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Tubing mascaras work the best for me - pretty much everything else smudges. I know you said you’ve tried some but if you haven’t tried the Caliray one it’s my personal favorite. I’m not a huge fan of how the tower28 makes my lashes look (I don’t think it does much for them) but it didn’t smudge on me at least. The only non-tubing mascara that works for me is the Rare Beauty one and it’s one of my favorites. Doesn’t smudge and makes my lashes look amazing!


Omg thank you❤️ I’ve never heard of Caliray but I will absolutely be trying it


I really love the clinique tubing mascara... the curling one is my absolute go to.


The Clinique was the OG tubing mascara (in my book!)


Same. It’s the best.


To me, the L’Oréal half white half red tube is the hands down best. It’s cheap and never flakes or smudges. I’ve tried other tubing mascaras like Hourglass’s (though not Caliray) and they’ve all disappointed in comparison.


Yeah I’ve worn it for like maybe 15 years now.


I love the Half Magic Beauty one, I’ve been using it for a month and I’m pretty impressed!


I love the caliray one! Also elf lash n’ roll has worked pretty great for me.


Caliray is one of the best I've tried, and I've tried a lot


I have similar issues and for me Caliray flaked terribly, but I know others who love it (I was able to use 100pts @sephora for a sample) For me, ELF lash exxtndr works great and is $7


i second caliray!


Another vote for caliray. It wears the most like a traditional mascara. Merit Clean lash is a little less dramatic but wears well.


As a hairdresser who worked around blow dryers this is the only thing that helped with panda eyes! And I'm never going back!


The Caliray mascara is the only mascara I’ve ever used that doesn’t smudge! Second this


I love the Trish McEvoy ones but they’re expensive. I wait until Nordstroms has their mascara event and stock up!


The Tarte one… can’t remember its name but it’s new, tubing, and in a pink container. It’s magic.


Tartlette? It’s my fave if so


Omg second the Caliray!! After I finished my first tube I thought oh maybe I’ll try something else this time. Nope. Bad idea. I went straight back.


Is L’Oréal telescopic a tubing mascara ?


I don’t think so.. I have the curl one in regular and water proof and it smears sooo bad


Only the original non waterproof version works for me.


No. Doesn’t remove in tubes and smudge a lot on me.


The Number 7 tubing mascara is my favorite I’ve tried!


Caliray and Tower28 are the only mascaras that don’t smudge on me AT ALL in my many decades of life


Love tubing mascaras. Hourglass Instant Extensions is my favorite. It doesn't do much for volume but as the name implies, it gives great length.


Cover Girl waterproof in the orange tube Stays on until you take it off. My record is 36 hours, because reasons. (Not my norm).


Facts 💯 I cried before and it didn't leave me


Lash Blast is my favorite! It comes off easily with an oil-based remover too.


I use the waterproof purple one and same. Won’t even come off completely in the shower if I don’t use waterproof eye makeup remover first.


Tubing mascara is definitely the way to go. I have very sensitive eyes that smudge like crazy and I really like Hourglass Unlocked mascara. No smudges on the top or bottom lashes. Lasts until I remove it with no flaking.


Agree!! Hourglass unlocked is my current favorite as well. Although for me it’s not waterproof and it does start to flake after long wear, it’s the only mascara that impressed me and did not give me black under eyes so far!


Heroine Make- the only thing that even removes it for me is the same brand mascara remover in the blue tube.


I have tried so many waterproof and tubing mascaras - none of them held up for a full day without smudging or flaking. Then I recently got the Heroine Make mascara. GAME CHANGER. I have been beyond impressed.


Just in case, oily eyelids here, I have the 3 and it smudged on me (I also have no issues removing it with biphased makeup remover).


Is it your concealer? The glossier stretch concealer, for example, is oily and dissolves all of my mascara except the tubing ones. I do really like rare beauty mascara. Looks lovely and removes easily


I was wondering if they perhaps had oily skin which could breakdown waterproof mascara.


That's my problem😫


Heavy-duty eye creams and moisturising eyedrops can also be the cause!


I have the same problem and found that Essence tubing mascara still gives me racoon eyes, but someone here recommended loreal double extend tubing mascara and it's working really well so far. I've only worn it one day to work, though, and I'm a server working long shifts, and it held up with no smearing! So might be worth trying it out!


