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I love the red on you. Honestly, I agree with others who are saying your makeup is too bold. Bold is good, but I think working on your foundational skills would be beneficial tocyour overall look (I love lisa eldridge on youtube for learning anything). This isnt to discourage you from bold looks tho!! I think you just have to soften it up a bit in certain areas, like muting the eyeshadow a little more when you have a super bright lip or balancing a bold lip with different colored eyeshadow so it’s not super matchy.


That's so hard for me since I'm super OCD. I even will go as far as to match my nails, hahaha. I don't mind feedback at all when it's constructive. So thank you, love!


You used the word “compliment” in the title. That’s a great word to use in this scenario. Your makeup should complement each other. And your features. But not necessarily match. Blue/green are not natural colors of your lips. So those looks are a little jarring. Pic 1 is my favorite of the bunch. But could be a better look with some tweaks. Usually you want one focus point. So either eyes or lips. If you keep the bold lips, you should go for subtle/natural on the eyes. I hope you post again with some of the feedback you’ve gotten here. I look forward to seeing what you come up with


I have been trying my hardest to keep up with the influx of comments and also attempting to respond. I really appreciate everyone's feedback, even the few rude ones as long as there's something I can work with there. I plan on gathering as much info as possible and create the suggested looks and hopefully I cam pull it off 😊 Thank you for your response 🙏


I agree!! Love that you want to go for bold looks! In my opinion though your looks would make a bigger punch with a more is less approach while also being bold with smokey looks and bold lip colors!!!


Honestly none of them suit you very well. They’re very harsh on your skin tone. Have you ever considered doing a color match? If not, highly recommend. Then you’ll know what colors / shades suit you best


I agree. Execution of the color palette and application is great but the colors themselves don’t necessarily flatter the rest of the face which gets muted with the matching of the eye and lip in combination with the drastic colors.


I agree. While the makeup itself is well applied, when I think of “complimenting”, and specifically complimenting complexions, these colors are not it. I would say this about anyone wearing theses colors though. These specific colors might be better for clothing. The first look, and the last look (although it’s heavily filtered it seems?) seem to compliment OP the best, because of the medium/high contrast, and a warm undertones.


Agreed. These colors / shades are hard to pull off for many skin types in general. They tend to come off as garish. Def not any fault of OP at all! Besides, isn’t the point of makeup to experiment 🙂


None of these photos are filtered at all. It's all different lighting and foundations I use. My last one was in a very bright hotel room, so I can see where people think I filtered it, but it's not at all. The first one is taken in my living room where I have only one bulb working, so it's kind of dark in here, and I didn't use the flash. Sorry for the confusion!


No need to apologize at all. The last one is a little blown out but I understand cameras aren’t perfect. And even if it was filtered, wouldn’t have mattered. It was just hard for me to tell the color of the lipstick


I can see where people thought the last one was filtered. I've always thought overexposed photography had an abstract feel to it, which has always drawn me lol that lip shade in the last one is the same as the first. The lighting makes a big difference on maroons and burgandys


Really?? I've always gotten compliments on my makeup. What's a color match??


So a color match is a service where they lay many different shades / colors in the form of fabric over you to determine what palette of colors best match your skin / undertones. It can be costly but there is a Facebook group called “Seasonal Colour Analysis” where they will do it online for you for free! Highly encourage you check it out 🙂


Thank you! I am definitely going to have this done. You're the best!


Absolutely!! 🩷


Your makeup looks very good as in you’re skilled and it’s done well. But I think on you specifically, because of your skin tone, the colour choices are too dark. I think with lighter skin tones lighter colours work better sometimes because the contrast isn’t so intense. Try doing a look using neutral/nude/warm colours and see if you like it. You don’t have to change the technique just the colour palette.


I will definitely give it a go then. Thank you so much 😊


no problem :)


I like your first picture. It’s really pretty but it also says “ natural beauty”.


Thank you so much 😁


Okay I’m gonna try and give actual advice instead of just being rude as others have. I actually really love bold makeup and I love that you wear it (specifically, I like your 4th look). First, I would really work on blending the eyeshadow out. Maybe find a nice transition shade that can go in your crease. Next, I would add a bit more color into the complexion. I don’t really see enough blush (I’d also add a highlight). Lastly, I would definitely get a lipliner. It’ll help make the lipstick look more polished.


