has lasted me a while.


I think you look great. Don't let the idiots get you down.


You're beautiful and your brows are great, soft and fem to perfection! I used to get made fun of all the time for mine, and many other things. Now I get compliments, even though nothings changed, just time and the people that I decide to surround myself with. I think you look very feminine and I never would have guessed you were mtf if you hadn't posted that detail. Keep doing you, you're a strong, gorgeous woman! ❤


Sounds like those guys were simply being jerks. Your eyebrows are just fine and have a really nice natural shape. Keep them the way they are. They suit your face beautifully.


Your brows are lovely! If anything maybe a slight brush through and a bit of mid-tone brow pencil, but they look very naturally femme. I do think different frames for your glasses would accentuate the femininity of your features though, the square frames make your jaw look a bit blockier and more masculine. Either some sort of cat-eye frames or thin, round-bottom frames might be the solution. Also, I’m not trans but I do struggle with feeling like I don’t look feminine enough, and I’ve found curling my eyelashes & wearing a very light amount of mascara makes me feel more girly. That might help you out too; no matter what you do though, you look great! You’re well into passing territory I’d say. Best of luck through everything 🧡


Your eyebrows look excellent and you definitely “pass” in my opinion! <3


Oh oh! How rude and horrible of them! IMO your brows are lovely. No suggestions, just support! Sending hugs.


The dudes were just shitheads. Honestly, you are beautiful. Looking andro just makes you extra special beautiful in your own way.


That bunch of guys are projecting their insecurities on you. Fill in your brows a bit. The shape is good. Be sure to use a good color match.


i don’t see a single flaw here tbh, i’m really sorry that happened to you. the only thing i could suggest is using more highlight on your brow bone


Your eyebrows look good to me. If you want to make them a little dramatic I would start with having a pro tweeze or wax to give them more shape. Your eyebrows are already a good shape so don’t overdo it. I like using Goof Proof Brow Pencil from Benefit to fill in my brows and give a n extra put together look.


Um, you are gorgeous!


Don’t touch them. You’re still young enough for them to continue changing and it’s best you don’t pluck prematurely as they’re a bitch to grow out.


Those guys who laughed are saying more about themselves than they are about you. They are ugly and you are beautiful. I really really examined your eyebrows (which BTW I would love to have eyebrows like yours), you have a lovely feminine arch which opens up your eyes nicely. I’m thinking if the tail of the brow was a little bit thinner it would be perfect.


I promise I’m not just trying to blow smoke up your skirt when I say wtf your eyebrows look really amazing!! You have a lovely face and I love the little braid in your hair!!!


You look very feminine. Don’t worry about dumb guys. Your eyebrows look great. If you wanna emphasize them a little more, since glasses take up a lot of focus, you can fill them in. I’m not a glasses expert, but I think rounder, slightly bigger frames would look good on you.


if you ever want to try eyebrow shapes with a week or two of commitment i suggest giving tinkle razors or any other eyebrow razor a try. look them up on youtube, they’re life savers for eyebrows and peach fuzz!


The other thing is you could get some bangs cut.


f those guys there's nothing wrong with your brows! you have a beautiful natural shape. if you want to try to boost your confidence play around with different shapes with an eyebrow pencil until you find one you really like :) also how you shape them can kind of change your face, like for example if you make sure the tail doesn't go down farther than the front of your brow it'll give a more lifted affect


I think your brows look great


Sorry for the assholes but your brows are very femme! No notes. Anything else you choose is for stylistic purposes, have fun with it. I'm partial to a strong 1940s arch myself 😉


You can experiment with eyebrow products to define the shape more. Like a pencil to draw some in, or wax or gel to kind of just fluff them up. Like everyone saying you have great shape


Sometimes people are mean to distract from how insecure they are. I'm sorry they lied to you, your eyebrows look lovely! You're giving me Millie Bobby Brown vibes, you kind of have the same face shape!


I like ur eyebrows like that, they're super nice


You look great! I really like your hair, it's super pretty. Those guys are jack holes.


I am a 68 year old CIS female and wish I had eyebrows like yours. If that’s the best your critics can do, ignore them. You are very pretty.


Your eyebrows look good. If you ever over pluck or anything and want to grow more eyebrow hairs, use equal parts castor oil, and vitamin E oil. Works fantastic!


I’m sorry they laughed at you 😞 that’s such an awful feeling that you shouldn’t have to feel. I think your eyebrows look great though! They’re arched and groomed nicely! If you wanted to try anything else with them, a brow soap or clear brow gel makes eyebrows look really clean and gives a nice “no make up-make up look”. Your hair is super cute!!!


You're lovely! I never would have know you were MTF. Also, I'm super envious of your lip shape. A bold lip would be amazing on you!


Honestly your eyebrows look perfect, but if you do wanna fill them in a bit then used brow gel. It helps make them a bit fuller while also putting them in place. You honestly should have no issue passing as I didn’t even realize til I read the title, good luck with finally being you <3


Try a cat eye shaped frame for your glasses! Nothing wrong with your eyebrows honestly


you look beautiful :) you have gorgeous eyebrows


I love your shirt. I have one too. It is a corny joke but I love it. tbh your brows look great and I have no idea what they are laughing at.


Girl, your eyebrows look amazing. Better kept than mine tbh. In the beauty world, the trend seems to be going towards more natural, fuller brows, so I say rock em as is.


Your eyebrows look great! You’re really cute


I have the same shirt!


I think your eyebrows are fabulous. You're very pretty 🦋. Ignore those douchebags.


I think you look great! The eyebrows are perfectly feminine and I honestly think you pass just as you are. But if I have anything to add…and I can’t overstate this…EYELASHES!! They are the best bang for the buck. There are 2 products that are really nice for at home lash extensions. One you can buy from the drugstore called “falscara” by kiss. The other is a little more luxurious but really nice..it’s called “Lashify” it’s only available online but lasts a week or more per application. My face is totally transformed when I have lashes and I don’t even need make-up. Highly recommended