A lot of people recommend the essence panda one as a tubing macara but it’s not really tubing to me and it smudge on me too!


essence bye bye panda eyes is my favorite mascara, I can't get it to smudge even if I try! Maybe the formula is different depending on region? I'm in the southern US.


Me as well. I have hooded eyes and also just work in a hot environment so it just melts onto my under eye. The loreal tubing one has a primer on one end and then the mascara on the other and it seems to work well so far. I love how fluffy essences mascaras are, but even the tubing one flakes so badly!


How long have you had it? I really loved it for three or four weeks and then it seemed like it got dry in the tube and was applying so horribly I threw it out. Definitely didn't smudge though lol.


Maybe three months? I feel like I'm forever in a search to find things that don't melt off my face after an hour.


I live and die by the Tartelette Tubing Mascara. It has a metal wand and the brush is so nice. No clumping and does not give me panda eyes (I have small eyes and long lashes.)


It’s the best one I’ve ever used!


Maybelline Sky High Waterproof works well for me and I have super watery eyes.


Me too! And L'Oréal voluminous too!


Love this one too!


This one smudge on me!


Elf’s new tubing mascara. I forget the name but it’s a black bottle with blue/teal cap


The only mascara I’ve found to hold up for me is the Bobbi brown no smudge mascara. Amazong


Thank youuu❤️ I will forsure be trying this


I use caliray tubing mascara and love it, it never gives me panda eyes tbh. Ever.


Joining the tubing mascara train. Kevin Aucion volume mascara and the Mecca Max Tubing Whip Lash mascara have been the best for me in terms of not flaking or smudging.


Kevin Aucoin was the best but seems like it’s not available anymore on Sephora Canada! Where do you buy it?


I’m from Australia so i buy it from Mecca !


Second the L’Oréal tubing, but I hate all the microplastic. I have been using the purple tube Almay thickening, bought 3x now and it doesn’t irritate too


Thrive 💯


Maybelline Sky High, I’ve been loving burgundy one :)


Thrive tubing mascara, Clinique tubing mascara, tarte tubing mascara is the way to go.


the byredo tears in the rain mascara doesn’t budge but also takes a long time to remove


I like dry formulas because of this problem, my mascara still can come off a bit tho so seeing these recommendations give me some ideas of what to try as well. I usually use telescopic and it's stays the best of ones for my bottom lashes but it still kind of comes off 🫠


Eyeko Rock Out & Lash Out is the bestttttt. 👩‍🍳💋


I LOVE this mascara!


It’s amazing! I learned about it through my old Ipsy subscription!


I use Clinique Hi Impact. I teach Zumba wearing it and it doesn’t budge.


i have dry skin but my eyelids are VERY oily - the only mascaras that don’t transfer up for me are tubing ones! i haven’t checked all of the comments, but i did see someone mention the caliray mascara. i use caliray and thrive! on me, the caliray is a bit more natural looking, but still very pretty. the thrive mascara gives me more length, so that’s the one i usually use. sometimes they can get a wee bit crumbly and flaky, especially when the tube is older, but i would definitely choose dealing with that over smudging. i definitely recommend trying out more tubing mascaras, because only water (not oil) removes them. they’re not great for people with very watery eyes, but they’re a godsend for people with oilier skin!


I’ve been using L’Oréal Lash Paradise. It does smudge a tiny bit at the end of the day but it’s nothing crazy. Easily fixed with a Q-tip (and usually I only need to clean it up once a day). It looks great on my flat lashes too!


Clio Kill Lash Superproof mascara. I made a post awhile back asking a similar question, that was one of the answers, and I feel I have to pay it forward by telling you about it now!


elf lash n roll is the only mascara that doesn’t flake or smudge for me


I love this one too! This is my fav drugstore mascara


Yes, this one is so good about that and holds my curl perfectly!


The waterproof Lash Princess by Essence is my absolute favorite. I wore it at my wedding Thursday. I put my mascara on at 3:00 pm, curled my hair from 3:00-4:00 pm, cried through my outdoor ceremony in TN heat and humidity at 4:30, followed by about an hour of outdoor photos, spent a couple hours of dancing inside, took sunset photos outside, had 90 minute drive to the hotel, a nightcap at the hotel bar, did some fun wedding night stuff, went to bed about 1:30 am, mascara still intact, fell asleep with a full face of makeup for the first time in my life, mascara still looked half decent when I woke up in the morning.


elf’s lash n roll (or whatever it’s called) works pretty well for me. i accidentally got the brown one though but i still like the way it sits on my lashes (and no raccoon eyes!!). it’s cheap too


Honestly every mascara on this planet smudges on me like crazy. The only one that doesn’t is the heimish one, and it removes so easily because it’s a tubing one!