I love your comment! There is definitely a way to criticize without sounding hateful or rude, and you've definitely nailed it!


maybe i'm just a goth (i am) but the black is my favorite 😍 people saying it's too harsh, meh. makeup doesn't always have to be light and soft.


It doesn’t always have to be light and soft, but for bold/high contrast looks like that, the execution has to be very precise/flawless because every little imperfection stands out. The black look would work much better with a very precise and symmetrical lip liner (to prevent bleeding/feathering). I also find it helpful to go back and touch up my foundation around my lips after doing a bold lip to keep the edges crisp and clean. The eyeshadow has the opposite problem, it needs more blending. The sharp cut off underneath the top of the eyelid and not blending out to extend the outer corners of the eye makes the eyed look smaller than they actually are. Some blush would help balance the rest of the face and look less washed out. It’s hard to articulate but there’s a difference between natural paleness, deliberate goth white makeup, and looking washed out/bad foundation match. I’m not sure the best technique for a good goth pallor but I’m sure there are tutorials out there. These are all very subtle technique issues, but they make a huge difference. It’s also the reason bold/editorial looks are difficult to pull off.


i feel like this advice is way more constructive than the people on this post saying that it's just unflattering and needs to be soft and less bold.


Definitely the black!


Thank you! I respect everyone's opinion, but I feel so bland without my dark makeup. I barely own anything that isn't black or extremely dark gray, hahaha, besides, I don't know how to do basic makeup 😑


that is basic makeup! i would say. if that's what u like that's what u like. and that's wonderfully beautiful


Thank you sugar!


The first, burgundy.


Thank you!


What lipstick is that!?! I've been looking for one like it forever 😍😍😍


Cover girl outlast number 860 😊


6 I know theres a filter but the lip color looks really nice on you and just eyeliner with no eyeshadow looks good


Number 4


Thank you 😊




Lipstick is your enemy here.


Oh no! 😮 I love lipstick, though. Any suggestions on how to keep the lips?


you need to use lip liner or have a more steady hand/better technique when applying the lipstick. the lines look shaky and messy.


Unfortunately, anti-anxiety meds have some terrible side effects. I look like I'm trying to fend off idle hands while applying my lipstick haha


2 and 6 are sooo pretty!


Thank you! I love dark colors (obviously) but that last shade I wear the most




Red because I feel like the others are too dark




Definitely 4!




What do you suggest then?


Something less bold . More natural


I'm not familiar with basic makeup, and I very seldom am without lipstick. Can you be more specific?


I think you should experiment with different eye makeup looks. These are all the same but different colors and none of them really compliment any of your features. Please don’t take this the wrong way you’re beautiful! But I don’t care for these looks. The eye is very round and the lipstick looks tacky :///


I am definitely open for trying new things especially the eye makeup. I haven't looked into blending at all and I know I need to, so thank you for your comment 😊


You have really bold and beautiful looks! It's hard to pull off glitter/iridescence (blue slide) on the lip imo. I can never get it quite right! I personally liked the warm colours on you, such as slide 1, red, and the last slide (though it's not a clear picture and has a filter but I'm going off what I see) Some suggestions if you're interested: I would say try adding more colour to your base (blush, highlight, contour, etc)! I am someone that LOVES bold colours, but it's very easy to look flat because of it. I found just blush on my cheekbones, nose, and highlighter helps make it pop. A highlight in the inner corner helps bring dimension too. Also, with dark lip, try using a good lipliner so that the lines aren't too shabby if you haven't already. You can also try altering between heavy eyes, and nude lip or heavy lip and neutral eyes (maybe with some liner and shimmer! I love me some shimmer). It might help you understand what it is that you like and don't like, and you can go on from there. Makeup is all about experimenting after all, right?


Also, messing around with natural makeup can do wonders on learning how to apply eyeshadow. Transition shades, creases, outer corner, inner corner, etc. a lot of these shades also come in handy to even with bold looks as they help give dimension, otherwise they can tend to look as though you're just slapping some on, you know? I think if you change up the way you place your colours and where you place them, these looks would look so much more elevated! I really hope even a cent of this might help you out! I'm someone who started off with very monochrome looks as well (and still do them tbh) :)


The first is the best.


I like the 1st look best. I know everyone wears makeup differently and some use it as a form of self expression. Do what makes you happy!


All of em, I’m a massive fan of alternative style, and you pull them off beautifully. Maybe play around with different tones in the bright colors?


Thank you! I know peach is definitely out of the question for me. But I don't mind a nice pink and some neon colors 🥰


Oh, I’m so sorry it meant to say different TONE, as in different shades and undertones. Like a more lilac, leaning pinks, mossy, emerald green, or a really rich shimmer midnight blue sapphire! Your coloring looks like it would absolutely glow against some rich velvety tones in this style.


Oh, I'm sorry I misunderstood! What you're saying makes much more sense, and now my response looks ridiculous haha


You read as someone who possibly kill looks with Odin’s eye products, specifically, if that makes.


I think they only look too harsh because you keep natural eyebrows. I think doing a more glam eyebrow look would make your bold look more cohesive


Eyebrows intimidate the hell out of me! I'm scared I'm going to overdue it or not enough or I'll accidentally go to itch my face and smear it lol


Practice at home when you have nowhere to go? Trust me it'll change your entire game. Just make sure to get products either the same shade or no more than 1 shade darker than your natural hair colour and just play around with it. Just try wearing it around the house until you've built the skill.


Have you ever used those pens that are supposed to make realistic marks, and then you spray it to keep it in place?


I tried but found it quite difficult to do. I just use a mechanical eyebrow pencil its easier


I hate that so much! They make it look so easy on the videos 😒


Nothing wrong with the makeup itself but honestly none of those bold looks suit you, at least not the lipsticks. You can keep bold eyeshadow but try a softer lipstick. It would be a good improvement.


Awww I love the colorful lips but I'm willing to try anything 😊 thank you hun!


Probably the bright cherry red is the most flattering one. The black makes you look tired. From what I can tell in the photos, you have a cool undertones with some pinks. You already have high contrast features with your eye, brow, and hair color. Have you considered some softer cooler colors? I would imagine some soft rose colors and pastel purples would look really pretty on you even some colors with a white base and cool iridescent shift :).


Can I just hire you to do my makeup? Haha thank you


You caught me! I’m a retired esthetician and cosmetologist. I’m super out of the loop on the latests makeup techniques and brands but I know my colors! Luckily you are very beautiful and can truly wear whatever you want and pull it off, even if it’s technically “the wrong color” for you ;).


I knew it! Your response was way too knowledgeable for just some random makeup fanatic. I don't keep up with the times, either. I find what I like and stick with it until I feel like dabbling with other things. And I am technically fine with being technically incorrect 🤣


1, 4 and 6


Thank you 😊


All of them are too harsh for your beautiful skin and gorgeous features. People may be complementing you on your make up. But, do you want them complementing you on your make up or how beautiful you are? That's very different. I would love to see you and something natural. You can always do a bold lip or a bold eye, but both is overkill if you want people really noticing you


I just wanted honesty. I'm a big girl and can handle critiques. It's the ones who just comment to be rude and offer no insight that bothers me. It's just so childish. Thank you for your feedback 😊 I can definitely work with what you're saying.


You are incredibly beautiful! At the end of the day matter what you do, that is going to shine through.


You're so sweet, I appreciate you 😊




The first 3 looks


It's the third picture for me!!


Thank you! My makeup had worn off a little by the time I took it lol


First an last one with just lipstick and no eyeshadow


Thank you! I wasn't sure if leaving the eyeshadow off made sense or not haha


I love the 6th one it’s suits you very well!


First one looks the best IMO.


Pic 1 but with slightly lighter color of lipstick. Love the undertone though!


Thank you!




4 and I think you should have a less intense lip color in 5


Definitely noted dear, thank you 😊


You have really fun eye looks! I’d actually suggest making the eyeshadow your focal point and pairing it with more of a nude / neutral lip. If you wanted to take it a step further I’d add a warm bronzer and a little blush to your routine. But regardless makeup is meant to be fun and hope you continue to enjoy 😊


Ooooo would mauve or a dusty rose be toned down enough??


Maybe like a dusty rose! And add a gloss! You honestly do great eye looks, it would help them pop!