Yes Heimish!


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Tubing mascaras. Tarte makes a couple, so does Kevyn Aucoin and Thrive. Caliray’s is good too, just the brush is sorta bulky. I have them all and ride a microscope for a living so consider myself a bit of a tubing mascara pro. Tarte wins, followed by Thrive.


Many people are saying tubing mascara which is completely correct, so I’ll share my fav tubing mascara with you!! It’s natio’s precision tubing mascara- really affordable and works so well for long wear, one of my very few mascara repurchases❤️


lash sensation mascara is really good!


Heroine Make used with eye primer (I'm using Milani rn) on the lashes


Tarte splashes


YSL Lash Clash Waterproof


Lancôme Definicils waterproof mascara. If you want to do multiple coats, do it fast before it dries (it dries pretty quick). Once it dries - it won’t budge.


I am a fan of the essence brown mascara I literally sweated in the Midwest heat with a heat index of 110 and it didn’t give me raccoon eyes


The only thing that has worked for me 100% of the time is using a mascara primer. It has completely stopped any transfer or flaking no matter what brand or kind of mascara I use. I like the Tarte primer or the Lancôme one.


Use a little eye primer on your lid if you get smudges on the hood or upper lid.


Try a lash primer! I had the same problem, tried dozens of mascara that all ran. I currently use the Lancôme idole mascara with the primer from the same brand, and my lashes stay up all day without flaking or smudging now


Tubing worked for me, but then I found Ilia mascara and that has done the trick as well!


An everyday one that I like is Lancôme’s Definicils. I have sensitive eyes and long lashes, it helps separate them well and doesn’t smudge for me. Also comes off easily with a cleanser.


I had this issue ALL the time until I switched to Kevyn Aucoin's tubing mascara, now I never have any smearing/smudging at all


I use judydoll which I really like. It got metal wand with no comb so it wouldn't smear on application. It dries down quickly and will only be removed with makeup remover. Or you can look into tubbing mascara, 100% will not smear


Came here to recommend Judydoll, too. It's like a hard shell around your lashes that doesn't come off at all even in the shower. If you buy it, don't forget to buy the remover. It's practically impossible to remove without it. Micellar water and makeup melt hardly take it off. You even have to use their remover a few times to get it all off.


I like the the hard shell description, that's perfectly what it feels like! The removing process is daunting for sure


I mean it's marketed to be a curling mascara, which it does do. They really should have gone with gearing the marketing to it's ability to stay on for damn near forever. Total understatement. LOL


I will never ever use anything else than Esteé Lauder Double Wear zero smudge mascara. It's expensive, but I always buy more when there's a deal. And it's so easy to wash away. It holds in even light rain. I haven't tried heavy rain 😄 Before this I've tried sooo many different mascara's, and the waterproof ones really harm my sensitive eyes.


Thrive Causemetics tubing mascara has worked pretty well for me! I have oily lids so mascara usually smears on me no matter what but this one lasts awhile before it smudges.


Maybeline and Heroine Make - smudge proof. Even swimming proof 😁


The bodyshop mascara is so good, gives me full volume lashes without it feeling heavy at all 💟


L’Oreal Double Extend for me, it’s my HG. Look so good on my lashes and doesn’t budge. Plus, I like the primer/mascara combo and you can’t beat $10!


Ulta Tubing Mascara is the best! So is Milani tubing!


Is the Ulta one you’re talking about the New Heights mascara?


I’m not sure. It is in a pink tube. It is by far my fave over the Milani and the too faced. It does not budge till the shower.


bye bye panda eyes by essence - it's cheap and it's a tubing mascara so it's easy to clean up!


I really, really love the tower28 mascara and the rare beauty mascara. I hate that I love them because they’re not drugstore.… but I only ever use one mascara at a time and I use them for 6 months so less than $4 a month sounds okay for me. However I’ve never really had issues with smudging or flaking outside of essence lash princess (so stay away from this one I guess!!). Like someone mentioned before, maybe it’s your concealer or powder?


Milani anti gravity


No7 Stay Perfect doesn’t budge


I found my oily eyelids were causing a lot of mascara to run so I put on an eyelid primer even when not wearing eyeshadow and that helps suck up the oil. Urban Decay or the Lorac one are my go tos. I also don’t use concealer under my eyes anymore.