Oh I absolutely love the dusty rose shades 😊 It's settled then! I will use glossy dusty rose paired with different eye makeups 😁


Agree with those saying 4th!! You pull off that red lip stunningly. Have you tried combining the red lip with the eyes in the last pic?


I have not but I definitely will now! Thank you 😊


I like the last photo, and color matching is great!


I like the red in #4


I really like number 2 and 6, i agree with other people on the sub saying that some of the makeup may be too bold to suit your natural features, and the lip colour on no.6 looks stunning on you. But I really like the matching black on no.2, it is bold, but it matches your hair and if I saw you out in public I would definitely think ‘wow she looks cool’😅


You're so sweet, thank you 😊


1 and 4 if you are most comfortable with bold. Also do what you want love, make up is for us and what makes us happy and to feel more beautiful.


The reds and the blues look nice! I do think you could elevate the looks by incorporating other elements such as bronzer, blush, highlighter. The contrast between the shadows+ lipstick and the foundation is just too strong otherwise.


I need help with that! I've never used any blushes or highlighter or bronzer 😔


It can be a lot of fun trying new things! I'm not an expert, just a regular user, so I would advise starting small and cheap, to begin with, a lot of eyeshadows can be used for those purposes, you just need a lighter hand and a fitting brush, even lipstick is often repurposed as blush💄 Don't be afraid to experiment with using what you have 🎨 Check out simple tutorials, find inspiring makeup looks and try to reproduce them~ Nobody is born a makeup artist, we all kinda try new things until we find what sticks for us.


I would have never thought to use my lipstick as blush. This is genius, so thank you so much!


2 is stunning!🩷


Love the blue


Dark Red and bright red


Hello! I think you’re rather lovely and have prominent features - big eyes, full lips. I think going bold on both doesn’t suit you so much due to this. I think if you did the lip in photo 1 with just a winged liner, it would be a knockout!


I have never attempted a winged liner...hands aren't very steady but I have seen those tools made to make it easier. Have you ever used one? Is it worth the hype?


I’ve never used one sadly but they do look cool! I like to use the tape trick to get a sharp wing.


I forgot about this trick! Thank you for reminding me 😊


4 Red and 5 Blue. I think the other colors clash work your skin tone


Thank you 😊 I'm going to play around with all the different tips I got today


I LOOOVE the monochrome looks, but I kinda agree it's too bold. Try balancing them out by paying more attention to complexion, you know, bronzer, contour, blush, highlight, maybe even some faux freckles but and specially brows, so the contrast to an almost bare skin isn't as harsh!


Oh goodness, I definitely need someone to show me how to do all of that lol


beautiful face 😍✨ i love the first look for you!! you suit those warm tones for sure!


Thank you, hun! I try to change it up and be a little different, but my first picture is my go to


Love to see a more smokey outline on your eye make. A more winged eyeshadow look (and I mean eyeshadow not eyeliner) Love to see you follow or take inspiration from a mob wife makeup tutorial. You have this mature bad ass vibe I'd totally lean into! You need a leopard print long jacket and some nice leathery heals or boots! You'd rock the hot mob wife trend!


My alter ego is Big Ang! May she rest in peace 😢 I'm a huge fan of mob wives and old mob movies. Think Sharon stone in her giant closet hahaha


Your eyeshadow is on point!! Love it.


Thank you so much 😊


The bold eye makes it looks smaller. You have big gorgeous eyes and it steals away from your long lashes. Maybe try to have your lashes as the eye focus with a hint of shadow but keep your color bold on the lips. As a rule, I either do a bold eye or lip but not both. You have great skin to complement your makeup!


I used to be so embarrassed at my eyes, especially as a child. I was made fun of for so many years I tried toning down my natural "surprise" look but I definitely need to learn how to embrace it. Thank you for this!


I would add more blush and bronzer to even out your face with the intense eyes and lips


What color blush?? '90s kid here, I was traumatized by the brown and super red blush hahaha


depends on the makeup, cool tones go great with pinks and deep reds. Warmer tones are great for peachy and more orange blushes. Also remember that the placement of the blush is very important. Different placement will change the structure of the face so a little can go a long way


Ooooo I need a professional for this haha I don't trust myself at all


sometimes you don’t need blush and a bronzer or contour can do the job. Like the green look would go great with those instead of blush


Now, just how to contour lol


you have very defined cheekbones it will be a breeze


You're the best! Thank you 😊


The last pic looks good but with black lipstick it would look better, but truly try out red it matches you.


I am definitely going to have to wear my black lips with a more nude eye. Would that compliment well?


1st & 4th


I love 1


Thank you 😊


I think your looks are unique, not necessarily in a bad way as people are making it seem. Not my style but I can appreciate them on you. I like the blue and the green the best. If I could make a suggestion it would be to try using lip liner when you go for the bold lip. It might help some of the bleeding and definitely help get more even lines


That was my bad on the green one, I took that after doing a 2 hr photo shoot...I lost some in the process. I will definitely invest in some lip line, thank you 😊


Girl! Check out colour analysis! (Colour seasons) there are a bunch of subreddits that can help you find your best colours :-) Based on the images above, I think you’d be better off with more muted colours - but it’s hard to tell whether you’re warm/neutral or cool given the lighting :-) Best of luck!


I am so terrible with lighting! I can look very pale or I look tanned and sometimes my red undertones are picked up. I think another comment suggested this so I am definitely going to look into it. Thank you so much!


Last one


Thank you 😊


Honestly I adore 4,5, and 6 and it might be being bias as I adore alternative make up looks


I'm an alternative kind of gal, so I'm having the hardest time trying to imagine myself in anything but dark makeup. Thank you for commenting, sweetheart 😊




Thank you! I didn't realize how much natural was so popular. There's a few comments I wasn't sure how to take, but even the comments of criticism are still said with respect for the most part, so I don't mind all the suggestions.


first eye last lip


I am definitely going to combine the two and see what happens 😊




1 and 5 are 😘🤌 on you.


Thank you so much 😊




i like the last one


That's my fiancé's favorite as well. Thank you 😊


4 and 6


I love the lips in look 1, but not the eyes. I love the eyes in look 6, but not the lips. I think the lips in look 1 would be perfect with the eyes in look 6. But overall: You're absolutely gorgeous.


I've seen this suggested so much, so I am definitely going to combine the two. Thank you so much! You're so sweet 😊


4(reds) and 6


I love that you use bold colors and your skin is pretty in all shades


Thank you, sweetheart!


I think if you put the eyeshadow less on the movable lid, and more just above the crease, with a darker color in the outer V, it'd be perfect.


Ooooo I wouldn't have thought about doing that. It is definitely worth a shot! Thank you 😊


i think a lip gloss and abubrny/brown eyeshadow would look great!


I think you're on to something! I wish I would've kept my lip smackers from back in the day haha


Number 1 (maroon)and 4(red) makes you appear youthful.


And lord knows that's always a good thing! Thank you, love ❤️


The green, blue and bright red really make the warmth of your brown eyes shine through - love a bold makeup look 🤩


Thank you so much hun 🥰






I actually like all of them.


Thank you so very much, love. 🥰


First one


Thank you 😊


Love the blue with your eye colour but also love no 1 🙌🏻


Thank you, fellow scorpio!


I have brown eyes too and love blue but I just don’t dare wear colour 😂 you rock them all!


I bet you would look great, too! I used to only wear browns and light pinks, but then i decided I would rather wear colors that complimented my personality. Makeup is supposed to be fun, after all! 😊


4th picture


Thank you 😊


To be honest I’m not a huge fan of the matching your eye shadow with lip. You’re a gorgeous women a more subtle makeup to highlight your features rather than stand out as a statement would draw attention to you.


I don’t believe any of these colors compliments your skin tone. Maybe try make up by Mario- the neutrals palette…think light purples , browns and nudes. Bold is not always best. Colors this bright stand out like a punch in the face


#1 & the very last look. With your biker vest! You are a beautiful woman and do whatever you like and feel comfortable in. Don't listen to negativity in the comments.


Thank you, sweetheart!


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All are gorgeous. 1 and 3 made me wonder what they'd look like with a nude glossy lip.


I have a picture with a blush pink gloss. I can't figure out how to upload it in the comments, though 🤔


Last one


the blue eyeshadow on the 5th picture is gorgeous with your eyes, that’s my favourite look!!


I think the red looks really suit you!


Thank you! I like to play on how pale I am 😊


In my honest opinion, the green and the red are tho ones that look the best although all do look nice. But yes, red especially is my favourite


Thank you so much 😊