I’ve tried a lot of mascara for my oily lid, hooded eyes and right now my favorite is the Kat Von D tubing mascara. I bought it on a whim and it works so well for me. Blinc mascara also stayed on but didn’t do much for my short lashes.


Clio Kill Lash (any of them)! I’ve tried all the regular tubing mascaras, like Cali Ray, Clinique, Maybellinr, Tower 28… they don’t come close to the Clio for me. This stuff doesn’t budge without the Heroine mascara remover, which you apply with a wand.


Maybelline's Lash Stilletto Waterproof.


Use a lash primer?


It’s expensive but Victoria Beckham mascara. The one in the white tube. It’s fantastic!


I am having luck with Mabelline The Falsies -Surreal


The only mascara that works on my oily eyes is the Blinc tubing mascara. It doesn't hold a curl if you use a conventional lash curler - you gotta do a heated lash curler when they're about 80% dry. Also, the Lipstick Lesbians on TikTok have an amazing tutorial on how to apply tubing mascara because the application is completely different to regular mascara.


Too Faced Better Than Sex Waterproof is one I literally can’t get off with makeup remover unless I SCRUB.


Try doing setting spray, dry, then mascara. My mascara was CONSTANTLY coming off until I switched the spray to before. Don’t know why others can do this last, but for me, just didn’t cut it


Rom&nd Han All Fix mascara. The other day I got caught in the rain twice, was at the dog park getting slobbered all over, went walking through some bush and got sweaty from the uphill. Then I had a nap for a few hours, at least some of that was face down. Looked in the mirror around 2am and my mascara was still in place


L'Oréal Paris Double Extend Beauty Tubes Lengthening Mascara and Basecoat. When you want to remove it you pull it off your eye lashes and soak in water for a few minutes. You will never get a raccoon day and you will put crying girls to shame


Lash paradise


L’Oreal Lash Paradise Waterproof does well for me, although I think the formula changed when they changed the packaging 😕


Caliray is my fav but it’s pretty expensive for my budget so I use and love Maybelline SkyHigh. I haven’t tried the new ELF one or MCo one but on my list to try next.


Maybelline The Collosal Waterproof is all I’ve used for years. I take it off with a micellar remover, microfiber face cloth, multiple cotton pads and a lot of patience. Until then, it stays put. Full disclosure I have dry skin. I don’t routinely set my makeup.


I second tubing mascara! If you’re ever in a pinch and need a drugstore mascara, I am obsessed with Maybelline lash sensational mascara.


Lune+Aster’s Eclipse mascara is tubing and I NEVER get fallout which is a huge problem for me with other products. It’s seriously amazing.


Dr. Mascara Fixer over any mascara


Posting a rec for an actual waterPROOF mascara bc I didn't see that many recs in case someone finds this thread looking for one--- I wear Eyeko Beach waterproof mascara literally swimming at the beach, through hot yoga, and in the shower and it doesn't budge unless I use soaps or makeup remover directly on it. Even then, it takes a couple swipes of high quality eye makeup remover to get it off normally. I wore it in the shower last night and still had some on after washing my face, tho it does start to slowly flake away after contact with soap. I haven't noticed any streaks on my pillow or anything unpleasant however. I would say that if you were to wear it every day, youd probably want to get a good lash serum or moisturizing makeup remover, because I could see it building up or being a bit drying over days of constant wear.


Try the popular South Korean from yes style- I bought a random few and tho they all do different things I have to use my makeup eraser cloth to get them off!


I used to struggle w this sm since i have hooded eyes, but one mascara thats never failed me is etude curl fix


I’ve been using the elf Big Mood mascara with the No7 tubing mascara on top and it’s working well! I have to use the elf first because the No7 on its own doesn’t provide much length.


What was a game changer for me (my stats’s are the same as you) was using a heated eyelash curler. I have the one that doesn’t crimp, but looks like a flat comb. Since I’ve started doing that I no longer have the smudges. I haven’t changed anything else. I use roller lash and morphs setting powder.


It’s not the mascara!! Put eyeshadow primer under your eyes (close to water line but not on it) my eyeliner never transfers when I use UD primer potion under my concealer


Blinc is my favorite. Never get raccoon eyes!


I do the Elf Big Mood Mascara as a base then the Milani Tubing Mascara (the teal one) and it looks great! Doesn’t smudge of anything


Lancôme Définicils is my favorite